What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

Please try to keep up with the thread

The crime was the hacking of the DNC server to attempt to influence an election

In this case, the party who benefitted from the crime was involved in secret discussions with the party who committed the crime

So it is a natural process to investigate what those discussions were related to

So... Unless you have evidence that Donald J. Trump personally hacked a server, then you can't show that he committed any crime. It's not illegal to have conversations, secret or otherwise, with people who commit crimes. Unless you have evidence that Donald J. Trump conspired with people to commit criminal acts, you have a nothing burger.

First of all, you haven't identified the hackers. You can say it was "Russians" but you don't know that it was and you certainly don't know which Russians. There is no evidence that Donald J. Trump has spoken to ANY Russian, much less conspired with specific ones who may have hacked a server.

In short, you have a really long way to go in order to build a credible case for impeachment of a sitting president. You have ZERO evidence that Donald J. Trump was involved with ANY illegality and all you continue to do is run your stupid little ignorant mouth.

America is going to grow tired of this before the midterms.
You've been warned.
Well, that is where the progression of crimes begin

Trump is best off if he had no interaction related to the hacks. Just routine interface with the Russians on unrelated matters

Now, if his people were discussing the emails and when and how they were released we have him participating in a crime

If he offered ANYTHING in return.....it is treason

You have absolutely nothing so far. There is no crime or progression of crime that you have any evidence for or can prove on Trump or anyone else. And I'll tell you again, dipshit... you are NOT going to impeach a sitting president of the United States on the basis of speculation. Not gonna happen. Try to get that through your neanderthal cranium. You have to first convict Trump of some sort of crime, then the House then can impeach and the Senate can remove him from office. Before you can convict Trump, you need evidence Trump committed a crime. As of this moment, you have diddly squat.
Didn't say I did

What I said was we have a crime that was committed and the party that benefitted from the crime had interactions with the party that committed the crime

It needs to be investigated, wouldn't you agree?

Last edited:
Please try to keep up with the thread

The crime was the hacking of the DNC server to attempt to influence an election

In this case, the party who benefitted from the crime was involved in secret discussions with the party who committed the crime

So it is a natural process to investigate what those discussions were related to

So... Unless you have evidence that Donald J. Trump personally hacked a server, then you can't show that he committed any crime. It's not illegal to have conversations, secret or otherwise, with people who commit crimes. Unless you have evidence that Donald J. Trump conspired with people to commit criminal acts, you have a nothing burger.

First of all, you haven't identified the hackers. You can say it was "Russians" but you don't know that it was and you certainly don't know which Russians. There is no evidence that Donald J. Trump has spoken to ANY Russian, much less conspired with specific ones who may have hacked a server.

In short, you have a really long way to go in order to build a credible case for impeachment of a sitting president. You have ZERO evidence that Donald J. Trump was involved with ANY illegality and all you continue to do is run your stupid little ignorant mouth.

America is going to grow tired of this before the midterms.
You've been warned.

????? If there was co-ordination and directions from Trumps admin on the hacking and/or use of the emails well understood to have been illegally hacked. that would be conspiracy to commit wire fraud.
The way things look right now...

Russia hacked the DNC server
Flynn, Manafort, Sessions and Kushner lied on their security clearance forms regarding Russian visits and contacts

They will probably pull an Oliver North and take the fall for Trump and Trump will grant them clemency

Wild card.......Putin comes out with what really happened
Once and for all......Russia DID hack the server
Even Putin admitted as much yesterday....Trump ADMITS it happened

Meeting with Russians is no crime. But given the circumstances, it could be

That is why we need an investigation

I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
Once and for all......Russia DID hack the server
Even Putin admitted as much yesterday....Trump ADMITS it happened

Meeting with Russians is no crime. But given the circumstances, it could be

That is why we need an investigation

I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
So you admit they colluded with the Russians to flood the internet with fake news about Hillary.

Do you also admit you colluded with Comey on his October surprise?

Is flynt still pleading the 5th?

Trumps Muslim ban is also unconstitutional.
Trump is not being charged. The fantasy is being promoted by hate mongers in the entertainment field like Kathi Griffin, crazies in the MSM who think they can reverse the results of a presidential election and lastly the non stop propaganda by confused and leaderless and angry democrats who can't come to grips with the fact that they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

He beat the Hildebeast in the EC, when they thought she had all wrapped up. That is the high crime according to the looney left.
Once and for all......Russia DID hack the server
Even Putin admitted as much yesterday....Trump ADMITS it happened

Meeting with Russians is no crime. But given the circumstances, it could be

That is why we need an investigation

I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Trump is not being charged. The fantasy is being promoted by hate mongers in the entertainment field like Kathi Griffin, crazies in the MSM who think they can reverse the results of a presidential election and lastly the non stop propaganda by confused and leaderless and angry democrats who can't come to grips with the fact that they lost the presidency, both houses of congress, most governors and over 3,000 state and local elections in less than a decade.
Trump will pull a Reagan

Doesn't remember anything and was so out of touch that his people did everything for him

Flynn and company will pull an Ollie North and take the fall......then Trump will give them clemency
Once and for all......Russia DID hack the server
Even Putin admitted as much yesterday....Trump ADMITS it happened

Meeting with Russians is no crime. But given the circumstances, it could be

That is why we need an investigation

I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?
I didn't hear Putin admit anything. Got a link that's not CNN, NYT or WaPo?

We don't know who did the hacking... it appears to be Russians. Might be, might not be.

How is Trump guilty of a crime there???

There is no circumstance where meeting with a Russian is a crime.

You've got an investigation, dipwad! It's not going to uncover anything because there isn't anything to uncover criminally. With the exception of how our national security apparatus has been abused by the previous administration to spy on political enemies. THAT is the Big Scandal here and it wouldn't surprise me if the Special Counsel very swiftly included that in the scope of his investigation. Careful what you wish for... especially when you're corrupt up to your eyeballs.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

What crime was committed?
According to Dershowitz there is none.What was the crime? Cite the specific statute that was violated.

"Political wrongdoing, but it's just not a crime," he said. "Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated. And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime."

Dershowitz Calls Special Counsel Mueller Good News For Trump: "He's Going To Find No Crime"
Didn't say I did

What I said was we have a crime that was committed and the party that benefitted from the crime had interactions with the party that committed the crime

It needs to be investigated, wouldn't you agree?

No... You have a crime that was committed and you don't really know who did it. You're also speculating about who benefited.... Did it change your vote? Didn't change mine. AND just because something may benefit someone, doesn't mean that person is responsible for orchestrating it.

Last I heard, it's BEING investigated. It has been investigated for the past year. Were you under the impression it wasn't being investigated? At some point, investigations have to end if there isn't any evidence. We now have numerous key officials giving testimony under oath that Trump and associates didn't collude with Russia and no such evidence exists.

Jullian Asange says that Wikileaks had a page full of dirt on Trump as well but it had already been made public. So the notion that the leaks helped Trump and hurt Hillary is a bit of a misnomer. It only seems that it hurt Hillary more because Hillary's dirt hadn't been uncovered. It's more appropriate to say the leaks evened things out.
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

I agree. There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked and the crimes and corruption being concealed within about how the DNC was covering up trying to swing the election in Hillary's favor and influence its outcome now revealed to the voting public might have influenced some voters and those crimes should be prosecuted.

I agree. Worthy of an investigation are Debbie Wasserman Schultz's COLLUDING to alter the election so that Bernie had no chance and Hillary would be the nominee. I agree. Donna Brazille is worthy of an investigation in how she COLLUDED to sneak questions from the debate to Hillary so that Hillary would have advance notice of them to prepare. I agree. CNN is worthy of an investigation into how they COLLUDED to sway the debate in Hillary's favor.

I'm glad we agree on a lot of things!
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

What crime was committed?
According to Dershowitz there is none.What was the crime? Cite the specific statute that was violated.

"Political wrongdoing, but it's just not a crime," he said. "Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated. And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime."

Dershowitz Calls Special Counsel Mueller Good News For Trump: "He's Going To Find No Crime"

They are looking for excuses and throwing their little tantrum "not my president" "RESIST" little fits, which had that been done under Obama would have been labeled as racists. Liberals hate losing power, and based on the riots, the scream to "blow up the White House", that don't handle defeat well. I have never seen so much childish behavior, and the party of NO democrats just validated the republicans under President Obama, were not being racist they just didn't agree with the presidents far liberal policies. However it's more convenient of the left to label the opposition than to work with them or ADMIT they share a different ideological view of government. It's sad that liberals reduce themselves to childish rants and labeling most of us grew out of by the time we entered junior high. I feel sorry for those who are not subject to the same behavior but would very much WANT to support some of the democrats policies.
Putin admitted the hack came from some "Russian Patriots"
Our intelligence has confirmed it came from the government
Stop playing stupid about whether Russia did it

Trump has not been found guilty of a crime. The crime needs to be thoroughly investigated and the Trumps team involvement with Russia needs to be adequately explained. I will be perfectly satisfied if the Special Counsel can clear Trump

So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

What crime was committed?
According to Dershowitz there is none.What was the crime? Cite the specific statute that was violated.

"Political wrongdoing, but it's just not a crime," he said. "Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated. And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime."

Dershowitz Calls Special Counsel Mueller Good News For Trump: "He's Going To Find No Crime"

Hacking into someone else's computer is a crime

Even Dershowitz knows that
Didn't say I did

What I said was we have a crime that was committed and the party that benefitted from the crime had interactions with the party that committed the crime

It needs to be investigated, wouldn't you agree?

No... You have a crime that was committed and you don't really know who did it. You're also speculating about who benefited.... Did it change your vote? Didn't change mine. AND just because something may benefit someone, doesn't mean that person is responsible for orchestrating it.

Last I heard, it's BEING investigated. It has been investigated for the past year. Were you under the impression it wasn't being investigated? At some point, investigations have to end if there isn't any evidence. We now have numerous key officials giving testimony under oath that Trump and associates didn't collude with Russia and no such evidence exists.

Jullian Asange says that Wikileaks had a page full of dirt on Trump as well but it had already been made public. So the notion that the leaks helped Trump and hurt Hillary is a bit of a misnomer. It only seems that it hurt Hillary more because Hillary's dirt hadn't been uncovered. It's more appropriate to say the leaks evened things out.
Again you play stupid
Yes we do know who did it with even Putin admitting it came from Russia

I agree with ending the investigation as soon as someone provides a credible explanation about what Trumps people were meeting with Russia about
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There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

Here you are assigning INTENT when you don't even really know who did it. Where are you getting it was done to influence a presidential election? That's a speculation, and maybe it's correct, but unless you have proof of that, it's not a fact.

And I will again point out, influencing elections is not a criminal act. All kinds of things can influence an election. Hillary's collapse at the 9/11 memorial may have influenced the election, did she commit a crime? Trump's "grab them by the pussy" comment may have influenced the election, did he commit a crime? Debates almost certainly influence elections, are the candidates guilty of committing crimes? A campaign itself is an attempt to influence an election! The weather on election day can influence an election.

Also, truth be told here... any actual "influence" was caused by the information revealed.
So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

What crime was committed?
According to Dershowitz there is none.What was the crime? Cite the specific statute that was violated.

"Political wrongdoing, but it's just not a crime," he said. "Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated. And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime."

Dershowitz Calls Special Counsel Mueller Good News For Trump: "He's Going To Find No Crime"

Hacking into someone else's computer is a crime

Even Dershowitz knows that

There was evidence of hack based on the fact the emails turned up in the hands of those not cleared to receive them. Evidence that also popped up on Anthony Weiner's personal computer at home, both PROMOTING an investigation. Do we have an understanding, are you able to see the pattern, of what prompted an investigation to start or reopen yet Rightwinger?
So the purpose and intent of forming a senate judiciary committee or a house committee made up of both parties is just a waste, as they are not capable of handling an investigations. Where is the actual evidence that a crime of collusion to influence an election by Trump even took place?

With Hillary we had emails, which equate to physical evidence of compromise (those not having authority gaining access to the discussions and policies involving the Secretary of State), with Trump I have not found any such evidence or links, just a "hope", "wish", or "want to be" one". There is a very clear difference between the two and how an investigation is to be conducted and handled. Six months of this, and democrats have not been any closer at all to any influential ties, or tampering of an election outcome by the Trump administration. No crime.
You seem to suffer from a chicken and the egg delusion

You have to investigate before you have evidence

We are currently investigating......if there is no evidence found, it will be dropped
If they find evidence, it will be prosecuted

So Rightwinger says the formation and make up of a senate and house committee, comprised up of both parties, is incapable to conduct an investigation.

To answer your cry for an investigation there isn't any evidence, like I clearly explained was evident with Clinton's emails. Evidence that prompted an investigation, there is not even anything to say a crime actually had been committed in this case ... NO PROMTING BASED ON EVIDENCE. You see this is where you liberals have fallen and hit your head, with Hillary she had leaked emails which tied directly to her at a timeline when she was Secretary of State that brought the need for an investigation. There isn't even any evidence that Trump and Russia collided to even effect an election. None.

Seriously, right winger, how many months where the democrats themselves reported any evidence - NONE that would suggest a collusion. If you were knowledgeable enough on the subject you could tell everyone here where the democrats missed on the "clear evidence" of collusion. Where is the clear smoking gun evidence that prompted the investigation?
Again with the delusional.....there was no crime

There was a crime. DNC servers were hacked to influence a presidential election

The party that benefitted from the crime was in contact with the party that committed the crime while they released the information

Worthy of an investigation....agree?

What crime was committed?
According to Dershowitz there is none.What was the crime? Cite the specific statute that was violated.

"Political wrongdoing, but it's just not a crime," he said. "Nobody can point me to a statute that would be violated. And a prosecutor is only allowed to look for evidence of a federal crime."

Dershowitz Calls Special Counsel Mueller Good News For Trump: "He's Going To Find No Crime"

Hacking into someone else's computer is a crime

Even Dershowitz knows that

Which has nothing to do with president Trump or his campaign.

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