What do liberals think of Hillary hinting at returning to politics?

She's a baby killing, man hating, greedy, hateful, ruthless, lying, law breaking shyster. All necessary qualities for a Democrat Party presidential candidate. Maybe she'll have better luck next time (if she avoids prison).
I don't expect you to like Hillary. It doesn't bother me that you don't like her because i am not fond of her. However, that doesn't change the fact that you are wildly exaggerating her character. You're painting this picture of her as some psychopath and it isn't at all based on objectivity. It's just easier for you to think she is some despicable wench because it simplifies your nutty rightwing ideology.

From my perspective, I thought GW Bush was a terrible president, but I still think he had positive qualities as a president even if overall the bad outweighed the good.
So, you found some redeemable qualities in Bush, therefore I'm obligated to find some redeemable qualities in Hillary Clinton? Sorry, but there are none.
There are, you just choose not to recognize them because you struggle with nuanced thought processing.
Why don't you tell us about those wonderful things she's done.
This is an irrelevant line of argument. whoever the D money bundlers get told to support will be supported and will get the nomination as both Clintons, Gore, Kerry and Obama amply demonstrated. Carter was the last nominee to be picked any other way.

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