What Do YOU Believe is Actually Happening?

What do you believe the Earth's climate has been undergoing since the Industrial Revolution


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Dumb ass, SSDD, you have been repeatedly provided with the absorption spectra of the GHGs. Nothing more is needed. At least, not for anyone with the least amount of scientific knowledge. Your ignorance in that department is evident to all, oh you of the intelligent photons.
Dumb ass, SSDD, you have been repeatedly provided with the absorption spectra of the GHGs. Nothing more is needed. At least, not for anyone with the least amount of scientific knowledge. Your ignorance in that department is evident to all, oh you of the intelligent photons.

Absorption and emission do not equal warming rocks...sorry that you guys can't seem to get that through your heads. That is just one more example of fooling yourself with instrumentation. If absorption and emission equaled warming, then a tropospheric hot spot would be the inevitable result. A million plus radiosondes doing direct measurements of the troposphere tell us that no such hot spot is present....the predicted hot spot has not materialized...the hypothesis is falsified.
Goodness sakes, here is ol' Preddy stating two sentences and thinking that he has prove the work of decades of thousands of scientists wrong. Mostly has proven himself to be another clueless idiot.

Just as the scientists predicted, every decade, we get more and more record years for temperature.

Goodness sakes here's Old Rocks thinking that all he has to do is speak whatever nonsense he's thinking and it's correct.

It's easy to predict the warming but that doesn't prove its caused by man.

You AGW scam artists always try to steer the argument away from the issue that matters.
Goodness sakes, here is ol' Preddy stating two sentences and thinking that he has prove the work of decades of thousands of scientists wrong. Mostly has proven himself to be another clueless idiot.

Just as the scientists predicted, every decade, we get more and more record years for temperature.

Goodness sakes here's Old Rocks thinking that all he has to do is speak whatever nonsense he's thinking and it's correct.

It's easy to predict the warming but that doesn't prove its caused by man.

You AGW scam artists always try to steer the argument away from the issue that matters.
No, I simply accept the evidence and observations done by scientists with decades of experiance and study of the subject over the flap yap of an internet ignoramus.
Now who to believe? An ignoramus that believes in smart photons, or generations of trained physicists? LOL

Good one rocks...a twofer...first a lie about smart photons followed up by another appeal to authority. If all those physicists you claim were right....where is the tropospheric hot spot they predicted? You act like just because a supposed expert says a thing...or a hundred experts...or ten thousand have said a thing that it must be true....if you asked every gastroenterologist on earth a couple of years ago, they would have all told you that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...if you asked heart specialists a year ago if colesterol were proven to cause heart disease, they would have said yes.....and one could go through a litany of examples where all the experts were wrong...in fact, in nearly every instance...where a relatively new science is concerned, the experts are almost always wrong. Climate science is relatively new and it is a pretty sure bet that the experts are wrong...and will continue to be wrong till we know a hell of a lot more about what factors drive the climate than we do right now.
Goodness sakes, here is ol' Preddy stating two sentences and thinking that he has prove the work of decades of thousands of scientists wrong. Mostly has proven himself to be another clueless idiot.

Just as the scientists predicted, every decade, we get more and more record years for temperature.

Goodness sakes here's Old Rocks thinking that all he has to do is speak whatever nonsense he's thinking and it's correct.

It's easy to predict the warming but that doesn't prove its caused by man.

You AGW scam artists always try to steer the argument away from the issue that matters.
No, I simply accept the evidence and observations done by scientists with decades of experiance and study of the subject over the flap yap of an internet ignoramus.

Of course you accept it, it's much easier than thinking. Well if you knew anything at all, you would know that there is no evidence to support the only claim that matters.
No, I simply accept the evidence and observations done by scientists with decades of experiance and study of the subject over the flap yap of an internet ignoramus.

But you disregard the overwhelming evidence from all fields of science that early on in any field, the experts are almost universally wrong...now you have a young science that has been hijacked by politics...really rocks...what are the odds that the experts are right on this one?
Of course you accept it, it's much easier than thinking. Well if you knew anything at all, you would know that there is no evidence to support the only claim that matters.

I keep asking a few straight forward questions regarding what we know about the climate and what drives it and what it does and none of these believers seem to be able to give a straight forward answer.
Now who to believe? An ignoramus that believes in smart photons, or generations of trained physicists? LOL

Good one rocks...a twofer...first a lie about smart photons followed up by another appeal to authority. If all those physicists you claim were right....where is the tropospheric hot spot they predicted? You act like just because a supposed expert says a thing...or a hundred experts...or ten thousand have said a thing that it must be true....if you asked every gastroenterologist on earth a couple of years ago, they would have all told you that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...if you asked heart specialists a year ago if colesterol were proven to cause heart disease, they would have said yes.....and one could go through a litany of examples where all the experts were wrong...in fact, in nearly every instance...where a relatively new science is concerned, the experts are almost always wrong. Climate science is relatively new and it is a pretty sure bet that the experts are wrong...and will continue to be wrong till we know a hell of a lot more about what factors drive the climate than we do right now.

The reason so many people are duped these days is that they would rather appeal to authority than think. My two favorite subjects in my entire schooling was History and Science. If you know history and science you'll never believe in man made climate change as it is being pushed now.
Now who to believe? An ignoramus that believes in smart photons, or generations of trained physicists? LOL

Good one rocks...a twofer...first a lie about smart photons followed up by another appeal to authority. If all those physicists you claim were right....where is the tropospheric hot spot they predicted? You act like just because a supposed expert says a thing...or a hundred experts...or ten thousand have said a thing that it must be true....if you asked every gastroenterologist on earth a couple of years ago, they would have all told you that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...if you asked heart specialists a year ago if colesterol were proven to cause heart disease, they would have said yes.....and one could go through a litany of examples where all the experts were wrong...in fact, in nearly every instance...where a relatively new science is concerned, the experts are almost always wrong. Climate science is relatively new and it is a pretty sure bet that the experts are wrong...and will continue to be wrong till we know a hell of a lot more about what factors drive the climate than we do right now.

The reason so many people are duped these days is that they would rather appeal to authority than think. My two favorite subjects in my entire schooling was History and Science. If you know history and science you'll never believe in man made climate change as it is being pushed now.

Belief has always been easier than knowing....if you know a thing, it can easily run contrary to what you want to believe...if you just believe no problem.
Now who to believe? An ignoramus that believes in smart photons, or generations of trained physicists? LOL


These clowns???
This is hardly early on in the study of GHGs in the atmosphere. In 1859 Tyndall did the first experiments that gave us the absorption spectra of the GHGs. By 1896, Arrhenius quantified the results, and made pretty a pretty accurate estimation of what the doubling of CO2 would do.

We have a pretty good idea of how the GHGs work, and have been creating ever more accurate models for predicting the future. That you choose, for political reasons, to reject the science, does in no way, change the validity of that science. All it does is demonstrate willful ignorance on your part.
No, I simply accept the evidence and observations done by scientists with decades of experiance and study of the subject over the flap yap of an internet ignoramus.

But you disregard the overwhelming evidence from all fields of science that early on in any field, the experts are almost universally wrong...now you have a young science that has been hijacked by politics...really rocks...what are the odds that the experts are right on this one?

1. Science has been wrong more often than right.
2. Whenever there has been a consensus among scientists, it has been wrong more often than right.
3. When powerful Influences (politics in modern times, religion in the past), get involved in science, it has always been wrong.
4. Scientists have always been for sale. The idea that scientists only seek the truth is a myth. Especially today when they need money to pay off student loan debt.
5. There has always been interdisciplinary politics in science. Scientists compete often and often it leads to some very un-scientific behavior.
This is hardly early on in the study of GHGs in the atmosphere. In 1859 Tyndall did the first experiments that gave us the absorption spectra of the GHGs. By 1896, Arrhenius quantified the results, and made pretty a pretty accurate estimation of what the doubling of CO2 would do.

We have a pretty good idea of how the GHGs work, and have been creating ever more accurate models for predicting the future. That you choose, for political reasons, to reject the science, does in no way, change the validity of that science. All it does is demonstrate willful ignorance on your part.

Sorry rocks...all you have are failing models based on some quaint 19th century science....and a miserably failed hypothesis. Tell me rocks, how many failures do you think a hypothesis should be allowed before it is scrapped? The failure of the tropospheric hot spot is a major failure and if climate science were actually interested in science, it would be a deal breaker...as I said...you have a young science that has been hijacked by politics....a recipe for failure on a grand scale.
Now who to believe? An ignoramus that believes in smart photons, or generations of trained physicists? LOL

Good one rocks...a twofer...first a lie about smart photons followed up by another appeal to authority. If all those physicists you claim were right....where is the tropospheric hot spot they predicted? You act like just because a supposed expert says a thing...or a hundred experts...or ten thousand have said a thing that it must be true....if you asked every gastroenterologist on earth a couple of years ago, they would have all told you that stomach ulcers were caused by stress...if you asked heart specialists a year ago if colesterol were proven to cause heart disease, they would have said yes.....and one could go through a litany of examples where all the experts were wrong...in fact, in nearly every instance...where a relatively new science is concerned, the experts are almost always wrong. Climate science is relatively new and it is a pretty sure bet that the experts are wrong...and will continue to be wrong till we know a hell of a lot more about what factors drive the climate than we do right now.

The reason so many people are duped these days is that they would rather appeal to authority than think. My two favorite subjects in my entire schooling was History and Science. If you know history and science you'll never believe in man made climate change as it is being pushed now.

Belief has always been easier than knowing....if you know a thing, it can easily run contrary to what you want to believe...if you just believe no problem.

And there is the gist of it.
Well, without writing a book, virtually all the scientists in the world state that AGW is real, so why should I given any weight to the opinion of someone that has repeatedly shown themselves to be an ignoramus?
Well, without writing a book, virtually all the scientists in the world state that AGW is real, so why should I given any weight to the opinion of someone that has repeatedly shown themselves to be an ignoramus?

So are any, ANY, of those scientists not paid by government funding? Just asking if you'll answer this one tiny question which is leaps and bounds as big as any snow storm or flooding event.
Goodness sakes, here is ol' Preddy stating two sentences and thinking that he has prove the work of decades of thousands of scientists wrong. Mostly has proven himself to be another clueless idiot.

Just as the scientists predicted, every decade, we get more and more record years for temperature.
Just as the scientists predicted, every decade, we get more and more record years for temperature

huh? Every decade there are new records for the previous decade, how is that news? Duh!!!!!

You need a scientist to tell you that in the past 10 years the records show xxxxxxxxx. Well post up the raw data that shows those records. Got any? Oh yeah, not before someone massages them to fit a failed prediction model so as to get the next decades salary!!!

So name one scientest that is not funded by government money that will say what you claim? Name one.

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