What does God think about sex?

According to Jewish folklore, after God made Adam, He made Lilith. Things fell apart though when Lilith had the audacity to assert her rights to enjoy sex with Adam when she pleased (I know right!?) So she rebelled and made Adam go live on the couch as it were. God sent an angel or two to her to try and convince her to take Adam back but she refused. Well God had had it and banished her from the Garden. And things went kinda downhill from there. After a while God made Eve directly from Adam unlike how he did it with Lilith where GOd made her in the same fashion as He made Adam. So instead of Adam's equal, Eve became subordinate to him coming from his own body.

The general messed up state of things bears this out since we're all descendents of a cloned pair.
God wanted Adam to stay in gay heaven with Him and not have sex with the female. So my guess would be that god likes it up the ass.

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