What everyone can do to combat climate change.

My therapist has me eating two meals a day ... I guess there's a number of mental health disorders caused by malnutrition ... I just simply hate cooking, would rather go hungry ...

Meat is wasteful in many many ways, but its production is carbon-neutral ... by reducing consumption by 90%, we can allow the forests to grow back ... which is cool if you like hugging trees ... all 75 million Biden voters can do this and make a serious impact on our environment ... and conservatives would still have their piston engined rigs ...
My therapist has me eating two meals a day ... I guess there's a number of mental health disorders caused by malnutrition ... I just simply hate cooking, would rather go hungry ...

Meat is wasteful in many many ways, but its production is carbon-neutral ... by reducing consumption by 90%, we can allow the forests to grow back ... which is cool if you like hugging trees ... all 75 million Biden voters can do this and make a serious impact on our environment ... and conservatives would still have their piston engined rigs ...

Meat is a great source of protein. Reducing it by 90 percent might not be a good idea. A better idea is to reduce the population.

Animal manure as fertilizer is pretty much wasted (pig manure is a major pollutant). Animal agriculture is vital if we are going to seriously address global warming. Very little is wasted during the processing of food animals. Lots of uses for those spare parts (offal).
A better idea is to reduce the population.

Mass murder? ... or do you want Government to take her new-found right to abortion and start mandating such activity? ...

The rest of your spew is just uninformed nonsense ... plants provide as much protein without the saturated fats, and I suppose this in meaningless to you ... and it's a well known fact that an acre of veggies feeds more people than an acre of fodder ... by a fact of ten or more in many cases ... consider Iowa Cornfield National Park in the Midwest ... all that corn is for animals, not humans, just animals ...

Please edify yourself ... another name is "primary producer" ...
Mass murder? ... or do you want Government to take her new-found right to abortion and start mandating such activity?
Already happening.
The rest of your spew is just uninformed nonsense ... plants provide as much protein without the saturated fats, and I suppose this in meaningless to you ... and it's a well known fact that an acre of veggies feeds more people than an acre of fodder ... by a fact of ten or more in many cases ... consider Iowa Cornfield National Park in the Midwest ... all that corn is for animals, not humans, just animals ...
Have you done the math on reducing farm animals by 90 percent?
Please edify yourself ... another name is "primary producer" ...https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Autotroph
Can you present this in layman's language?

Sorry that you don't understand my "spew". Lots of wisdom in there, if I do say so myself. :biggrin:
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Please edify yourself ... another name is "primary producer" ...
I'll counter your unintelligible article with one that makes sense. ;)

We can be rid of A/C ... we lived in deserts long before they were deserts ... and we can significantly reduce our commute distances and ride bikes in good weather ... just simple greed that sends us the additional 75 miles one way ...

"Eating less" ??? ... How about quit wasting food ... upwards of 15% of food grown is thrown away ... all that energy to grow, ship and cook ... there in the trash can ...

Four things we can do to mitigate almost all environmental problems:

2] Reduce passenger cars by 90%,
3] cut back airline travel by 90%, and
4] eat 90% less meat ...
I think libs like Woodznutz and ReinyDays are slightly nuts

But I do take them seriously

The schools are turning out millions of radicals like them
I think libs like Woodznutz and ReinyDays are slightly nuts

But I do take them seriously

The schools are turning out millions of radicals like them
You can go over my posts with a divining rod and never find a liberal, or radical, position.

Conservative to the core. :biggrin:
You can go over my posts with a divining rod and never find a liberal, or radical, position.

Conservative to the core. :biggrin:
I should not have linked you with ReineyDays

He is truly around the bend and you are not

My apologies
From your own link: "Over the long term, stretching from prehistory to the present, Earth's total human population has continued to grow" ...
"To the present". The trend from now going forward is a decline in global population.
Budda didn't finish Middle School ... fuck no I'm not going to educate you ... pay some money and take some classes at a community college ...
The article wasn't meant for the casual reader on these forums. Way too 'sciencey'.

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