What does God think about sex?

Well then, if sex between two unmarried people was okay back then, then it should be okay now, right?

So how come it isn't?

Beats me! Personally, I can't believe someone would marry without having sex first! To me, that's a stupid move. If they wind up being sexually incompatable, it's bit late to know that little tidbit.

Exactly. You don't buy a car without a test drive first, do you?

Actually, in my case, I did buy the car without bothering to test drive. LOL.

Psssst!!! You still got that car? Or did you have to trade it in for a different model?
Beats me! Personally, I can't believe someone would marry without having sex first! To me, that's a stupid move. If they wind up being sexually incompatable, it's bit late to know that little tidbit.

Exactly. You don't buy a car without a test drive first, do you?

Actually, in my case, I did buy the car without bothering to test drive. LOL.

Psssst!!! You still got that car? Or did you have to trade it in for a different model?

Yes I still have the car, and it drives just fine. ;)
God likes sex only when it is done within a marriage. He hates sex with contraception, he hates sex between people of the opposite sex, and he hates masturbation.

For a bloke who has never had sex, God is pretty fussy when it comes to the subject.

how could u be sure god never had sex?

Umm...because if he had, God would have to be married. I don't think he is married - do you?

Of course He is married.
I don't recall God officially marrying Adam and Eve. I mean...all that was ever said was "it's not good for man to be alone"...and then it was "be fruitful and multiply" after Eve was made from Adams rib. Where was the official marriage ceremony in all of that?

And...with Eve being of Adams rib...could that actually be considered insest? Hmmmmm...food for thought. :)

It's right there:

And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.

Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. (Genesis 2:23-24)

We just got a shortened version of the ceramony.
Well then, if sex between two unmarried people was okay back then, then it should be okay now, right?

So how come it isn't?

Beats me! Personally, I can't believe someone would marry without having sex first! To me, that's a stupid move. If they wind up being sexually incompatable, it's bit late to know that little tidbit.

How exactly would two people who have never had sex and waited till they were married know that they weren't sexually compatible with people? How would two people who are working to selflessly love and please their partner ever be incompatible?
He doesn't like that dolphins are bisexual, so he feels cheated by the dolphin-free tuna movement.
God must be impotent because he had to magically impregnate Mary instead of doing it the old fashioned way..

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