What does the Trump tape really mean to the average American man?

But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.
So, you'll cast your vote based on something an anonymous person said on a message board? What a fucking idiot. LMAO.

Not just you... there are people liking your comments and cheering you on every post you make. I hear from your type every day. As much as I despise Hillary and think she would be terrible for the country, I think I despise you more and think your type would be more terrible for the country. I certainly am not inclined to embolden you with a political victory or help you achieve it.

As a Constitutional Conservative, handing the Alt Right a win is probably worse than if Hillary wins. Don't get me wrong, both are bad news, I just happen to think it would be much worse for Constitutional Conservatives if you get a political victory.

Here's my rationale for those who have difficulty following my logic....

With a Hillary win, the Constitutional Conservatives can mount a challenge to her in 4 years. The Alt Right will have been defeated and no longer relevant. With a Trump win, the Alt Right is embolden and there is less chance of Constitutional Conservatives mounting any challenge in 4 years or maybe even in 8 years. With an Alt Right win, Constitutional Conservatives become the ones who are irrelevant. We're old news.. the losers... the butthurt Cruz-bots. But if you punks get your teeth kicked in like I think is going to happen, YOU become the losers. We're vindicated.

Yep... the Supreme Court is lost... it will swing radical left just as public policy will continue to swing radical left as it has under Obama and we'll have another 4 years of the same crap sandwich. That may actually play into the favor of Constitutional Conservatives. People are going to be searching for answers and they certainly won't be turning to the likes of you and Donald Trump again.
What does raunchy talk mean? It's just that, talk. Talk is cheap.

Clintons have both gone unpunished for their deeds, but you don't mind that as long as there isn't video footage of them doing it.

Trump fessed up and apologized, which is more than most do. Did you see the video of Obama showing off his erection to the ladies on the plane? I guess that's tasteful to you.

There is no video of Obama's erection. You're lying.

Trump wasn't just "talking". Numerous women have come forward to say that Trump did exactly what he told Billy Bush he did, that is to grope women, to sexually assault them, to walk in on underage girls who were changing into bathing suits, and who he knew would be at least partially naked.

Trump didn't just "talk the talk", he walked the walk.
We have many trying to make light of the Trump braggadicio, yet consider what that means to someone like most males posting on this board. Now, if someone we know were to grab our wife, sister, mother, or daughter by the pussy uninvited, the majority of us would bust that bastard up. And rightly so.

Now consider what that means in the case of someone like Trump. So you break his nose and black both eyes, walk off, honor satisfied. And then, with a few tens of thousands of dollars, chump change to him, and a couple of phone calls, you disappear shortly afterwards. Given Trump's determination not to let even the slightest offense to him go unpunished, that is what would happen.

Do you really want this type of person with the power that comes with the White House?

No, I don't. And Hillary is just as bad. The two parties really fucked this one up. More than any other election, both sides should go third party
I am not sure what an average American man is, but personally, I am offended at the claim that talking about sexual assault or chasing after married women is normal talk for a man.
Does anybody remember Gary Hart? He was on his way to being the 1988 Democrat presidential front-runner. Rumors of an affair plagued him until photographs finally appeared and dispelled all doubts. That KILLED his political career. Now we have come a long way since then. Bill Clinton's supporters rallied around him and told us all that "character doesn't matter" ...as long as he's getting the job done, it's none of our business what happens in his personal life.

Call me old fashioned but I still believe, when it comes to the president of the United States, character DOES matter. And excusing bad character by pointing to someone else's bad behavior is no excuse at all. If you want to say that Hillary is just as bad, that's fine... it doesn't excuse Trump. I personally think she has done things FAR more reprehensible than "locker room talk". But that doesn't mean we can blow this off and pretend it's no big deal. It IS a big deal.... it reveals a serious flaw in Trump's character. Like it or not, that is the truth and you can't deny it.

Will this have an effect on the average voter? You bet it will. Count on it. Will it cost him the election? By itself, probably not... but he was already floundering. This may be "The One" that finally takes him out. Should he withdraw from the race? Of course not, it's far too late in the game for that. If this had come out during the primaries, I would say, yes... that would be the appropriate thing to do. (Not that Trump does the appropriate things.) But at this point, early ballots have been cast, the names are already printed on ballots nationwide, there is no provision for changing candidates this late in the race and doing so would guarantee a Democratic victory.

Lesson of the Day: You wouldn't be in this mess if you'd have nominated a decent candidate.
Gary Hart challenged the media to follow him when rumors surfaced, and denied having anything on the side. Back in 1992, I don't think it was "character doesn't matter." It was more about if women choose to sleep with him, and his marriage survives, why do I care? Poppy had a mistress himself, before getting the potus slot. And no, I don't believe Broderick and never have. But after the impeachment and all that, I doubt a guy with Slick's past could be elected.

But that's not really the charge on Trump. Does anyone remotely think he's ever been faithful to any of his three wives? Come on. But that hardly bothers his supporters. And the media certainly gave him a pass. But, the charge, and what's killing him, is sexual harassment. He beat up on a muslim and a Judge of Mexican descent, but that didn't really kill him. But almost every man has a wife, sister, daughter who's been at least made uncomfortable by some male.
Funny.. Trump is the devil walking the Earth... well only since a year ago. The previous 68 years you never heard a peep about the devil.

The Clintons however have been embroiled in scandals for 4 decades.
Funny.. Trump is the devil walking the Earth... well only since a year ago. The previous 68 years you never heard a peep about the devil.

The Clintons however have been embroiled in scandals for 4 decades.
Trump has been front page news for decades. His adultery and playboy status was covered extensively. He was not demonized, but instead viewed as a misbehaving rich guy, hence, entertainment in the gossip columns and tabloids. He seemed to like the status as a "bad boy" playboy rich guy but it has come back to bite him.
Funny.. Trump is the devil walking the Earth... well only since a year ago. The previous 68 years you never heard a peep about the devil.

The Clintons however have been embroiled in scandals for 4 decades.

We heard lots about him. He's been everywhere in the media, since the 1980's. Trump personified Reagan's dream for America. Bold, brash and rich, Trump courted the media spotlight for decades. That's why there's been so much video surface, where Trump displays what a total ass he is, and how badly he's always treated women.

None of this mattered when he was a private citizen, but now that he's running for President, yes it matters that Trump treats half the population of the United States, including his own daughter, as a "piece of ass".
Funny.. Trump is the devil walking the Earth... well only since a year ago. The previous 68 years you never heard a peep about the devil.

The Clintons however have been embroiled in scandals for 4 decades.
Trump has been front page news for decades. His adultery and playboy status was covered extensively. He was not demonized, but instead viewed as a misbehaving rich guy, hence, entertainment in the gossip columns and tabloids. He seemed to like the status as a "bad boy" playboy rich guy but it has come back to bite him.
It didn't seem to hurt him until he outed himself as a misogynist and harasser.
I am not sure what an average American man is, but personally, I am offended at the claim that talking about sexual assault or chasing after married women is normal talk for a man.

Funny how these morality standards only emerge from you when it helps Democrats.

For example, Hillary enabling a sexual predator? Does that bother you? Meh, not so much ...
Larry Nichols, former Clinton insider has stated more than once that Bill "drop trou" told him that Hitlery has ate more pussy than he has. A former MK-Ultra victim that suffered from trauma based torture that causes the mind to be fragmented and be broken down into what they refer to as "alters was a WH model. She was used as a "honey pot" i.e she was used to put politicians and influential people in compromising positions that could be taped and used as blackmail material as seen fit. Part of her trauma based "training" included the mutilation of her genitalia and it really turned Hitlery on to the pojnt that Cathy O'Brien was forced to perform oral on her. Hitlery had her pubic hair shaved in the shape of the sign of the "horn of mendes". Cathy O'Brien's book "Trance Formation Of America" is a must read. She tried to take her claims to court but under the guise of "National Security", she was never given her day in court. The fact that she wrote the book is why she is alive to this day.

We live in a very sick and twisted country, folks.......and the ones running it are mentally disturbed. Look her up and trhen come back and tell me I am wrong. I discovered this 4 years ago.
Larry Nichols - Wikipedia
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.

No, he did honor it. He has publicly endorsed Trump. Where have you been? :dunno:

And are you still whining about this pledge that Trump refused to sign, then agreed to, then said he wouldn't honor? Is he a Benedict Arnold too? We've already been through this but just for sake of clarity, any pledge is made on the presumption and good faith that things are going to transpire a certain way. If I pledge $500 to S.J. Charities to Help Hungry Children... then... later discover that S.J Charities funds pedophiles, I am not obligated to honor my pledge and it would be morally reprehensible to do so. When Trump personally attacked Cruz's family, he nullified the pledge. So get over it.

I have stated that I may vote for Trump. I can vote for someone and not support them. I've never pledged support for Trump and I don't believe I will ever do that. I disagree with him on far too many issues and as we've seen, he has a low moral character. But you wanna know what will most likely keep me from pulling the lever for Trump? It's not being upset over Cruz losing, it's not Trump's "locker room talk" or even his ever-shifting policy positions... it's YOU, punk! You're the reason I probably won't vote for Trump. You see, I had rather watch you get your shit-stained teeth kicked in on election night than to see Hillary Clinton defeated.

Trump is no pedophile, Boss. Luv ya but you're sounding like a Democrat.


I didn't say Trump was a pedophile, I gave an example of how pledges work. You're not obligated to adhere to a pledge when the parameters you made the pledge on change. I can present all kinds of examples if you need for me to, the one about a charity that ends up supporting pedophiles was just what happened to pop into my head at the moment. Sorry if you think that sounds like a Democrat, I think it's just common pragmatic sense that even a goat would have.

Trump is what he is; warts and all. I've looked at his policies and frankly they're OK. But if you'd rather see a person with the baggage of Clinton and her FAILED policies then frankly I can't take you seriously. My own preference was for Bush; he didn't win. My next pick would be ANY Republican over a Clinton. As for "shifting parameters".......his nomination was accepted by the Party and he is the Candidate. The 'parameters" aren't all that stretched. They are simply broader than you may like. And Billy the Goat even understands that.

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We have many trying to make light of the Trump braggadicio, yet consider what that means to someone like most males posting on this board. Now, if someone we know were to grab our wife, sister, mother, or daughter by the pussy uninvited, the majority of us would bust that bastard up. And rightly so.

Now consider what that means in the case of someone like Trump. So you break his nose and black both eyes, walk off, honor satisfied. And then, with a few tens of thousands of dollars, chump change to him, and a couple of phone calls, you disappear shortly afterwards. Given Trump's determination not to let even the slightest offense to him go unpunished, that is what would happen.

Do you really want this type of person with the power that comes with the White House?

Seriously? Can you identify any females on this board that would not drop that man where he stood if the thought merely crossed his mind?

It's from 11 years ago and the Democrats look foolish at this point.
Why does a woman even have to be in a situation where she has to "drop that man"?
For the record: what Trump said was inane banter.

Perhaps it was just inane banter; however, now that there are women coming out saying that Trump sexually assaulted them and there are women that say he walked into their dressing rooms unannounced just to see them naked, the chickens are coming home to roost.
All one has to do is start looking at all the Drumpf transcripts on the Howard Stern Show.
I never pledged my loyalty to Donald Trump, so I'm nothing like Benedict Arnold.
Cruz pledged his support to the nominee (whoever it was), then didn't honor it. Debate over. Both of you are exactly like Benedict Arnold, punk.
And when Cruz asked the RNC to "vote their conscience"...he was boo'd. What does THAT tell you about the Drumpf GOP?

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