What do Republicans think the benefits from Keystone will be?



There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?
Oh no. I think I might have brought in too much truth. Well, it happens.
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

Meanwhile, Republicans block infrastructure jobs that will provide employment to hundreds of thousands of AMERICANS
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

Exports don't help the economy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk
The benefit will be that a handful of billionaires will become wealthier.
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

The full time jobs to maintain the pipeline. The full time jobs at the refineries to refine it. The ability of the Americans to drop in additional oil from North Dakota, should space on the pipeline permit it.

And cleaning up spills won't be a problem at all, compared to the alternative that some idiots seem to think is better.

There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

Exports don't help the economy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Canadian oil is an import, not an export.
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

The full time jobs to maintain the pipeline. The full time jobs at the refineries to refine it. The ability of the Americans to drop in additional oil from North Dakota, should space on the pipeline permit it.

And cleaning up spills won't be a problem at all, compared to the alternative that some idiots seem to think is better.


I missed the link about the number of jobs you are talking about. Could you repost it?
Why do Liberals fail to actually educate themselves on that which they choose to criticize the most?

After all, they are the party of "Education" and "Science".

Another bullshit Dean thread unworthy of response...
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

Exports don't help the economy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Canadian oil is an import, not an export.

So, we're not exporting it?
Exports don't help the economy?

Sent from smartphone using my wits and Taptalk

Canadian oil is an import, not an export.

So, we're not exporting it?

We are "passing it along". The money goes to Canada. It won't lower the cost of oil or gas here. You know that right? It price of gas or oil won't go any lower. If the price started to fall, oil companies would hold back supply. That's how capitalism works.

Come on right wingers, tell us you know that. There won't be a price drop.
There will be a few thousand short term jobs to get the pipeline operational.

Then there will be some hundreds full time to maintain it.

The oil will be moved to the gulf to be refined and then put on the world market to be shipped overseas.

Probably the greatest number of jobs it will generate is when people are hired to clean up oil spills.

So what are the benefits?

Go back and read the last doz or so threads started just like this one.
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

On May 7, the Keystone tar sands pipeline provided yet another warning when it spilled approximately 21,000 gallons of crude in North Dakota. This is its eleventh and most significant spill.

What the 21,000 gallon Keystone spill tells us about the safety of tar sands diluted bitumen pipelines

You were saying?
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

On May 7, the Keystone tar sands pipeline provided yet another warning when it spilled approximately 21,000 gallons of crude in North Dakota. This is its eleventh and most significant spill.

What the 21,000 gallon Keystone spill tells us about the safety of tar sands diluted bitumen pipelines

You were saying?

Your point is what?? that spills will happen is that whats tiring to come out??

21 k is a small spill,bet you forgot to mention it got cleaned up also.

The bottom like is people like yourself,want the lights to work,as long as you don't see where the power comes from,they are the ultimate in selfishness.
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

Anything that disrupts the natural existing environment
is going to have a longterm impact.

If you look at the destruction caused by the oil industry in general --
from Ogoniland/Biafra in Nigeria, the Valdez spill, BP in the Gulf, etc. --
there is not enough check on corporations and oil and related interests
to ensure the full cost to the public and environment is
included in the profits and responsibilities.

Can you really blame citizens concerned for the environment
for not trusting the constant collusion between oil interests
and corporate financiers and politicans influencing and pushing policies?

These objections may not be letter-perfect arguments,
but the sentiment behind them is valide: the protest of lack of accountability
for unequal corporate influences on govt and the public, where
collective power and resources are too easily abused
to override equal protections, consent, and due process for redressing grievances
for which the public and environment is left absorbing the consequences and costs.

This should be addressed if we are going to make sound policies
and hold corporations accountable for side effects or collateral damages,
deliberate or unintentional, whether these are proven in advance or the risks ignored.

There should be an agreement first to pay the additional costs as needed
to resolve objections and meet the concerns, instead of overriding them as invalid.

If it is TRUE there is "no risk of impact to the environment"
where is the agreement to guarantee in writing to cover those costs IN FULL
if they should occur (instead of "assuming the assertions are correct as studied"),
and agree in advance what those costs could be? When BP signed agreements
with the federal govt for damages in the Gulf disaster, they capped the
damages to a maximum amount that does not guarantee it can cover all the cleanup, impact, and repercussions on the indigenous wildlife and ecosystem over the longterm,
since that has never been determined and may take years to restore and measure.

The environmental impact and killing off of species in Alaska is still not back to normal,
and there was not enough money paid to restore the economic burdens locally.

How is this distrust of corporations and politicians with conflicts of interest
NOT a valid factor in making decisions that affect the public and environment?
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

On May 7, the Keystone tar sands pipeline provided yet another warning when it spilled approximately 21,000 gallons of crude in North Dakota. This is its eleventh and most significant spill.

What the 21,000 gallon Keystone spill tells us about the safety of tar sands diluted bitumen pipelines

You were saying?

Add up all the pipeline spills and compare those to the total spills from the other transport methods and get back to me.

I thought you progs were all about science and numbers you must know that one data point is not enough to support a conclusion.


The oil is going to be transported anyway so why are you against the safest method of delivering it?
The EPA has shown that there is no negative environmental impact from the pipeline.

Given that and knowing that pipelines are perhaps the safest way to transport oil resulting in less spillage than rail, truck or ship why do you sheep have a problem with it?

By definition ALL construction jobs are temporary aren't they? So I guess we shouldn't ever build anything because none of those construction jobs are permanent.

Tell me does your ass get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?

On May 7, the Keystone tar sands pipeline provided yet another warning when it spilled approximately 21,000 gallons of crude in North Dakota. This is its eleventh and most significant spill.

What the 21,000 gallon Keystone spill tells us about the safety of tar sands diluted bitumen pipelines

You were saying?

Add up all the pipeline spills and compare those to the total spills from the other transport methods and get back to me.

I thought you progs were all about science and numbers you must know that one data point is not enough to support a conclusion.

Issue Brief 23 | Pipelines Are Safest For Transportation Of Oil And Gas

The oil is going to be transported anyway so why are you against the safest method of delivering it?

So are you saying spills are good? Or small spills or good? Confusing message.

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