What do you know, The Boston Bomber left a written confession


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2011
Boston bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left note in boat he hid in, sources say - CBS News

Sources tell Miller that Tsarnaev wrote the note in the boat he was hiding in as police pursued him, and as he bled from gunshot wounds sustained in an earlier shootout between police and his older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

The note, scrawled with a pen on the interior wall of the cabin, said the bombings were retribution for U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, and called the Boston victims collateral damage in the same way Muslims have been in the American-led wars. "When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims," the note added.

Dzhokar said he didn't mourn older brother Tamerlan, the other suspect in the bombings, writing that by that point, Tamerlan was a martyr in paradise -- and that he expected to join him there.
...and he will join his brother eventually. But not soon enough.
If his confession was the real reason then his attack was justified. You want to poke the nest you get stung. Keep persecuting the muslims and you will get more of this deservidly.

How many such attacks will it take before we throw the whole lot of them out of the country?

I certainly hope that his "justified" defense is the one he uses in court.
Gosh, hope this martyr's fist view of paradise wasn't obscured by the underside of the car his brother was running over him with.
How long before the note turns into "I did it because of a Youtube video"?
If his confession was the real reason then his attack was justified. You want to poke the nest you get stung. Keep persecuting the muslims and you will get more of this deservidly.
And if that is truly the case, and if you insist upon this course of action, then, be assured that we will kill 100 of yours, for every 1 of ours that you kill. We have the military muscle to do it and we have the will to do it once we are provoked and you will be helpless to stop us. It is our hope that you are not that insane but we cannot prevent you from acting-out the symptoms of such mental illness. In the end, if need be, we will kill the mad, rabid dog, to defend our own people. Count on it.
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The confession has some real importance. Tsarnaev was questioned without being Mirandized. He made incriminating statements that closely parallel his written confession. His defense attorneys would like to get the incriminating statements thrown out. Now, it doesn't matter whether or not they do because they have the written confession made prior to arrest.
Hmmm.....sounds like someone on this board needs a visit from the FBI.

If his confession was the real reason then his attack was justified. You want to poke the nest you get stung. Keep persecuting the muslims and you will get more of this deservidly.

How many such attacks will it take before we throw the whole lot of them out of the country?

I certainly hope that his "justified" defense is the one he uses in court.

Is this your "final solution," then, to the "Muslim problem?"

Be careful where you tread there, right wingnut.
Boston bombings suspect Dzhokhar Tsarnaev left note in boat he hid in, sources say - CBS News

Sources tell Miller that Tsarnaev wrote the note in the boat he was hiding in as police pursued him, and as he bled from gunshot wounds sustained in an earlier shootout between police and his older brother, Tamerlan Tsarnaev.

The note, scrawled with a pen on the interior wall of the cabin, said the bombings were retribution for U.S. military action in Afghanistan and Iraq, and called the Boston victims collateral damage in the same way Muslims have been in the American-led wars. "When you attack one Muslim, you attack all Muslims," the note added.

Dzhokar said he didn't mourn older brother Tamerlan, the other suspect in the bombings, writing that by that point, Tamerlan was a martyr in paradise -- and that he expected to join him there.

So in other words, it was Bush's fault.

Since our liberal friends on this board have defended Islam so vigorously since the Boston bombings, it's quite clear then that the real cause of the attack was their 'Bush Derrangement Syndrome', since it couldn't be the religion of peace.

Does this mean rabid Bush-hating liberals will be put on watch? Should left-wing groups be put on terror watch lists?
If his confession was the real reason then his attack was justified. You want to poke the nest you get stung. Keep persecuting the muslims and you will get more of this deservidly.

How many such attacks will it take before we throw the whole lot of them out of the country?

I certainly hope that his "justified" defense is the one he uses in court.

My spidey senses tell me this was a bigoted comment. What does "until we throw them out of the country mean?"

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