What Do YOU Believe is Actually Happening?

What do you believe the Earth's climate has been undergoing since the Industrial Revolution


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The amusing this is that Nature or the Creator or whatever force you "believe" in doesn't care about your "belief." The planets will be here long after humans are gone, and praying for the Rapture won't protect you from dirty air and contaminated water while you're alive.
Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.

Oil is an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced by the earth's crust. They find oil miles deep down in the ground. Old oil fields that were believed to be "tapped out" are refilling. The manufactured crisis that we find ourselves in was all a result of the Iron Mountain Report that was released covertly in 1967. The Club Of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) was formed to end the industrialization of the planet, the United States in particular because the middle class had become too affluent. I suggest that you do a little research about a man named Maurice Strong and pull up some of his quotes....you seem like an intelligent guy. Read a few of them and then look up "Agenda 21".....your findings will surprise you.
OK, The warming is greater than claimed.

Because we are seeing more melting of the Arctic Ice and permafrost than the models ever predicted. And the heat in the ocean is greater than predicted.

Virtually all of the CO2 involved in the warming is from man's activities. However, most of the CH4 is from the melting of the permafrost and ocean clathrates. And that could, in the end, turn out to be a greater problem.

Before my lifespan is done, I expect to see some major effects from the warming. Twenty years ago, I would not have said that, as I thought that it would proceed at a slower pace than it has.
What I am so glad to see finally being settled once and for all is the question as to whether or not global warming is man made. This argument has been ongoing for some time now and to finally have it proven undisputedly once and for all that global warming is indeed man made is quite lifting. For once on a given argument, we actually have settled the fact once and for all time.
Oil is an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced by the earth's crust.

I'm sorry, but that is complete nonsense.

Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different theories which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum theories, the deep gas theory of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum theory, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin. There are a few abiogenic petroleum theories which are still subject to ongoing research and which typically seek to explain the existence of smaller quantities of oil and gas.
1) Glasby, Geoffrey P (2006). "Abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons: an historical overview"(PDF). Resource Geology56 (1): 85–98. doi:10.1111/j.1751-3928.2006.tb00271.x. Retrieved 2008-01-29.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They find oil miles deep down in the ground.

Yes, and it is organic petroleum. The article at the link has a great deal of chemistry proving that abiotic petroleum is nonsense.

Old oil fields that were believed to be "tapped out" are refilling. The manufactured crisis that we find ourselves in was all a result of the Iron Mountain Report that was released covertly in 1967. The Club Of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) was formed to end the industrialization of the planet, the United States in particular because the middle class had become too affluent. I suggest that you do a little research about a man named Maurice Strong and pull up some of his quotes....you seem like an intelligent guy. Read a few of them and then look up "Agenda 21".....your findings will surprise you.

Sorry man, but you're several steps over the edge. I'm familiar with The Club of Rome, the UN and Agenda 21 and none of them are what you believe them to be. You need to talk to a professional shrink about paranoia.
What I am so glad to see finally being settled once and for all is the question as to whether or not global warming is man made. This argument has been ongoing for some time now and to finally have it proven undisputedly once and for all that global warming is indeed man made is quite lifting. For once on a given argument, we actually have settled the fact once and for all time.

The IPCC's position, because it is that of the vast majority of climate scientists, is that human activities are responsible for greater than 50% of the warming experienced..
The amusing this is that Nature or the Creator or whatever force you "believe" in doesn't care about your "belief." The planets will be here long after humans are gone, and praying for the Rapture won't protect you from dirty air and contaminated water while you're alive.

I had no intention of introducing divinity into this discussion. When I used the term "natural", I simply meant "not synthetic". And in case you were unaware, the definition of "synthetic" is simply "man-made".
Oil is an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced by the earth's crust.

I'm sorry, but that is complete nonsense.

Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different theories which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum theories, the deep gas theory of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum theory, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin. There are a few abiogenic petroleum theories which are still subject to ongoing research and which typically seek to explain the existence of smaller quantities of oil and gas.
1) Glasby, Geoffrey P (2006). "Abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons: an historical overview"(PDF). Resource Geology56 (1): 85–98. doi:10.1111/j.1751-3928.2006.tb00271.x. Retrieved 2008-01-29.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They find oil miles deep down in the ground.

Yes, and it is organic petroleum. The article at the link has a great deal of chemistry proving that abiotic petroleum is nonsense.

Old oil fields that were believed to be "tapped out" are refilling. The manufactured crisis that we find ourselves in was all a result of the Iron Mountain Report that was released covertly in 1967. The Club Of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) was formed to end the industrialization of the planet, the United States in particular because the middle class had become too affluent. I suggest that you do a little research about a man named Maurice Strong and pull up some of his quotes....you seem like an intelligent guy. Read a few of them and then look up "Agenda 21".....your findings will surprise you.

Sorry man, but you're several steps over the edge. I'm familiar with The Club of Rome, the UN and Agenda 21 and none of them are what you believe them to be. You need to talk to a professional shrink about paranoia.
Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.

Who is getting these hundreds of millions of dollars?
Oil is an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced by the earth's crust.

I'm sorry, but that is complete nonsense.

Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different theories which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum theories, the deep gas theory of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum theory, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin. There are a few abiogenic petroleum theories which are still subject to ongoing research and which typically seek to explain the existence of smaller quantities of oil and gas.
1) Glasby, Geoffrey P (2006). "Abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons: an historical overview"(PDF). Resource Geology56 (1): 85–98. doi:10.1111/j.1751-3928.2006.tb00271.x. Retrieved 2008-01-29.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They find oil miles deep down in the ground.

Yes, and it is organic petroleum. The article at the link has a great deal of chemistry proving that abiotic petroleum is nonsense.

Old oil fields that were believed to be "tapped out" are refilling. The manufactured crisis that we find ourselves in was all a result of the Iron Mountain Report that was released covertly in 1967. The Club Of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) was formed to end the industrialization of the planet, the United States in particular because the middle class had become too affluent. I suggest that you do a little research about a man named Maurice Strong and pull up some of his quotes....you seem like an intelligent guy. Read a few of them and then look up "Agenda 21".....your findings will surprise you.

Sorry man, but you're several steps over the edge. I'm familiar with The Club of Rome, the UN and Agenda 21 and none of them are what you believe them to be. You need to talk to a professional shrink about paranoia.

No, I am "dead on" point concerning everything I have discussed in my posts concerning this topic. I have dedicated literally thousands of hours into my research and reading. I download books, listen to lectures from accredited authors and researchers to the point that it's all I do...all I really want to do.....I have no political affiliations and no hidden agenda...but what I do know is that we have been played like a Stradivarius fiddle to buy into this shit.
No one is putting up chemtrails.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding UN action plan aimed at enabling sustainable development

The Club of Rome is an international think tank hoping to provide public solutions to international problems. I suspect it's also an opportunity for political bigwigs to get together and party over some fine wine.

I'm sorry you've spent thousands of hours chasing a paranoid fantasy, but that's what you've done. A little more education might have saved you a great deal. That time could have been spent on something productive.
Oil is an abiotic fluid that is naturally produced by the earth's crust.

I'm sorry, but that is complete nonsense.

Abiogenic petroleum origin is a term used to describe a number of different theories which propose that petroleum and natural gas are formed by inorganic means rather than by the decomposition of organisms. The two principal abiogenic petroleum theories, the deep gas theory of Thomas Gold and the deep abiotic petroleum theory, have been scientifically discredited and are obsolete.[1] Scientific opinion on the origin of oil and gas is that all natural oil and gas deposits on Earth are fossil fuels, and are therefore not abiogenic in origin. There are a few abiogenic petroleum theories which are still subject to ongoing research and which typically seek to explain the existence of smaller quantities of oil and gas.
1) Glasby, Geoffrey P (2006). "Abiogenic origin of hydrocarbons: an historical overview"(PDF). Resource Geology56 (1): 85–98. doi:10.1111/j.1751-3928.2006.tb00271.x. Retrieved 2008-01-29.
Abiogenic petroleum origin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They find oil miles deep down in the ground.

Yes, and it is organic petroleum. The article at the link has a great deal of chemistry proving that abiotic petroleum is nonsense.

Old oil fields that were believed to be "tapped out" are refilling. The manufactured crisis that we find ourselves in was all a result of the Iron Mountain Report that was released covertly in 1967. The Club Of Rome (an offshoot of the U.N) was formed to end the industrialization of the planet, the United States in particular because the middle class had become too affluent. I suggest that you do a little research about a man named Maurice Strong and pull up some of his quotes....you seem like an intelligent guy. Read a few of them and then look up "Agenda 21".....your findings will surprise you.

Sorry man, but you're several steps over the edge. I'm familiar with The Club of Rome, the UN and Agenda 21 and none of them are what you believe them to be. You need to talk to a professional shrink about paranoia.

No, I am "dead on" point concerning everything I have discussed in my posts concerning this topic. I have dedicated literally thousands of hours into my research and reading. I download books, listen to lectures from accredited authors and researchers to the point that it's all I do...all I really want to do.....I have no political affiliations and no hidden agenda...but what I do know is that we have been played like a Stradivarius fiddle to buy into this shit.
not I.
I believe warming is taking place as currently claimed, that the corrections made to temperature datasets have all been justified and that human activity is responsible for more than 50% of that warming.

Got any actual evidence that can separate a human fingerprint from natural variation?...got anything like empirical evidence to support the claim of a particular climate sensitivity to CO2 that would be required to separate natural variation from a human fingerprint...can you state empirically that we know all natural variables that effect the climate and to what degree they do so which would also be required to identify and tease out a human fingerprint from the noise?.....or as you say, you are just speaking from a position of "belief"?
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Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.

Who is getting these hundreds of millions of dollars?

The 3% of scientists who claim everything's just peachy, nothing to see here, move along.
No one is putting up chemtrails.

Agenda 21 is a non-binding UN action plan aimed at enabling sustainable development

The Club of Rome is an international think tank hoping to provide public solutions to international problems. I suspect it's also an opportunity for political bigwigs to get together and party over some fine wine.

I'm sorry you've spent thousands of hours chasing a paranoid fantasy, but that's what you've done. A little more education might have saved you a great deal. That time could have been spent on something productive.

Look Dale, how about listening to what the real scientists have found. They very well explain what you are seeing without any stupid conspiracy theories.
Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.

Who is getting these hundreds of millions of dollars?

The 3% of scientists who claim everything's just peachy, nothing to see here, move along.
You have no idea the number of scientists. but why let facts get in your way right?

Mr. I have nothing to say so I'll post up nonsense. Way to go Ahod you the libturd f00l today.
Crick any day. I'm smarter than you on one hand. And I don't know all of the science. I can admit it. you just think you know and post up crap like this thread that is totally useless. BTW, which one was your poll number?
Water and soil samples do not lie

Neither do they support the chemtrails fantasy.

there are over 100 patents for chemical/aerosol spraying

So what?

If you believe that the powers that be will ever allow the sheeple to be independent of their product, let me know because I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I will sell you cheap.

I firmly believe that the fossil fuel industry is spending hundreds of millions of dollars to convince people to do nothing about anthropogenic global warming. That doesn't mean diddly squat re chemtrails.

Who is getting these hundreds of millions of dollars?

The 3% of scientists who claim everything's just peachy, nothing to see here, move along.

Name one who said everything was peachy?

As a casual reader it seems to me they just don't know, not enough evidence and data.


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