What election? With Democrats losing huge, Network News gives up on covering midterm elections

Move on, folks, nothing to see here.

That appears to be the attitude of the mainstream liberal press, toward polls, predictions, and coverage of the upcoming midterm elections.

Could it have anything to do with the likelihood of huge Democrat losses?

Back during an election where Republicans seemed likely to win big, the Network News was all over it, closely examining each race, giving blow-by-blow (no Clinton reference intended) accounts of each candidate's changing fortunes.

But now? Yawn. Nothing important happening.


What election Network news gives up on covering midterms Hot Air

What election? Network news gives up on covering midterms

posted at 8:01 pm on October 22, 2014 by Noah Rothman

It is probably safe to assume that you have been following the midterm elections closely. You decided to click on this link, which would indicate that you have at least a passing interest in the coming national vote in which Americans will determine which party controls the upper chamber of Congress for the remainder of the Obama presidency. If, however, you have been closely following the coverage of the coming midterms, you might have noticed that network news outlets do not appear to share your enthusiasm. You’re not imagining things.

According to an exhaustive study performed by Media Research Center analysts, between September 1 and October 20, the three major broadcast networks only bothered to mention the fact that there is a critical election coming up only 25 times. Of those mentions, only 16 of them were in the context of packaged report.

By contrast, in the same period in 2006, when Democrats were believed to be likely to take control of both the House and Senate, the three major networks mentioned the coming midterms 159 times with 91 of those mentions broadcast as part of detailed reports.


“Amazingly, since September 1 ABC’s newly-renamed World News Tonight has yet to feature a single mention of this year’s campaign, let alone a full story, the MRC report revealed. “In contrast, eight years ago ABC’s World News aired 36 stories that discussed that year’s midterm campaign, including a weekly Thursday night feature that then-anchor Charlie Gibson promised would look at the ‘critical races.’”

“CBS and NBC have scarcely been more comprehensive,” the expose continued. “In 2006, CBS aired a total of 58 evening news stories that discussed the campaign, while NBC Nightly News aired 65 stories. This year, those numbers have fallen to just 14 and 11 as of October 20, declines of 76% and 83%, respectively.”
Move on, folks, nothing to see here.

That appears to be the attitude of the mainstream liberal press, toward polls, predictions, and coverage of the upcoming midterm elections.

Could it have anything to do with the likelihood of huge Democrat losses?

Back during an election where Republicans seemed likely to win big, the Network News was all over it, closely examining each race, giving blow-by-blow (no Clinton reference intended) accounts of each candidate's changing fortunes.

But now? Yawn. Nothing important happening.


What election Network news gives up on covering midterms Hot Air

What election? Network news gives up on covering midterms

posted at 8:01 pm on October 22, 2014 by Noah Rothman

It is probably safe to assume that you have been following the midterm elections closely. You decided to click on this link, which would indicate that you have at least a passing interest in the coming national vote in which Americans will determine which party controls the upper chamber of Congress for the remainder of the Obama presidency. If, however, you have been closely following the coverage of the coming midterms, you might have noticed that network news outlets do not appear to share your enthusiasm. You’re not imagining things.

According to an exhaustive study performed by Media Research Center analysts, between September 1 and October 20, the three major broadcast networks only bothered to mention the fact that there is a critical election coming up only 25 times. Of those mentions, only 16 of them were in the context of packaged report.

By contrast, in the same period in 2006, when Democrats were believed to be likely to take control of both the House and Senate, the three major networks mentioned the coming midterms 159 times with 91 of those mentions broadcast as part of detailed reports.


“Amazingly, since September 1 ABC’s newly-renamed World News Tonight has yet to feature a single mention of this year’s campaign, let alone a full story, the MRC report revealed. “In contrast, eight years ago ABC’s World News aired 36 stories that discussed that year’s midterm campaign, including a weekly Thursday night feature that then-anchor Charlie Gibson promised would look at the ‘critical races.’”

“CBS and NBC have scarcely been more comprehensive,” the expose continued. “In 2006, CBS aired a total of 58 evening news stories that discussed the campaign, while NBC Nightly News aired 65 stories. This year, those numbers have fallen to just 14 and 11 as of October 20, declines of 76% and 83%, respectively.”

I guess redundancy is called for.....:boohoo:Cry me a river....
Enjoy it....this might be the GOP's last rodeo....:biggrin:

Thanks for admitting you know liberals are dead meat in two weeks. Getting libs to say ANYTHING honest on this board is quite abnormal so even your backhanded admission puts you ahead of those that are pathological liars.
Huge? Probably 52 in the Senate, possibly 54. That is not huge, and can be filibustered into obscurity.
Didn't harry reid, in his infinite wisdom, make some changes in the senate that eliminates the possibility of a filibuster?
Hairy Reid made some changes that are going to let the Republican Senate neuter Obama.

He will not matter after January, and will be the lamest of lame ducks ever.

And Hillary Clinton will never be President either.
Huge? Probably 52 in the Senate, possibly 54. That is not huge, and can be filibustered into obscurity.
Didn't harry reid, in his infinite wisdom, make some changes in the senate that eliminates the possibility of a filibuster?

Not completely. What he did was remove the filibuster from some bench nominations, which just means democrats will be screaming like mad when the Republican elected in 2016 has a friendly Senate to confirm his replacements of the doddering liberal justices on the SC.
What is really going to make the Dems mad is when AG Trey Gowdy starts indicting and personally prosecuting most of the current administration.
Liberals, remember to show up on November 5th, your Party needs you!

Hey Frank large gathering places have the highest risk of ebola. It's probably best for you to avoid any polling places that day.

Hey Dickhead, Metro North and LIRR were each 1/2 empty today. Reminded me of after 9/11.

Ebola, it's a big joke until it turns up in the most populated city in the USA
Enjoy it....this might be the GOP's last rodeo....:biggrin:

Thanks for admitting you know liberals are dead meat in two weeks. Getting libs to say ANYTHING honest on this board is quite abnormal so even your backhanded admission puts you ahead of those that are pathological liars.

If they do gain the Senate, just exactly what will they be able to do, with O holding the veto pen? This may be their last chance to make a difference and they will probably waste the two years trying to impeach O. DUNCES RIDE AGAIN!
The Communist/Progressive Press is in a state of confusion. They know their Dear Leader is an asshole, but they feel compelled to defend him. But that's a very tough task these days. So they'd rather live in denial and move onto more Race-Baiting or blaming DA BOOOOOSH.

CNN (Communist News Network) is a good example. It's now working 24/7 trying to start a Race War. It has no interest in the Dear Leader anymore. Even the Communists have concluded he's an asshole and are moving on.
The Communist/Progressive Press is in a state of confusion. They know their Dear Leader is an asshole, but they feel compelled to defend him. But that's a very tough task these days. So they'd rather live in denial and move onto more Race-Baiting or blaming DA BOOOOOSH.

CNN (Communist News Network) is a good example. It's now working 24/7 trying to start a Race War. It has no interest in the Dear Leader anymore. Even the Communists have concluded he's an asshole and are moving on.

YOU ARE SUCH A TOOL! :badgrin::badgrin:
The Communist/Progressive Press is in a state of confusion. They know their Dear Leader is an asshole, but they feel compelled to defend him. But that's a very tough task these days. So they'd rather live in denial and move onto more Race-Baiting or blaming DA BOOOOOSH.

CNN (Communist News Network) is a good example. It's now working 24/7 trying to start a Race War. It has no interest in the Dear Leader anymore. Even the Communists have concluded he's an asshole and are moving on.

YOU ARE SUCH A TOOL! :badgrin::badgrin:

Nah, it's just the truth. CNN (Communist News Network) wants its Race War. That's its focus now. The asshole Dear Leader is old news. He's irrelevant. It is what it is.

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