What does the Trump tape really mean to the average American man?

Nice try there, but you're the one throwing an emotional fit. You're one of the most disingenuous shitstains on this forum. Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it. The fact that he did not tells us he approved of them. He just couldn't handle Trump's response, which was simply a comparison between the two wives. You give a very weak defense of Cruz with your "why should he denounce what he did not approve?". He should have denounced it because it was done by people loyal to HIM. Any decent person would have done that. You're full of shit and I hope you keep talking because every time you try to defend your treason you reveal your true position, which is to get Hillary elected. So keep talking, chump. You sound like Obama.

Look bud... Cruz is not obligated to run around condemning or apologizing for what everybody does who doesn't suck Trump's dick! This PAC was not affiliated with Ted Cruz as the evidence shows. They are not affiliated with ANY candidate! They are NOT a "Pro-Cruz" PAC as you claimed! By their own official Form 1 declaration to the FEC, they are NOT "loyal" to Ted Cruz! If you have evidence they've intentionally lied about this, you should report it to the FEC because, again, that is a serious breech of campaign finance laws.

He didn't have one damn thing to do with it and he was under no obligation to condemn it and there was nothing really to condemn... they released pictures that had already been internationally published for the whole world to see. Now.... WHEN has Donald Trump apologized for his mean and personal smear of Heidi Cruz? OR... Cruz's dad? THAT WAS personally done by Trump and he reiterated it following the convention. Where is YOUR apology for LYING about this being orchestrated by Cruz and a pro-Cruz PAC?

YOU have done more to get Hillary elected than I have. You continue to work diligently to ensure Trump doesn't win this election. Hils should reward you for your efforts!
He had a MORAL obligation to condemn it and he FAILED. So do YOU, fucker.
Boss; you are correct on so many points but I do take issue with how bad those comments were. There is NO moral equivalence with Trump and the Clinton Follies. Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances. Hell; I find his TV shows GRATING and just DUMB!! Cruz I put before Trump by a wide margin but he didn't get the numbers. But between Hillary and Trump is a chasm as big as any in Politics. As I said his comments were (to me) what we call here a "send up" of the stereotype of the Wealthy slimeball; I don't and didn't get any impression at all that it was something to which he acted upon. As for these women coming out of the woodwork with his supposed "indescretions"?? Sounds like crap to me.

As for the Cruz daddy and Lee HO thing? Anyone know where that came from?? The National Enquirer!!

The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald

Definitely an unreliable source. True: Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was. The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's hope that, whatever the outcome, Hillary is not it!!!


You're saying Trump is a better proposition than Clinton?

Trumps words, on my reading of them, referred to "stars" doing the slimy stuff. Evidently he was strongly attracted to a married woman once and didn't take her in the end. He was tempted evidently....but didn't like her superficiality. I don't know when that was but it did show that he wasn't just a root rat like Bill.

Urban Dictionary: root rat

Trumps words, on my reading of them, referred to "stars" doing the slimy stuff. Evidently he was strongly attracted to a married woman once and didn't take her in the end. He was tempted evidently....but didn't like her superficiality. I don't know when that was but it did show that he wasn't just a root rat like Bill.

Urban Dictionary: root rat


My reading of it was she turned him down.
What tape.

Gee, the one around your pea brain, 1/8 of an inch.

Your frustration is noted, millions of people disagree with you get over it.

Name ten thousand of the millions. What you confuse as frustration is nothing more than my mocking of fools like you. Now, I know that calling someone a fool is at its roots a personal attack, but in your case it seems by the evidence which is the body of your work on this message board, spot on.
Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it.

Now I think I've heard everything. :lol:

Laugh like a jackass all you like, it's a violation of federal law for any candidate to correspond with any PAC during a political campaign. You can go to prison for up to 2 years and people have. So no, Cruz could NOT have "asked them to not do it" and he is not obligated to police all the assorted PACs to ensure they follow his standards.

It's pitiful how I have reduced you to such a drooling little retard.

He had a MORAL obligation to condemn it and he FAILED. So do YOU, fucker.

Again... it's not Cruz's responsibility to run around monitoring what any PAC does... condemning it, approving it or whatever. He can't legally tell them what to do or even correspond with them. Do you not know the law?

Go educate yourself, it's called McCain-Feingold.
Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it.

Now I think I've heard everything. :lol:

Laugh like a jackass all you like, it's a violation of federal law for any candidate to correspond with any PAC during a political campaign. You can go to prison for up to 2 years and people have. So no, Cruz could NOT have "asked them to not do it" and he is not obligated to police all the assorted PACs to ensure they follow his standards.

It's pitiful how I have reduced you to such a drooling little retard.

He had a MORAL obligation to condemn it and he FAILED. So do YOU, fucker.

Again... it's not Cruz's responsibility to run around monitoring what any PAC does... condemning it, approving it or whatever. He can't legally tell them what to do or even correspond with them. Do you not know the law?

Go educate yourself, it's called McCain-Feingold.
You know damn good and well I'm talking about a PUBLIC condemnation of the super pac. There's nothing illegal about doing that and you know it. You've been kicked out of the closet and the best you can come up with is "But, but he would go to jail if he condemned the super pac's tactics". Total BULLSHIT and everyone knows it. It doesn't get more pathetic than that.
Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it.

Now I think I've heard everything. :lol:

Laugh like a jackass all you like, it's a violation of federal law for any candidate to correspond with any PAC during a political campaign. You can go to prison for up to 2 years and people have. So no, Cruz could NOT have "asked them to not do it" and he is not obligated to police all the assorted PACs to ensure they follow his standards.

It's pitiful how I have reduced you to such a drooling little retard.

He had a MORAL obligation to condemn it and he FAILED. So do YOU, fucker.

Again... it's not Cruz's responsibility to run around monitoring what any PAC does... condemning it, approving it or whatever. He can't legally tell them what to do or even correspond with them. Do you not know the law?

Go educate yourself, it's called McCain-Feingold.
You know damn good and well I'm talking about a PUBLIC condemnation of the super pac. There's nothing illegal about doing that and you know it. You've been kicked out of the closet and the best you can come up with is "But, but he would go to jail if he condemned the super pac's tactics". Total BULLSHIT and everyone knows it. It doesn't get more pathetic than that.

There is no reason or expectation for Cruz to condemn something a PAC did that he had absolutely nothing to do with and no knowledge of. If he spent his campaign time condemning everyone who attacked Trump he wouldn't have had time to campaign. I don't know what you're thinking here... no one else that I am aware of condemned what the PAC did... why do you think Cruz should have? :dunno:

I said he could go to jail if he "asked them to not do it" as you suggested. Cruz can't contact a PAC and/or tell them what to do. That's a violation of law. If you're too stupid to comprehend that, I don't know what to tell you... it's campaign finance law... he cannot have contact with ANY PAC and doing so would be a violation of federal law. Is that not penetrating your granite-like head or something? Besides, he doesn't know what they are going to do... how was he supposed to ask them not to?

You're just living in your own fucked up little universe here dude... are you really THAT ignorant of what PACs are for and why they exist and why candidates cannot have contact with them?
Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it.

Now I think I've heard everything. :lol:

Laugh like a jackass all you like, it's a violation of federal law for any candidate to correspond with any PAC during a political campaign. You can go to prison for up to 2 years and people have. So no, Cruz could NOT have "asked them to not do it" and he is not obligated to police all the assorted PACs to ensure they follow his standards.

It's pitiful how I have reduced you to such a drooling little retard.

He had a MORAL obligation to condemn it and he FAILED. So do YOU, fucker.

Again... it's not Cruz's responsibility to run around monitoring what any PAC does... condemning it, approving it or whatever. He can't legally tell them what to do or even correspond with them. Do you not know the law?

Go educate yourself, it's called McCain-Feingold.
You know damn good and well I'm talking about a PUBLIC condemnation of the super pac. There's nothing illegal about doing that and you know it. You've been kicked out of the closet and the best you can come up with is "But, but he would go to jail if he condemned the super pac's tactics". Total BULLSHIT and everyone knows it. It doesn't get more pathetic than that.

There is no reason or expectation for Cruz to condemn something a PAC did that he had absolutely nothing to do with and no knowledge of. If he spent his campaign time condemning everyone who attacked Trump he wouldn't have had time to campaign. I don't know what you're thinking here... no one else that I am aware of condemned what the PAC did... why do you think Cruz should have? :dunno:

I said he could go to jail if he "asked them to not do it" as you suggested. Cruz can't contact a PAC and/or tell them what to do. That's a violation of law. If you're too stupid to comprehend that, I don't know what to tell you... it's campaign finance law... he cannot have contact with ANY PAC and doing so would be a violation of federal law. Is that not penetrating your granite-like head or something? Besides, he doesn't know what they are going to do... how was he supposed to ask them not to?

You're just living in your own fucked up little universe here dude... are you really THAT ignorant of what PACs are for and why they exist and why candidates cannot have contact with them?
What part of PUBLIC do you not understand?
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Hey, thanks for posting that. Makes one wonder why Trump's accusers went on to say nice things about him and invite him to visit their restaurant, etc. (until just before the election when they suddenly all remembered he sexually assaulted them).

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