What does the "computer crash erased the emails" story tell us about the IRS scandal?


HAHA! Actually Ned - one does when Eric Holder is your Attorney General. Ever notice how the ONLY thing he EVER does (besides sitting on his ass) is to go after (1) The Boy Scouts and (2) Corporations. That's it.

Any other crimes - he looks the other way. I would not be the least bit surprised if the order to "lose" these incriminating Emails came directly from Holder.

Wouldn't be surprised in the least. Hey - THUG LIFE!!
SOS for the last 6 years. What a friggn' joke of an Administration.
SOS for the last 6 years. What a friggn' joke of an Administration.

For years, there was no evidence that anyone outside the IRS had anything to do with the IRS's systematic obstruction of approvals for conservative groups. First the IRS said it was a couple of rogue employees within the IRS, in one office in Ohio. Then the employees of that office said they were ordered to do it, by higher-ups in the IRS. Then a few bits turned up pointing to IRS offices in Washington DC. But never did anything pointto anything higher than IRS offices.

Now a bunch of Emails from one of the highest IRS officials, to outside offices including DoJ, Treasury, and the White House, have mysteriously disappeared. And the excuse given is laughably preposterous, which pretty much guarantees that the emails were deliberately erased.

Apparently someone REALLY didn't want the contents of those emails revealed... emails that established the first clear connections with offices such as the White House.

And deleting them in such an obvious, amateurish fashion, with all the outrage and investigations it will inevitably bring with it, obviously didn't bother them nearly as much as letting them go public.

As I said, this IRS scandal just moved into the Big Leagues.
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The fact that Obama fluffers on this board can and do defend this is evidence of just how far gone this Country is. The left does not care one whit what laws are broken as long as they broke them.
SOS for the last 6 years. What a friggn' joke of an Administration.

For years, there was no evidence that anyone outside the IRS had anything to do with the IRS's systematic obstruction of approvals for conservative groups. First the IRS said it was a couple of rogue employees within the IRS, in one office in Ohio. Then the employees of that office said they were ordered to do it, by higher-ups in the IRS. Then a few bits turned up pointing to IRS offices in Washington DC. But never did anything pointto anything higher than IRS offices.

Now a bunch of Emails from one of the highest IRS officials, to outside offices including DoJ, Treasury, and the White House, have mysteriously disappeared. And the excuse given is laughably preposterous, which pretty much guarantees that the emails were deliberately erased.

Apparently someone REALLY didn't want the contents of those emails revealed... emails that established the first clear connections with offices such as the White House.

And deleting them in such an obvious, amateurish fashion, with all the outrage and investigations it will inevitably bring with it, obviously didn't bother them nearly as much as letting them go public.

As I said, this IRS scandal just moved into the Big Leagues.

The thing is, that lame tactic won't cover it.

They need to be questioned, under oath, as to exactly when/how the emails were lost. What other information was lost? If the computer really crashed, then all was lost. Also, one computer crashing doesn't delete the emails in the recipients computers. Who discovered the supposed computer crash? Who was notified when it happened? What technicians were called in to try and fix the problem? What was their assessment? Did they attempt to retrieve information off the hard drive?

If no one was notified of the crash, why not? If no computer specialists were called in to fix the problems, why not? If the information was not able to be retrieved from the hard drive, why not? Just what was the cause of the problem?

We haven't heard of other IRS information being lost. Just those darn emails at the center of the investigation that could expose some corruption in the White House.

IF there was a computer crash, there would have been subsequent emails after the crash that would have talked about it. Where are they? A lot of people need to be questioned because if there aren't people who were contacted regarding the problem and technicians called in to try and fix it, then we will know that the emails were quietly deleted and the computer was destroyed so the guilty will be protected.

The emails likely would have been very damaging. The investigators needed them to get to the bottom of this. Now they must take time to investigate the latest attempt at covering it up.
Oh, I'm sure it was just some low level employee in Cincinnati (who will never be identified) who caused the computers to crash, including all the back-ups. Seriously, how much proof do we need that this president is a fucking criminal???
Have the Obamanites been waiting for a period of huge problems in other areas, to slip in this "A computer crash deleted the important emails" fib with relatively little notice?

* We left Iraq, letting terrorists walk in and take it back.
* We traded five terrorist "generals" for one American deserter.
* We are letting thousands of children, gang members etc. flood over the border.

Today not one of the Sunday news-summary shows even mentioned the missing emails and nonsense excuses.

Forty years ago, Richard Nixon was basically impeached for telling the IRS to do illegal things (the IRS refused to comply).

Today, it looks like the White House did that and more... and barely anybody even notices, due to the other "even worse" stuff going on.

Nice planning, if nothing else.

And these Democrats insist THEY are the ones who should be running our country?
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The fact that Obama fluffers on this board can and do defend this is evidence of just how far gone this Country is. The left does not care one whit what laws are broken as long as they broke them.

And that's the point. Barry breaks the law? Who cares? I'll say it again. If this were Nixon or Ford or Reagan or either of the Bush guys - they'd be screaming at the top of their pussy lungs for IMPEACHMENT.

That's just the way these fools are.......
Democrats now have the label "party of corruption".

True. However, that is a label they have worn proudly for the last 50-70 years. :D

Probably not "proud", any more than a carpenter (even a poor one) is "proud" of his saw or his tool belt. Corruption and lies are just the normal tools the Democrats use to do business. They don't really find anything unusual about them, and are puzzled when others do.

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