ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona!

I showed you the document they signed. There's no denying they did so. It's all spelled out in the indictment.
you showed a document without any reference! that means jack shite.
I'm tracking two right now that are complete demonstration of the illegality of them. Bryan Kohberger and Donald Trump. Grand Juries imply guilt. the Media report all the implied guilt, and the court then puts gag orders out to stop any defense of the biased nonsense spewed by the media and the illegal grand jury hearing, therefore the defendant cannot disseminate rebuttals or show the misjustice. Oh, and when they violate that gag order, face time in jail!!! yeah, grand juries are illegal. I will publish this as often as possible.

it is a complete misuse of justice and shows lady justice doesn't exist since grand juries makes an imbalance of justice.

View attachment 940496
Grand juries do not put people in jail. They are not under the courts and do not have that power. I figure (right or wrong) that you see grand juries as just something under control of prosecutors that may or may not be out of control, but having the grand jury to simply manipulate. Many probably wish, but having been on several criminal juries, I can tell you, juries (criminal, grand jury, or civil) resent attempt to manipulate them and will balk/reject simply to show they aren't having any, manipulative bullshit. I've done it myself.
Does NO ONE want HONEST people working for us? Would it really mater if they are Republican or Democrat
IF they were honest & willing too work together in the best interest of OUR country.
TO many bought and paid for politicians, owned by the biggest $$$$ people
I. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1172}. Rawley May’”01 Sanafe: You cheered when your cult's hyperpartisan AG in NY attempted to bankrupt my candidate in a plan to disenfranchise my vote and the votes of 75 million others. rwly 240501 Sanafe01172

a. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1212}

Are you aware of any plan Saint Rawley by Democrats in your state to not allow you to vote for the qualified candidate of your choice in the upcoming presidential election? And then if your Republican candidate wins are you aware that the Democratic Party will declare themselves the winner in a few swing states in order to disenfranchise your vote by something their lawyers conjure up involving whatever fraud may be necessary?

II,a In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024. 230607 {post•156}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 Sidomp: the idea that January 6th could have actually achieved some alternative outcome has never been convincingly made. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00156 •¥•

HikerGuy83 Jul’17 Sidomp: ….. the idea that Januay 6th could have actually achieved some alternative outcome has never been convincingly made. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00156 •¥¥•

II.b In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024. 230607 {post•1}. Lord Long Rod Jun’23 Sidomp: The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors. lrdlngrd 230607 Sidomp0001 •¥•

II.c In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024 230716 {post•157}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 Sidomp:
Nice post. Something to think about. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00157 to Sidomp0001

b. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1212}

In para II.a we read Saint Hikerguy to be of the opinion that Trump’s shenanigans were no big deal on January 6th because nothing has convinced him that there was a means by which Trump became president on J24,21 instead of Biden.

However it is before the court of public reality in para II.c above that Saint Hikerguy commends Saint Lordlongrod’s factual observation as quoted here: The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors.” in reference to what is commonly known to be the Eastman Coup Plan.

Why would MAGA throw Pence under the bus if they believed there was no way Pence’s agreement to recognize the faked certificates of ascertainment from Az Mi Ga and Wi had zero chance of overturning the election in favor of all the Republican self/righteous losers.

Saint Hikerguy is trying to balance opposing realities in support of political strongman Trump by ignoring that Trump attempted to disenfranchising all voting Democrats including nine out of ten black Americans who support Biden and reject Trump.

Let’s call him snd all likeminded MAGA on it.


Jesus H. Christ!!!!!! Not to be confused with the Biblical JC.
I. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1172}. Rawley May’”01 Sanafe: You cheered when your cult's hyperpartisan AG in NY attempted to bankrupt my candidate in a plan to disenfranchise my vote and the votes of 75 million others. rwly 240501 Sanafe01172

a. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1212}

Are you aware of any plan Saint Rawley by Democrats in your state to not allow you to vote for the qualified candidate of your choice in the upcoming presidential election? And then if your Republican candidate wins are you aware that the Democratic Party will declare themselves the winner in a few swing states in order to disenfranchise your vote by something their lawyers conjure up involving whatever fraud may be necessary?

II,a In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024. 230607 {post•156}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 Sidomp: the idea that January 6th could have actually achieved some alternative outcome has never been convincingly made. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00156 •¥•

HikerGuy83 Jul’17 Sidomp: ….. the idea that Januay 6th could have actually achieved some alternative outcome has never been convincingly made. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00156 •¥¥•

II.b In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024. 230607 {post•1}. Lord Long Rod Jun’23 Sidomp: The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors. lrdlngrd 230607 Sidomp0001 •¥•

II.c In Defense of Mike Pence, as He Declares His Candidacy for 2024 230716 {post•157}. HikerGuy83 Jul’23 Sidomp:
Nice post. Something to think about. hkrgy 230716 Sidomp00157 to Sidomp0001

b. ALL 11 Alternate (Fake) Electors, Including GOP Chair Kelli Ward, Indicted In Arizona 240501 {post•1212}

In para II.a we read Saint Hikerguy to be of the opinion that Trump’s shenanigans were no big deal on January 6th because nothing has convinced him that there was a means by which Trump became president on J24,21 instead of Biden.

However it is before the court of public reality in para II.c above that Saint Hikerguy commends Saint Lordlongrod’s factual observation as quoted here: The Trump supporters will throw Pence under the bus because he refused to certify electors.” in reference to what is commonly known to be the Eastman Coup Plan.

Why would MAGA throw Pence under the bus if they believed there was no way Pence’s agreement to recognize the faked certificates of ascertainment from Az Mi Ga and Wi had zero chance of overturning the election in favor of all the Republican self/righteous losers.

Saint Hikerguy is trying to balance opposing realities in support of political strongman Trump by ignoring that Trump attempted to disenfranchising all voting Democrats including nine out of ten black Americans who support Biden and reject Trump.

Let’s call him snd all likeminded MAGA on it.


Jesus H. Christ!!!!!! Not to be confused with the Biblical JC.
how is that proof? that's someone creating a trial and no evidence has been submitted yet. Indictments aren't evidence of anything,
Qualified if their candidate wins.
There was no legal or constitutional ramp or escape hatch through which Trump could’ve ever won the 2020 election except by possibly the fraudulent criminal enterprise that he put together to give the Eastman memo a chance. But as incompetent as we know Trump is, when trying to pull off a coup, he lined everything up in the states, but he didn’t get the key coconspirator involved. Pence Shut the whole damn thing down except the J6.21 assault on the Capitol, but it was a crime to try, It was a crime to pressure pence to violate his oath to God, his oath to voters and his oath to the constitution to commit fraud for Trump his shit-for-brains sore losers.
There was no legal or constitutional ramp or escape hatch through which Trump could’ve ever won the 2020 election except by possibly the fraudulent criminal enterprise that he put together to give the Eastman memo a chance. But as incompetent as we know Trump is, when trying to pull off a coup, he lined everything up in the states, but he didn’t get the key coconspirator involved. Pence Shut the whole damn thing down except the J6.21 assault on the Capitol, but it was a crime to try, It was a crime to pressure pence to violate his oath to God, his oath to voters and his oath to the constitution to commit fraud for Trump his shit-for-brains sore losers.
The criminal element stole the election. Period.
The criminal element stole the election. Period.
Well well, Did a burning bush tell you that?


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