What everyone can do to combat climate change.

Can't always take the stairs at my age. :(

I'm fine with that ... just quit bitching at me for making pollution ... i.e. quit being a hypocrite ...

I fill my rig's gas tank once a month whether I need to or not ... that's an average value over the past ten years ... what are you doing to protect the Earth's delicate ecosystems? ...
I'm fine with that ... just quit bitching at me for making pollution ... i.e. quit being a hypocrite ...

I fill my rig's gas tank once a month whether I need to or not ... that's an average value over the past ten years ... what are you doing to protect the Earth's delicate ecosystems? ...
Among my other many qualities, I live a pretty spartan lifestyle. I have a very small carbon footprint, always have. The world/earth needs more people like me. :)
Among my other many qualities, I live a pretty spartan lifestyle. I have a very small carbon footprint, always have. The world/earth needs more people like me. :)

Explain what you do to have a small carbon footprint ... start with how your electric company produced power ... here, I'm running about 80% carbon free hydro ... Portland, Eugene and all the big cities here in the PNW are on strictly hydro/wind power ... with pricing to smelt aluminum by ...

It's illegal to burn coal for power in Oregon ... good riddence to bad rubbish ...
Explain what you do to have a small carbon footprint ... start with how your electric company produced power ... here, I'm running about 80% carbon free hydro ... Portland, Eugene and all the big cities here in the PNW are on strictly hydro/wind power ... with pricing to smelt aluminum by ...

It's illegal to burn coal for power in Oregon ... good riddence to bad rubbish ...
My utility is a mix of natural gas, wind and solar. I use off-peak electricity which is also more efficient. My current bill shows,

79 KWH at on-peak rates.
495 KWH at off-peak rates.

I also don't overeat (this is a biggy).

I freeze my garbage in case someday the state will use it to produce energy or fertilizer. And so it doesn't stink or attract vermin.

I insulated my attic to R49 last fall.

I coast a lot while driving.

I buy used cars, and keep them going for 10 years.

I'm law abiding. I don't contribute grist to the legal system (they cause a lot of pollution).

I'm pretty healthy all things considered. I don't contribute much to the medical industry (they also use a of energy, cause a lot of pollution).

I'm very productive and efficient on the job, so my boss doesn't have to send me extra help, which wastes time and gas.

I spend very little on clothing or entertainment.

I only drink on rare occasions. No drugs either (never have).

My only snack food is popcorn. :)
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Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate. Most cannot be significantly reduced, such as heating and cooling our homes, driving to work and school, and other necessary activities.

But we can reduce the amount of food we eat. Obesity is a growing problem globally. The production, waste, transportation, processing, packaging, displaying, and finally selling of foodstuffs requires vast amounts of energy mostly in the form of polluting fossil fuels. It is estimated that we eat 50 percent more calories, in the form of food, than we actually need to live a healthy life. If we can reduce the pollution and waste generated by the production and final consumption of food by a third it would go a long way in mitigating climate change. Perhaps even more when the energy needed (pollution) to address the problems caused by obesity are considered as well. Food fer thought, eh?

How about we just ignore the climate change BS entirely. The climate ALWAYS changes, and man has zero effect on it.

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