What do you think what is the biggest issue that I get rejected by girls or dont have a girlfriend?

Choose one or more options thanks.... Comment thanks.

  • Weight/Look
  • Job/Car/Financial situation
  • Disabilities
  • Personality
  • Race that im a gypsy etc.
  • I didnt tried hard enough, dont go out regulary, dont socialise enough etc.
  • Other (please write down in the thread)
You come across as needy, and constantly seeking validation. At least that's how you present yourself here. And it's cringy as fuck. No worthwhile girl is gonna find that shit attractive.
It's interesting to see the transactional light in which relationships in the US are regarded. One can see how Trump came about.
Women want security and loyalty while men want sex and loyalty, generally. Ignoring the importance of your finances in finding a good partner is just ridiculous.
You come across as needy, and constantly seeking validation. At least that's how you present yourself here. And it's cringy as fuck. No worthwhile girl is gonna find that shit attractive.
No woman at all will find that attractive. It comes down to whether or not she's desperate enough to ignore it.
You come across as needy, and constantly seeking validation. At least that's how you present yourself here. And it's cringy as fuck. No worthwhile girl is gonna find that shit attractive.

He claims to be handicapped but it would have to be a mental issue since we see him walking around all the time.
In my experience those kinda people are full of shit and just dont want to work. I'm not saying all of them are like that but I call em like I see em.
Women want security and loyalty while men want sex and loyalty, generally. Ignoring the importance of your finances in finding a good partner is just ridiculous.
Since the beginning, men brought home the meat. The woman cooked the meat and the man protected her from the would be male marauder smelling the cooking smoke and looking for free meat.
He claims to be handicapped but it would have to be a mental issue since we see him walking around all the time.
In my experience those kinda people are full of shit and just dont want to work. I'm not saying all of them are like that but I call em like I see em.
He's obviously got mental issues. Probably severe depression. He's an extremely pathetic person, maybe the worst case I've ever seen. I bet a lot of his issues would be mitigated or cured if he just got off his ass and did shit.
There is a chick for every guy.

However, the more attractive and successful you are the larger the pool of interested women.

The more of a loser you are the fewer the women that will be attracted to you and they will be bottom of the barrel.
It's true Mortie.

“You do not attract into your life what you want. You attract what you are.”
You come across as needy, and constantly seeking validation. At least that's how you present yourself here. And it's cringy as fuck. No worthwhile girl is gonna find that shit attractive.

I think there is a difference between "validation" and "feedback" when you ask others what their opinion is just, validation would mean they need to tell you what you want to hear... like that you are beautiful or intelligent or something, that they need to pat you on the back...
Ah no....if you work your ass off for decades to retire there is no shame in that.
You know you put in your time to get where you are today.
Now if you go through life and never hold a job for any length of time and you're on the government dole you should feel like a worthless piece of shit.
It's really that simple.

What is the government dole? i get money from the retirement fund like everyone else who is retired. do you fund yourself privately? I mean do you have savings?
He claims to be handicapped but it would have to be a mental issue since we see him walking around all the time.
In my experience those kinda people are full of shit and just dont want to work. I'm not saying all of them are like that but I call em like I see em.

Not too long ago I was sitting in a wheelchair, I posted my videos me driving myself around in wheelchair. I have both physical and mental handicapps but yes my handicapp and why im retired is mostly mental. Im diagnosed with shizophrenia, that is a serious illness, why i should feel like a worthless piece of shit when im handicapped?
What is the government dole? i get money from the retirement fund like everyone else who is retired. do you fund yourself privately? I mean do you have savings?

How exactly do you get money from a retirement fund when you never work?
You're far too young to be receiving any kind of retirement fund either private or government.
What did you do in your working life? I've never heard you talk about work at all actually,what was your career?
At this point I live off my own savings and investments,and I could do so for the rest of my life.
I will however take SS when I reach 62 which is four years away. I would have preferred to keep the money I had to pay into SS and invested it myself since I would have made a much larger return on my money. I dont need the money from SS but I paid into SS my whole life so I'm damn sure going to take all of it I can.
So the burning question is....what did you do to earn a living and how long did you do it? Me? I worked for almost 30 years as a machinist to earn my retirement and I invested money in stocks as well as my 401k and now it's paying off.
So again,what did you do and how long did you do it to earn retirement?
Not too long ago I was sitting in a wheelchair, I posted my videos me driving myself around in wheelchair. I have both physical and mental handicapps but yes my handicapp and why im retired is mostly mental. Im diagnosed with shizophrenia, that is a serious illness, why i should feel like a worthless piece of shit when im handicapped?

Hmmm,I've never seen you in a wheelchair.
So what you're telling me is you've never held a job and you've lived on the government dole.
What I'm getting at is why you cant find a girl. Have you looked for girls in the same situation you're in?
Thats the most likely place for you to look.
At least you'd both be on even footing,she isnt better than you and you're not better than she is.
I never looked for a supermodel wife because I know whats out of my league.
In other words "Stay in your Lane"!!!!
Not too long ago I was sitting in a wheelchair, I posted my videos me driving myself around in wheelchair. I have both physical and mental handicapps but yes my handicapp and why im retired is mostly mental. Im diagnosed with shizophrenia, that is a serious illness, why i should feel like a worthless piece of shit when im handicapped?

Not to long ago I watched you pretend to be a cowboy and you weren't in a wheelchair.
Not to long ago I watched you pretend to be a cowboy and you weren't in a wheelchair.

I had a back surgery in november and was in wheelchair, i was paralysed but now im ok, the paralysisation is gone again, and i can walk, but i guess i couldnt lift heavy things though.

Anyways I did worked, you keep saying I never worked but thats wrong. I didnt worked long, but I guess there is a rule that if you get ill young, and during your education that you can receive retirement, i guess that was the reason i received it because of that rule. Anyways if im ill im not a "piece of shit who doesnt want to work"
What I'm getting at is why you cant find a girl. Have you looked for girls in the same situation you're in?
Thats the most likely place for you to look.
At least you'd both be on even footing,she isnt better than you and you're not better than she is.

I dont look for a academic or manager or someone with high salary anyways, i look for someone in a similar situation or someone with low income like burger flipper or toilett cleaner etc.
Okay Mort....
This is the question you need to answer for yourself. Me,I already know the answer so this is on you.

What do you have to offer a potential mate?
And I mean something that makes a girl want to marry you.
Even having a ten inch johnson wont do it which I highly doubt you measure up in that category.
You have to have something to offer.
As I said,I didnt chase the supermodel type because I know i'm not in there league. I chased the girls who I know would be receptive to my advances.
If I over shot and they turned me down oh well.
This is who I ended up being married to for the last 33 years and I'm very happy as to how it turned out.
As you can see I'm no poster boy for the hot chicks. But I did have a good job which makes a guy better looking than he really is.

I had a back surgery in november and was in wheelchair, i was paralysed but now im ok, the paralysisation is gone again, and i can walk, but i guess i couldnt lift heavy things though.

Anyways I did worked, you keep saying I never worked but thats wrong. I didnt worked long, but I guess there is a rule that if you get ill young, and during your education that you can receive retirement, i guess that was the reason i received it because of that rule. Anyways if im ill im not a "piece of shit who doesnt want to work"

Meh....I've had back surgery,5 hip surgeries and cancer surgery over the last 6 years. And I still have another hip surgery to go.
The final hip surgery is unlikely to fix my my problem since the dislocations have done so much damage to my nerves.
Thankfully I was already retired when this all hit me,at least I got a few years of retirement to enjoy before I ended up where I am today.

You still haven't said what you did for a living or how long you did it.
As I said I was a machinist for almost 30 years,what did you do for 30 years?

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