What does Jesus say to the people he brought to heaven when young?

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?

What was there purpose in life to be rapped and murdered at say 23 years old, or die from cancer at 8 years old?


It's one of the great mysteries.

All is supposed to be explained when we get to Heaven.

I think some of it is due to free will. We want free will but with free will come consequences.
It's one of the great mysteries.

All is supposed to be explained when we get to Heaven.

I think some of it is due to free will. We want free will but with free will come consequences.
otis do you think he told the boys...."now remember, girls dont have prostate glands"...
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?
This does not answer your question, but perhaps a little insight.

A twelve year old boy had leukemia and was home and bedridden when new neighbors with a four year old boy moved in. The two were together constantly his last year or so. When told his older friend had died, the four-year-old was inconsolable and couldn't comprehend his friend wasn't coming back.

After the boy's funeral, all were gathered in the neighbor's home, and the little boy had to be sent to his (quite messy) room because he wouldn't calm down, demanding where his friend was and when he was coming back. A half-and-hour passed, the his dad went to check on his son, thinking he had fallen asleep because he had been so quiet. He found his son sorting his things into piles--clean clothes, dirty clothes, small toys, big toys, etc. He had never done this before so his dad asked, "What are you doing."

His son replied, "Luke was here. He said my room is a mess and I should clean it. And he said he told me the reason he couldn't be here any more is that he no longer has a body. Then he told me what piles I should make to start cleaning my room. So that's what I am doing."

Note: Before Luke had to stay in bed--years before the four-year-old neighbor arrived, Luke used to start cleaning his room by putting things in piles.
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?

What was there purpose in life to be rapped and murdered at say 23 years old, or die from cancer at 8 years old?

I had a friend who I played with every hour long recess in the first and second grade who later died in the fifth grade. I remember going to sleep that night being angry at God because my friend would never know what it would be like to grow up, become a man, get married, have a family etc.,

That night he came to me in a dream. He was in a place with hundreds of children running around and playing without a care in an open field. He showed me around, introduced me to a woman, an angel, who was there watching over them. I asked her a question and she gave me an answer.

Then my friend told me that he had to go, but first he said to never feel sorry for him. He wasn't missing out on anything on earth and he felt sorry for me because " here we can play forever."
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?

What was there purpose in life to be rapped and murdered at say 23 years old, or die from cancer at 8 years old?

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Life comes with a pre-existing condition, a sentence of death. All things physical have an expiration date, unlike the spirit which is eternal. Its simple, God has no respect of person. No one.......to include the most devout Christian is guaranteed any thing extra in this realm called physical reality. Everyone faces the same life circumstances, the just and the unjust. Christians of every age die every day from various conditions ranging from disease, to accidents, to acts of murder, manslaughter.....etc.

Good? Why do bad things happen to the GOOD? Technically; only God is good (Luke 18:19).
In God there is not even a shadow of darkness (1 John 1:15). To contrast that reality with man, all men sin at some point in their lives, either through omission or commission. (1 John 1:8). As far as children go.........all children are innocent until they reach the age of accountability (an age where they can comprehend the difference between right and wrong).

You are implying that man has no responsibility for his/her own actions and free will decisions.........they are not required to take responsibility because they are GOOD PEOPLE and God should protect them. For instance. You mentioned Rape and or Murder...etc. Someone had to make a free will decision to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. God does not control the free will actions of men to include both good and evil men.

Another example........why AM I homeless on the streets, I am a good person, etc. It could be the poor choices you have made in your life in not being capable of managing your own life's circumstances, it could be that you were never instructed how to correctly manage your life.......you were spoiled by other people always providing you with everything that is required to live, or worse yet YOU DEPENDED UPON THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.

Why AM I SICK WITH CANCER, I am a good person? Perhaps its because you have smoked all your life, taken chemicals or been exposed to cancer causing pathogens because of the free will choices you have made....etc. Its called living and being accountable for your own actions or lack thereof.

We are in a race all through life........a race to gain the final reward at the end of that life, should it come today, tomorrow or years in the future, that reward is called Salvation. No one can be rewarded with salvation before the race is over (1 Cor. 9:23-27), one must endure to the end and its struggle all throughout life. But we have an advocate to help when we grow weary, and perhaps slip, Christ Jesus, Pray.......God always answers........sometimes that answer is simply NO. God is not concerned with our desires but our needs.

If you become ill, pray to God........to help you seek out the most capable help that mankind can offer, find the best Physician, Pray to God to guide him/her with the skills they have worked their entire lives to obtain........this is reality, we are addressing, not Fables and Fairy Tales.

It like the old Joke and the devout Christian. An elderly gentlemen in the south had spent his entire life serving God and his community, always helping others when they asked, providing advise about living to the young etc. He lived in an area that was prone to foul weather such as hurricanes and high waters and winds that come with such a threat.

The weather services were predicting a violent hurricane that was expected within a week. Everyone around the elderly man was preparing. The old man simply sit on his porch unconcerned.......when asked if he was going to evacuate the area as advised he simply stated, " I am not concerned.........God will take care of me his faithful servant." The storm was finally upon him, the streets begin to flood..........EMS sent a truck to help move him to safety. "Never mind.....God will take care of me.".

The waters begin to rise to come up to the first floor of the house. The emergency services sent a boat, "Nope.......God will take care of me."........the waters only became higher, he moves to the roof. EMS sent a chopper........."No.......I said, GOD WILL SAVE ME." Finally the waters drowned him. At the pearly gates the man asked the angel at the front, "Why did God forsake me when I needed him most?"

The angel replied, "God God Man!, He sent you a truck, a boat and a Chopper.................." We can expect of God, a miracle..... every day, that Miracle is called LIFE. God first created......then He commanded nature to enforce His laws of physical reality.
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Life comes with a pre-existing condition, a sentence of death. All things physical have an expiration date, unlike the spirit which is eternal. Its simple, God has no respect of person. No one.......to include the most devout Christian is guaranteed any thing extra in this realm called physical reality. Everyone faces the same life circumstances, the just and the unjust. Christians of every age die every day from various conditions ranging from disease, to accidents, to acts of murder, manslaughter.....etc.

Good? Why do bad things happen to the GOOD? Technically; only God is good (Luke 18:19).
In God there is not even a shadow of darkness (1 John 1:15). To contrast that reality with man, all men sin at some point in their lives, either through omission or commission. (1 John 1:8). As far as children go.........all children are innocent until they reach the age of accountability (an age where they can comprehend the difference between right and wrong).

You are implying that man has no responsibility for his/her own actions and free will decisions.........they are not required to take responsibility because they are GOOD PEOPLE and God should protect them. For instance. You mentioned Rape and or Murder...etc. Someone had to make a free will decision to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. God does not control the free will actions of men to include both good and evil men.

Another example........why AM I homeless on the streets, I am a good person, etc. It could be the poor choices you have made in your life in not being capable of managing your own life's circumstances, it could be that you were never instructed how to correctly manage your life.......you were spoiled by other people always providing you with everything that is required to live, or worse yet YOU DEPENDED UPON THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE CARE OF YOU.

Why AM I SICK WITH CANCER, I am a good person? Perhaps its because you have smoked all your life, taken chemicals or been exposed to cancer causing pathogens because of the free will choices you have made....etc. Its called living and being accountable for your own actions or lack thereof.

We are in a race all through life........a race to gain the final reward at the end of that life, should it come today, tomorrow or years in the future, that reward is called Salvation. No one can be rewarded with salvation before the race is over (1 Cor. 9:23-27), one must endure to the end and its struggle all throughout life. But we have an advocate to help when we grow weary, and perhaps slip, Christ Jesus, Pray.......God always answers........sometimes that answer is simply NO. God is not concerned with our desires but our needs.

If you become ill, pray to God........to help you seek out the most capable help that mankind can offer, find the best Physician, Pray to God to guide him/her with the skills they have worked their entire lives to obtain........this is reality, we are addressing, not Fables and Fairy Tales.

It like the old Joke and the devout Christian. An elderly gentlemen in the south had spent his entire life serving God and his community, always helping others when they asked, providing advise about living to the young etc. He lived in an area that was prone to foul weather such as hurricanes and high waters and winds that come with such a threat.

The weather services were predicting a violent hurricane that was expected within a week. Everyone around the elderly man was preparing. The old man simply sit on his porch unconcerned.......when asked if he was going to evacuate the area as advised he simply stated, " I am not concerned.........God will take care of me his faithful servant." The storm was finally upon him, the streets begin to flood..........EMS sent a truck to help move him to safety. "Never mind.....God will take care of me.".

The waters begin to rise to come up to the first floor of the house. The emergency services sent a boat, "Nope.......God will take care of me."........the waters only became higher, he moves to the roof. EMS sent a chopper........."No.......I said, GOD WILL SAVE ME." Finally the waters drowned him. At the pearly gates the man asked the angel at the front, "Why did God forsake me when I needed him most?"

The angel replied, "God God Man!, He sent you a truck, a boat and a Chopper.................." We can expect of God, a miracle..... every day, that Miracle is called LIFE. God first created......then He commanded nature to enforce His laws of physical reality.
God new us before we were born it was all mapped out, no such thing as free will God already knew

Ephesians 1:5 - Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will
There is no purpose in life. If you think
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?

What was there purpose in life to be rapped and murdered at say 23 years old, or die from cancer at 8 years old?

There is no purpose for life. If you think your life is worthless without God, kill yourself and see if that proves there is no God. A God that allows children to die of brain cancer in one instance them creates a worm which burrows through children's eyes eventually sending them blind, is not a God of mercy. He is a phsycopathic arsehole. We don't even do it to ourselves but you believe in a ghost that does but never question it's existence. Some of you worship him and use those illnesses as weapons to justify it. Do you people ever think of the stupidity of believing that rubbish? There's no God and never has been. The soon you accept mortality you will break the shackles of religion and live a life. You're a slave to it.
God new us before we were born it was all mapped out, no such thing as free will God already knew
Perhaps these two should not be conflated/merged together.

1. God knew us before we were born.
2. God has a plan for the redemption of all.

It does not necessarily follow that God knows the fate and choices of each individual before s/he is born. Free will stands.

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