What does the Trump tape really mean to the average American man?

You've been outed, punk. And your last post to Gtopa1 is bullshit. It came from a Cruz super pac and you know it. Even Cruz didn't deny it. Cruz knew they were gonna do it and he was fine with it or he would have condemned it (which he DIDN'T). Then when Trump responded in kind, he cried foul (being the whining pussy he is). And your comment "in the tank for Trump" is another giveaway, a term used by the opposing party. You're no conservative.

Well... no, it didn't come from a Cruz PAC. Even if it had, Cruz is still violating federal election laws if he communicated with them in any way. Cruz denied his campaign having anything to do with it... stop fucking LYING, asswipe!

Make America Awesome

YOU are not a Conservative... you support raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, taxing the rich, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, gun control, the LBGTQ agenda and protectionist trade policies. That makes you NOT a Conservative, assmunch!
We have many trying to make light of the Trump braggadicio, yet consider what that means to someone like most males posting on this board. Now, if someone we know were to grab our wife, sister, mother, or daughter by the pussy uninvited, the majority of us would bust that bastard up. And rightly so.

Now consider what that means in the case of someone like Trump. So you break his nose and black both eyes, walk off, honor satisfied. And then, with a few tens of thousands of dollars, chump change to him, and a couple of phone calls, you disappear shortly afterwards. Given Trump's determination not to let even the slightest offense to him go unpunished, that is what would happen.

Do you really want this type of person with the power that comes with the White House?

Seriously? Can you identify any females on this board that would not drop that man where he stood if the thought merely crossed his mind?

It's from 11 years ago and the Democrats look foolish at this point.
Why does a woman even have to be in a situation where she has to "drop that man"?

Don't even go there.
Dear Boss and SJ,

as amusing as your banter is take it from a long time Conservative; you are BOTH Conservatives!!!!! Interesting how at the flick of a switch from the Dems you suddenly are at each other. Disunity is DEATH in Politics. I say get over any petty differences and concentrate on the real problem. And they are all Democrat!!!

btw: I've had "discussions" at branch meets that makes this stuff look like fairy slaps. Trump's comments were a one on the Richter scale of slime. Hillary and Bill are a bloody TEN!!! I think Don was making a joke of the stereotype of rich blokes getting the sheilas by wealth and power aka Bill. It might take a bit of patience to work it out but there it is.
btw: I'm from Oz so am a little step back from the shitstorm. ( And no; I am NOT a Republican; I'm a Constitutional Monarchist and as diehard a Conservative as anyone here!!!


Dear Boss and SJ,

as amusing as your banter is take it from a long time Conservative; you are BOTH Conservatives!!!!! Interesting how at the flick of a switch from the Dems you suddenly are at each other. Disunity is DEATH in Politics. I say get over any petty differences and concentrate on the real problem.

Well, if we are both conservatives, one of us (SJ) is not adhering to our conservative principles. Big government programs and solutions are not conservative principles. Statism and progressive social policies are not conservative. No Democrat flicked THIS switch, it was flicked by SJ when I wouldn't "fall in line" behind Trump. The disunity is due to Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives being continuously kicked in the groin and denigrated. These are not "petty differences" they are major differences and no sir, I will not get over them.

I understand Democrats are the real problem which is why I can't understand why people like SJ have such a hard on about attacking true Conservatives. He has spent this entire campaign besmirching ME and attacking MY views and opinions because Cruz didn't jump at the chance to endorse Trump.

I think Don was making a joke of the stereotype of rich blokes getting the sheilas by wealth and power aka Bill. It might take a bit of patience to work it out but there it is.

All I have said is that Trump's comments were inappropriate and wrong. Why can't people just accept that and admit it? Even Trump admitted it! For some reason, all of his supporters want to run around trying to pretend it's no big deal and there wasn't anything wrong with it because Hillary has done worse. Pointing to the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own bad behavior. But I am called "Benedict Arnold" because I point this out and condemn what he said.

Now look.... it's no coincidence this comes rolling out a month before the election and not during the primaries. Obviously, the Democrats had this information all along and were waiting for just the right time to release it... and there's going to be MORE. Some of us tried to warn people about this a long time ago when we still had the chance of nominating a decent candidate. We were hooted down then just as we're being hooted down now and ironically, we'll end up being blamed for Trump's loss.
Dear Boss and SJ,

as amusing as your banter is take it from a long time Conservative; you are BOTH Conservatives!!!!! Interesting how at the flick of a switch from the Dems you suddenly are at each other. Disunity is DEATH in Politics. I say get over any petty differences and concentrate on the real problem.

Well, if we are both conservatives, one of us (SJ) is not adhering to our conservative principles. Big government programs and solutions are not conservative principles. Statism and progressive social policies are not conservative. No Democrat flicked THIS switch, it was flicked by SJ when I wouldn't "fall in line" behind Trump. The disunity is due to Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives being continuously kicked in the groin and denigrated. These are not "petty differences" they are major differences and no sir, I will not get over them.

I understand Democrats are the real problem which is why I can't understand why people like SJ have such a hard on about attacking true Conservatives. He has spent this entire campaign besmirching ME and attacking MY views and opinions because Cruz didn't jump at the chance to endorse Trump.

I think Don was making a joke of the stereotype of rich blokes getting the sheilas by wealth and power aka Bill. It might take a bit of patience to work it out but there it is.

All I have said is that Trump's comments were inappropriate and wrong. Why can't people just accept that and admit it? Even Trump admitted it! For some reason, all of his supporters want to run around trying to pretend it's no big deal and there wasn't anything wrong with it because Hillary has done worse. Pointing to the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own bad behavior. But I am called "Benedict Arnold" because I point this out and condemn what he said.

Now look.... it's no coincidence this comes rolling out a month before the election and not during the primaries. Obviously, the Democrats had this information all along and were waiting for just the right time to release it... and there's going to be MORE. Some of us tried to warn people about this a long time ago when we still had the chance of nominating a decent candidate. We were hooted down then just as we're being hooted down now and ironically, we'll end up being blamed for Trump's loss.

Boss; you are correct on so many points but I do take issue with how bad those comments were. There is NO moral equivalence with Trump and the Clinton Follies. Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances. Hell; I find his TV shows GRATING and just DUMB!! Cruz I put before Trump by a wide margin but he didn't get the numbers. But between Hillary and Trump is a chasm as big as any in Politics. As I said his comments were (to me) what we call here a "send up" of the stereotype of the Wealthy slimeball; I don't and didn't get any impression at all that it was something to which he acted upon. As for these women coming out of the woodwork with his supposed "indescretions"?? Sounds like crap to me.

As for the Cruz daddy and Lee HO thing? Anyone know where that came from?? The National Enquirer!!

The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald

Definitely an unreliable source. True: Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was. The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's hope that, whatever the outcome, Hillary is not it!!!

Dear Boss and SJ,

as amusing as your banter is take it from a long time Conservative; you are BOTH Conservatives!!!!! Interesting how at the flick of a switch from the Dems you suddenly are at each other. Disunity is DEATH in Politics. I say get over any petty differences and concentrate on the real problem.

Well, if we are both conservatives, one of us (SJ) is not adhering to our conservative principles. Big government programs and solutions are not conservative principles. Statism and progressive social policies are not conservative. No Democrat flicked THIS switch, it was flicked by SJ when I wouldn't "fall in line" behind Trump. The disunity is due to Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives being continuously kicked in the groin and denigrated. These are not "petty differences" they are major differences and no sir, I will not get over them.

I understand Democrats are the real problem which is why I can't understand why people like SJ have such a hard on about attacking true Conservatives. He has spent this entire campaign besmirching ME and attacking MY views and opinions because Cruz didn't jump at the chance to endorse Trump.

I think Don was making a joke of the stereotype of rich blokes getting the sheilas by wealth and power aka Bill. It might take a bit of patience to work it out but there it is.

All I have said is that Trump's comments were inappropriate and wrong. Why can't people just accept that and admit it? Even Trump admitted it! For some reason, all of his supporters want to run around trying to pretend it's no big deal and there wasn't anything wrong with it because Hillary has done worse. Pointing to the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own bad behavior. But I am called "Benedict Arnold" because I point this out and condemn what he said.

Now look.... it's no coincidence this comes rolling out a month before the election and not during the primaries. Obviously, the Democrats had this information all along and were waiting for just the right time to release it... and there's going to be MORE. Some of us tried to warn people about this a long time ago when we still had the chance of nominating a decent candidate. We were hooted down then just as we're being hooted down now and ironically, we'll end up being blamed for Trump's loss.

Boss; you are correct on so many points but I do take issue with how bad those comments were. There is NO moral equivalence with Trump and the Clinton Follies. Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances. Hell; I find his TV shows GRATING and just DUMB!! Cruz I put before Trump by a wide margin but he didn't get the numbers. But between Hillary and Trump is a chasm as big as any in Politics. As I said his comments were (to me) what we call here a "send up" of the stereotype of the Wealthy slimeball; I don't and didn't get any impression at all that it was something to which he acted upon. As for these women coming out of the woodwork with his supposed "indescretions"?? Sounds like crap to me.

As for the Cruz daddy and Lee HO thing? Anyone know where that came from?? The National Enquirer!!

The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald

Definitely an unreliable source. True: Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was. The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's hope that, whatever the outcome, Hillary is not it!!!


I do take issue with how bad those comments were.

"I did try and fuck her. She was married... I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married."

"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.... Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

So you, as a man, don't find anything inappropriate or wrong about those comments? Forget about Hillary for a moment and focus on the quotes above.,.. you think that was okay and acceptable?

Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances.

No, Trump is not a conservative. He claimed he was but his viewpoints are not rooted in conservative principles... so either, conservative principles mean something or they don't mean anything. He is a Big Government Republican progressive.... not a Conservative.

Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was.

Uhm... Trump did not put it out there as a bunch of nonsense, he smeared Cruz with it. I'm not complaining that it damaged Cruz's campaign because I don't think it had any effect but it was a personal smear on Cruz's family and very good justifiable reason for Cruz to not endorse Trump. You just don't endorse people who attack your family that way. Cruz has never signed any pledge to endorse Hillary so it doesn't matter if Hillary slimed him with it, that's not the issue!

The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's get a few things clear.... EVERY Political Action Committee (PAC) must register with the Federal Election Commission. They have to publicly and formally declare if they are affiliated with a particular candidate's campaign or not. This must be a matter of public record.. it is required by law. Make America Awesome (MAA), is a "non-affiliated" PAC according to their own sworn filings with the FEC. They do not endorse or support ANY candidate in particular. They are an Anti-Trump PAC.

NO PAC is under Cruz's control! There ARE some Cruz PACs, but PACs are specifically designed to insulate campaign funding from the candidates. It's the whole entire purpose of their existence. It is a federal offense punishable by up to 2 years in prison for ANY candidate to conspire with a PAC... whether it is their own PAC or not. So the PAC, even it were a Cruz PAC, is NOT under his direct (or indirect) control unless he is flagrantly violating campaign finance laws.

Furthermore.... if you explore this MAA PAC, you will find the principals of the organization have never had ANY affiliation with Cruz. The treasurer helped work on Carson's campaign at one time. The president had worked on Rick Perry's campaign. There wasn't even any association with Cruz by anyone heading the organization. Yet, Trump accused Cruz of violating federal law, buying the rights to the photos and giving them to this PAC. The owner of the rights to the photos (the photographer) said this was not true and no one from the Cruz campaign ever contacted him. But for some reason, because Trump claimed it, his little bulldogs assumed it was true and now they throw it out there as if it's some kind of FACT. It's a baseless LIE!
Last edited:
Dear Boss and SJ,

as amusing as your banter is take it from a long time Conservative; you are BOTH Conservatives!!!!! Interesting how at the flick of a switch from the Dems you suddenly are at each other. Disunity is DEATH in Politics. I say get over any petty differences and concentrate on the real problem.

Well, if we are both conservatives, one of us (SJ) is not adhering to our conservative principles. Big government programs and solutions are not conservative principles. Statism and progressive social policies are not conservative. No Democrat flicked THIS switch, it was flicked by SJ when I wouldn't "fall in line" behind Trump. The disunity is due to Cruz and Constitutional Conservatives being continuously kicked in the groin and denigrated. These are not "petty differences" they are major differences and no sir, I will not get over them.

I understand Democrats are the real problem which is why I can't understand why people like SJ have such a hard on about attacking true Conservatives. He has spent this entire campaign besmirching ME and attacking MY views and opinions because Cruz didn't jump at the chance to endorse Trump.

I think Don was making a joke of the stereotype of rich blokes getting the sheilas by wealth and power aka Bill. It might take a bit of patience to work it out but there it is.

All I have said is that Trump's comments were inappropriate and wrong. Why can't people just accept that and admit it? Even Trump admitted it! For some reason, all of his supporters want to run around trying to pretend it's no big deal and there wasn't anything wrong with it because Hillary has done worse. Pointing to the bad behavior of others does not excuse your own bad behavior. But I am called "Benedict Arnold" because I point this out and condemn what he said.

Now look.... it's no coincidence this comes rolling out a month before the election and not during the primaries. Obviously, the Democrats had this information all along and were waiting for just the right time to release it... and there's going to be MORE. Some of us tried to warn people about this a long time ago when we still had the chance of nominating a decent candidate. We were hooted down then just as we're being hooted down now and ironically, we'll end up being blamed for Trump's loss.

Boss; you are correct on so many points but I do take issue with how bad those comments were. There is NO moral equivalence with Trump and the Clinton Follies. Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances. Hell; I find his TV shows GRATING and just DUMB!! Cruz I put before Trump by a wide margin but he didn't get the numbers. But between Hillary and Trump is a chasm as big as any in Politics. As I said his comments were (to me) what we call here a "send up" of the stereotype of the Wealthy slimeball; I don't and didn't get any impression at all that it was something to which he acted upon. As for these women coming out of the woodwork with his supposed "indescretions"?? Sounds like crap to me.

As for the Cruz daddy and Lee HO thing? Anyone know where that came from?? The National Enquirer!!

The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald

Definitely an unreliable source. True: Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was. The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's hope that, whatever the outcome, Hillary is not it!!!


I do take issue with how bad those comments were.

"I did try and fuck her. She was married... I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married."

"I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.... Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything."

So you, as a man, don't find anything inappropriate or wrong about those comments? Forget about Hillary for a moment and focus on the quotes above.,.. you think that was okay and acceptable?

Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances.

No, Trump is not a conservative. He claimed he was but his viewpoints are not rooted in conservative principles... so either, conservative principles mean something or they don't mean anything. He is a Big Government Republican progressive.... not a Conservative.

Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was.

Uhm... Trump did not put it out there as a bunch of nonsense, he smeared Cruz with it. I'm not complaining that it damaged Cruz's campaign because I don't think it had any effect but it was a personal smear on Cruz's family and very good justifiable reason for Cruz to not endorse Trump. You just don't endorse people who attack your family that way. Cruz has never signed any pledge to endorse Hillary so it doesn't matter if Hillary slimed him with it, that's not the issue!

The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's get a few things clear.... EVERY Political Action Committee (PAC) must register with the Federal Election Commission. They have to publicly state if they are affiliated with a particular candidate's campaign or not. This must be a matter of public record.. it is required by law. Make America Awesome (MAA), is a "non-affiliated" PAC according to their own sworn filings with the FEC. They do not endorse or support ANY candidate in particular. They are an Anti-Trump PAC.

NO PAC is under Cruz's control! There ARE some Cruz PACs, but PACs are specifically designed to insulate campaign funding from the candidates. It's the whole entire purpose of their existence. It is a federal offense punishable by up to 2 years in prison for ANY candidate to conspire with a PAC... whether it is their own PAC or not. So the PAC, even it were a Cruz PAC, is NOT under his direct (or indirect) control unless he is flagrantly violating campaign finance laws.

Furthermore.... if you explore this MAA PAC, you will find the principals of the organization have never had ANY affiliation with Cruz. The treasurer helped work on Carson's campaign at one time. The president had worked on Rick Perry's campaign. There wasn't even any association with Cruz by anyone heading the organization. Yet, Trump accused Cruz of violating federal law, buying the rights to the photos and giving them to this PAC. The owner of the rights to the photos (the photographer) said this was not true and no one from the Cruz campaign ever contacted him. But for some reason, because Trump claimed it, his little bulldogs assumed it was true and now they throw it out there as if it's some kind of FACT. It's a baseless LIE!

Boss; you are worrying me. I did not say there was "nothing wrong" with them. They were wrong as is any dirty talk. I am a real square with four corners when it comes to such trashy talk. What I do say is that it is slime. He has apologised for it and so he should. I respond to such talk with "don't be a dickhead" or "too much information". AND YES I HAVE HEARD THE LIKE OF IT AND RESPONDED QUITE COOLLY. But I will also NOT accept a beat up on it beyond it's value. As a disqualifying event no.

We have many trying to make light of the Trump braggadicio, yet consider what that means to someone like most males posting on this board. Now, if someone we know were to grab our wife, sister, mother, or daughter by the pussy uninvited, the majority of us would bust that bastard up. And rightly so.

Now consider what that means in the case of someone like Trump. So you break his nose and black both eyes, walk off, honor satisfied. And then, with a few tens of thousands of dollars, chump change to him, and a couple of phone calls, you disappear shortly afterwards. Given Trump's determination not to let even the slightest offense to him go unpunished, that is what would happen.

Do you really want this type of person with the power that comes with the White House?
what about all the mysterious deaths that are connected to the Clintons.
Do you really want someone like that with the power that comes with the white house?
You've been outed, punk. And your last post to Gtopa1 is bullshit. It came from a Cruz super pac and you know it. Even Cruz didn't deny it. Cruz knew they were gonna do it and he was fine with it or he would have condemned it (which he DIDN'T). Then when Trump responded in kind, he cried foul (being the whining pussy he is). And your comment "in the tank for Trump" is another giveaway, a term used by the opposing party. You're no conservative.

Well... no, it didn't come from a Cruz PAC. Even if it had, Cruz is still violating federal election laws if he communicated with them in any way. Cruz denied his campaign having anything to do with it... stop fucking LYING, asswipe!

Make America Awesome

YOU are not a Conservative... you support raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, taxing the rich, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, gun control, the LBGTQ agenda and protectionist trade policies. That makes you NOT a Conservative, assmunch!
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit. And your bullshit excuse that it's "against the law" is flimsy at best. Anyone with a brain knows you can communicate with someone without everyone in the world knowing it. Nice try, lib. We're supposed to believe that because Cruz denied having anything to do with it, that he didn't have anything to do with it? We weren't born yesterday, stupid.
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit. And your bullshit excuse that it's "against the law" is flimsy at best. Anyone with a brain knows you can communicate with someone without everyone in the world knowing it. Nice try, lib. We're supposed to believe that because Cruz denied having anything to do with it, that he didn't have anything to do with it? We weren't born yesterday, stupid.

I gave you the link proving it didn't... do I need to link you to the government FEC page with their formal declaration that they are not affiliated with the Cruz campaign? It's available if you need it.... it's public record.

And if you have ANY evidence on ANY candidate violating the law, you should contact the FEC and report it! They DO prosecute for this. Now, I will let the people decide whether or not they believe Cruz would have jeopardized his campaign, not to mention his political career and risk potential time in prison so that he could reveal Melania's GQ pictures!

I don't know why you're calling ME a liberal... you're the one who supports raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, LBGTQ Agenda, taxing the rich and Bernie Sanders trade policies.

fucking idiot.
"B-b-b-but Billy did it, too!" is the argument of a five year old. It's a pseudocon's way of condoning Pedophile Don's behaviors. They have no conscience and will defend the creep even if he shoots someone in the middle of 5th Avenue.

Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger!™
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit.

Committee/Candidate Details

Address: PO BOX 26141, ALEXANDRIA, VA 22313
Treasurer Name: MARSTON, CHRIS
Designation: U - UNAUTHORIZED
Party: [BLANK]

Form 1 for Make America Awesome

FILING FEC-1034943
1. Make America Awesome

PO Box 26141
Alexandria, VA 22313
Email: [email protected];[email protected]
2. Date: 12/07/2015
3. FEC Committee ID #: C00594176
This committee supports/opposes more than one Federal candidate and is NOT a separate segregated fund or a party committee.
Affiliated Committees/Organizations

So let the record show that YOU are a habitual LIAR who can't admit the truth when indisputable evidence exists to prove it beyond any and all doubts.
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit. And your bullshit excuse that it's "against the law" is flimsy at best. Anyone with a brain knows you can communicate with someone without everyone in the world knowing it. Nice try, lib. We're supposed to believe that because Cruz denied having anything to do with it, that he didn't have anything to do with it? We weren't born yesterday, stupid.

I gave you the link proving it didn't... do I need to link you to the government FEC page with their formal declaration that they are not affiliated with the Cruz campaign? It's available if you need it.... it's public record.

And if you have ANY evidence on ANY candidate violating the law, you should contact the FEC and report it! They DO prosecute for this. Now, I will let the people decide whether or not they believe Cruz would have jeopardized his campaign, not to mention his political career and risk potential time in prison so that he could reveal Melania's GQ pictures!

I don't know why you're calling ME a liberal... you're the one who supports raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, LBGTQ Agenda, taxing the rich and Bernie Sanders trade policies.

fucking idiot.
It doesn't matter if it's "affiliated" or not, asshole. It's a pro Cruz pac. The fact that Cruz would not condemn their attack on Melania tells us all we need to know. If he had any integrity he would have denounced their smears but he didn't, did he, fucking idiot?
Boss; you are correct on so many points but I do take issue with how bad those comments were. There is NO moral equivalence with Trump and the Clinton Follies. Trump is very much a conservative though not one I would warm to under normal circumstances. Hell; I find his TV shows GRATING and just DUMB!! Cruz I put before Trump by a wide margin but he didn't get the numbers. But between Hillary and Trump is a chasm as big as any in Politics. As I said his comments were (to me) what we call here a "send up" of the stereotype of the Wealthy slimeball; I don't and didn't get any impression at all that it was something to which he acted upon. As for these women coming out of the woodwork with his supposed "indescretions"?? Sounds like crap to me.

As for the Cruz daddy and Lee HO thing? Anyone know where that came from?? The National Enquirer!!

The 50-year-old mystery behind that photo of Lee Harvey Oswald

Definitely an unreliable source. True: Trump should not have even passing mentioned it but it would have been a major bit of Clinton slime. Better to get it out there for the nonsense it was. The "thingy" at the end of my comment was meant to convey that the pac supported Cruz but wasn't his own or under his direct control. My bad for being Lazy.

Let's hope that, whatever the outcome, Hillary is not it!!!


Your'e saying Trump is a better proposition than Clinton?
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit. And your bullshit excuse that it's "against the law" is flimsy at best. Anyone with a brain knows you can communicate with someone without everyone in the world knowing it. Nice try, lib. We're supposed to believe that because Cruz denied having anything to do with it, that he didn't have anything to do with it? We weren't born yesterday, stupid.

I gave you the link proving it didn't... do I need to link you to the government FEC page with their formal declaration that they are not affiliated with the Cruz campaign? It's available if you need it.... it's public record.

And if you have ANY evidence on ANY candidate violating the law, you should contact the FEC and report it! They DO prosecute for this. Now, I will let the people decide whether or not they believe Cruz would have jeopardized his campaign, not to mention his political career and risk potential time in prison so that he could reveal Melania's GQ pictures!

I don't know why you're calling ME a liberal... you're the one who supports raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, LBGTQ Agenda, taxing the rich and Bernie Sanders trade policies.

fucking idiot.
It doesn't matter if it's "affiliated" or not, asshole. It's a pro Cruz pac. The fact that Cruz would not condemn their attack on Melania tells us all we need to know. If he had any integrity he would have denounced their smears but he didn't, did he, fucking idiot?

No, it DOES matter if it is or isn't affiliated with Cruz. You have been claiming it was a Cruz PAC and it's NOT. That makes you a LIAR. Why does Cruz need to denounce something he had nothing to do with? Smears? Pictures of Melania that were already published in GQ magazine? How is that a smear? You're getting too emotional about this, guy... it's making you sound like a fruitcake.
Boss; you are worrying me. I did not say there was "nothing wrong" with them. They were wrong as is any dirty talk. I am a real square with four corners when it comes to such trashy talk. What I do say is that it is slime. He has apologised for it and so he should. I respond to such talk with "don't be a dickhead" or "too much information". AND YES I HAVE HEARD THE LIKE OF IT AND RESPONDED QUITE COOLLY. But I will also NOT accept a beat up on it beyond it's value. As a disqualifying event no.

Hey look... I have no problem with someone saying... It was wrong and deplorable what Trump said and he shouldn't have said it but he is STILL a better candidate than Hillary Clinton. That's NOT what I keep hearing, which seems to be this nonchalant blowing it off as nothing serious and trying to excuse it by pointing to the behavior of others.

Just face up to it being wrong and unacceptable and be genuinely contrite about it. Own it! Just about everyone has had a candid conversation they wouldn't want everyone to hear... they can relate to that as long as a sincere effort is made to admit it was wrong and it shouldn't have been said. That's really the only problem I am having with any of this.
It DID come from a Crus PAC and your denial of that fact is an insult to everyone's intelligence reading your bullshit. And your bullshit excuse that it's "against the law" is flimsy at best. Anyone with a brain knows you can communicate with someone without everyone in the world knowing it. Nice try, lib. We're supposed to believe that because Cruz denied having anything to do with it, that he didn't have anything to do with it? We weren't born yesterday, stupid.

I gave you the link proving it didn't... do I need to link you to the government FEC page with their formal declaration that they are not affiliated with the Cruz campaign? It's available if you need it.... it's public record.

And if you have ANY evidence on ANY candidate violating the law, you should contact the FEC and report it! They DO prosecute for this. Now, I will let the people decide whether or not they believe Cruz would have jeopardized his campaign, not to mention his political career and risk potential time in prison so that he could reveal Melania's GQ pictures!

I don't know why you're calling ME a liberal... you're the one who supports raising the minimum wage, ethanol subsidies, federal land grabs, paid maternity leave, LBGTQ Agenda, taxing the rich and Bernie Sanders trade policies.

fucking idiot.
It doesn't matter if it's "affiliated" or not, asshole. It's a pro Cruz pac. The fact that Cruz would not condemn their attack on Melania tells us all we need to know. If he had any integrity he would have denounced their smears but he didn't, did he, fucking idiot?

No, it DOES matter if it is or isn't affiliated with Cruz. You have been claiming it was a Cruz PAC and it's NOT. That makes you a LIAR. Why does Cruz need to denounce something he had nothing to do with? Smears? Pictures of Melania that were already published in GQ magazine? How is that a smear? You're getting too emotional about this, guy... it's making you sound like a fruitcake.
Nice try there, but you're the one throwing an emotional fit. You're one of the most disingenuous shitstains on this forum. Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it. The fact that he did not tells us he approved of them. He just couldn't handle Trump's response, which was simply a comparison between the two wives. You give a very weak defense of Cruz with your "why should he denounce what he did not approve?". He should have denounced it because it was done by people loyal to HIM. Any decent person would have done that. You're full of shit and I hope you keep talking because every time you try to defend your treason you reveal your true position, which is to get Hillary elected. So keep talking, chump. You sound like Obama.
Nice try there, but you're the one throwing an emotional fit. You're one of the most disingenuous shitstains on this forum. Cruz should have made it clear that he did not approve of their tactics and asked them to not do it. The fact that he did not tells us he approved of them. He just couldn't handle Trump's response, which was simply a comparison between the two wives. You give a very weak defense of Cruz with your "why should he denounce what he did not approve?". He should have denounced it because it was done by people loyal to HIM. Any decent person would have done that. You're full of shit and I hope you keep talking because every time you try to defend your treason you reveal your true position, which is to get Hillary elected. So keep talking, chump. You sound like Obama.

Look bud... Cruz is not obligated to run around condemning or apologizing for what everybody does who doesn't suck Trump's dick! This PAC was not affiliated with Ted Cruz as the evidence shows. They are not affiliated with ANY candidate! They are NOT a "Pro-Cruz" PAC as you claimed! By their own official Form 1 declaration to the FEC, they are NOT "loyal" to Ted Cruz! If you have evidence they've intentionally lied about this, you should report it to the FEC because, again, that is a serious breech of campaign finance laws.

He didn't have one damn thing to do with it and he was under no obligation to condemn it and there was nothing really to condemn... they released pictures that had already been internationally published for the whole world to see. Now.... WHEN has Donald Trump apologized for his mean and personal smear of Heidi Cruz? OR... Cruz's dad? THAT WAS personally done by Trump and he reiterated it following the convention. Where is YOUR apology for LYING about this being orchestrated by Cruz and a pro-Cruz PAC?

YOU have done more to get Hillary elected than I have. You continue to work diligently to ensure Trump doesn't win this election. Hils should reward you for your efforts!

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