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What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

Very good

Now if that's all they were, why can't anyone from the Trump camp come forward with documentation of what the meetings were about and who was there?

If that is all that happened, why are they taking the fifth and why has Trump lawyered up?

Because in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump is under NO obligation to prove he is innocent. And excuse me... can you tell me the last time in the past 40 years Trump hasn't been "lawyered up"? ...This is so funny.... NOW, just having a lawyer means you're guilty of something? :dunno:
You are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

In the court of public opinion, refusing to participate in an inquiry appears to be guilt
Very good

Now if that's all they were, why can't anyone from the Trump camp come forward with documentation of what the meetings were about and who was there?

If that is all that happened, why are they taking the fifth and why has Trump lawyered up?

Because in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump is under NO obligation to prove he is innocent. And excuse me... can you tell me the last time in the past 40 years Trump hasn't been "lawyered up"? ...This is so funny.... NOW, just having a lawyer means you're guilty of something? :dunno:
The thin skinned whiny little bitch sued Bill Maher a few years ago when Bill demanded he show HIS birth certificate because Bill said the clown is the offspring of an orangutan.

Tramp huffed and he bluffed and in the end he withdrew the suit making a monkey out of himself.
Bill kicked his ass.

About Tramp lawyering up. He can have 100 lawyers but if Comey said he tried to impede the investigation that's obstruction of justice.
Interesting you don't want to know if your president is a crook.
I'm old enough to remember the pro Nixon crowd ready to go down with the ship and kept defending him to the very end..

As Tricky Dicky said on Laugh-In: Sock it to me.
Comey is going to sock it to the clown and it will be riveting TV.
When it comes down to who will be telling the truth I wonder who Americans will believe?
A confirmed pathological liar like the clown or a man of integrity like Comey.

Another lie of the serial sex offender: I asked Comey three times if I was being investigated and he assured me I wasn't.

Former FBI agents: A director would NEVER answer that question.

The fat orange lying fuck is going down.

And HERE is the crux of the whole entire deal with this! We have a group of deranged left wing snowflakes who cannot get over their butthurt that Hillary lost the election and they have no more political power. Consumed by your emotions and filled with hate, you are embarking on a mission to bring Trump down at any cost. But you literally have NOTHING. So in true form, you are going to lie, bluster, distort and exploit anything you can.

I predict this is going to turn sour with the typical American voter.
Once again it's very revealing why the Trump whores don't want to know if their president is a crook.

They even sense it but don't have the integrity to admit it.
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
Here's one example of a Trump whore preparing himself for his fuhrer's ultimate downfall.
Bonehead's reasoning why Trump is innocent: There is terrorism in the world.
Very good

Now if that's all they were, why can't anyone from the Trump camp come forward with documentation of what the meetings were about and who was there?

If that is all that happened, why are they taking the fifth and why has Trump lawyered up?

Because in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump is under NO obligation to prove he is innocent. And excuse me... can you tell me the last time in the past 40 years Trump hasn't been "lawyered up"? ...This is so funny.... NOW, just having a lawyer means you're guilty of something? :dunno:
Why do you think impeachment and the trial of a President before Congress is even remotely like a trial in a court for criminal offenses? Congress is a separate and equal branch of government and can make their own rules about how impeachment proceedings are conducted and what is allowed and not allowed during those proceedings. They have the authority to tell lawyers representing the President to STFU.
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
Someone is off his meds today
Last edited:
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
Here's one example of a Trump whore preparing himself for his fuhrer's ultimate downfall.
Bonehead's reasoning why Trump is innocent: There is terrorism in the world.
How many nut jobs like him are there?
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
^^ advocating for the murder of millions of people in LA to " save the environment."
With mentally unbalanced people like this voting I can see why the clown won.
You are dreaming up facts again and making an ass out of you ming events and facts that are not even hinted at. You stupid assholes don't give a fuck about anything except your own dogshit scum being in power, WELL guess the hell what, THEY ARE NOT AND will never be again, we will show you some real riots before we will allow shit like oshitass and shitbitch to take charge ever again You think the rodthug king riot was something, think of all of the REAL people who pay the bills quitting work and descending on all of the liberal lala lands with everything from axe handles to homemade napalm bombs to scorch the earth, and clean the shit from the earth. A really funny though to me. I would love to watch la disintegrates in smoke. Water would be available, food would be grown in some desert areas again, the lakes on the mountain rivers could replenish, the shit production in the west would drop to at least only ten times that of a normal state. SHIT we need to do it NOW to really save the environment, HAHAHAAHA
Someone is off his meds today
I bet if you peeked into his medicine chest you'd see all kind of psychoactive drugs.
refusing to participate in an inquiry appears to be guilt

Then that makes Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Van Jones, John Holgren, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner, Ezekiel Manuel, Mark Lloyd, the Apollo Alliance, John Podesta, Peter Orszag, Americorp, SEIU, the Center For Biological Diversity, Marion Nessle, NBC, General Electric, Valerie Jarrett, Acorn, Planned Parenthood, the Center For American Progress, the Clinton Global Initiative, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Dick Durbin, Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Tides Foundation, the SDS, Henry Cisneros, Andy Stern, Kathleen Kennedy Townend, John Banks, Harvey Hirshfeld, Eric Eve, Dave Beckwith, Tim Guitner, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Maurice Strong, David Blood, CCX, Franklin Raines, Edward Sandor, the Shore Bank, the Joyce Foundation, Huma Abedin, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and many others all apparently guilty!
By Robert Reich

4 (And maybe 5) Grounds to Impeach Trump
By my count, there are now four grounds to impeach Donald Trump. The fifth appears to be on its way.

First, in taking the oath of office, a president promises to “faithfully execute the laws & the constitution.” That’s Article II Section 2.

But Trump is unfaithfully executing his duties as president by accusing his predecessor, president Obama, of undertaking an illegal and impeachable act, with absolutely no evidence to support the accusation.

Second, Article I Section 9 of the Constitution forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments. But Trump is making big money off his Trump International Hotel by steering foreign diplomatic delegations to it, and will make a bundle off China’s recent decision to grant his trademark applications for the Trump brand – decisions Chinese authorities arrived at directly because of decisions Trump has made as president.

Third: The 1st Amendment to the Constitution bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But Trump’s ban on travel into the United States from 6 muslim countries – which he initiated, advocated for, and oversees – violates that provision.

Fourth: The 1st Amendment also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” But Trump’s labeling the press “the enemy of the people,” and choosing who he invites to news conferences based on whether they’ve given him favorable coverage, violates this provision.

A fifth possible ground if the evidence is there: Article II Section 3 of the Constitution defines “treason against the United States” as “adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Evidence is mounting that Trump and his aides colluded with Russian operatives to win the 2016 presidential election.

Presidents can be impeached for what the Constitution calls “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The question is no longer whether there are grounds to impeach Trump. The practical question is whether there’s the political will.

#6 coming up this week: obstruction of justice.

refusing to participate in an inquiry appears to be guilt

Then that makes Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Van Jones, John Holgren, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner, Ezekiel Manuel, Mark Lloyd, the Apollo Alliance, John Podesta, Peter Orszag, Americorp, SEIU, the Center For Biological Diversity, Marion Nessle, NBC, General Electric, Valerie Jarrett, Acorn, Planned Parenthood, the Center For American Progress, the Clinton Global Initiative, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Dick Durbin, Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Tides Foundation, the SDS, Henry Cisneros, Andy Stern, Kathleen Kennedy Townend, John Banks, Harvey Hirshfeld, Eric Eve, Dave Beckwith, Tim Guitner, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Maurice Strong, David Blood, CCX, Franklin Raines, Edward Sandor, the Shore Bank, the Joyce Foundation, Huma Abedin, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and many others all apparently guilty!

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