What does God think about sex?

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.

quid pro quo ... "Now I know things that no man knows about us."

what happened with finding it on your own ?

What does God think about sex?

taking a turn for the worst ....
We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the reason God made you a eunich was because you'd failed at three marriages?

Sorry dude..................but three strikes, and you're generally out.

Maybe it's good you were made that way...................and no...............I don't really think Viagra will help.
All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..

There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.

Like I asked in the previous post, don't you think that God made you a eunich because you'd failed over the past 3 relationships?
We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.

Enjoy yourself then. I plan to be with my wife in the next age.

A man's plans are always foiled by the plan of our Creator. Have a nice time with your new partner in the next age because you won't remember living in this age.

Isaiah 65
16: So that he who blesses himself in the land shall bless himself by the God of truth, and he who takes an oath in the land shall swear by the God of truth; because the former troubles are forgotten and are hid from my eyes.
17: "For behold, I create new heavens and a new earth; and the former things shall not be remembered or come into mind.
18: But be glad and rejoice for ever in that which I create; for behold, I create Jerusalem a rejoicing, and her people a joy.
19: I will rejoice in Jerusalem, and be glad in my people; no more shall be heard in it the sound of weeping and the cry of distress.
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the reason God made you a eunich was because you'd failed at three marriages?

Sorry dude..................but three strikes, and you're generally out.

Maybe it's good you were made that way...................and no...............I don't really think Viagra will help.

Unbelievers judge other sinners. Believers listen to the Truth.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..

There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.

Like I asked in the previous post, don't you think that God made you a eunich because you'd failed over the past 3 relationships?

Christ is not of this world and only us saints understand the difference between the thoughts that men have and the thoughts we are that gives life to all men.

John 6
63: It is the spirit that gives life, the flesh is of no avail; the words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..

There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.

Like I asked in the previous post, don't you think that God made you a eunich because you'd failed over the past 3 relationships?

His third wife was named "Lorena".
There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.

Like I asked in the previous post, don't you think that God made you a eunich because you'd failed over the past 3 relationships?

His third wife was named "Lorena".
you mean the one from texas ?
you know what comes out of texas.....steers and........
All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.

Did you ever stop to consider that maybe the reason God made you a eunich was because you'd failed at three marriages?

Sorry dude..................but three strikes, and you're generally out.

Maybe it's good you were made that way...................and no...............I don't really think Viagra will help.

Unbelievers judge other sinners. Believers listen to the Truth.

Nope...............never judged you, nor said anything about if you were evil or good.

I just noticed that you'd had 2 failed marriages before your 3rd wife made you a eunich, and that the main common denominator in the whole thing was you.

And then....................I asked you to stop and consider those things.

Never judged you.
God loves sex. Hard to have a race of worshippers if they can't reproduce themselves. God is the first voyeur as well creating Adam and Eve nude and presumedly being able to see them 'rejoicing' and such. It's unfortunate religion has become synonymous with anti-sex when nothing could be further from the truth.

There is NO commandment not to masturbate, nor is masturbation even mentioned in a Bible. The so-called sin of Onan is not masturbation (unless you're typically masturbate at the precise moment you're having sex with your wife.) :) What's described is what we now call coitus interuptus, that is, withdrawing the penis just before climax so as not to ejaculate inside a woman's vagina and get her pregnant.

Talmudic Judaism (not the original form by the by) does address semen outside the body and context of reproductive sex. It's one of the things that makes one unclean if you come into physical contact with it. Becomming unclean requires ritual cleaning which is a hassle-and-a-half. Thus why some Jews try to avoid it, not because we fear catching 'cooties.' :) The inference then being, long as you take care not to let your own semen come into contact with the outside of your body, you're good. :)

Have read Christian sites discussing masturbation also being okay with it Scripturally with a few provisos. Namely, so long as you're not mentally imagining someone you're not married to, it's not sinful. Admittedly I'm not sure how that works unless you love sportscars enough to pop. :)

God's first ever commandment to people was "Be fruitful, and multiply." (Genesis 1:28)

That the newly married husband shall (be free) for one year to rejoice with his wife (Deut. 24:5)
Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)
Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting one's mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], one need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:



Nonsense. Pabulum. Projection. Waste of time. I think you spend too much time looking at porn, rather than understanding religion.

Procreation in the animal kingdom rests on the basic process of fertilization of an egg. That you project what "God" "seems" to do is idiocy.

Very few animals other than humans, and there are a few but we don't exactly understand why, have sex for fun or sport. That said, only humans have the capacity to experiment for pleasure or out of curiosity.

That you connect that to deity is.....gosh what is the word, perverted? Dumb? Un-enlightened? Pull yourself away from the porn, dude....

And oh by the way, nooman, you contradict yourself. You claim most humans "have no mind," yet assert that humans, largely based on your addiction to internet porn, are the weirdest and wildest, etc, blah, blah... If it were not for the rare human mind, the "weirdest and wildest" (your terms) would not exist.
God loves sex. Hard to have a race of worshippers if they can't reproduce themselves. God is the first voyeur as well creating Adam and Eve nude and presumedly being able to see them 'rejoicing' and such. It's unfortunate religion has become synonymous with anti-sex when nothing could be further from the truth.

There is NO commandment not to masturbate, nor is masturbation even mentioned in a Bible. The so-called sin of Onan is not masturbation (unless you're typically masturbate at the precise moment you're having sex with your wife.) :) What's described is what we now call coitus interuptus, that is, withdrawing the penis just before climax so as not to ejaculate inside a woman's vagina and get her pregnant.

Talmudic Judaism (not the original form by the by) does address semen outside the body and context of reproductive sex. It's one of the things that makes one unclean if you come into physical contact with it. Becomming unclean requires ritual cleaning which is a hassle-and-a-half. Thus why some Jews try to avoid it, not because we fear catching 'cooties.' :) The inference then being, long as you take care not to let your own semen come into contact with the outside of your body, you're good. :)

Have read Christian sites discussing masturbation also being okay with it Scripturally with a few provisos. Namely, so long as you're not mentally imagining someone you're not married to, it's not sinful. Admittedly I'm not sure how that works unless you love sportscars enough to pop. :)

God's first ever commandment to people was "Be fruitful, and multiply." (Genesis 1:28)

That the newly married husband shall (be free) for one year to rejoice with his wife (Deut. 24:5)
Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)
The Mormons think is tht God thinks it is great. He has got like a thousand women.

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