What do you think what is the biggest issue that I get rejected by girls or dont have a girlfriend?

I had a back surgery in november and was in wheelchair, i was paralysed but now im ok, the paralysisation is gone again, and i can walk, but i guess i couldnt lift heavy things though.

Anyways I did worked, you keep saying I never worked but thats wrong. I didnt worked long, but I guess there is a rule that if you get ill young, and during your education that you can receive retirement, i guess that was the reason i received it because of that rule. Anyways if im ill im not a "piece of shit who doesnt want to work"

Looks like you were in the hospital in that vid.
They put me in a wheelchair when I left the hospital as well.
I dont look for a academic or manager or someone with high salary anyways, i look for someone in a similar situation or someone with low income like burger flipper or toilett cleaner etc.

Thats a good way to go about finding a women on your level.
But if you dont have a job at all even those girls are out of your league.
Dude...seriously,you have to find gainful employment even if it's working at Mcdonalds.
I know a guy who started working at Sonic which is an American fast food joint and he worked up to managing 6 Sonics and is making good money.
I mean really decent money as in over $100K a year.
You dont have to be a genius you just have to work hard.
Thats a good way to go about finding a women on your level.
But if you dont have a job at all even those girls are out of your league.
Dude...seriously,you have to find gainful employment even if it's working at Mcdonalds.
I know a guy who started working at Sonic which is an American fast food joint and he worked up to managing 6 Sonics and is making good money.
I mean really decent money as in over $100K a year.
You dont have to be a genius you just have to work hard.

You keep saying that, but Im retired because Im handicapped, you seem not to understand that. Thats why I mentioned in my OP disablities, I dont work and I receive money from the retirement fund, but I do have some money. Someone who works at McDonalds doesnt have much more then me. I dont work because Im handicapped. Also I dont doubt you that you worked 30 years hard, I dont compete with you nor doubt you or question you, it was this other guy who told you do not work I usually only ignore you when you say im a worthless piece of shit because I do not work.
Okay Mort....
This is the question you need to answer for yourself. Me,I already know the answer so this is on you.

What do you have to offer a potential mate?
And I mean something that makes a girl want to marry you.
Even having a ten inch johnson wont do it which I highly doubt you measure up in that category.
You have to have something to offer.
As I said,I didnt chase the supermodel type because I know i'm not in there league. I chased the girls who I know would be receptive to my advances.
If I over shot and they turned me down oh well.
This is who I ended up being married to for the last 33 years and I'm very happy as to how it turned out.
As you can see I'm no poster boy for the hot chicks. But I did have a good job which makes a guy better looking than he really is.

View attachment 784965
A highly attractive couple. Perfect physical match. :woohoo:
You keep saying that, but Im retired because Im handicapped, you seem not to understand that. Thats why I mentioned in my OP disablities, I dont work and I receive money from the retirement fund, but I do have some money. Someone who works at McDonalds doesnt have much more then me. I dont work because Im handicapped. Also I dont doubt you that you worked 30 years hard, I dont compete with you nor doubt you or question you, it was this other guy who told you do not work I usually only ignore you when you say im a worthless piece of shit because I do not work.

No you receive money from the government. In order to receive money for retirement you have to have had a job first.
You still havent answered my question.
What type of work did you do and for how long?
See here's my problem,you post videos of yourself walking around and you dont appear handicapped in the least.
I see the same shit at the Wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant. There are vehicles,mostly nice vehicles as in Escalades,parked in handicap zones when you just watched them walk into the restaurant. Do you know the biggest thing you see? Them!!!!! They're all fat ass black people who can walk just fine.
While I have to have the Wife drop me off so I can sit on a bench while I wait for Her to park.
THAT pisses me off!!! I hate to even use a handicapped spot because there are more people that need it more than I do,yet these pieces of shit dont give a damn and they have no business parking in the handicapped spaces in the first place.
  • Funny
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No you receive money from the government. In order to receive money for retirement you have to have had a job first.
You still havent answered my question.
What type of work did you do and for how long?
See here's my problem,you post videos of yourself walking around and you dont appear handicapped in the least.
I see the same shit at the Wife and I's favorite Cajun restaurant. There are vehicles,mostly nice vehicles as in Escalades,parked in handicap zones when you just watched them walk into the restaurant. Do you know the biggest thing you see? Them!!!!! They're all fat ass black people who can walk just fine.
While I have to have the Wife drop me off so I can sit on a bench while I wait for Her to park.
THAT pisses me off!!! I hate to even use a handicapped spot because there are more people that need it more than I do,yet these pieces of shit dont give a damn and they have no business parking in the handicapped spaces in the first place.

I did had job, several jobs, you keep saying I never had a job and that Im not handicapped despite what I told you already. I worked as manual laborer producing small parts for vehicles, i worked on machines. I worked shift work, night shift too. I was also at a gas station employed, and also in retail, in a mini market etc. I guess I still dont have enough work time, but because I was at university and fall ill during my university time/education they allowed me to get retirement, I dont know the details or rules, but I know Im retired. You say Im not disabled because you saw me walking around, i guess you also walk around or you cant walk at all? Many who are handicapped can walk a bit around. It seems you are racist white guy, thats why you complain about "lazy stupid blacks" i guess the problem is my race i guess, that you dont believe me. Since you are white you are ok being handicapped and people believe you here. You dont believe me and keep repeating what you say, despite whatever I say. So I dont need to discuss with you anymore.

Okay Mort....
This is the question you need to answer for yourself. Me,I already know the answer so this is on you.

What do you have to offer a potential mate?
And I mean something that makes a girl want to marry you.
Even having a ten inch johnson wont do it which I highly doubt you measure up in that category.
You have to have something to offer.
As I said,I didnt chase the supermodel type because I know i'm not in there league. I chased the girls who I know would be receptive to my advances.
If I over shot and they turned me down oh well.
This is who I ended up being married to for the last 33 years and I'm very happy as to how it turned out.
As you can see I'm no poster boy for the hot chicks. But I did have a good job which makes a guy better looking than he really is.

View attachment 784965

Your wife is quite pretty actually, and has a kind look about her. I'd say you did well for yourself. :)

ETA: not that you're not good looking! Just that you said you didn't go supermodel but your wife is actually pretty---ugh, I need to go back to bed ha
I did had job, several jobs, you keep saying I never had a job and that Im not handicapped despite what I told you already. I worked as manual laborer producing small parts for vehicles, i worked on machines. I worked shift work, night shift too. I was also at a gas station employed, and also in retail, in a mini market etc. I guess I still dont have enough work time, but because I was at university and fall ill during my university time/education they allowed me to get retirement, I dont know the details or rules, but I know Im retired. You say Im not disabled because you saw me walking around, i guess you also walk around or you cant walk at all? Many who are handicapped can walk a bit around. It seems you are racist white guy, thats why you complain about "lazy stupid blacks" i guess the problem is my race i guess, that you dont believe me. Since you are white you are ok being handicapped and people believe you here. You dont believe me and keep repeating what you say, despite whatever I say. So I dont need to discuss with you anymore.

Uh ....no I cant walk around without the use of a cane. I can barely go 100 feet before needing to sit down.
Standing is also an issue,I cant stand up for more than 10 minutes before the pain becomes too much,and thats taking morphine twice a day.
This is the last pic after one of my many surgeries...........
It goes from my hip down to my knee....and this is the first surgery.
The following four were much worse.

Your wife is quite pretty actually, and has a kind look about her. I'd say you did well for yourself. :)

ETA: not that you're not good looking! Just that you said you didn't go supermodel but your wife is actually pretty---ugh, I need to go back to bed ha

You're to kind.
I appreciate the compliment for my Wife and I'll accept the compliment for my mug deserved or not.
I just wish we both aged as well as we looked in our youth.
But I guess ya cant expect miracles after 33 years.

My condolences, i dont question you or doubt you. Or attack you, it was the other guy who said "you do not work" i never said that to you. You dont need to prove yourself or justify yourself. I dont care what you say about me, you can keep saying what you want.
You keep saying that, but Im retired because Im handicapped, you seem not to understand that. Thats why I mentioned in my OP disablities, I dont work and I receive money from the retirement fund, but I do have some money. Someone who works at McDonalds doesnt have much more then me. I dont work because Im handicapped. Also I dont doubt you that you worked 30 years hard, I dont compete with you nor doubt you or question you, it was this other guy who told you do not work I usually only ignore you when you say im a worthless piece of shit because I do not work.

I dont believe I ever called you a worthless piece of shit and if I did I apologize.
You just frustrate the the living shit out of me!!!!
I hate seeing someone not living up to their potential.
Hell, I regret not going to college and getting a mechanical engineering degree even though I was perfectly capable of doing so.

In the end it didnt matter because I was so adept at machining.
I ended up showing the mechanical engineers the way parts should be run after they tried to tell me how to run parts.
Their Ideas were impossible to implement,as in it was impossible to make parts the way they wanted to.
Choose one or more options thanks.... Comment thanks.

  • Weight/Look
  • Job/Car/Financial situation
  • Disabilities
  • Personality
  • Race that im a gypsy etc.
  • I didnt tried hard enough, dont go out regulary, dont socialise enough etc.
  • Other (please write down in the thread)
Ask some women. Tell them to be brutally honest.
I did had job, several jobs, you keep saying I never had a job and that Im not handicapped despite what I told you already. I worked as manual laborer producing small parts for vehicles, i worked on machines. I worked shift work, night shift too. I was also at a gas station employed, and also in retail, in a mini market etc. I guess I still dont have enough work time, but because I was at university and fall ill during my university time/education they allowed me to get retirement, I dont know the details or rules, but I know Im retired. You say Im not disabled because you saw me walking around, i guess you also walk around or you cant walk at all? Many who are handicapped can walk a bit around. It seems you are racist white guy, thats why you complain about "lazy stupid blacks" i guess the problem is my race i guess, that you dont believe me. Since you are white you are ok being handicapped and people believe you here. You dont believe me and keep repeating what you say, despite whatever I say. So I dont need to discuss with you anymore.

In other words you had low-end, unskilled labor jobs, and now you get public support. Essentially, any chick considering you is going to have to deal with the unsavory possibility of having to support you financially at some point. If you looked like Brad Pitt, this would not matter as much. But you do not look like Brad Pitt. You look like Brad Shit (no offense intended).

You got to get something going on in your life before you will attract any sort of quality chick. Take myself, for example. You are probably a far nicer person that I am. I’m a dick. But I have a great career, nice earnings, ok looking, and I am witty as hell. These traits alone attract women. Plus, I come across as confident, like I don’t give a fuck about the chick I am current boning (I usually don’t). This arrogance and relative shallowness is mostly interpreted as confidence. The moral here is just be a fucking schmuck. What do you have to lose? Is not being a schmuck working for you? Act like a total narcissistic dick. You WILL capture the attention of some women doing this.
Get the weight off for your own health and self esteem. Set a goal weight and stick to a diet and walk every day. I know you can do it. Pick a date to start right now. and keep us informed on your progress every day. Start a diary for us to watch your progress. We will cheer you on...
I've given mort every basic nutrition and start off slow and build on the exercise.basic calisthenics

I've even tried to get him to start posting videos on here daily ...which I thought finally might get him to do it since it be all about him
Ten sit ups in the morning and evening
Next day 11 and so on...


He's talked about a sister who was gonna give him some boxing training or some shit.
Austrian gyms ...he was gonna join one ...I told him if he put in effort the bros would probably start encouraging him and helping him out


But alas I'm still here to help

According to a retard on pats This young lovely lady is single ,available , and looking for a Christian husband


Be white or Hispanic
Got that
Be White or Hispanic
Don't be wacisss
Mort can pass as either

I don't understand why no one's snapped her up
Most successful or single guys with promising futures always go gee all I'm missing is a single mom

I wonder how long dads prison sentence is
Thank you so much!!
I feel the same way,in fact she's better looking than I am and I feel lucky to have landed Her.
I always tell Her it was my confidence that fooled her.
Self-confidence and a sense of humor are HUGE turn-ons for most women. Combine that with a job and most women will find a man irresistible.

Hear that, Mortie?

Mortie, if you seriously are looking for a lady companion, why don't you at least become a volunteer ( maybe people with disabilities ? ) if you feel you are unemployable? You will meet like-minded people in most volunteer opportunities. If nothing else, it will give your life purpose, and that in itself might increase your self-confidence. And if you dropped some pounds you would really increase your newly-found self-confidence and those two things combined could change your life for the better in more ways than one.
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