What does God think about sex?

Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting one's mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], one need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:



Cool write up, but you could not be more wrong about God and sex.
You would think that adults talking about sex wouldn't act so childish.

You're such a sorry old stick in the mud, always preaching but probably not much actual living ...

I suspect you could learn something from the children.
You would think that adults talking about sex wouldn't act so childish.

You're such a sorry old stick in the mud, always preaching but probably not much actual living ...

I suspect you could learn something from the children.

Always trying to deflect, eh?

Oh stop.

I addressed exactly what you said and you STILL can't just look at it straight in the eye.

Go pray or self-flagellate or something.
I don't recall God officially marrying Adam and Eve. I mean...all that was ever said was "it's not good for man to be alone"...and then it was "be fruitful and multiply" after Eve was made from Adams rib. Where was the official marriage ceremony in all of that?

And...with Eve being of Adams rib...could that actually be considered insest? Hmmmmm...food for thought. :)

It's right there:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
(Genesis 2:23-24)

We just got a shortened version of the ceramony.

So...Adam invented marriage...not God?
And...Adam really never had to leave his Mother...seeing as he never really had one. How did Adam really even know what a Mother was?

Perhaps since Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, maybe he invented marriage? The passage "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" wasn't in quotes as if Adam said it...it was more or less narrated...by someone. My vote would be that it was the two cents of Moses tossed in there.

So...is marriage really sanctioned by God? Or just Moses and possibly Adam?
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ok i guess u have better ways of talking to god than me

Don't sell yourself short.

u have alot of ansers that are not ansers if u have sum secret hotline to god why not u share???

i ask god alot of questons never for ne thing to give to me an i never got a anser cept silence so may be i dont do it right i dunno

Nothing secret about fasting and prayer. Nor is there anything secret about waiting on the Lord.
I don't recall God officially marrying Adam and Eve. I mean...all that was ever said was "it's not good for man to be alone"...and then it was "be fruitful and multiply" after Eve was made from Adams rib. Where was the official marriage ceremony in all of that?

And...with Eve being of Adams rib...could that actually be considered insest? Hmmmmm...food for thought. :)

It's right there:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.
(Genesis 2:23-24)

We just got a shortened version of the ceramony.

So...Adam invented marriage...not God?
And...Adam really never had to leave his Mother...seeing as he never really had one. How did Adam really even know what a Mother was?

Perhaps since Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, maybe he invented marriage? The passage "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" wasn't in quotes as if Adam said it...it was more or less narrated...by someone. My vote would be that it was the two cents of Moses tossed in there.

So...is marriage really sanctioned by God? Or just Moses and possibly Adam?

No. God did. And Adam did leave his Mother and his Father.
ok i guess u have better ways of talking to god than me

Don't sell yourself short.

u have alot of ansers that are not ansers if u have sum secret hotline to god why not u share???

i ask god alot of questons never for ne thing to give to me an i never got a anser cept silence so may be i dont do it right i dunno

God doesn't give answers to Christians, either. They think they know Him by reading a book that the Roman religious leaders produced after they killed the true saints who did know God and testified to His knowledge.

God will remain silent to all His people until the next age once all the flesh of man is destroyed in this age. Death of the flesh is only an illusion because we are actually energy that was created to go on forever. Energy is God's stored thoughts (information) that He's been teaching us about for the past 150 years. Christians are living something that happened 2,000 years ago but God is still alive today and letting me know what's going on and how we were created. He has also let me know how we'll live in the next age, which is very fascinating. Most Christians won't listen to this knowledge that was revealed to me the past five years but it doesn't make any difference. All God's people will be awaken in new flesh in Paradise to experience all the dreams God has prepared for us.
Don't sell yourself short.

u have alot of ansers that are not ansers if u have sum secret hotline to god why not u share???

i ask god alot of questons never for ne thing to give to me an i never got a anser cept silence so may be i dont do it right i dunno

God doesn't give answers to Christians, either. They think they know Him by reading a book that the Roman religious leaders produced after they killed the true saints who did know God and testified to His knowledge.

God will remain silent to all His people until the next age once all the flesh of man is destroyed in this age. Death of the flesh is only an illusion because we are actually energy that was created to go on forever. Energy is God's stored thoughts (information) that He's been teaching us about for the past 150 years. Christians are living something that happened 2,000 years ago but God is still alive today and letting me know what's going on and how we were created. He has also let me know how we'll live in the next age, which is very fascinating. Most Christians won't listen to this knowledge that was revealed to me the past five years but it doesn't make any difference. All God's people will be awaken in new flesh in Paradise to experience all the dreams God has prepared for us.

God isn't silent.
u have alot of ansers that are not ansers if u have sum secret hotline to god why not u share???

i ask god alot of questons never for ne thing to give to me an i never got a anser cept silence so may be i dont do it right i dunno

God doesn't give answers to Christians, either. They think they know Him by reading a book that the Roman religious leaders produced after they killed the true saints who did know God and testified to His knowledge.

God will remain silent to all His people until the next age once all the flesh of man is destroyed in this age. Death of the flesh is only an illusion because we are actually energy that was created to go on forever. Energy is God's stored thoughts (information) that He's been teaching us about for the past 150 years. Christians are living something that happened 2,000 years ago but God is still alive today and letting me know what's going on and how we were created. He has also let me know how we'll live in the next age, which is very fascinating. Most Christians won't listen to this knowledge that was revealed to me the past five years but it doesn't make any difference. All God's people will be awaken in new flesh in Paradise to experience all the dreams God has prepared for us.

God isn't silent.

God used the old covenant to deceive His people while He works through His servant in the flesh of the prophets and us saints. We're (the servant of God, or son of God) are the only ones who know Him. He did, however, plan for some believers to listen to His gospel in order to get His prophets and saints killed by you unbelievers.
God doesn't give answers to Christians, either. They think they know Him by reading a book that the Roman religious leaders produced after they killed the true saints who did know God and testified to His knowledge.

God will remain silent to all His people until the next age once all the flesh of man is destroyed in this age. Death of the flesh is only an illusion because we are actually energy that was created to go on forever. Energy is God's stored thoughts (information) that He's been teaching us about for the past 150 years. Christians are living something that happened 2,000 years ago but God is still alive today and letting me know what's going on and how we were created. He has also let me know how we'll live in the next age, which is very fascinating. Most Christians won't listen to this knowledge that was revealed to me the past five years but it doesn't make any difference. All God's people will be awaken in new flesh in Paradise to experience all the dreams God has prepared for us.

God isn't silent.

God used the old covenant to deceive His people while He works through His servant in the flesh of the prophets and us saints. We're (the servant of God, or son of God) are the only ones who know Him. He did, however, plan for some believers to listen to His gospel in order to get His prophets and saints killed by you unbelievers.

God doesnt decieve people. He doesn't lie like man does. He works in the open.
God isn't silent.

God used the old covenant to deceive His people while He works through His servant in the flesh of the prophets and us saints. We're (the servant of God, or son of God) are the only ones who know Him. He did, however, plan for some believers to listen to His gospel in order to get His prophets and saints killed by you unbelievers.

God doesnt decieve people. He doesn't lie like man does. He works in the open.

God isn't a liar. He created "Lucifer" and the "beast" to deceive His people during this first age while He reveals Himself and His plan through His servant (Son of God, Christ, the Word, Kingdom of God, etc.) while we're in the flesh called prophets and saints.

Every single Christian has been deceived by the "beast" where all religion and religious ideas came from.

Here's a symbolic message in Genesis that shows how God hid the "tree of life" from His people with the Cheribum and flaming sword ( tree of the knowledge of good and evil, also known as Lucifer, satan, devil, serpent, wicked flesh, liar, beast, false prophet, antichrist, etc. )

Genesis 3
23: therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from which he was taken.
24: He drove out the man; and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to guard the way to the tree of life.
Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting one's mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], one need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:

Cool write up, but you could not be more wrong about God and sex.
You may be right. God has arranged sex, in all of nature, in such delirious, wacky profusion that I tend to think of God as just a happy-go-lucky, innocent, simple-minded, drooling sex pervert.

However, the unaccountable strictness of His relations to human sexuality, and the harshness of His punishments for the slightest disobediance to His Will, suggests the darker character of a divine Sado-Masochist, obsessed with Bondage and a lust for absolute Dominance for Himself and abject Obediance from the unfortunate victims of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites.
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Watch out for what God has under that big robe of His!

If one could be in any doubt about the fundamentally totalitarian nature of present-day human society, one need only look at the way all humans are shoe-horned, willy-nilly, into only two permissible, mutually exclusive, sexual pigeon-holes: heterosexual and homosexual. No other possibilities are permitted, at least in the editorial pages, and you had better be sure to be one or the other! Or else!

Yet at the cost of polluting one's mind [a very slight cost, since most humans have no mind], one need only glance at the porn sites on the internet in order to sense the vertiginous maelstrom of the varieties of human sexual behavior (or, at least, fantasy).

Now, I must confess that I am fascinated by sex ---- I can read about it for hours and hours on end ---- in biology textbooks.

Solipsism is clearly an untenable philosophical doctrine. Nowhere, in the darkest, most remote recesses of my most twisted fantasies and emotions, can there possibly be the awareness of sexual practices so utterly grotesque as those strewn with reckless prodigality throughout the animal and plant kingdoms. Amidst so many gems of perverted genius, it is impossible to choose the weirdest and wildest, but I have always been fond of the mating practices of Giant African Snails:

h2g2 - Animal Sex

Speaking of perverted genius: most human religions are extremely persnickety about sex, who should do it, with whom, when, how, etc. etc. etc. These instructions are generally said to come directly from God, and woe betide you if you depart by a jot or a tittle from the strictures of the deity concerning sex.

Humans are faced by a deity who is ferocious and demanding when it comes to human sex, yet, all over God's green Earth, He is prodigal to the edge of delirium in creating the wildest and wackiest methods of propagation of the species. Sex is the most variable and various aspect of life, and God seems to take a more than maniacal delight in making it as improbable as possible. To me, it is as plain as day that:

Cool write up, but you could not be more wrong about God and sex.
You may be right. God has arranged sex, in all of nature, in such delirious, wacky profusion that I tend to think of God as just a happy-go-lucky, innocent, simple-minded, drooling sex pervert.

However, the unaccountable strictness of His relations to human sexuality, and the harshness of His punishments for the slightest disobediance to His Will, suggests the darker character of a divine Sado-Masochist, obsessed with Bondage and a lust for absolute Dominance for Himself and abject Obediance from the unfortunate victims of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites.

However, the unaccountable strictness of His relations to human sexuality, and the harshness of His punishments for the slightest disobediance to His Will, suggests the darker character of a divine Sado-Masochist, obsessed with Bondage and a lust for absolute Dominance for Himself and abject Obediance from the unfortunate victims .... of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites.

that sounds more like people (the Bible), less the "Unbounded Sexual Appetites" - than a Creator and an already - Almighty.

"of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites" - nothing wrong there .....

likewise and i know as a Spirit i will have sex but how is that "controlled" without physiology by the free thinking, conscious giving God -

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