What do you think of guys who are not truly white

But want to be white? Uncle Toms?

You are confused [emoji52].

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In which way?

Either you are white or not white. Blacks don’t want to be white. Uncle Tom is a racist slam.

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Maybe you are right

My wife has never told me those words.

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Mort...it's ok to be you. Stop obsessing over things you cannot control.

I think the same. Actually some People on Facebook annoyed me or there is another type, the one who doesnt say he is White or wants to be White but still puts Whites above everyone else.
I think there are a lot of guys in the minority community who see the lives of most White makes as something to aspire to. Unfortunately many of them don’t understand what it takes to get to the same place those White makes are culturally and financially.

I am white but grew up poor, and see far too many incompetent whites who are coasting on their race and economic background. They are incompetent compared to the poor or other races, and they rule only by discrimination.
Congress and politics show that in general.
Actually, from DNA testing, they discovered we are all Blacks.
Turns out we all came from a women in Africa about 100,000 years ago, and that is too short of a time for any significant evolution since then.
So whites are just a rare genetic mutation of Black, that can be brough out with enough inbreeding.
Mitochondrial Eve - Wikipedia
But the fact we are all Black does not alter the fact whites get better treatment in this country.
And then there is nothing wrong for wanting to pass as white as possible.

Probably. But there is a southtialian on Facebook. She is obsessed with her Skin Colour and she says she is "not White and thats why she is perceived as darker because non Whites are perceived as darker then what they are but she is actually very light skinned". I told her it is not important, she shouldnt obsess over it and if she seeks a way to identify she could just say italian but that italians are native europeans and caucasians so White but that it is not really important. Every second of her is About Skin Colour and Whites and blacks. She obsesses over it. There is another italian he Always asks me what his hair Colour is. That is unhealthy in my opinion. I mean such Things.

I agree it is foolish to bother about skin color.
In fact, more melanin is better to protect from the sun, and white skin is actually a curse.
But the Romans were sort of brown skinned Mediterraneans, just as the Egyptians, Persians, Hebrew, and all the Mediterranean cultures were brown to some degree.
What is funny is to see modern Israelis with their pure white skin, claiming to be from the Mideast.
You need more melanin to survive in a desert climate.
But want to be white? Uncle Toms?
I look white, I act white, I was raised white though my grandfather is an Injun. Heck, didn't even know my one grandfather wasn't my real grandfather until I was in my thirties, didn't know I was a mix of Honky and Injun until then. Doesn't mean I get dressed up Injun style and put on my warpaint....... Too often...... :eusa_whistle:

When you think about where Native Americans came from, the only place had to be back over the land bridge to Asia, which means that Native Americans are likely Chinese or Mongolian, which is not much different than European really.
Truly white?

If they would have just had the forethought to be born white.

Actually it’s not difficult to be a White guy, no matter what color your skin is...

Follow the Laws
Respect Authority
Be self-sufficient

That’s about 90% of it.

At least half the laws ware wrong or applied so unfairly that they should not be followed.
For example, nanny laws like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, etc., or unfair laws like tax laws, etc.
In a democratic republic, the only legal source of authority is the inherent rights of individuals. Government is NOT a legal source of any authority at all, and instead is the main source of corruption.
Most born to wealth, like the recent SCOTUS nominee, Kavanaugh, are ill tempered and smug little spoiled brats, who got away with everything he wanted to. He is not self sufficient at all, but privileged.
If he had to actually work for a living, he would die because he has no skills.
Since in the summer, my neck is red, arms and legs brown, and non exposed areas pale white.
I would describe myself as Neopolitan. download (7).jpeg
But want to be white? Uncle Toms?
I'm.not sure I understand the issue here. Does it bother you that some folks with darker skin "act" just like your idea of how white people act?

You have to understand why the term "Uncle Tom" is derogatory.
It is not just one who wants to take advantage of white privilege, but one who is willing to support white privilege even when they know it is wrong, under the hope they will also benefit from their support being rewarded.
It is like the prisoner who rats on other prisoners smuggling drugs or something else harmless, in order to get a shorter sentence. It is a term of dishonor.
If they would have just had the forethought to be born white.

Actually it’s not difficult to be a White guy, no matter what color your skin is...

Follow the Laws
Respect Authority
Be self-sufficient

That’s about 90% of it.

At least half the laws ware wrong or applied so unfairly that they should not be followed.
For example, nanny laws like Prohibition, the War on Drugs, etc., or unfair laws like tax laws, etc.
In a democratic republic, the only legal source of authority is the inherent rights of individuals. Government is NOT a legal source of any authority at all, and instead is the main source of corruption.
Most born to wealth, like the recent SCOTUS nominee, Kavanaugh, are ill tempered and smug little spoiled brats, who got away with everything he wanted to. He is not self sufficient at all, but privileged.
If he had to actually work for a living, he would die because he has no skills.

"Submitted for your approval ..." Cue Twilight Zone theme.

Let me guess. High school sophomore?

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