What Does Being Kind to Others Truly Mean? Are There Exceptions? Do You Have Issues Being Kind to Yourself?

Road Runner

Take Back America In 2024 Vote Trump!
Jun 16, 2021
All three questions is what I was just wondering. In the real world I am VERY kind to others, but that's mostly because I'm not constantly talking to loudmouth democrats who want America destroyed, are trying to destroy it, or are already doing so. So that's my next point, I know Jesus taught that we're supposed to love our enemies but I'm not Jesus and I can't really love somebody who wants to have me reprogrammed and take away my freedom of speech and parental rights when it comes to be that time for me.

I will say this so, I might be really kind to others in real life, but myself not so much. That's why I wrote down a list of things today that I actually love about myself because being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. That's not to say that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself when needed when it comes to your flaws. So I'm really curious what you guys have to add to this topic when it comes to kindness to yourself and others. Where is the line drawn?
All three questions is what I was just wondering. In the real world I am VERY kind to others, but that's mostly because I'm not constantly talking to loudmouth democrats who want America destroyed, are trying to destroy it, or are already doing so. So that's my next point, I know Jesus taught that we're supposed to love our enemies but I'm not Jesus and I can't really love somebody who wants to have me reprogrammed and take away my freedom of speech and parental rights when it comes to be that time for me.

I will say this so, I might be really kind to others in real life, but myself not so much. That's why I wrote down a list of things today that I actually love about myself because being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. That's not to say that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself when needed when it comes to your flaws. So I'm really curious what you guys have to add to this topic when it comes to kindness to yourself and others. Where is the line drawn?
I would be more nuanced than just "Kind" to others.

I am a Boomer, raised by a generation that believes that you act with manners and courtesy to others and then give respect to those who earn it and that you should work to gain respect from those you deem worthy of that attention.

My two sons, one a GenXer and the other an early Mellenlial, were raised the same way, but honestly, they sort of went lax on My grandkids. Their call, and I keep that to Myself.

It isn't so much a matter of being kind to others as it is to act civilly. I am kind and more than generous to people in need and those who touch My heart, so I tend to be kind to others who are deserving.

But that notion of deserving is at My discretion and under My definition.
I am a Boomer, raised by a generation that believes that you act with manners and courtesy to others and then give respect to those who earn it and that you should work to gain respect from those you deem worthy of that attention.

So in other words it sounds like you live by the golden rule of treating others the way they want to be treated. That's always worked for me.
So let’s say you’re out and about and you come across a person who needs some kindness. You express the needed kindness only later to find out the recipient is one of those democrats you hate so much.

Do you regret your act of kindness?
It always seems to be the better part of valor that way.

Also I would be friends with a democrat putting politics aside if they weren't usually such.. what's the word for it,.. assholes. Not all of them are and not all republicans are saints. (Like it or not neither is Trump, but that's actually a good thing when you're the president and going against the left.)
So let’s say you’re out and about and you come across a person who needs some kindness. You express the needed kindness only later to find out the recipient is one of those democrats you hate so much.

Do you regret your act of kindness?

Read post #7.
All three questions is what I was just wondering. In the real world I am VERY kind to others, but that's mostly because I'm not constantly talking to loudmouth democrats who want America destroyed, are trying to destroy it, or are already doing so. So that's my next point, I know Jesus taught that we're supposed to love our enemies but I'm not Jesus and I can't really love somebody who wants to have me reprogrammed and take away my freedom of speech and parental rights when it comes to be that time for me.

I will say this so, I might be really kind to others in real life, but myself not so much. That's why I wrote down a list of things today that I actually love about myself because being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. That's not to say that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself when needed when it comes to your flaws. So I'm really curious what you guys have to add to this topic when it comes to kindness to yourself and others. Where is the line drawn?
Kindness can take many forms.

Most of us think of kindness as being pleasant, courteous, gentle, soothing, affirming, caring with others. It is helping them with difficulties, making them feel better, safer, brightening their day, providing what they most need such as giving a cup of cool water to the thirsty. And that is definitely a definition of kindness.

Kindness can also be throwing a rope to somebody who is drowning even though you will justifiably give that person the figurative middle finger as soon as he/she is rescued.

Kindness can also be stopping illegal acts that harm others or shooting the aggressor/predator, whether man or beast, to spare harm or death to an innocent other.

Kindness can be putting a suffering creature out of its misery or relieving the pain of someone or something that is suffering.

Kindness can be tough love in not enabling the addict to play us or not allowing the irresponsible to use us or not removing incentive for people to solve their own problems.
Kindness can take many forms.

Most of us think of kindness as being pleasant, courteous, gentle, soothing, affirming, caring with others. It is helping them with difficulties, making them feel better, safer, brightening their day, providing what they most need such as giving a cup of cool water to the thirsty. And that is definitely a definition of kindness.

Kindness can also be throwing a rope to somebody who is drowning even though you will justifiably give that person the figurative middle finger as soon as he/she is rescued.

Kindness can also be stopping illegal acts that harm others or shooting the predator, whether man or beast, to spare harm or death to an innocent other.

Kindness can be tough love in not enabling the addict to play us or not allowing the irresponsible to use us or not removing incentive for people to solve their own problems.

So in other words we can show kindness to our country by being mean and taking out our enemies. That's a great point. The reason why I am so mean towards the left is I hate how they're destroying this country because I love it.
All three questions is what I was just wondering. In the real world I am VERY kind to others, but that's mostly because I'm not constantly talking to loudmouth democrats who want America destroyed, are trying to destroy it, or are already doing so. So that's my next point, I know Jesus taught that we're supposed to love our enemies but I'm not Jesus and I can't really love somebody who wants to have me reprogrammed and take away my freedom of speech and parental rights when it comes to be that time for me.

I will say this so, I might be really kind to others in real life, but myself not so much. That's why I wrote down a list of things today that I actually love about myself because being kind to yourself is just as important as being kind to others. That's not to say that you shouldn't put pressure on yourself when needed when it comes to your flaws. So I'm really curious what you guys have to add to this topic when it comes to kindness to yourself and others. Where is the line drawn?
I got a dumb question for you. When you are out and about, shopping or whatever it is you do, do you actually attract and meet loudmouth democrats who want America destroyed and get into heated discussion with them face to face? Or do you read it on here or other places on the internet so are certain they are out there, and you might meet them at any moment? You don't really seem like the outgoing type. I am, and am all over the place between Tennessee, Florida, the Smokeys, out to the Rocky's and points in between. I don't meet these loudmouth people, the rabid Democrats or rabid trump supporting Republicans. I just meet the normal people.
If you are meeting them, a. where do you find them? b. What is it about you that makes them think they can or should engage you?
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I got a dumb question for you. When you are out and about, shopping or whatever it is you do, do you actually attract and meet loudmouth democrats who want American destroyed and get into heated discussion with them face to face? Or do you read it on here or other places on the internet so are certain they are out there, and you might meet them at any moment? You don't really seem like the outgoing type. I am, and am all over the place between Tennessee, Florida, the Smokeys, out to the Rocky's and points in between. I don't meet these loudmouth people, the rabid Democrats or rabid trump supporting Republicans. I just meet the normal people.
If you are meeting them, a. where do you find them? b. What is it about you that makes them think they can or should engage you?

Actually that was my point in the OP. I'm not constantly engaging people on here who are talking about how much they love Joe Biden or support the current indoctrination in public schools so I don't need to go into vicious guard dog mode where I verbally tear their heads off.

As if how do I know if I've ever run across one of those people in real life, I don't. I would only know that if politics came up so it was more of a question that was particularly directed at being on this message board when it comes to the line between kindness and just basically becoming a doormat and letting these people walk all over you.
So in other words we can show kindness to our country by being mean and taking out our enemies. That's a great point. The reason why I am so mean towards the left is I hate how they're destroying this country because I love it.
Depends on the definition of 'mean' LOL. Is it mean to destroy one's enemy who intends death to innocents? Or it is kindness to the innocents if it is necessary to destroy the enemy to protect them?

The ethics can be argued forever. But I cannot see it as kind to just allow that enemy to do whatever it wants to the innocent and not interfere. We do not need to be cruel, torture people, inflict maximum physical pain on our enemy, but nevertheless war will have that effect on some. Which is why war is immoral unless we are forced into it.

Certainly cutting off supplies, even food and water, power sources to the enemy, bombing, shelling, shooting him feels cruel to the enemy. But if it is necessary to stop him from cruelly attacking and killing innocent people, it can be kind.
I am generally kind…

I rescue kittens from trees
Help old ladies to cross the street
Actually that was my point in the OP. I'm not constantly engaging people on here who are talking about how much they love Joe Biden or support the current indoctrination in public schools so I don't need to go into vicious guard dog mode where I verbally tear their heads off.

As if how do I know if I've ever run across one of those people in real life, I don't. I would only know that if politics came up so it was more of a question that was particularly directed at being on this message board when it comes to the line between kindness and just basically becoming a doormat and letting these people walk all over you.
Interesting. Just remember, when you are semi-anonymous on a message board, you are in somewhat of a fantasy world where the normal rules don't really apply, to an extent, and the real world is rarely like that, and even the people you meet here, are at least 90% assured of not being the kind of asshole you think. Most of them probably pretty normal to meet on the street. True assholes get short shrift in society as they are unstable people and people would notice, employers would notice, etc and squeaky wheels do get the grease in the workplace.
Interesting. Just remember, when you are semi-anonymous on a message board, you are in somewhat of a fantasy world where the normal rules don't really apply, to an extent, and the real world is rarely like that, and even the people you meet here, are at least 90% assured of not being the kind of asshole you think. Most of them probably pretty normal to meet on the street. True assholes get short shrift in society as they are unstable people and people would notice, employers would notice, etc and squeaky wheels do get the grease in the workplace.
I see you've listened to some Jordan Peterson.

He makes the same argument.

Truly psychopathic people don't do well in a normal society because their life strategy isn't sustainable.
I see you've listened to some Jordan Peterson.

He makes the same argument.

Truly psychopathic people don't do well in a normal society because their life strategy isn't sustainable.
Never heard of him, actually. I just know where I am and have a strong grip on reality, so that was all mine. Sometimes, many people on here do not seem to have the same realization, making me wonder where their head is and how they interact, in the real world.
Interesting. Just remember, when you are semi-anonymous on a message board, you are in somewhat of a fantasy world where the normal rules don't really apply, to an extent, and the real world is rarely like that, and even the people you meet here, are at least 90% assured of not being the kind of asshole you think. Most of them probably pretty normal to meet on the street. True assholes get short shrift in society as they are unstable people and people would notice, employers would notice, etc and squeaky wheels do get the grease in the workplace.

True, and then there are the perverts on here that probably are perverts in real life even though they shall not be announced by name.
I really don't know where my line is now. With the world being the way that it is now, the big question is, depending on whatever it is that I am nice enough to do for certain people, would I later on be labeled an accessory in the opinion of another certain group of people?

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Depending on whatever the matter may be, sometimes the best thing for a person to do nowadays is to just keep to their own selves.

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