What do you think of TV conservatives like to watch?

I've given up on TV, too many commercials. I get by watching a bit of Netflix but mostly Amazon Prime. I enjoy film noir, westerns and non-musicals made from the early 1930's up through the mid-50's and try to catch a show each day. Did binge watch Breaking Bad series and really enjoyed it. Not saying today's stuff is bad, haven't seen it and so I don't care to judge. I spend a lot more time enjoying a good number of podcasts consisting of church sermons and numerous public radio shows. Most of these I listen to while I'm at work.
I rarely watch TV. I prefer to read. I love my Kindle Fire and Amazon
I can't think of a single sex scene in a movie which had anything to do with the plot or moved the story along. I fast forward through them. They are boring and completely irrelevant.

I have also noticed that movie directors these days think explosions are a suitable replacement for a plot. They see to think a "good" movie requires something to be blown up every five minutes. These movies have plots no better than porn films.

"Oh, hey, baby. I have to shoot someone thirty-eight times. Be right back. Keep your peaches fresh for me."

Bow-chika-chika-bow-bow. KA-BOOM!

(switch to slo-mo as a piece of concrete explodes through an eyeball)

You just spoiled 80% of the movies this summer! Now I'm stuck with some artsy love story!!
We watch Game of Thrones. Top picks here are: Game of Thrones, puzzle solving (Air Disasters, True Detective, anything crime solving), Bloodlines, Blindspot, Elementary, Blacklist, How it's Made, Mythbusters, Top Gear (British, not US), documentaries and news from MSNBC to FoxNews to BBC.
A lot of shows run out of ideas and go on too long...but yes. I love car restoration/picker stuff too...but the Bachelorette and Big Brother types are turning young peoples' minds to mush...our news media is way too much talking heads, not enough money spent covering foreign stories. Al Jazeera has more foreign offices than all US news has combined.

Does TV need more sci fi?
OP- Considering the number of retirees on SS alone (Thanks GOP), it's probable they can't afford top cable, and basic is full of cheap reality shows, cheap sitcoms with crap writing, ditto drama. Thank god for PBS (Predominantly British Programming). Then there's all the movies and programming directed toward 14 year olds. Thank god for retro and the Rockford files and TCM.

What do the show on your colon wall for you to watch, Franco Hater Dupe Bot?
Game of Thrones has been brilliant this season, so far.

Ramsay Bolton and his dogs would be epic if recreated using Hillary....

Penny Dreadful was good. I like Masters of Sex. Criminal Minds is good, the one with Gary Sanise sucks though. Cut Throat Kitchen is excellent.
"The conservatives I know"? It sounds so creepy in modern times that it kind of reminds you of Germans in the 30's relating humorous anecdotes about "Jews I know".
It's really quite simple. Older people watch shows that remind them of their younger years. The same thing will happen to this generation. Youngsters always think they're different, that what they like will always be popular. Then they grow up and decry what the kids are into.

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