What does the Trump tape really mean to the average American man?

I am not sure what an average American man is, but personally, I am offended at the claim that talking about sexual assault or chasing after married women is normal talk for a man.

Funny how these morality standards only emerge from you when it helps Democrats.

For example, Hillary enabling a sexual predator? Does that bother you? Meh, not so much ...
How would you know my opinions from twenty years ago?
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.
And when Cruz asked the RNC to "vote their conscience"...he was boo'd. What does THAT tell you about the Drumpf GOP?

They saw it as code for "I'm backing out on my word"? Cruz had the opportunity to swing the GOP back to a less Trumpish style. He blew it . Now there is an irrational divide between the two wings of the Republicans which really isn't necessary and doesn't really exist in the real world. I am very happy for the Republicans to have those who prioritise good business policies and those like Boss who prioritise Constitutional matters. This "Alt" stuff just doesn't pass the pub test. It's like saying that a factory worker can't be a Republican. Just doesn't make sense.

It means Hillary is desperate and had to go back more than a decade to try to find something on Trump. Great - she found 'locker room talk'...which occurred the same time THE WHITE BILL COSBY was raping women and Hillary was ENABLING him. Way to go, Hillary - you got him!


Yes...that was a movie for laughs......are you telling us you cannot tell the difference?

You laughed at that?? lol. Yes: it was a joke, as was Trump's. Trouble is Trump's is being used as fact. I consider it in poor taste and it was.


You often have this much trouble telling the difference between fact and fiction?

Seems there was a famous line in "Heartbreak Ridge" where "Gunny" "sucked more pussy" and yes; that was fiction. I don't conflate it to Clint's Eastwood's real life though. It's a beat up of course and part of the gutter politics that is emerging in this cycle. The Democrats pointing at "anything NOT Hillary" has to help them.

I am not sure what an average American man is, but personally, I am offended at the claim that talking about sexual assault or chasing after married women is normal talk for a man.

Funny how these morality standards only emerge from you when it helps Democrats.

For example, Hillary enabling a sexual predator? Does that bother you? Meh, not so much ...
How would you know my opinions from twenty years ago?

You're voting for her next month, Holmes
Trump is what he is; warts and all. I've looked at his policies and frankly they're OK. But if you'd rather see a person with the baggage of Clinton and her FAILED policies then frankly I can't take you seriously. My own preference was for Bush; he didn't win. My next pick would be ANY Republican over a Clinton. As for "shifting parameters".......his nomination was accepted by the Party and he is the Candidate. The 'parameters" aren't all that stretched. They are simply broader than you may like. And Billy the Goat even understands that.

My not supporting Trump is NOT an endorsement of Hillary. I'm not okay with his or her policies, I think they are BOTH terrible candidates. I realize, one of the two are going to be elected but that doesn't mean I have to support either one. If you support Trump and that's who you want to be elected, that's fine with me... If you support Hillary and that's who you want to be elected, that's fine too. But don't try and tell me that I'm supporting Hillary if I don't vote for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary, that doesn't mean I support Trump.

Sorry you don't seem to understand what I was saying about "the pledge" but this is just simple facts of life. You're never expected to honor a pledge when the parameters the pledge was made on are changed. In fact, that is precisely the reason Trump said on 3/29/16, that he would NOT honor the pledge he made to support the eventual nominee. At the time, he felt like things were being rigged against him and he no longer felt obligated to honor the pledge. Likewise, Ted Cruz's family was viciously attacked with tabloid nonsense and sleazy low blows from Trump... that nullified the pledge for Cruz. He was no longer obligated because the parameters had changed... you're now talking about supporting someone who has attacked your family.

It really doesn't matter anyway because Cruz DID eventually endorse Trump. In spite of the smears and attacks on his family, he set that aside and honored the pledge. But some Trump supporters don't want to let go of that bone.
I am not sure what an average American man is, but personally, I am offended at the claim that talking about sexual assault or chasing after married women is normal talk for a man.

Funny how these morality standards only emerge from you when it helps Democrats.

For example, Hillary enabling a sexual predator? Does that bother you? Meh, not so much ...

I find it amazing that when it emerged that Bernie had a child to a woman not his wife that it was passed off as a "youthful indiscretion" even though he abandoned both in the end. Dems didn't seem too worried about it. Sorta goes to character imo.

It really doesn't matter anyway because Cruz DID eventually endorse Trump. In spite of the smears and attacks on his family, he set that aside and honored the pledge. But some Trump supporters don't want to let go of that bone.
Do you respect Cruz any less for endorsing Trump after the horrendous attacks on his wife?

Personally a political pledge does not outweigh my loyalty and love for my wife or the protection of my family. If Cruz had NOT endorsed Trump it was fine with me, as - IMO - it would have been completely understandable.

If either party claims to condemn mistreatment or disrespect of women NOT to condemn Trump at least some for his attacks on Cruz's wife would be seen - again, to me - a measure of hypocrisy. There are just some places 'you don't go' - you rise above.

I also believe that if women wade into politics and attack a candidate 'all bets are off' - they just invited a response / retaliation.
Trump is what he is; warts and all. I've looked at his policies and frankly they're OK. But if you'd rather see a person with the baggage of Clinton and her FAILED policies then frankly I can't take you seriously. My own preference was for Bush; he didn't win. My next pick would be ANY Republican over a Clinton. As for "shifting parameters".......his nomination was accepted by the Party and he is the Candidate. The 'parameters" aren't all that stretched. They are simply broader than you may like. And Billy the Goat even understands that.

My not supporting Trump is NOT an endorsement of Hillary. I'm not okay with his or her policies, I think they are BOTH terrible candidates. I realize, one of the two are going to be elected but that doesn't mean I have to support either one. If you support Trump and that's who you want to be elected, that's fine with me... If you support Hillary and that's who you want to be elected, that's fine too. But don't try and tell me that I'm supporting Hillary if I don't vote for Trump. I'm not voting for Hillary, that doesn't mean I support Trump.

Sorry you don't seem to understand what I was saying about "the pledge" but this is just simple facts of life. You're never expected to honor a pledge when the parameters the pledge was made on are changed. In fact, that is precisely the reason Trump said on 3/29/16, that he would NOT honor the pledge he made to support the eventual nominee. At the time, he felt like things were being rigged against him and he no longer felt obligated to honor the pledge. Likewise, Ted Cruz's family was viciously attacked with tabloid nonsense and sleazy low blows from Trump... that nullified the pledge for Cruz. He was no longer obligated because the parameters had changed... you're now talking about supporting someone who has attacked your family.

It really doesn't matter anyway because Cruz DID eventually endorse Trump. In spite of the smears and attacks on his family, he set that aside and honored the pledge. But some Trump supporters don't want to let go of that bone.
Which of Trump's polices aren't you OK with?

It really doesn't matter anyway because Cruz DID eventually endorse Trump. In spite of the smears and attacks on his family, he set that aside and honored the pledge. But some Trump supporters don't want to let go of that bone.
Do you respect Cruz any less for endorsing Trump after the horrendous attacks on his wife?

Personally a political pledge does not outweigh my loyalty and love for my wife or the protection of my family. If Cruz had NOT endorsed Trump it was fine with me, as - IMO - it would have been completely understandable.

If either party claims to condemn mistreatment or disrespect of women NOT to condemn Trump at least some for his attacks on Cruz's wife would be seen - again, to me - a measure of hypocrisy. There are just some places 'you don't go' - you rise above.

I also believe that if women wade into politics and attack a candidate 'all bets are off' - they just invited a response / retaliation.

I consider the Trump "attack" on Cruz's wife to be overblown. It developed out of a Cruz Superpac thingy attacking Trump's wife with pictures of her when she was a model. They were a tad racey. Trump then shot from the hip. Much ado about nothing in the end really.

Do you respect Cruz any less for endorsing Trump after the horrendous attacks on his wife?

Personally a political pledge does not outweigh my loyalty and love for my wife or the protection of my family. If Cruz had NOT endorsed Trump it was fine with me, as - IMO - it would have been completely understandable.

If either party claims to condemn mistreatment or disrespect of women NOT to condemn Trump at least some for his attacks on Cruz's wife would be seen - again, to me - a measure of hypocrisy. There are just some places 'you don't go' - you rise above.

I also believe that if women wade into politics and attack a candidate 'all bets are off' - they just invited a response / retaliation.

It doesn't change my opinion of Ted Cruz one bit. I have good friends who are avid Trump supporters and they aren't these "alt-right" nutjobs who spew jew-hate and racism... they are decent moral people who honestly believe Trump is someone who loves his country and is committed to making it great again. I don't fault them for that... they're still decent people in my book. I don't have to agree with you, it doesn't make you my mortal enemy.
I have good friends who are avid Trump supporters and they aren't these "alt-right" nutjobs who spew jew-hate and racism... they are decent moral people who honestly believe Trump is someone who loves his country and is committed to making it great again.

The only people I have seen spew racism, sexism, anti-Semitism, and homophobic comments, thanks to their own hacked/leaked emails, have been Liberals. We definitely don't run in the same circles.
Which of Trump's polices aren't you OK with?


I made a thread once where I listed about 10 things. I probably can't remember all of them now but here's a summary...

1. Ethanol Subsidies. He favors MORE of them. This is climate-change nonsense that actually results in expending more fossil fuel energy than it saves while lining the pockets of cronies who have dibs on the government handouts. It's corporate welfare and one of the most wasteful programs we have as a nation. If we can't cut ethanol subsidies, what are we going to cut?

2. Federal Land Grabs. It's not a big deal unless you live out west where the states own 90% of the land in some places. The Feds have been coming in and usurping this land under the National Parks Act, preventing it's usage by the states for all kinds of beneficial things for the people. Trump says he is fine with that, the Feds do a good job.

3. Tariffs. We currently have over 12,000 tariffs on foreign imports. I see no reason we should dramatically increase that without specifics but that's what Trump proposes. It will kill American jobs just as it did under Hoover. We have a trade deficit because we are a big consumer-driven country. Much of what we import is raw materials that are vital to American businesses. You start a tariff war and suddenly you're going to see factories shut down because they can't get materials.

4. Raising the Minimum Wage. Trump said in the debates that he didn't favor this because it would kill jobs... but after winning the nomination, he suddenly favors raising it to $10/hr. It's STILL going to kill jobs... the effects didn't change because he won the nomination.

5. Paid Maternity Leave. This has been a progressive battle cry for 35 years or more. It will devastate small businesses across America and it will result in making employment opportunities for women much more difficult. It's just another Big Government handout.

6. Tax The Rich. Again... a progressive talking point. We don't tax wealth, we tax incomes! Trump has backed off his own tax cut proposals for the top marginal rates because he says "the rich need to pay their fair share." ....Does that sound familiar?

7. ISIS Policy. He says we defeat ISIS by taking their oil... well okay, how do we do that without committing thousands of troops and boots on the ground in the middle east? What do you think Russia is going to say about us controlling all that oil they've been buying? I understand that this kind of tough talk appeals to emotions but it's just not that damn easy.

8. Paying for something by cutting "waste, fraud and abuse." ....this may SOUND good but it's patently stupid. If there is any waste, fraud and abuse it needs to be eliminated. No bills are ever passed where they allow a certain dollar amount to be devoted to waste, fraud and abuse... so how is that going to be cut and how do you know you've found it all? It's kind of like saying you're going to cut the police force in half by arresting all the criminals.

9. Gun Control. Trump says he wants to prohibit gun ownership for people on the "no-fly" list. Sorry, but you don't get to remove a constitutional right because someone is on an arbitrary list without due process. This really bothered me because it shows Trump doesn't understand what a constitutional right is. It doesn't make it okay because he's going to help people get off the list who don't belong... you still don't get to remove constitutional rights like that.

10. LBGTQ Agenda. You may have to do as I did and go look up what "Q" means... it stands for "questioning" ...so now, apparently, it's a Republican viewpoint that people who merely question their gender can be given special rights. This is just more liberal progressive nonsense that Trump has bought into.

So there's your comprehensive list of things I don't support Trump on. There are also a few things I support him on... Stronger defense... national security... securing the borders.. repealing Obamacare... He's not ALL bad.
Not just you... there are people liking your comments and cheering you on every post you make.
My "likes" are coming from conservatives, your's are coming from liberals.

As a Constitutional Conservative, handing the Alt Right a win is probably worse than if Hillary wins. Don't get me wrong, both are bad news, I just happen to think it would be much worse for Constitutional Conservatives if you get a political victory.
Hmm, where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, Jake, the fake Republican.

Yep... the Supreme Court is lost... it will swing radical left just as public policy will continue to swing radical left as it has under Obama and we'll have another 4 years of the same crap sandwich.
Sorry to break this to you but the SC justices she would get to appoint don't leave office when she does. It'll be a hell of a lot more than 4 years of crap sandwiches, idiot, it'll be the end of the second amendment and the first amendment will fall shortly thereafter. But you don't really care about that, do you? As long as the guy who beat Cruz doesn't get a victory, you're happy.
And yeah, you're using all the talking points. You referred to the "alt right" 4 times in one post. Dead giveaway, buddy. You're no conservative, you're a fucking Hillary supporter. The message in all of your comments is that a Hillary victory wouldn't be so bad. No conservative would ever take that position.
I consider the Trump "attack" on Cruz's wife to be overblown. It developed out of a Cruz Superpac thingy attacking Trump's wife with pictures of her when she was a model. They were a tad racey. Trump then shot from the hip. Much ado about nothing in the end really.

Well you've been misinformed. It was NOT a Cruz Super-PAC.... it was an anti-Trump PAC and not affiliated with any candidate. It's a violation of Federal Campaign Finance laws for ANY candidate to conspire, consort, orchestrate or advise in any way with ANY PAC. They are simply not allowed to communicate with them, even if it's their OWN PAC! That was the whole entire purpose of PACs! So this notion promoted by Trump that Cruz attacked his wife first is BOGUS! And it is NOT an attack to publish photos that have already been published for a national magazine.

Trump didn't just "shoot from the hip" ...he very publicly humiliated Heidi Cruz. He went on to float a story that Cruz's father conspired with Lee Harvey Oswald in the assassination of JFK! .....Maybe you're okay with that.... I think it's despicable and shows very low character. It's NOT much ado about nothing if you're Ted Cruz and it's YOUR family!
Sorry to break this to you but the SC justices she would get to appoint don't leave office when she does. It'll be a hell of a lot more than 4 years of crap sandwiches, idiot, it'll be the end of the second amendment and the first amendment will fall shortly thereafter. But you don't really care about that, do you?

No.. YOU don't care about that! You've done everything in your power to ensure Trump loses this election so you can blame it on Ted Cruz and his supporters. That's ALL you really care about as we can see in every word you post.
My "likes" are coming from conservatives, your's are coming from liberals.

No... Your "likes" are coming from people who are in the tank for Trump. You're NOT Conservatives because you don't support conservative viewpoints.

Sorry, chump!
My "likes" are coming from conservatives, your's are coming from liberals.

No... Your "likes" are coming from people who are in the tank for Trump. You're NOT Conservatives because you don't support conservative viewpoints.

Sorry, chump!
You've been outed, punk. And your last post to Gtopa1 is bullshit. It came from a Cruz super pac and you know it. Even Cruz didn't deny it. Cruz knew they were gonna do it and he was fine with it or he would have condemned it (which he DIDN'T). Then when Trump responded in kind, he cried foul (being the whining pussy he is). And your comment "in the tank for Trump" is another giveaway, a term used by the opposing party. You're no conservative.

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