What do the anti-American bigots do on Thanksgiving?

.......you people who don't know anything about the military sound stupid when you comment on it
So they send folks away from their families for trivial reasons? Like making a political statement to Garner bites in the midterm elections?
You think being an active duty soldier, they would be with their family?

Why wouldn't they be?
Ever hear of dependents, dope?

The only time they aren't is during a deployment.
how long were you in?
...out of 4 years in the Fleet, we were deployed about 1 year 9 months
...this is not counting field exercises while on base, where you are away from the family 3 days out of 5 a lot --not deployed
and not counting days on duty
...BootCamp DIs are on duty 24 hours
..so active duty Fleet Marines are normally away from their families

Five years in the Army. Very rarely were there FTXs during the holidays. I think one thanksgiving I was on TDY and was not able to celebrate.
that's the Army for you
What do the left wing bigots such as Colin Kaepernick, Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos, Rev Wright, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer....... do on Thanksgiving?
The really strange thing about the crazy liberal bigots who hate Thanksgiving is that they are enjoying the benefits of living in America.

View attachment 230217

Why Do Liberals Hate America?
Webb: The new mob: Anti-American Dems
This One Poll Proves Democrats Dislike America

Why do rabit right wingers continually say that those who oppose the politics of hate, division, and fiscal incompetetence that manifests in today's Republican Party, hate America? Anyone who disagrees with their divisive and failed policies, hates America. America! Love it or leave it!!!

Loving a concept and an ideal means steadily working towards achieving those stated goals ideals. That means constant evolution and change. The ideas expressed in the Constitution weren't the political actuality of the day. They were the goals to be achieved. This very progessive group of white males created a document that was the antithesis of the way government operated in the day, and said this is what we want going forward, let's get busy and build this country, using this blueprint.

Conservatives, by their very nature, are fearful people. They cling to the past, or the present, because they fear the future. They fear the changing demographics. They fear ISIS and terrorists far more than they fear the deranged right wingers even though the FACTS show that they're in far greater danger from some mental patient, or enraged man-boy with a semi-automatic weapon, than they are from a foreign born terrorist.

Democrats don't hate America. And all of your lies, and your divisiveness and your fear-mongering won't make it so. Stop demonizing people whose goals are the same as yours, your only disagreement is to method.
.......you people who don't know anything about the military sound stupid when you comment on it
So they send folks away from their families for trivial reasons? Like making a political statement to Garner bites in the midterm elections?
You think being an active duty soldier, they would be with their family?

Why wouldn't they be?
Ever hear of dependents, dope?

The only time they aren't is during a deployment.
how long were you in?
...out of 4 years in the Fleet, we were deployed about 1 year 9 months
...this is not counting field exercises while on base, where you are away from the family 3 days out of 5 a lot --not deployed
and not counting days on duty
...BootCamp DIs are on duty 24 hours
..so active duty Fleet Marines are normally away from their families

Five years in the Army. Very rarely were there FTXs during the holidays. I think one thanksgiving I was on TDY and was not able to celebrate.
out of 4 years in the Fleet, 2 Thanksgivings deployed on ship
Marines are forward deployed
1st year--Thanksgiving in BootCamp
next year THG on guard duty
then to the Fleet and 2 out of 4 years THG on ship
What do the left wing bigots such as Colin Kaepernick, Jim Acosta, Jorge Ramos, Rev Wright, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer....... do on Thanksgiving?
The really strange thing about the crazy liberal bigots who hate Thanksgiving is that they are enjoying the benefits of living in America.

View attachment 230217

Why Do Liberals Hate America?
Webb: The new mob: Anti-American Dems
This One Poll Proves Democrats Dislike America

Why do rabit right wingers continually say that those who oppose the politics of hate, division, and fiscal incompetetence that manifests in today's Republican Party, hate America? Anyone who disagrees with their divisive and failed policies, hates America. America! Love it or leave it!!!

Loving a concept and an ideal means steadily working towards achieving those stated goals ideals. That means constant evolution and change. The ideas expressed in the Constitution weren't the political actuality of the day. They were the goals to be achieved. This very progessive group of white males created a document that was the antithesis of the way government operated in the day, and said this is what we want going forward, let's get busy and build this country, using this blueprint.

Conservatives, by their very nature, are fearful people. They cling to the past, or the present, because they fear the future. They fear the changing demographics. They fear ISIS and terrorists far more than they fear the deranged right wingers even though the FACTS show that they're in far greater danger from some mental patient, or enraged man-boy with a semi-automatic weapon, than they are from a foreign born terrorist.

Democrats don't hate America. And all of your lies, and your divisiveness and your fear-mongering won't make it so. Stop demonizing people whose goals are the same as yours, your only disagreement is to method.
there it is again -----''fearful'''
I don't think '''we''' are fearful--we are just bad guys
So they send folks away from their families for trivial reasons? Like making a political statement to Garner bites in the midterm elections?
You think being an active duty soldier, they would be with their family?

Why wouldn't they be?
Ever hear of dependents, dope?

The only time they aren't is during a deployment.
how long were you in?
...out of 4 years in the Fleet, we were deployed about 1 year 9 months
...this is not counting field exercises while on base, where you are away from the family 3 days out of 5 a lot --not deployed
and not counting days on duty
...BootCamp DIs are on duty 24 hours
..so active duty Fleet Marines are normally away from their families

Five years in the Army. Very rarely were there FTXs during the holidays. I think one thanksgiving I was on TDY and was not able to celebrate.
that's the Army for you

What does that mean?

If you're insinuating that it was somehow easy, you obviously never spent six weeks at
Hohenfels or Wildflecken in January.
You think being an active duty soldier, they would be with their family?

Why wouldn't they be?
Ever hear of dependents, dope?

The only time they aren't is during a deployment.
He's just a kid, lying about his age and experience. To him family only means mom and dad.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
Start silly threads on message boards instead of helping their family prepare for dinner?

Answer silly threads on message boards instead of helping their family prepare for dinner?
Why wouldn't they be?
Ever hear of dependents, dope?

The only time they aren't is during a deployment.
He's just a kid, lying about his age and experience. To him family only means mom and dad.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
He's just a kid, lying about his age and experience. To him family only means mom and dad.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
Making shit up as you go along is not an improvement, liar.
He's just a kid, lying about his age and experience. To him family only means mom and dad.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
Making shit up as you go along is not an improvement, liar.
Lol, second day posting with you, because you're butt hurt over something Trump did. Tell me did you join the army after you married and had children. Me speaking the truth isn't making shit up. Lol, carry on.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
I know the second day of this crap. Maybe i should put him on payroll. Nevermind, he is a liberal. Probably on welfare.
Lol, i see i live in your mind. Get a life.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
You e got it backwards. That person is not in the military, he's not even an adult. He is a liar.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
Making shit up as you go along is not an improvement, liar.
Lol, second day posting with you, because you're butt hurt over something Trump did. Tell me did you join the army after you married and had children. Me speaking the truth isn't making shit up. Lol, carry on.
I've never been in any branch of the American armed forces, and I won't lie about it like you do.
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
You e got it backwards. That person is not in the military, he's not even an adult. He is a liar.
Did i ever say i was in the military. Damn now you're trying to put words in my mouth. Get a life, why don't you?
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
Making shit up as you go along is not an improvement, liar.
Lol, second day posting with you, because you're butt hurt over something Trump did. Tell me did you join the army after you married and had children. Me speaking the truth isn't making shit up. Lol, carry on.
I've never been in any branch of the American armed forces, and I won't lie about it like you do.
per what post? specify the post
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
Making shit up as you go along is not an improvement, liar.
Lol, second day posting with you, because you're butt hurt over something Trump did. Tell me did you join the army after you married and had children. Me speaking the truth isn't making shit up. Lol, carry on.
I've never been in any branch of the American armed forces, and I won't lie about it like you do.
Please qoute me saying i was in the military. Lol
Lmao! You've been outed kid, and I'm.not gonna let you lie to anyone else. Get used to it.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
I know the second day of this crap. Maybe i should put him on payroll. Nevermind, he is a liberal. Probably on welfare.
More lies. You just can't help yourself can you.
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
I know the second day of this crap. Maybe i should put him on payroll. Nevermind, he is a liberal. Probably on welfare.
More lies. You just can't help yourself can you.
What have i said was a lie?
Fact is alot of soldier go into the armed services right out of high school. That's what i was refering to, not my fault you're an idiot. Now go fuck off, i'm tired of dealing with you.
Changing your story won't do any good liar. We know now and we aren't gonna let you get away with it. I will point it out every single time we cross paths. Liars piss me off.
I guess you think that most of our great soldiers join the army after they have families. Lol
he has no idea what the military is like
he just spews immature crap because he has no argument
You e got it backwards. That person is not in the military, he's not even an adult. He is a liar.
Did i ever say i was in the military. Damn now you're trying to put words in my mouth. Get a life, why don't you?
Oh ho! And he backs up some more! Yes, you did everything you could to convince me you were in the military and now you say you aren't.

There's a word for that, and it's a crime as well. "Stolen valor".

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