What does it mean to be a Christian?

They also believe that they will be Gods, someday, and create their own universe. And don't get me started on the Holy underwear. Strange critters, indeed.

Don't be so smug, you believe in a talking snake. :p
It wasn't a talking snake. It was Lucifer talking through a snake. Since He was the highest angel in Heaven, it is not beyond belief that he had the power to talk through a snake.

Do you believe that a man lived on the inside of a big fish?
I believe everything the Bible says. Jonah was alive in the fish three days and nights: to nature this was impossible, but to the God of nature all things are possible. Jonah, by this miraculous preservation, was made a type of Christ; as our blessed Lord himself declared, Mt 12:40.

In that case, you don't get to be smug when talking about those who wear magic underwear.
On the contrary. Show me where the Bible mentions magic underwear.
Don't be so smug, you believe in a talking snake. :p
It wasn't a talking snake. It was Lucifer talking through a snake. Since He was the highest angel in Heaven, it is not beyond belief that he had the power to talk through a snake.

Do you believe that a man lived on the inside of a big fish?
I believe everything the Bible says. Jonah was alive in the fish three days and nights: to nature this was impossible, but to the God of nature all things are possible. Jonah, by this miraculous preservation, was made a type of Christ; as our blessed Lord himself declared, Mt 12:40.

In that case, you don't get to be smug when talking about those who wear magic underwear.
On the contrary. Show me where the Bible mentions magic underwear.

I'm assuming that came from Joe Smith, who was supposed to be a prophet of Gawd. Don't you read what prophets of Gawd had to say?
It wasn't a talking snake. It was Lucifer talking through a snake. Since He was the highest angel in Heaven, it is not beyond belief that he had the power to talk through a snake.

Do you believe that a man lived on the inside of a big fish?
I believe everything the Bible says. Jonah was alive in the fish three days and nights: to nature this was impossible, but to the God of nature all things are possible. Jonah, by this miraculous preservation, was made a type of Christ; as our blessed Lord himself declared, Mt 12:40.

In that case, you don't get to be smug when talking about those who wear magic underwear.
On the contrary. Show me where the Bible mentions magic underwear.

I'm assuming that came from Joe Smith, who was supposed to be a prophet of Gawd. Don't you read what prophets of Gawd had to say?
Smith preached a different Gospel than that which we received from God.

Why would anyone care what he has to say about Christianity?

You didn't watch. For people that 'claim' to be Christian their hypocrisy is what illuminates the lie they try to sell. Don't watch the video, it eviscerates the phoney Christian.

I never said there were no phony Christians. There are, in fact, many of them. But people like yourself point to them and claim that all Christians are like that. I have shown you what a true Christian is, and how they should behave. Why don't you base your opinion of Christianity on that, instead of the impostors?

Show me where I said all Christians are like that. Most are, no doubt about it. I call these kristians, they aren't Christians as they reject almost everything Christ said or did, yet they stand in judgement of everyone else.

And isn't it a little facetious for you to claim you can show everyone else what a 'true' Christian is? Doesn't that statement imply judgement of all those that aren't? And isn't judgement reserved for 'god'?

Why would anyone care what he has to say about Christianity?

You didn't watch. For people that 'claim' to be Christian their hypocrisy is what illuminates the lie they try to sell. Don't watch the video, it eviscerates the phoney Christian.

I never said there were no phony Christians. There are, in fact, many of them. But people like yourself point to them and claim that all Christians are like that. I have shown you what a true Christian is, and how they should behave. Why don't you base your opinion of Christianity on that, instead of the impostors?

Show me where I said all Christians are like that. Most are, no doubt about it. I call these kristians, they aren't Christians as they reject almost everything Christ said or did, yet they stand in judgement of everyone else.

And isn't it a little facetious for you to claim you can show everyone else what a 'true' Christian is? Doesn't that statement imply judgement of all those that aren't? And isn't judgement reserved for 'god'?

I'm not judging anyone. And your tone indicates that you do, indeed, think all Christians are like that. As far as my telling people what a true Christian is, I challenge you to show me how the OP is not consistent with what the Bible teaches.

So you know, when you present yourself as the knower of who is and isn't a 'true' anything, you are judging them.

If you check the video I posted it says 'evangelicals'. And if watching a 3 minute video is too far out of your comfort zone you have built four walls around you so tight that you live in a closet. Read the comments on youtube re the video, many who call themselves Christians agree with what Maher said.

Don't watch if you aren't comfortable.
Mostly because it is fun getting one Christian cult set against another Christian cult, while us atheists sit back and watch....
That's fine, Atheists are already against all of them. Not that Christians need your help in the first place.
Those free from faith aren’t ‘against’ anyone.

Being ‘against’ things is theist shtick.
Being ‘against’ things is theist shtick.
Right, because every time there's a religious thread here, there are Atheists S-Posting all over the place. I didn't really have to point out that the loud majority of Atheists like to take big dumps all over religious people, they speak for themselves, you included. It's funny that you try to deny it while knowing how you guys behave.
It means that every sunday, you have to cough up some dough.
Actually, in most churches, payment is optional. I say most because there's an exception to everything, but every church I've even been to or heard of, any form of payment is completely optional.
If it's optional, why do they do it in front of everyone, why not just have a collection box discreetly near the door...? I'll tell you why: peer pressure to pay up because everyone is watching you.

Because the right hand has to know what the left hand is doing. ;)
If it's in the bible it applies to Christians. Now you know.
No, now I know that you haven't read a single page. The new Testament was made because the chosen people(The Jews) brought the word to the gentiles, and it was modified to suit them, so that everyone could be brought into the kingdom of God. That's why the laws in the Old Testament were for the Jews, and the laws in the New Testament were for Christians. I'm completely fine with people having different beliefs, what I'm not okay with is people being attacked for having those different beliefs. Acting like you do, you give religious people a bad perception of Atheists.
Seriously, go ask a priest or whomever, if it's in the Christian bible, it's relevant to Christians.
Are you making this shit up as you go along?
So you believe that everyone should still be making animal sacrifices for the forgiveness of sin? Can you really be that clueless?
What animal are YOU sacrificing for supper tonight?
I believe everything the Bible says. Jonah was alive in the fish three days and nights: to nature this was impossible, but to the God of nature all things are possible. Jonah, by this miraculous preservation, was made a type of Christ; as our blessed Lord himself declared, Mt 12:40.
So how did Noah get marsupials from Australia and back again?
Seriously, go ask a priest or whomever, if it's in the Christian bible, it's relevant to Christians.
Are you making this shit up as you go along?
Funny that someone who has clearly never read the Bible is trying to act like they know everything about it. I don't need to ask a priest, Jesus' actions in the New Testament, the fact that there IS a New Testament, the fact that Jews REJECT the New Testament all reinforces what I'm pointing out. In fact, if you actually bother to read the Bible, the Bible itself explains this. The Jews were God's chosen people for spreading the word to the Gentiles, as such, he and Moses created laws for them to follow. That's in the old Testament. Those people were Jews. When Jesus arrived, there was a New Testament created for the Gentiles, so that they could enter Heaven as well. He died on the cross as the last sacrifice, for all sins, therefor anyone who believes in him can enter the kingdom of heaven. Those people are Christians.

Oh wait, you're an Atheist. Why do you even care? Didn't you just come into this thread to ridicule anyone that doesn't believe the same way you do, not to discuss Biblical canon?
Who are worshipping the Jewish god.
If you bothered to read my other posts, you would understand. Well, maybe you wouldn't, most Atheists have a hard time even getting passed Genesis.

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