What Do YOU Believe is Actually Happening?

What do you believe the Earth's climate has been undergoing since the Industrial Revolution


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Gold Member
May 10, 2014
There are a small range of positions held among those coming here to argue about AGW. Sometimes folks argue without ever identifying where they, themselves, stand. I'd like to correct that.

The poll actually asks for two responses. The upper five choices ask what global warming you believe to be taking place. The lower five choices ask what you believe to be the level of human influence.

If you cast votes, please add a post in which you identify which positions (or other positions) you hold. Votes will be displayed publicly without having to vote and you can change your vote.

I am starting this poll at 1120 EST, Tuesday, 29 Dec. It should close at 1120 EST, Tuesday 05 Jan.
I believe warming is taking place as currently claimed, that the corrections made to temperature datasets have all been justified and that human activity is responsible for more than 50% of that warming.
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.
For one you can't have all caps in the title.

Please rewrite this maybe I will read OP
For one you can't have all caps in the title.

Please rewrite this maybe I will read OP

Oh Golly, quick as a wink. This poll wouldn't have been complete without YOUR participation.
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.

Chemtrails? We haven't had anyone who believed in chemtrails here in several years. And we've got some real whackjobs. I'm impressed. How have you managed to hang on?
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.


Every country with an airport has skies with these "chemtrails".

I believe we are experiencing a natural climate cycle...my state was at the edge of an immense inland sea caused by natural warming not very long ago, geologically speaking.


Western Interior Seaway - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Is there a tiny Anthropogenic contribution to the warming...probably, mostly via deforestation, and lots and lots of concrete, asphalt and black shingle roofs, industry.

Maybe 1-2% of overall warming.
I believe the earth is warming which will trigger an ice age which will then trigger more global warming.
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.

Chemtrails? We haven't had anyone who believed in chemtrails here in several years. And we've got some real whackjobs. I'm impressed. How have you managed to hang on?

Water and soil samples do not lie...this is happening and there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying. One thing that climate change/global warming addicts can never explain to me is how would paying a carbon tax to the very same entities that own the big oil companies while suppressing petroleum free technology going to "cool the planet"? The IMF will collect said carbon taxes and they are the same ones that own the central bank in nearly every country, the Global Bank and Bank For International Settlements and big oil. Explain to me how that will work? From where I am standing, it seems that the banking oligarchs are "double dipping" as we have to have their product so we can try and eek out a meager existence on this shitty planet. If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap....you can charge a toll and give that money to the climate guys..... (snicker)
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.


Every country with an airport has skies with these "chemtrails".

Nope, I live close to the DFW airport and see planes flying in all the time and they don't even have contrails....much less these chemtrails that stay in the sky for hours and then spread out......
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.


Every country with an airport has skies with these "chemtrails".

Nope, I live close to the DFW airport and see planes flying in all the time and they don't even have contrails....much less these chemtrails that stay in the sky for hours and then spread out......

So you live next to an airport and don't see contrails, then insinuate you study for hours and days and see chemtrails?

Yea ok

One thing that climate change/global warming addicts can never explain to me is how would paying a carbon tax to the very same entities that own the big oil companies while suppressing petroleum free technology going to "cool the planet"?

I'm not surprised you're in wonderment. The IMF has no taxing authority and would not collect taxes on carbon. Governments would collect those taxes just as they collect all other taxes. That tax money would not be turned over to the petroleum industry. It would be up to the various governments to decide what they would do with it but it's hoped they would use it to finance the infrastructure changes needed to move away from fossil fuels and towards hydrogen, solar, tidal, nuclear, etc.
Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.
How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.


Every country with an airport has skies with these "chemtrails".

Nope, I live close to the DFW airport and see planes flying in all the time and they don't even have contrails....much less these chemtrails that stay in the sky for hours and then spread out......

So you live next to an airport and don't see contrails, then insinuate you study for hours and days and see chemtrails?

Yea ok

View attachment 58180

How can you have a benchmark on what the temperature is actually doing when geo-engineering has been going on in earnest since 1997? We have been under a chemical spraying assault using barium, strontium and nano-aluminium particulates and this crap lands in our food and water...we are breathing this crap in. Some call them "chemtrails" but the correct term is geo-engineering. We now have 30 percent less sunlight in some areas since this program started. If you doubt me, you can go to youtube and find literally thousands of homemade videos of ordinary citizens in every NATO country shooting videos of this going on. Some of these foreign countries have made some incredible documentaries complete with English sub-titles. The best site on the internet that addresses this issue is "geoengineeringwatch.org". It has a plethora of information and articles related to this man-made climate change.


Every country with an airport has skies with these "chemtrails".

Nope, I live close to the DFW airport and see planes flying in all the time and they don't even have contrails....much less these chemtrails that stay in the sky for hours and then spread out......

So you live next to an airport and don't see contrails, then insinuate you study for hours and days and see chemtrails?

Yea ok

View attachment 58180

According to the chemtrail deniers, the only reason that contrails will spread out and linger is because they are 35,000 feet or above and atmospheric conditions are "right"......if you have ever flown on a passenger jet, you should know that the descent starts anywhere from 45 to 30 minutes before you land...but alas, these are not contrails...this is aerosol spraying that is going on and since it falls under national security, people involved are sworn to secrecy and they have no first amendment protection.....can ya dig it???
One thing that climate change/global warming addicts can never explain to me is how would paying a carbon tax to the very same entities that own the big oil companies while suppressing petroleum free technology going to "cool the planet"?

I'm not surprised you're in wonderment. The IMF has no taxing authority and would not collect taxes on carbon. Governments would collect those taxes just as they collect all other taxes. That tax money would not be turned over to the petroleum industry. It would be up to the various governments to decide what they would do with it but it's hoped they would use it to finance the infrastructure changes needed to move away from fossil fuels and towards hydrogen, solar, tidal, nuclear, etc.
Now Is The Time For A Carbon Tax, IMF Chief Says

You were saying?????

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