What does God think about sex?

It's right there:

We just got a shortened version of the ceramony.

So...Adam invented marriage...not God?
And...Adam really never had to leave his Mother...seeing as he never really had one. How did Adam really even know what a Mother was?

Perhaps since Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, maybe he invented marriage? The passage "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" wasn't in quotes as if Adam said it...it was more or less narrated...by someone. My vote would be that it was the two cents of Moses tossed in there.

So...is marriage really sanctioned by God? Or just Moses and possibly Adam?

No. God did. And Adam did leave his Mother and his Father.

Quick question........................if Adam left his mother and father, who were they?

Adam was created by God, and God "breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve".

Who exactly were their parents? Can you quote it from the Bible as to who they were?
Cool write up, but you could not be more wrong about God and sex.
You may be right. God has arranged sex, in all of nature, in such delirious, wacky profusion that I tend to think of God as just a happy-go-lucky, innocent, simple-minded, drooling sex pervert.

However, the unaccountable strictness of His relations to human sexuality, and the harshness of His punishments for the slightest disobediance to His Will, suggests the darker character of a divine Sado-Masochist, obsessed with Bondage and a lust for absolute Dominance for Himself and abject Obediance from the unfortunate victims of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites.

However, the unaccountable strictness of His relations to human sexuality, and the harshness of His punishments for the slightest disobediance to His Will, suggests the darker character of a divine Sado-Masochist, obsessed with Bondage and a lust for absolute Dominance for Himself and abject Obediance from the unfortunate victims .... of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites.

that sounds more like people (the Bible), less the "Unbounded Sexual Appetites" - than a Creator and an already - Almighty.

"of His Unbounded Sexual Appetites" - nothing wrong there .....

likewise and i know as a Spirit i will have sex but how is that "controlled" without physiology by the free thinking, conscious giving God -


Well, its not.
u have alot of ansers that are not ansers if u have sum secret hotline to god why not u share???

i ask god alot of questons never for ne thing to give to me an i never got a anser cept silence so may be i dont do it right i dunno

God doesn't give answers to Christians, either. They think they know Him by reading a book that the Roman religious leaders produced after they killed the true saints who did know God and testified to His knowledge.

God will remain silent to all His people until the next age once all the flesh of man is destroyed in this age. Death of the flesh is only an illusion because we are actually energy that was created to go on forever. Energy is God's stored thoughts (information) that He's been teaching us about for the past 150 years. Christians are living something that happened 2,000 years ago but God is still alive today and letting me know what's going on and how we were created. He has also let me know how we'll live in the next age, which is very fascinating. Most Christians won't listen to this knowledge that was revealed to me the past five years but it doesn't make any difference. All God's people will be awaken in new flesh in Paradise to experience all the dreams God has prepared for us.

God isn't silent.

-- which is only to say, "the imagination isn't silent". Where are these soundings of God? Only in the imaginarium of man.

Again: circular reasoning.
Reading what people think God thinks about sex is rather like reading the accounts of blind men describing an elephant.

Amusing but that's all.
Reading what people think God thinks about sex is rather like reading the accounts of blind men describing an elephant.

Amusing but that's all.
Well, making religion amusing is a step upward into the light, isn't it?

Considering how evil, harmful and irrational most religion has been, historically, bringing some humor and self-mockery into the mix would be a definite improvement !!

The only major religion I know in which humor is an important factor is Daoism. All the other religions seem to be havens for Sad Sacks and Gloomy Gusses -- not to mention murdering fanatics and satanic charlatans.

The leavening influence of Daoism in China has, in many instances, turned the Temples and Shrines of China into what often resembles an entertaining Disneyland Theme Park.

In the West, politics has been looked on as humor, and religion has been taken seriously. In China, politics has always been serious, and religion often been looked at as a form of humor.

All in all, I prefer the Chinese attitude to the Western attitude.

So...Adam invented marriage...not God?
And...Adam really never had to leave his Mother...seeing as he never really had one. How did Adam really even know what a Mother was?

Perhaps since Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, maybe he invented marriage? The passage "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" wasn't in quotes as if Adam said it...it was more or less narrated...by someone. My vote would be that it was the two cents of Moses tossed in there.

So...is marriage really sanctioned by God? Or just Moses and possibly Adam?

No. God did. And Adam did leave his Mother and his Father.

Quick question........................if Adam left his mother and father, who were they?

Adam was created by God, and God "breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve".

Who exactly were their parents? Can you quote it from the Bible as to who they were?

Man was created in God's image (information, or energy) that is used to form the flesh of both male and female in the womb of the mother flesh. Since Adam and Eve where the first flesh of man to exist, they didn't have earthly parents. Their offspring should have been one man in the flesh of a male and a female but the information with deception (Lucifer) that was caste into this world caused man to only have one flesh. This explains why there are gays and why our flesh deceives each other.

In the next age, our flesh will look alike so there won't be any comparisons to deceive each other. In other words, we won't understand what ugly and beautiful people are.
Reading what people think God thinks about sex is rather like reading the accounts of blind men describing an elephant.

Amusing but that's all.

God has a great sense of humor since He was the one who created sex in the first place.

Can you imagine what He was thinking while planning humans having sex with animals?
No. God did. And Adam did leave his Mother and his Father.

Quick question........................if Adam left his mother and father, who were they?

Adam was created by God, and God "breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve".

Who exactly were their parents? Can you quote it from the Bible as to who they were?

Man was created in God's image (information, or energy) that is used to form the flesh of both male and female in the womb of the mother flesh. Since Adam and Eve where the first flesh of man to exist, they didn't have earthly parents. Their offspring should have been one man in the flesh of a male and a female but the information with deception (Lucifer) that was caste into this world caused man to only have one flesh. This explains why there are gays and why our flesh deceives each other.

In the next age, our flesh will look alike so there won't be any comparisons to deceive each other. In other words, we won't understand what ugly and beautiful people are.

Kudos.....................spoken like a true bigoted homophobe.........................
Reading what people think God thinks about sex is rather like reading the accounts of blind men describing an elephant.

Amusing but that's all.

God has a great sense of humor since He was the one who created sex in the first place.

Can you imagine what He was thinking while planning humans having sex with animals?

"And let them each have two sexes, that they may always copulate with the opposite sex of their own species. There.


"Actually, hang on...
-- you know what might be kinda fun... :evil:"

Hee hee.
Quick question........................if Adam left his mother and father, who were they?

Adam was created by God, and God "breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve".

Who exactly were their parents? Can you quote it from the Bible as to who they were?

Man was created in God's image (information, or energy) that is used to form the flesh of both male and female in the womb of the mother flesh. Since Adam and Eve where the first flesh of man to exist, they didn't have earthly parents. Their offspring should have been one man in the flesh of a male and a female but the information with deception (Lucifer) that was caste into this world caused man to only have one flesh. This explains why there are gays and why our flesh deceives each other.

In the next age, our flesh will look alike so there won't be any comparisons to deceive each other. In other words, we won't understand what ugly and beautiful people are.

Kudos.....................spoken like a true bigoted homophobe.........................

We won't have false information in the next age that causes us to believe in a false make-believe world that we're experiencing today. We won't believe in religion, governments, murder, accidents, decay, disease, hospitals, church buildings, time, U.F.O.'s, reading, character flaws, mountains, oceans, storms, etc.
Reading what people think God thinks about sex is rather like reading the accounts of blind men describing an elephant.

Amusing but that's all.

God has a great sense of humor since He was the one who created sex in the first place.

Can you imagine what He was thinking while planning humans having sex with animals?

"And let them each have two sexes, that they may always copulate with the opposite sex of their own species. There.


"Actually, hang on...
-- you know what might be kinda fun... :evil:"

Hee hee.

We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.


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So...Adam invented marriage...not God?
And...Adam really never had to leave his Mother...seeing as he never really had one. How did Adam really even know what a Mother was?

Perhaps since Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible, maybe he invented marriage? The passage "Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh" wasn't in quotes as if Adam said it...it was more or less narrated...by someone. My vote would be that it was the two cents of Moses tossed in there.

So...is marriage really sanctioned by God? Or just Moses and possibly Adam?

No. God did. And Adam did leave his Mother and his Father.

Quick question........................if Adam left his mother and father, who were they?

Adam was created by God, and God "breathed the breath of life into Adam and Eve".

Who exactly were their parents? Can you quote it from the Bible as to who they were?
a better question to ask would be who were god's parents ?
according to mormon lore god was a transfigured human living on another planet ..
God has a great sense of humor since He was the one who created sex in the first place.

Can you imagine what He was thinking while planning humans having sex with animals?

"And let them each have two sexes, that they may always copulate with the opposite sex of their own species. There.


"Actually, hang on...
-- you know what might be kinda fun... :evil:"

Hee hee.

We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...
"And let them each have two sexes, that they may always copulate with the opposite sex of their own species. There.


"Actually, hang on...
-- you know what might be kinda fun... :evil:"

Hee hee.

We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.
We saints know that we'll be eunuchs in the next age, too.
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..
spewing shit like that is smoking gun proof you are a virgin and mentally ill...
next time you see jesus tell him he owes me 10 bucks...

All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..

There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.
All us saints were made eunuchs by God during this age. I was married and divorced twice and living with my third wife when God made me a eunuch before being born into the Kingdom of God. Now I know things that no man knows about us.
not the worst lie about not being able to score I've ever heard but it's close..

There are some eunuchs who were born that way. Some were man-made and a few of us were God-made.

You can call it a lie if you want but only a few of us have the Truth to understand the lies of this false world.
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