What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

I am not talking about wishy washy stuff like "we need to get honest people elected" or "politicians should stop fighting" or "media is stupid to publicize idiots" etc. I am talking about HOW, I mean I need a clear answer.

I am confident without a doubt that this video, in which I put my soul in, is the only alternative to the plague of American politics, but let me see you put out a better alternative if you can - I dare you.

pvsi speech april 2012 - YouTube

A constitutional ammendment requiring the federal government to balance its budget would fix the biggest part of the federal government that is broken.

"Balanced Budget Ammendment"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh7RQ7l4pW8]House Republicans for a Balanced Budget Amendment - YouTube[/ame]

This would be at the top of my list as well.
And I think it should be at the top of every one's too.
But then again we have a Senate that just doesn't give a crap about presenting one.

My second choice would be line item veto...
Hey, if we can buy counterfeit high tech merchandise for the Military, from China, why can't we distribute counterfeit Vending Machines and Slot Machines that don't pay off, and fix the deficit that way..... You know, like the money we Launder, I mean spend on the Green Industries..... No wait, that only pays off for Insiders.

Let's make the dog play a violin
Wait a minute.... HOW are we going to do that? same question applies to you. I gave a suggestion, it requires unity, so either disagree or join.

I must have missed that in the Forum Rules. :)
I am not talking about wishy washy stuff like "we need to get honest people elected" or "politicians should stop fighting" or "media is stupid to publicize idiots" etc. I am talking about HOW, I mean I need a clear answer.

I am confident without a doubt that this video, in which I put my soul in, is the only alternative to the plague of American politics, but let me see you put out a better alternative if you can - I dare you.

pvsi speech april 2012 - YouTube

A constitutional ammendment requiring the federal government to balance its budget would fix the biggest part of the federal government that is broken.

"Balanced Budget Ammendment"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lh7RQ7l4pW8]House Republicans for a Balanced Budget Amendment - YouTube[/ame]

This would be at the top of my list as well.
And I think it should be at the top of every one's too.
But then again we have a Senate that just doesn't give a crap about presenting one.

My second choice would be line item veto...

I'm mixed about the Line Item Veto. That is allot of power, and it does shoot down compromises in getting Legislation passed. For better or worse, still, it seems an encroachment on the Legislative Branch.
My first thought was the money, the big money, the corporate money get it out of politics. But on second thought, could the Republicans win without corporate money? We need two parties to have a democracy and if we eliminated the money which compensates for votes we might not have a democracy.
But, I would try to create some type of political education regarding the parties, vested interests, propaganda, and the difference between normal political corruption and abnormal political corruption. None of it's gonna happen, however, stupid fools, wink, wink.
My first thought was the money, the big money, the corporate money get it out of politics. But on second thought, could the Republicans win without corporate money? We need two parties to have a democracy and if we eliminated the money which compensates for votes we might not have a democracy.
But, I would try to create some type of political education regarding the parties, vested interests, propaganda, and the difference between normal political corruption and abnormal political corruption. None of it's gonna happen, however, stupid fools, wink, wink.

Yeah, it is okay to buy votes with Food Stamps or Welfare Money, just not with anything you earn separate from Government, unless it is Union. :razz:
Well maybe the problem is an economy that creates a need for food stamps? Maybe the goal should be an economy that creates a strong middle class, few poor, and few rich, but that ain't gonna work either if the party in power represents the rich?
There was a period in our history when one party was so weak it almost didn't exist, the period was called the Era of Good Feelings. Maybe when one party gets elected it should have enough power to carry out its policies for two years. What we have now is neither party can do much but sit and wait for the next election.
Well maybe the problem is an economy that creates a need for food stamps? Maybe the goal should be an economy that creates a strong middle class, few poor, and few rich, but that ain't gonna work either if the party in power represents the rich?
There was a period in our history when one party was so weak it almost didn't exist, the period was called the Era of Good Feelings. Maybe when one party gets elected it should have enough power to carry out its policies for two years. What we have now is neither party can do much but sit and wait for the next election.

You over feed dependency, you create more dependence. Blaming the Haves for what you don't have is a cop out. Try harder, try a different route. Pointing fingers is not how you pick yourself up.
What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

Ban unions aka Political partys in our government.
Well maybe the problem is an economy that creates a need for food stamps? Maybe the goal should be an economy that creates a strong middle class, few poor, and few rich, but that ain't gonna work either if the party in power represents the rich?
There was a period in our history when one party was so weak it almost didn't exist, the period was called the Era of Good Feelings. Maybe when one party gets elected it should have enough power to carry out its policies for two years. What we have now is neither party can do much but sit and wait for the next election.

You over feed dependency, you create more dependence. Blaming the Haves for what you don't have is a cop out. Try harder, try a different route. Pointing fingers is not how you pick yourself up.

Who overfeeds anything? Does creating an economy that does not require food stamps create dependency. This dependency thing was touted during the Great Depression, people were lazy, wouldn't work, drank a lot and so on, yet when WWII came along and there was a need for labor, the people went to work and the dependecy thing dwindled.
At one time conservatives backed a program the utility of poverty, pointing out how poverty created a number of benefits for business. I wonder is poverty good for business?
Well maybe the problem is an economy that creates a need for food stamps? Maybe the goal should be an economy that creates a strong middle class, few poor, and few rich, but that ain't gonna work either if the party in power represents the rich?
There was a period in our history when one party was so weak it almost didn't exist, the period was called the Era of Good Feelings. Maybe when one party gets elected it should have enough power to carry out its policies for two years. What we have now is neither party can do much but sit and wait for the next election.

You over feed dependency, you create more dependence. Blaming the Haves for what you don't have is a cop out. Try harder, try a different route. Pointing fingers is not how you pick yourself up.

Who overfeeds anything? Does creating an economy that does not require food stamps create dependency. This dependency thing was touted during the Great Depression, people were lazy, wouldn't work, drank a lot and so on, yet when WWII came along and there was a need for labor, the people went to work and the dependecy thing dwindled.
At one time conservatives backed a program the utility of poverty, pointing out how poverty created a number of benefits for business. I wonder is poverty good for business?

Government Quick Fixes and increased Dependency are way over fed. There are tangents. Federal Policies prolonged the Depression, If you weren't a Government or Union Worker, you were screwed. Roosevelt destroyed, food, livestock, Product Inventories, rather than distribute, to protect High Wage Earners, while the rest paid the price. The answer lies more in how resource is handled, not everything is interchangeable, nor end up with the same results. I will say one thing about the Rich, they don't stay that way long with frivolous spending habits. It works the same way in both the Private Sector and the Public Sector. You use it wisely or lose it.
What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

Ban unions aka Political partys in our government.

I think We Each have a Right to both Free Speech and Association. Banning does impose on that. I'm not a big fan of Unions, I acknowledge both good and bad in them. Party's play a role.
With regard to the question posed in the op....

Talking people like you, be them left or right, into never voting again would be a good start.
I just had an Epiphany. How about the Legislators be Required to Read Everything they Vote into Law before they Vote on it? Is it really asking too much?

Let's bring the Tax Code down to 25 Pages or Less, and just go flat Tax. ;)
Also that they have to write it and no bill submitted by lobbyists is allowed.

Many times the submitter of the bill does not even know what is in it.
I just had an Epiphany. How about the Legislators be Required to Read Everything they Vote into Law before they Vote on it? Is it really asking too much?

Let's bring the Tax Code down to 25 Pages or Less, and just go flat Tax. ;)
Also that they have to write it and no bill submitted by lobbyists is allowed.

Many times the submitter of the bill does not even know what is in it.

;) Exactly. That aspect has always bothered me too.
What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

Ban unions aka Political partys in our government.

I think We Each have a Right to both Free Speech and Association. Banning does impose on that. I'm not a big fan of Unions, I acknowledge both good and bad in them. Party's play a role.
but to form an association within our govt is undercutting our government.

each individual can say what they want and assemble with whomever they wish ourside of our govt.
Just like with any other job.
We do hire them you know.
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What do you think is ONE most important change to fix our government?

Ban unions aka Political partys in our government.

I think We Each have a Right to both Free Speech and Association. Banning does impose on that. I'm not a big fan of Unions, I acknowledge both good and bad in them. Party's play a role.
but to form an association within our govt is undercutting our government.

It was that way from the Start, though I do agree that there is a serious issue with the Divided Interests and Loyalties between our Representatives, the Respected Parties, and Us.

Back when The State Legislatures chose our Senators, it was a bit of a distant twist. I agree there are issues. I just don't see the fix there.

What is your thought of Multiple Run-Off Elections, Rather than a Two Party System, with Primaries?
We need to ensure that WE THE PEOPLE control our government and NOT just the uber-rich and powerful business interests.

Our Grand Old Party has for too long aligned with the interests of the monied at the expense of everyone else. If we don't elect people who serve our interests, but those of businesses and their government cronies what good is having a representative republic?

Want a rallying cry?
When was the last time you felt your congressman or senator was looking out for YOU and not just greasing his own palms with lobbyist money and favors?

Make politicians directly responsible to WE THE PEOPLE....not their campaign contributors.
ANYTHING that gets between the voters and their representatives should be expunged as a danger to the sovereignty of WE THE PEOPLE.

And SHAME on all our cowardly republicans who have avoided the public spotlight as of late, not attending town halls and having "exclusive" events. No quicker way to show the people you don't give a rats behind about them than to not be there.

Republicans WIN by being like Ike. We LOSE when we're like Bush and Romney.

Shame on you for shaming the only ones in Congress who hold the line on spending.

Ever read the voting record in the Senate? The Republicans aren't cooperating with Harry Reid's spending his butt off agenda.

You are an idiot.
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I just had an Epiphany. How about the Legislators be Required to Read Everything they Vote into Law before they Vote on it? Is it really asking too much?

Let's bring the Tax Code down to 25 Pages or Less, and just go flat Tax. ;)
Also that they have to write it and no bill submitted by lobbyists is allowed.

Many times the submitter of the bill does not even know what is in it.

;) Exactly. That aspect has always bothered me too.

Most bills go to committee. The committee reads and reccomends a pass or no pass to the entire group. Good loyal politicians vote according to their party's recommendation . I wonder if the Republicans have kept their promise to read the section of the Constitution on every bill they propose?
A constitutional ammendment requiring the federal government to balance its budget would fix the biggest part of the federal government that is broken.

Dreadful idea, totally unworkable.

There’s no way to compose such an amendment to include an ‘emergency/crisis exception clause,’ as everything would be an ‘emergency’ or ‘crisis.’

It’s also perfectly appropriate for a modern, First World, 21st Century government to cycle between deficit and surplus as it addresses the needs of its citizens; the problem isn’t deficits per se but the rarity of surpluses.

And who would enforce such an inane amendment? It would be up to Congress to ‘self-police’; what authority would compel Congress to stop engaging in the ‘un-Constitutional act of deficit spending.’


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