What everyone can do to combat climate change.

How about we just ignore the climate change BS entirely. The climate ALWAYS changes, and man has zero effect on it.
Then you can tell us what has caused the precipitous rise in temperatures since 1850.
Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate. Most cannot be significantly reduced, such as heating and cooling our homes, driving to work and school, and other necessary activities.

But we can reduce the amount of food we eat. Obesity is a growing problem globally. The production, waste, transportation, processing, packaging, displaying, and finally selling of foodstuffs requires vast amounts of energy mostly in the form of polluting fossil fuels. It is estimated that we eat 50 percent more calories, in the form of food, than we actually need to live a healthy life. If we can reduce the pollution and waste generated by the production and final consumption of food by a third it would go a long way in mitigating climate change. Perhaps even more when the energy needed (pollution) to address the problems caused by obesity are considered as well. Food for thought, eh?
The climate alarmists don't practice what they preach.
The climate alarmists don't practice what they preach.
I agree. If everyone actually practiced what they preach the world would be a much better place. The common mindset is,

I have a problem.
What are you going to do about it?
I agree. If everyone actually practiced what they preach the world would be a much better place. The common mindset is,

I have a problem.
What are you going to do about it?
Correct, those that perceive a problem want others to do their solutions but not undertake those solutions themselves.

Anyone distressed about climate change, just stop using everything that contributes to it. So they would have to ditch their Smartphone/computer too.
Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate.

Why is it that every other plant and animal on the planet, every product and byproduct of their living is used by and depended on by other plants and animals-- -- except man?

Tree dies? Termite Food.

Bear craps in the woods? Dung Beetle Bonanza.

But let people live and it is all suddenly a crisis for the planet?

Just how does that work when mankind is a natural PART of and a PRODUCT of nature like everything else and therefore, part of the plan?
Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate. Most cannot be significantly reduced, such as heating and cooling our homes, driving to work and school, and other necessary activities.

But we can reduce the amount of food we eat. Obesity is a growing problem globally. The production, waste, transportation, processing, packaging, displaying, and finally selling of foodstuffs requires vast amounts of energy mostly in the form of polluting fossil fuels. It is estimated that we eat 50 percent more calories, in the form of food, than we actually need to live a healthy life. If we can reduce the pollution and waste generated by the production and final consumption of food by a third it would go a long way in mitigating climate change. Perhaps even more when the energy needed (pollution) to address the problems caused by obesity are considered as well. Food fer thought, eh?
We over consume food, water, drugs, alcohol, lots of stuff. Cutting back a little on all of it would be a good thing all around.
Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate. Most cannot be significantly reduced, such as heating and cooling our homes, driving to work and school, and other necessary activities.

But we can reduce the amount of food we eat. Obesity is a growing problem globally. The production, waste, transportation, processing, packaging, displaying, and finally selling of foodstuffs requires vast amounts of energy mostly in the form of polluting fossil fuels. It is estimated that we eat 50 percent more calories, in the form of food, than we actually need to live a healthy life. If we can reduce the pollution and waste generated by the production and final consumption of food by a third it would go a long way in mitigating climate change. Perhaps even more when the energy needed (pollution) to address the problems caused by obesity are considered as well. Food fer thought, eh?
What I do every Earth Day to show the false God Mother Earth my support I sacrifice 10 gallons of used motor oil to a fresh water river, stream, or lake. She allows the oil to float showing me she approves.
Most of our activities produce pollution, which affects the climate. Most cannot be significantly reduced, such as heating and cooling our homes, driving to work and school, and other necessary activities.

But we can reduce the amount of food we eat. Obesity is a growing problem globally. The production, waste, transportation, processing, packaging, displaying, and finally selling of foodstuffs requires vast amounts of energy mostly in the form of polluting fossil fuels. It is estimated that we eat 50 percent more calories, in the form of food, than we actually need to live a healthy life. If we can reduce the pollution and waste generated by the production and final consumption of food by a third it would go a long way in mitigating climate change. Perhaps even more when the energy needed (pollution) to address the problems caused by obesity are considered as well. Food fer thought, eh?

Lol...thank God the human racists are a fringe entity.

Nobody cares about the obesity.

The greens will be taking an enormous nut sack kick this winter in Europe....watch this shit! :eusa_dance: :eusa_dance: The memes will be hysterical.
Where is there ANY hard evidence that the public cares about this? :rock: :rock:

Anybody remember The Moonies back in the 1970's?
I do...

Crick and the OP the modern equivalent....yuk...yuk....


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