What ever happened to "if it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, etc.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
It is absolutely amazing how everyone, especially democrats are all skirting around this Flynn issue. The man betrayed our country and Trump and nobody is willing to call it like it is. When I think of the millions the GOP spent trying to connect Hillary to every disaster known to mankind with her email server and came up with nothing to this day, yet went after this woman for 8 years of hearings and here we have fact after fact after fact of Russians ties to our elections and nobody is willing to say the words. When you have a white house refusing to aide you in your attempts for truth, a leading investigator on your committee running to the white house with evidence and then lying about it, when just about everybody tied to Trump has had dealings with Russia, when you have the biggest mouth in politics silenced...ie Guiliani...haven't heard from his lately have you? He's scared of Putin too....all thes factors at your disposal and still you're not sure if Flynn and Putin hacked our elections?

If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, its Trump swallowing facts...end of story, folks!!
You know, Trump should have vetted Flynn better. The latest on all this crap is that Flynn was paid over half a million dollars by Russia to lobby the government.

Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments


Panel Chiefs Say Mike Flynn Violated Law Over Payments

Still think that there are no connections between Trump and Russia? For crying out loud, Trump selected a lobbyist for Russia as his National Security Advisor and had him in the job for THREE FREAKING WEEKS before he fired him.
Just to make sure I understand. The hypocrisy is getting tough to follow. Hillary and Bill making tens of millions off of other nations is not a conflict of interest. Trump firing a guy for. It coming clean with his activity is a conflict of interest.

It is getting so hard to keep up with the shifting standards. Trump was a bad Presidental choice because of his xenophobic and racist America first platform. Hillary was the good choice because of her understanding and close relationships with foreign governments in the modern interconnected world.

Now Trump is a traitor because he might have limited contact with a foreign leader.

This is the problem with defining your party as being against them. You end up being for nothing.
You know, Trump should have vetted Flynn better. The latest on all this crap is that Flynn was paid over half a million dollars by Russia to lobby the government.

Lawmakers Say It Appears Michael Flynn Acted Illegally In Taking Russian Payments


Panel Chiefs Say Mike Flynn Violated Law Over Payments

Still think that there are no connections between Trump and Russia? For crying out loud, Trump selected a lobbyist for Russia as his National Security Advisor and had him in the job for THREE FREAKING WEEKS before he fired him.
You don't need a college education to figure this shit out....how many times have Trump ran for president and never made so much as a headline for it? Now fast foward......same sorry ass white guy, now all of a sudden he has the wind at his back, confidence up the ass...why? BECAUSE HILLARY ROTTEN CLINTON IS RUNNING FOR PRESIDENT....AND THE FIX IS IN!! The Gop have been waiting on Hillary for 20 years to run solo.....and the Russians have been waiting to.

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