What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
I'm sure this has been discussed...what are Mexicrats hoping to uncover that hasn't already surfaced?
I'm sure this has been discussed...what are Mexicrats hoping to uncover that hasn't already surfaced?

What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account? Zelensky never testified and will not. Call transcript never published. Call summary bore out by witness testimony. Going to be fun to watch republicans try to clear trump without looking like stooges working for the big boss, and then have to be on a roll call vote. McConnell says both side will call witnesses since he no longer has the votes to block.

The transcripts were released and Zelensky immediately said he never felt leveraged in any way.
“Stooges”....huh, you gotta be kidding...Mexicrats have lost all credibility with good real Americans by running an unprecedented, non-stop “we got him this time” 3 year shit-show.
Good real Americans have grown to hate Democrats...thanks.
DGS49 wrote:
I have been saying all along that there are no facts in dispute. The President wanted to coerce the Ukrainians into publicly declaring that they were investigating possible corruption on the part of the Biden's, by delaying foreign aid. The latest "evidence" coming from Lev Parnas corroborates this scenario with communications among Giugliani, Parnas, other lawyers representing Trump both officially and personally, and so on. Clearly, this is what the President was trying to do.

It is also clear that many people in the Administration were concerned that delaying the release of funds for this "political" reason might be illegal.

Ultimately, all of the noise from inside and outside the Administration convinced the President to release the funds, so that they were released before the end of the fiscal year, as required.

There is a difference of opinion as to whether either (1) asking for Ukrainian help in "finding dirt" on the Biden's, and/or (2) delaying the funds to exert pressure on Ukraine are "crimes," or in the worst case, crimes sufficient to justify overturning a U.S. Presidential election.

The differences are not about the facts, but about whether the facts constitute any sort of a crime at all (which is eminently debatable), and even if it does, whether it warrants removal of a President (not really debatable; it doesn't).

Trump's affirmative defenses are dispositive:

(1) Joe Biden's public comments warrant further investigation. The fact that he is running for President is IRRELEVANT.

(2) There is nothing illegal about asking a foreign government to assist in such an investigation, and the Ukrainian government is best positioned to assist.

(3) The President has very broad discretion in disbursing foreign aid at a time and in a manner that furthers his objectives and those of the U.S. A couple months delay in releasing these funds is insignificant, and certainly does not constitute a crime.

(4) The assertion that asking for Ukraine to assist in the Biden investigation is a "personal political favor" or "soliciting an in-kind campaign contribution," is a neurotic product of TDS. See the second sentence of #1 above.
I'm sure this has been discussed...what are Mexicrats hoping to uncover that hasn't already surfaced?

What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account? Zelensky never testified and will not. Call transcript never published. Call summary bore out by witness testimony. Going to be fun to watch republicans try to clear trump without looking like stooges working for the big boss, and then have to be on a roll call vote. McConnell says both side will call witnesses since he no longer has the votes to block.

The transcripts were released and Zelensky immediately said he never felt leveraged in any way.
“Stooges”....huh, you gotta be kidding...Mexicrats have lost all credibility with good real Americans by running an unprecedented, non-stop “we got him this time” 3 year shit-show.
Good real Americans have grown to hate Democrats...thanks.

When the summaries of the call was released, I immediately said Trump was a low down crooked cock suck, but like Zelensky, I won't be at the Trumps impeachment trial either and neither one of us were under any oath. This "Mexicrat" bunch. Are they the ones in Mexico who said "We ain't payin for no stinkin wall?" I personally have grown to hate both parties. Since I voted 3rd party for first time in my life, (because Trump and Hillary both lacked any signs of morality or ethics) am ahead of the game. Good luck to you and yours. Try to have a good time.
I'm sure this has been discussed...what are Mexicrats hoping to uncover that hasn't already surfaced?

What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account? Zelensky never testified and will not. Call transcript never published. Call summary bore out by witness testimony. Going to be fun to watch republicans try to clear trump without looking like stooges working for the big boss, and then have to be on a roll call vote. McConnell says both side will call witnesses since he no longer has the votes to block.

The transcripts were released and Zelensky immediately said he never felt leveraged in any way.
“Stooges”....huh, you gotta be kidding...Mexicrats have lost all credibility with good real Americans by running an unprecedented, non-stop “we got him this time” 3 year shit-show.
Good real Americans have grown to hate Democrats...thanks.

When the summaries of the call was released, I immediately said Trump was a low down crooked cock suck, but like Zelensky, I won't be at the Trumps impeachment trial either and neither one of us were under any oath. This "Mexicrat" bunch. Are they the ones in Mexico who said "We ain't payin for no stinkin wall?" I personally have grown to hate both parties. Since I voted 3rd party for first time in my life, (because Trump and Hillary both lacked any signs of morality or ethics) am ahead of the game. Good luck to you and yours. Try to have a good time.

Haha...the Mexicrats are that bunch who forced a shutdown of U.S. government because they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the citizens of Mexico....remember now?
That’s awesome...now that you’re voting third party are you preventing the duopoly from winning national elections....OR are you wasting your time?
I'm sure this has been discussed...what are Mexicrats hoping to uncover that hasn't already surfaced?

What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account? Zelensky never testified and will not. Call transcript never published. Call summary bore out by witness testimony. Going to be fun to watch republicans try to clear trump without looking like stooges working for the big boss, and then have to be on a roll call vote. McConnell says both side will call witnesses since he no longer has the votes to block.

The transcripts were released and Zelensky immediately said he never felt leveraged in any way.
“Stooges”....huh, you gotta be kidding...Mexicrats have lost all credibility with good real Americans by running an unprecedented, non-stop “we got him this time” 3 year shit-show.
Good real Americans have grown to hate Democrats...thanks.

When the summaries of the call was released, I immediately said Trump was a low down crooked cock suck, but like Zelensky, I won't be at the Trumps impeachment trial either and neither one of us were under any oath. This "Mexicrat" bunch. Are they the ones in Mexico who said "We ain't payin for no stinkin wall?" I personally have grown to hate both parties. Since I voted 3rd party for first time in my life, (because Trump and Hillary both lacked any signs of morality or ethics) am ahead of the game. Good luck to you and yours. Try to have a good time.

Haha...the Mexicrats are that bunch who forced a shutdown of U.S. government because they couldn’t secure a good enough deal for the citizens of Mexico....remember now?
That’s awesome...now that you’re voting third party are you preventing the duopoly from winning national elections....OR are you wasting your time?
Wasted my time, but not my since of ethics. Luckily I do not need either party.
I’ve been pretty outspoken on how bad of an idea I thought this impeachment move would be for our government and our country. I saw the transition from the House to the Republican controlled Senate bringing a change in focus from Trumps actions to Biden corruption. It doesn’t appear that the Republicans are taking that route. I’ve seen the conservative media blitz working overtime on Biden corruption trying to shine the spotlight on that narrative, that tactic is in full swing, but in the capitol it looks like a race to dismissal.

It was rather astonishing to listen to the Republicans dismiss amendment after amendment after clear documentation and witnesses were presented that would add direct supporting material to the accusations.

It is very clear that the Republicans are not interested in finding the truth, seeing the facts, or even allowing the Dems to use the facts to present their case. They seem to just want to defend the president and dismiss the case. It stinks to high heaven and coming from somebody who doesn’t think Trump should be impeached I will say this path that Trump and the Reps are going down is looking more and more like a dirty cover up. When I first heard the Dems use that term it sounded like political hyperbole... After day 1 it’s sounding pretty spot on

What 'evidence' or testimony could negate or supplant the call transcript and Zelensky's account?

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