What Else Are Democrats Lying To Us About? Obamacare For Illegals, Wealth Redistribution?

He is lying. I am not listening to anymore. And we are talking about the actual Dems involved -not just the media and what they are saying.

So glad you're happy with 1984ish thinking. You deserve what you get, but don't take the rest of us down with you.

Honey, Since you either didn't listen to your own video, or either fell for it without researching what he said, and just accepted it as fact, when it is not, then I don't have time for your other video. And if you are implying I am a tea partier, I can stop you right there. I am not. But if you are labeling them as racist, then you would be wrong. As in all political elements, there are those that are, but do they make up the whole? No.
He is lying. I am not listening to anymore. And we are talking about the actual Dems involved -not just the media and what they are saying.

So glad you're happy with 1984ish thinking. You deserve what you get, but don't take the rest of us down with you.

Amnesty, plain and simple, is a scam to redistribute wealth out of the United States and send it to foreign countries.
He is lying. I am not listening to anymore. And we are talking about the actual Dems involved -not just the media and what they are saying.

So glad you're happy with 1984ish thinking. You deserve what you get, but don't take the rest of us down with you.

These are really dark days for liberals, and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse.
He is lying. I am not listening to anymore. And we are talking about the actual Dems involved -not just the media and what they are saying.

So glad you're happy with 1984ish thinking. You deserve what you get, but don't take the rest of us down with you.

These are really dark days for liberals, and I have a feeling it's only going to get worse.

Since 09 it has been dark days for America, time the libtards feel pay back what they have done to this country.

Controversial MIT professor Jonathan Gruber, in the headlines for repeated videotaped admissions of lying to the “stupid” American people in writing the ACA law, has been tied to the hotly controversial issue of amnesty for illegal immigrants. An amnesty that would get around the prohibitions of the ACA that deny Obamacare to illegal immigrants by simply and directly removing the status of “undocumented” from “undocumented immigrants” - thereby making them eligible for Obamacare.

Now, Fox News co-host Greg Gutfeld has dug up this recent clip of HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell calling for “extending Obamacare benefits to DREAM-eligible illegal immigrants” and adding that “DREAMers are not able to be covered in the marketplace. And this is an issue that I think is more than a health care issue — it is an immigration issue…And I think everyone probably knows that this administration feels incredibly strongly about the fact that we need to fix that. We need to reform the system and make the changes that we need that will lead to benefits in everything from health care to economics to so many things — a very important step that we need to take as a nation.”

And who just happens to be well out there providing the data on illegal immigrants and Obamacare? If you guessed MIT’s Jonathan Gruber, you would be right.

In other words? President Obama is getting around his promise to Congress that September of 2009 that “the reforms I’m proposing would not apply to those who are here illegally” by simply bestowing amnesty on “those who are here illegally.” Once legal, they will be qualified for Obamacare.

And Jonathan Gruber, who confesses that the Obama administration deliberately sold its program by lying about it, has now been tied to supplying data on health care for those illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants who would instantly become beneficiaries of the very same ACA once granted amnesty -- exactly as Obama HHS Secretary Burwell said was the goal.

- See more at: Who Lied Jonathan Gruber Linked to Getting Obamacare to Illegal Aliens
Great thread.

I'm enjoying the hell out of sitting back and watching Gruby and the Dems self-destruct.

Wait, oops, not sitting back at all. I've been posting that video on twitter since Monday. It's been fun watching Twitter melt down with the anti-Gruber anger.

Dayyyumm this has been a fun month so far.

I predict we'll not only take down Obama and Obamacare, but the corrupt liberal press trying to coverup Grubergate while we're at it. :)

They are desperately attempting to patch all of this up on "Meet The Press".

One of the scam-artists involved in this is on the show trying to fix this. Secretary of HHS Sylvia Burwell is on there trying to talk all warm and fuzzy about the bill. Take this into account when you look at the video I provided of her talking to illegals about giving them Obamacare under the ACA. Once they become eligible they fully intend to help these new Democrats to get the health care they need and so-on and so-forth. Of course she disagrees with Jonothan Gruber and he has now been summarily thrown under the bus for spilling the beans.

Obama did sell "Hope and Change" to his idiot followers when he came out of nowhere.

Hope.....that endless belief Democraps are going to make your life better.

Change.....Democraps changing the US economy and culture into a socialist foreign dominated cesspool, ensuring your Hope never comes true.
Meet The Press is nothing but a mess of Obama Propaganda, trashing the Republicans and casting them in the worst possible light while attempting to make Obama look like he's actually doing his job. Showing a bunch of edited video clips that have little or no relation to each other, it's like watching Soviet propaganda.
Obama did sell "Hope and Change" to his idiot followers when he came out of nowhere.

Hope.....that endless belief Democraps are going to make your life better.

Change.....Democraps changing the US economy and culture into a socialist foreign dominated cesspool, ensuring your Hope never comes true.

Yep, that's why asses like Gruber, Pelosi, Reid, Obama figured they could roll OScamCare over on the people too

How's that for a party that has, Democrat in it's name. Commie/Fascist is more like it.

it's just shocking to me their base sits back and says nothing after they find all this out. We are doomed with citizens like this
I keep shaking my head because this is a total load of BS. The Obama Administration is now saying that premiums are coming down.

This is a total surprise to me, because I just looked at my pay stub, and it tells me that since the first of October my premiums went up another $60 per month. As of today my premiums have doubled since 2012.

The only way this scam-artist representing Obama could be honest is if she's using numbers from folks that are getting their insurance subsidized by the government, but this is only at the state level in 13 states.

They also don't talk about deductibles going up immensely. You have to pay more for your healthcare now then ever before. Sure, you may have insurance, but that doesn't mean anything if you have to pay for most of your treatment out of pocket.
Most of the media is doing their job like good socialists, lie and lie some more to fool the masses.

This method was perfected in places like the USSR where the masses were told daily lies about how things were getting better and that the USA was going to attack them any moment.

Now we see it here where the media is constantly covering up for Obama's lies and diverting people's attention (look squirrel!), so that Democraps can "hopefully" survive the next election and keep their evil plans in place.

Obama and other liberal scum are trying to stomp out any right-wing media in this country with "Fairness Act" bullshit....
Well, Mudwhistle, since you're onto "us," I will tell you that Common Core has nothing to do with educating children, and everything to do with forming their tiny brains to accept government handouts.

"Ve vill give you an A or ve vill give you an F, and you vill like it!" :muahaha:
Most of the media is doing their job like good socialists, lie and lie some more to fool the masses.

This method was perfected in places like the USSR where the masses were told daily lies about how things were getting better and that the USA was going to attack them any moment.

Now we see it here where the media is constantly covering up for Obama's lies and diverting people's attention (look squirrel!), so that Democraps can "hopefully" survive the next election and keep their evil plans in place.

Obama and other liberal scum are trying to stomp out any right-wing media in this country with "Fairness Act" bullshit....
It's effective, but the problem here is too many of us are feeling the effects of Obama policies in a very personal way. Sure the bill never would have passed if the truth had been known. The Stupid People Gruber talks about are the Middle-Class that has to bear the brunt of the costs that the ACA will impose on us. The poor may get health insurance, but we have to pay for it for them. This is nothing new. Perhaps we'll learn to budget this and not lose everything we have in the process. As long as we're not homeless we'll be fine. Meanwhile, the poor will still have their Section 8, their Food Stamps, their Social Security Disability, and their Obamaphones. The problem is it never ends. Obama ships off another $3 billion to the UN for Climate Change. Of course this is intended to mitigate the effects of the United States pumping out pollution and harming the poorer countries in the world, never mind the fact that poor countries are pumping out plenty of their own pollutants into the atmosphere, and will never have to pay for btw. It's up to rich countries like the United States to pay for this pollution. God forbid that China, who is the worst transgressor, will never pay a dime they don't feel is necessary.
As he spends more and more, we suffer the effects more and more.
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Michelle Obama's Lunch Plan is not about healthy food choices for schoolchildren, but about keeping them weak from hunger, too weak to protest their government.
Well, Mudwhistle, since you're onto "us," I will tell you that Common Core has nothing to do with educating children, and everything to do with forming their tiny brains to accept government handouts.

"Ve vill give you an A or ve vill give you an F, and you vill like it!" :muahaha:

Common Core is educational sabotage. I live for the day when we can reform the Progressive Indoctrination Establishment called "Public Education" to death, burn the whole fucking thing to the ground in favor of a system that inspires and educates

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