What does the Trump tape really mean to the average American man?

Again... When I was about 8-years-old, my daddy took me out behind the woodshed and I learned that you cannot excuse your own bad behaviors by pointing your finger at someone else and saying "they did it too!"

That's all those idiots have left and they won't let it go. It's easier to try and deflect than it is to come to terms with the fact that they were stupid enough to nominate a reality TV star that turned out to be a sexual predator too. Look in the mirror! Great job nominating a child molester that's going to lose the election and take down the republican party with him!!
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You know, in Jr. high and High school, I was involved in sports. Boxing, wrestling, and track to be specific.

Although I heard a lot of "locker room talk", it was for the most part what woman has the best looking body, who has the largest breasts, who had slept with who, etc.

Not once did I hear of anyone mention that it would be okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.

I also spent 20 years in the United States Navy, and was there from 1982 until 2002. During those 20 years I was in, about half of them were spent out at sea, and late at night, guys like to talk about what they are missing back home, and quite often, those conversations would end up in the "locker room talk" area.

Again, even though we talked about positions, what kind of thing made our women go wild, preference for what we like our ladies to wear, etc., not once did I hear another guy say that they thought it would be okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.

Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.

Bullshit....you squids are all homos..and high schools didn't have boxing in the 60's....I know because I boxed Golden Gloves in that era.

Hey stupid................I was born in '64, and didn't graduate until '82, when I joined the Navy.

It's amazing how much crap people will make up if they think it may justify their position.

Which confirms what I said about high school boxing....it was ended in the 50's....now apologize to the board and drop and give me 50, mister!

No, you just said that they didn't have boxing in the 60's in your original post.

However..................Frenchtown High School in Frenchtown MT had boxing smokers in 1980 and in 1981. I know, because I won a trophy each year I boxed.

How the fuck do you know what every high school in every state did every year?

Smokers were unsanctioned fights so how could you win a trophy for one? You're lying....
4 year old T-ball players can win trophies.
For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.
You know, in Jr. high and High school, I was involved in sports. Boxing, wrestling, and track to be specific.

Although I heard a lot of "locker room talk", it was for the most part what woman has the best looking body, who has the largest breasts, who had slept with who, etc.

Not once did I hear of anyone mention that it would be okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.

I also spent 20 years in the United States Navy, and was there from 1982 until 2002. During those 20 years I was in, about half of them were spent out at sea, and late at night, guys like to talk about what they are missing back home, and quite often, those conversations would end up in the "locker room talk" area.

Again, even though we talked about positions, what kind of thing made our women go wild, preference for what we like our ladies to wear, etc., not once did I hear another guy say that they thought it would be okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.

Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
I guess you just weren't rich and privileged enough.........;)
Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
Of course, Trump never said nor implied that in the first place.

Were you invited to molest that strawman?
Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
Of course, Trump never said nor implied that in the first place.

Were you invited to molest that strawman?

Guess you missed the tape, because Trump stated explicitly that he could grab women by the pussy because when you're famous, you can do anything and get away with it.

Why are you defending this kind of talk? No locker room, nor any ship that I've ever been on did ANYONE think it was okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.
We have many trying to make light of the Trump braggadicio, yet consider what that means to someone like most males posting on this board. Now, if someone we know were to grab our wife, sister, mother, or daughter by the pussy uninvited, the majority of us would bust that bastard up. And rightly so.

Now consider what that means in the case of someone like Trump. So you break his nose and black both eyes, walk off, honor satisfied. And then, with a few tens of thousands of dollars, chump change to him, and a couple of phone calls, you disappear shortly afterwards. Given Trump's determination not to let even the slightest offense to him go unpunished, that is what would happen.

Do you really want this type of person with the power that comes with the White House?

When we talk about grabbing pussy, our pals laugh.

You need to figure out the difference between actions and words.

That being said, your wife might appreciate if you sometimes... you know... Although, given that you are an omega male, it might be that no one wants you to grab anything. The confusion is thus explained.
Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
Of course, Trump never said nor implied that in the first place.

Were you invited to molest that strawman?

Guess you missed the tape, because Trump stated explicitly that he could grab women by the pussy because when you're famous, you can do anything and get away with it.

Why are you defending this kind of talk? No locker room, nor any ship that I've ever been on did ANYONE think it was okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.
Aren't you through molesting that strawman yet? :rolleyes:
Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
Of course, Trump never said nor implied that in the first place.

Were you invited to molest that strawman?

Guess you missed the tape, because Trump stated explicitly that he could grab women by the pussy because when you're famous, you can do anything and get away with it.

Why are you defending this kind of talk? No locker room, nor any ship that I've ever been on did ANYONE think it was okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.
Aren't you through molesting that strawman yet? :rolleyes:

Okay............here's the video where you, or anyone else, can listen to what he said, as well as read the subtitles of what is being said.

Ain't no strawman here, just some idiot (you) denying what their Orange Messiah actually did.
Nope...................sorry......................locker room talk is one thing, but stating that you can openly sexually assault someone just because you're famous is quite another.
Of course, Trump never said nor implied that in the first place.

Were you invited to molest that strawman?

Guess you missed the tape, because Trump stated explicitly that he could grab women by the pussy because when you're famous, you can do anything and get away with it.

Why are you defending this kind of talk? No locker room, nor any ship that I've ever been on did ANYONE think it was okay to grab a woman by her privates uninvited.
Aren't you through molesting that strawman yet? :rolleyes:

Okay............here's the video where you, or anyone else, can listen to what he said, as well as read the subtitles of what is being said.

Ain't no strawman here, just some idiot (you) denying what their Orange Messiah actually did.

I've seen the video before.

That's how I know you're lying in the first place, jackass.
It's not about Bill Clinton but it's also not about Hillary Clinton
Yes, it is about Hillary Clinton. Instead of piling on Trump, you should be criticizing the media for NOT covering Hillary's disgusting record of her treatment of women but you're still having your little tantrum over Cruz losing to Trump. You're a Benedict Arnold.

It's NOT a "Hillary talking point" for me to condemn what Trump said.
You're saying the exact same thing Hillary and her sycophants are saying but more importantly it's what you're NOT saying. I notice you haven't said one damn word about the 12 year old rape victim Hillary smeared while defending her 41 year old attacker. The only criticism you have is for Trump. Ryan, McCain, Graham, the Bushes, and Cruz, you all would rather see Hillary Clinton appoint 3 or 4 SC justices as long as Trump doesn't win. I'll bet you were cheering the moderators when they were double teaming Trump at the debate too. You're disgusting.

Sorry, that does not excuse what Donald Trump said. I would be happy to talk about Hillary and all her assorted scandals and misdeeds but the thread is not about Hillary Clinton... it's about Trump and his "locker room talk". So THAT is what I am going to talk about in THIS thread.

I'm sorry you think I am having a tantrum over Cruz losing the primary. The fact that he lost the primary doesn't excuse Trump nor does it nullify my condemning what he said. Benedict Arnold was a traitor to the country he pledged loyalty to... I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.

Since Trump won the GOP nomination, what I would have LIKED to have seen was Donald J. Trump embracing Ted Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives and campaigning on a solid Conservative platform. Had he done that, I would STILL be condemning what he said, just as I would condemn it if Ted Cruz or anyone else said it, but it wouldn't really matter because he would have an insurmountable lead over Hillary at this point. The ONLY times the man has done well in ANY poll is whenever he was delivering solid CONSERVATIVE speeches. The more he lurched to the left and tried to be a fucking LIBERAL, the more his poll numbers tanked. Now he finds himself in serious trouble with a major sex scandal on his back. Ted Cruz is NOT responsible for that and neither am I.

Now let me tell you something, punk.... You, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham can sit around the next month trying to excuse and explain away his inexcusable and indefensible comments all you like. All you are going to do is further alienate potential undecided voters. But that's par for the course in this campaign, you've run off every potential voter you could find by being jerks and assholes. About the only demographic you have left are the Jew-haters and racists and a few star-struck fans who think Trump can do no wrong. Good luck because you're going to lose in a landslide to the most corrupt and crooked politician to ever seek the presidency. Ted Cruz is NOT responsible for that and neither am I.

YES... Get used to the idea... The SCOTUS is lost! Your guy blew it! You nominated the wrong person! Many of us tried to tell you this months and months ago and you simply wouldn't listen. You arrogantly pointed to Trump's popularity and INSISTED that he could win... even without our support! So congratulations... you won the primary but you're going to lose the general... and you know who's to blame for that? .....Donald J. Trump!
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.

No, he did honor it. He has publicly endorsed Trump. Where have you been? :dunno:

And are you still whining about this pledge that Trump refused to sign, then agreed to, then said he wouldn't honor? Is he a Benedict Arnold too? We've already been through this but just for sake of clarity, any pledge is made on the presumption and good faith that things are going to transpire a certain way. If I pledge $500 to S.J. Charities to Help Hungry Children... then... later discover that S.J Charities funds pedophiles, I am not obligated to honor my pledge and it would be morally reprehensible to do so. When Trump personally attacked Cruz's family, he nullified the pledge. So get over it.

I have stated that I may vote for Trump. I can vote for someone and not support them. I've never pledged support for Trump and I don't believe I will ever do that. I disagree with him on far too many issues and as we've seen, he has a low moral character. But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.
But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.
So, you'll cast your vote based on something an anonymous person said on a message board? What a fucking idiot. LMAO.
For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nah; sounds more like the Clinton slime machine at work. If it works you get Hillary. If people base it on Hillary's record then you get Trump. I just can't believe that anyone gives a damn about what Democrat patsies say about Trump. Surely some Republicans aren't seeking APPROVAL from a Dem?? Just wondering how the Clintons suppressed all those REAL "bimbo eruptions" while he was still active?

Now what were those promises Republicans made to support the eventual winner?? Either they are of their word or they are just scum like any usual Democrat.

I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.

No, he did honor it. He has publicly endorsed Trump. Where have you been? :dunno:

And are you still whining about this pledge that Trump refused to sign, then agreed to, then said he wouldn't honor? Is he a Benedict Arnold too? We've already been through this but just for sake of clarity, any pledge is made on the presumption and good faith that things are going to transpire a certain way. If I pledge $500 to S.J. Charities to Help Hungry Children... then... later discover that S.J Charities funds pedophiles, I am not obligated to honor my pledge and it would be morally reprehensible to do so. When Trump personally attacked Cruz's family, he nullified the pledge. So get over it.

I have stated that I may vote for Trump. I can vote for someone and not support them. I've never pledged support for Trump and I don't believe I will ever do that. I disagree with him on far too many issues and as we've seen, he has a low moral character. But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.

Trump is no pedophile, Boss. Luv ya but you're sounding like a Democrat.

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For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nah; sounds more like the Clinton slime machine at work. If it works you get Hillary. If people base it on Hillary's record then you get Trump. I just can't believe that anyone gives a damn about what Democrat patsies say about Trump. Surely some Republicans aren't seeking APPROVAL from a Dem?? Just wondering how the Clintons suppressed all those REAL "bimbo eruptions" while he was still active?

Now what were those promises Republicans made to support the eventual winner?? Either they are of their word or they are just scum like any usual Democrat.

What democrats say about Trump would not be such a problem if it were not for what Trump said about Trump. Maybe Trump isn't such a pussy grabber, but it's easy to paint him with that brush since their is video evidence that he said it.
For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nah; sounds more like the Clinton slime machine at work. If it works you get Hillary. If people base it on Hillary's record then you get Trump. I just can't believe that anyone gives a damn about what Democrat patsies say about Trump. Surely some Republicans aren't seeking APPROVAL from a Dem?? Just wondering how the Clintons suppressed all those REAL "bimbo eruptions" while he was still active?

Now what were those promises Republicans made to support the eventual winner?? Either they are of their word or they are just scum like any usual Democrat.

What democrats say about Trump would not be such a problem if it were not for what Trump said about Trump. Maybe Trump isn't such a pussy grabber, but it's easy to paint him with that brush since their is video evidence that he said it.

You are exactly right. He can be PAINTED as such regardless of the truth of it. I would say it was a dumb thing to say. However, it was banter with a bit of stereotyping of "rich power" thrown in. It may have been a dumb "joke" but it was a jokey type of thing nonetheless. But hey; it's up to your side to make the most of it. It is an ideal distraction from focusing on Hillary's performance and failed policies. Totally superficial of course but such is life.

btw: I do NOT give this away at all. Will Trump win? I've preferred others and written him off too many times to do so again.

For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.

Nah; sounds more like the Clinton slime machine at work. If it works you get Hillary. If people base it on Hillary's record then you get Trump. I just can't believe that anyone gives a damn about what Democrat patsies say about Trump. Surely some Republicans aren't seeking APPROVAL from a Dem?? Just wondering how the Clintons suppressed all those REAL "bimbo eruptions" while he was still active?

Now what were those promises Republicans made to support the eventual winner?? Either they are of their word or they are just scum like any usual Democrat.

What democrats say about Trump would not be such a problem if it were not for what Trump said about Trump. Maybe Trump isn't such a pussy grabber, but it's easy to paint him with that brush since their is video evidence that he said it.

You are exactly right. He can be PAINTED as such regardless of the truth of it. I would say it was a dumb thing to say. However, it was banter with a bit of stereotyping of "rich power" thrown in. It may have been a dumb "joke" but it was a jokey type of thing nonetheless. But hey; it's up to your side to make the most of it. It is an ideal distraction from focusing on Hillary's performance and failed policies. Totally superficial of course but such is life.

btw: I do NOT give this away at all. Will Trump win? I've preferred others and written him off too many times to do so again.

My side? I beleive we are screwed regardless of which of the two are elected, HRC or DJT.

I am not willing to give Trump a pass just because Hillary stinks. When a very powerful businessman and celebrity brags that he get away with grabbing pussy, I actually believe he may have done it in the past. Of course maybe he didn't, but now his credability is shot.
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.

No, he did honor it. He has publicly endorsed Trump. Where have you been? :dunno:

And are you still whining about this pledge that Trump refused to sign, then agreed to, then said he wouldn't honor? Is he a Benedict Arnold too? We've already been through this but just for sake of clarity, any pledge is made on the presumption and good faith that things are going to transpire a certain way. If I pledge $500 to S.J. Charities to Help Hungry Children... then... later discover that S.J Charities funds pedophiles, I am not obligated to honor my pledge and it would be morally reprehensible to do so. When Trump personally attacked Cruz's family, he nullified the pledge. So get over it.

I have stated that I may vote for Trump. I can vote for someone and not support them. I've never pledged support for Trump and I don't believe I will ever do that. I disagree with him on far too many issues and as we've seen, he has a low moral character. But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.

Trump is no pedophile, Boss. Luv ya but you're sounding like a Democrat.


I didn't say Trump was a pedophile, I gave an example of how pledges work. You're not obligated to adhere to a pledge when the parameters you made the pledge on change. I can present all kinds of examples if you need for me to, the one about a charity that ends up supporting pedophiles was just what happened to pop into my head at the moment. Sorry if you think that sounds like a Democrat, I think it's just common pragmatic sense that even a goat would have.

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