What does Jesus say to the people he brought to heaven when young?

Jesus is resting at the right hand of His Father as we speak, while God makes Christ's enemies, Christ's footstool.
Christ's Kingdom will be right here on earth, specifically in Jerusalem. In the New Temple that the Jews are preparing to build. After He chains Satan for 1,000 years. Christian humans are His church, and He will be calling them home to prepare for the battle that they will be accompanying Him back here to earth to fight. This time He stays.
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Jesus is resting at the right hand of His Father as we speak, while God makes Christ's enemies, Christ's footstool.
Christ's Kingdom will be right here on earth, specifically in Jerusalem. In the New Temple that the Jews are preparing to build. After He chains Satan for 1,000 years. Christian humans are His church, and He will be calling them home to prepare for the battle that they will be accompanying Him back here on earth to do battle.
Who are Christ enemy's ?
Satan and 1/3 of the fallen angels that were shot out of Heaven like a lightening bolt. Those humans who follow their father, Satan. Those who will be devoted to the antichrist when that time arrives...
Satan and 1/3 of the fallen angels that were shot out of Heaven like a lightening bolt. Those humans who follow their father, Satan. Those who will be devoted to the antichrist when that time arrives...
Didn't Jesus create Satan?
Yes. And he was a shining shining star in Heaven, until he tried to unseat God. He is also immortal which is why he is thrown in a Lake of Fire for eternity at the White Throne Judgement. Ya can't just shoot him and be done with it...
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Jesus is resting at the right hand of His Father as we speak, while God makes Christ's enemies, Christ's footstool.
Christ's Kingdom will be right here on earth, specifically in Jerusalem. In the New Temple that the Jews are preparing to build. After He chains Satan for 1,000 years. Christian humans are His church, and He will be calling them home to prepare for the battle that they will be accompanying Him back here on earth to do battle.
Who are Christ enemy's ?

hard to believe the itinerants crucifiers will be overlook that is if any are left if ever brought to justice. as will be required, whoever they have been - for justice to again prevail.
hard to believe the itinerants crucifiers will be overlook that is if any are left if ever brought to justice. as will be required, whoever they have been - for justice to again prevail.
Didn't Jesus create them all and knew what would happen before hand?
Didn't Jesus create them all and knew what would happen before hand?

“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

the itinerants own words their merrygoround came to an end - then true darkness descended in the 4th century for who might follow in their footsteps.
“Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani”

the itinerants own words their merrygoround came to an end - then true darkness descended in the 4th century for who might follow in their footsteps.
Psalm 22?

Oh wait I get it
The ressurection does not occur until after Har-mageddon. If you believe the bible over dogma.
What the Bible says is His followers are removed from earth because we are not appointed to God's wrath. What sense would it be to resurrect after His wrath, when Jesus is down here setting up His Kingdom?

For God has not appointed us to suffer wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ.

Behold, I tell you a mystery; we will not all sleep, but we will all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet; for the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed.
hard to believe the itinerants crucifiers will be overlook that is if any are left if ever brought to justice. as will be required, whoever they have been - for justice to again prevail.

Justice has already been meted out on the cross. Now mercy prevails.
I was thinking about this when I seen this painting what excuse does Jesus give people in heaven when they died young?

What was there purpose in life to be rapped and murdered at say 23 years old, or die from cancer at 8 years old?

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I can answer all your question.
You start by assuming they will go to heaven. How can you know that? They could be atheists and they are not allowed.
Then there s your ill founded assumption there is a god and heaven and not one person can prove there is.
As for predicting he will have a warm conversation with the child, how arrogant are you to suggest you know anything I don't?

Are you clear on that now?
What do you think Christians are judged for Clyde? If you say, "your sins", then God is a liar.
If Christ was already punished for your sins is God going to punish Christ and you too for the same offenses? Then God would not be just.

If you accept the exchange that happened on the cross, then God remembers your sins no more, has put them behind him and they are as far from you as the East is from the West.
Upon arrival in Heaven (sin free access only) at your coronation, your deeds will be forged and those deeds that were done for Christ's sake and not for your own ego, will determine the number of your crowns. Crowns that you will lay at the feet of Jesus, knowing that you wouldn't be there if it wasn't for Him. That is called the BEMA Judgement and the only judgement that awaits a human in Heaven. The final judgement, called the White Throne Judgement is for those who did not accept Christ's gift and are still dead in their sin.
He tells His children over and over:
For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will remember their sins no more.”
“I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins.

“I will remember their sins and their lawless deeds no more.

As for everyone waiting for a final trial, Pauls disagrees. We go straight up:
But we are confident, and have a good will to be absent rather from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

When we accept Christ as our savior, to God, we look like Christ. All He sees is the righteousness of His Son.

Again, I must point out the only 2 weapons the minions of Satan can use are. 1. deceit and 2. Deflection.

What? We are to believe that the Holy Spirit of God contradicts His own revealed record? All scripture is inspired of God (2 Tim. 3:16). The entire Bible is directed by one source..........the Holy Spirit of God. When you read the Bible to declare that one section contradicts another then you are in error.

Of course when one dies and the spirit separates from the body you will go to the same spiritual realm as do all other spirits. (when you are dead you are outside the limits of time) If you are righteous you will be in the same spiritual realm Jesus promised to the thief on the cross, PARADISE. But this does not prohibit the fact there are 2 judgements based upon death. The 1st judgement is when your physical body is judged by the deed/works of your life.........the 2nd death is the final judgement were all the evil and unrighteous SPIRITS are cast into the lake of fire while the righteous spirits go to heaven to serve the Lord for eternity.

Why speculate and assume anything when God has revealed to John His servant things which must come to pass? (Rev.1:1)

Among those "signified" revelations there is a passage that John recorded that reveals exactly why and how everyone is to be Judged and what source actually judges one's life.

"And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were open; and another book was opened, which is the book of life; and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." -- Rev. 20:12

This passage in the Book of Revelation tells us that we will be judged by multiple things. One is called the "book of life" which John tells us contains a record of the works people have done in their lives. Such is stated many times in the scriptures of the N.T. Example, God ".........will render to each according to his deeds." -- Romans 2:5-6

Then John mentions another book that contains things by which we will be judged in comparison to the deeds/works found in the book of life. We will be judged by the other Book.......that book is the Holy Bible, God's revelations to mankind.

James tells us to, "Speak and so do as those who will be judged by the Perfect Law of Liberty (found in the N.T. covenant of Christ Jesus)" -- James 2:12

Jesus stated it very clearly with no ambiguity whatsoever, "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him .................. the words that I have spoken will judge him on the last day." -- John 12:48

When is this Judgement to take place? When the dead are released from Hades (the place where the dead go to wait for the FINAL JUDGEMENT.........the scriptures are clear its called the 2nd judgement).

Rev. 20 goes on, "......and the sea gave up the dead which were in it, AND DEATH AND HADES GAVE UP GAVE UP THE DEAD WHICH WERE IN THEM..........AND THEY WERE JUDGED, EVERY ONE ACCORDING TO THEIR DEEDS. Then death and Hades where thrown into the lake of fire. (look clearly at this passage, even a child can read it and comprehend it).....THIS IS THE SECOND DEATH, THE LAKE OF FIRE..........................." -- Rev. 20::13-15

Anyone's name not found in the Book will be thrown into the lake of fire (the 2nd and final judgement)

Its clear, when one dies he/she is placed into Hades, where in Hades depends upon the state of your spirit, if your deeds have shown you to be righteous or unrighteous (the 1st judgement). Then on THE LAST DAY (the final judgment).......called the 2nd Judgement or the Second Death. All Sin and death caused by that sin (sin separates one's spirit for God) as well as Satan (the rebellious angel) will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity.

When this event occurs the Kingdom of God, i.e, the church of Christ, the church of God, will be returned to the Father and Jesus will relinquish His throne to Father God (1 Cor. 15:20-28)

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Straight up, just like Paul said...
Absent from the body means present with the Lord.

As for judgements:
BEMA < for Christians, whose sins are not remembered, but deserve rewards for their work for Christ's sake:
Rewards are as follows:
Crown of Life
Incorruptible Crown
Crown of Righteousness
Crown of Glory
Crown of Rejoicing

WHITE THRONE <Takes place at the end of Christ's 1,000 year reign on earth.
On the court docket will be Satan, his followers, fallen angels, demons, and those who said, "No thanks" to Christ's gift of a sin free record in exchange for our sin filled records to enter Heaven with.

What ever you do, skip the latter...
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hard to believe the itinerants crucifiers will be overlook that is if any are left if ever brought to justice. as will be required, whoever they have been - for justice to again prevail.
Justice has already been meted out on the cross. Now mercy prevails.

the crucifiers have no mercy then or to this day whether others as the itinerant are merciful or not - with ram / christianity, injustice prevails as their 4th century religion.

only by bringing the crucifiers to justice can the crimes of the 1st century and beyond - reset the course of humanity to a land of paradise.

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