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What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

To be fair, he is not charged with anything, but there appears to be some highly suspicious dealings with the Ruskies. Look, if the guy is clean then let the investigation go forward and clear him.
OK, articulate the "suspicious activities" that are against the law.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

If he pressured the FBI to not investigate and, in fact, fired the head of the bureau when he refused; that is obstruction of justice. We’re a long way from there of course. Hopefully, it will be a constant 6 yer investigation like Benghazi that ultimately formally labels him as dirty as I’m sure deep down, you (like all of us) know he is.

Really, you an smell the sleaze on Trump from outer space.

Politically it will probably fall somewhere in the vicinity of a censure of the President for colluding with a foreign government to win an election.
A. FBI Director can be fired for any or no reason.
B. Comey testified under oath no one was pressuring the FBI. This leaves your entire case on an admitted liar who he himself committed a crime by lying under oath.
Boy you're going to piss your pants this week when Comey testifies that the orange clown asked him to shut down the Russian investigation... and he'll have proof from his notes.

Question for all the deaf dumb and blind Trump whores: If he did nothing wrong why would ask for the investigation to be shut down?
If Comey testifies he was ordered to shutdown the investigation for political reasons then your entire case rests upon a man guilty of perjury.
refusing to participate in an inquiry appears to be guilt

Then that makes Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Van Jones, John Holgren, Cass Sunstein, Carol Browner, Ezekiel Manuel, Mark Lloyd, the Apollo Alliance, John Podesta, Peter Orszag, Americorp, SEIU, the Center For Biological Diversity, Marion Nessle, NBC, General Electric, Valerie Jarrett, Acorn, Planned Parenthood, the Center For American Progress, the Clinton Global Initiative, Bernie Sanders, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Barney Frank, Dick Durbin, Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Tides Foundation, the SDS, Henry Cisneros, Andy Stern, Kathleen Kennedy Townend, John Banks, Harvey Hirshfeld, Eric Eve, Dave Beckwith, Tim Guitner, Lois Lerner, John Koskinen, Maurice Strong, David Blood, CCX, Franklin Raines, Edward Sandor, the Shore Bank, the Joyce Foundation, Huma Abedin, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch and many others all apparently guilty!
Freak boy OBVIOUSLY doesn't want to know if his president is a crook.
He'd probably still support the orange baboon if he was found to be a crook.
Well he already has been found to be in violation of the Constitution when he didn't divest from his businesses and continues to make millions on the Citizens' dime.
Being a co-conspirator in obstruction of justice is what will bring the monster down.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

If he pressured the FBI to not investigate and, in fact, fired the head of the bureau when he refused; that is obstruction of justice. We’re a long way from there of course. Hopefully, it will be a constant 6 yer investigation like Benghazi that ultimately formally labels him as dirty as I’m sure deep down, you (like all of us) know he is.

Really, you an smell the sleaze on Trump from outer space.

Politically it will probably fall somewhere in the vicinity of a censure of the President for colluding with a foreign government to win an election.
A. FBI Director can be fired for any or no reason.
B. Comey testified under oath no one was pressuring the FBI. This leaves your entire case on an admitted liar who he himself committed a crime by lying under oath.
Boy you're going to piss your pants this week when Comey testifies that the orange clown asked him to shut down the Russian investigation... and he'll have proof from his notes.

Question for all the deaf dumb and blind Trump whores: If he did nothing wrong why would ask for the investigation to be shut down?
If Comey testifies he was ordered to shutdown the investigation for political reasons then your entire case rests upon a man guilty of perjury.
How would that make Comey guilty of perjury? Lol
You make no sense whatsoever.

Carl Bernstein , who knows a bit about guilty presidents has said, " Trump doesn't act like an innocent man."

Trumpies: but he is he is I just know it. Lol
One more thing you Trumpies are forgetting:
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
Most likely - Obstruction of Justice. It hardly matters though (it could just be his usual fraud, lying, cheating, collusion, and bad putting).
Comey needs Immunity because he's already testified under oath that Trump never ordered him to drop the investigation.
Nope, in his statement before congress on May 3rd, Comey was asked "if Senior Justice Dept Officials oppose an investigation can they stop it." Comey said in theory, yes." Asked if has happened, Comey said, "Not in my experience" There was no mention of Trump. You are just repeating false news.
Comey Testimony May 3rd | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
View attachment 130294
The following is the complete context of the statement. Exactly where is Trump even mentioned? Comey did not testified under oath that Trump never ordered him to drop the investigation. The statements are about the Justice Dept, not Trump.

HIRONO: Yes. And so speaking of the independence of not just the judiciary but I'd like you to clarify the FBI's independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independent from the department of Justice. Or does the FBI have to disclose all it's investigations to the DOJ? And does it have to get the Attorney General's consent?

COMEY: Well we work with the Department of Justice, whether that's main justice or U.S. attorney's offices on all of our investigations.

And so we work with them and so in a legal sense we're not independent of the department of justice. We are spiritually, culturally pretty independent group and that's the way you would want tit. But yes, we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.

CNN.com - Transcripts
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By Robert Reich

Man, if you actually believe all of the crap, then not only is your own Hillary far more guilty, but you are dumber than a box of shoes! Just wait and see, Snowdrift!
When you got nothing just attack the messenger.
Want to compare resumes, moron?
Robert Bernard Reich is an American political commentator, professor, and author. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
By Robert Reich

Man, if you actually believe all of the crap, then not only is your own Hillary far more guilty, but you are dumber than a box of shoes! Just wait and see, Snowdrift!
When you got nothing just attack the messenger.
Want to compare resumes, moron?
Robert Bernard Reich is an American political commentator, professor, and author. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
Wasn't he the one who touted H1-Bs and now says he was wrong?
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
Most likely - Obstruction of Justice. It hardly matters though (it could just be his usual fraud, lying, cheating, collusion, and bad putting).
Comey needs Immunity because he's already testified under oath that Trump never ordered him to drop the investigation.
Nope, in his statement before congress on May 3rd, Comey was asked "if Senior Justice Dept Officials oppose an investigation can they stop it." Comey said in theory, yes." Asked if has happened, Comey said, "Not in my experience" There was no mention of Trump. You are just repeating false news.
Comey Testimony May 3rd | User Clip | C-SPAN.org
View attachment 130294
The following is the complete context of the statement. Exactly where is Trump even mentioned. The statements are about the Justice Dept, not Trump.

HIRONO: Yes. And so speaking of the independence of not just the judiciary but I'd like you to clarify the FBI's independence from the DOJ apparatus. Can the FBI conduct an investigation independent from the department of Justice. Or does the FBI have to disclose all it's investigations to the DOJ? And does it have to get the Attorney General's consent?

COMEY: Well we work with the Department of Justice, whether that's main justice or U.S. attorney's offices on all of our investigations.

And so we work with them and so in a legal sense we're not independent of the department of justice. We are spiritually, culturally pretty independent group and that's the way you would want tit. But yes, we work with the Department of Justice on all of our investigations.

HIRONO: So if the Attorney General or senior officials at the Department of Justice opposes a specific investigation, can they halt that FBI investigation?

COMEY: In theory yes.

HIRONO: Has it happened?

COMEY: Not in my experience. Because it would be a big deal to tell the FBI to stop doing something that -- without an appropriate purpose. I mean where oftentimes they give us opinions that we don't see a case there and so you ought to stop investing resources in it. But I'm talking about a situation where we were told to stop something for a political reason, that would be a very big deal. It's not happened in my experience.

CNN.com - Transcripts
You know what comes next don't you.
When Trumpies backs are up against the wall their next move is to cry: FAKE NEWS.
By Robert Reich

4 (And maybe 5) Grounds to Impeach Trump
By my count, there are now four grounds to impeach Donald Trump. The fifth appears to be on its way.

First, in taking the oath of office, a president promises to “faithfully execute the laws & the constitution.” That’s Article II Section 2.

But Trump is unfaithfully executing his duties as president by accusing his predecessor, president Obama, of undertaking an illegal and impeachable act, with absolutely no evidence to support the accusation.

Second, Article I Section 9 of the Constitution forbids government officials from taking things of value from foreign governments. But Trump is making big money off his Trump International Hotel by steering foreign diplomatic delegations to it, and will make a bundle off China’s recent decision to grant his trademark applications for the Trump brand – decisions Chinese authorities arrived at directly because of decisions Trump has made as president.

Third: The 1st Amendment to the Constitution bars any law “respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” But Trump’s ban on travel into the United States from 6 muslim countries – which he initiated, advocated for, and oversees – violates that provision.

Fourth: The 1st Amendment also bars “abridging the freedom of the press.” But Trump’s labeling the press “the enemy of the people,” and choosing who he invites to news conferences based on whether they’ve given him favorable coverage, violates this provision.

A fifth possible ground if the evidence is there: Article II Section 3 of the Constitution defines “treason against the United States” as “adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort.”

Evidence is mounting that Trump and his aides colluded with Russian operatives to win the 2016 presidential election.

Presidents can be impeached for what the Constitution calls “high crimes and misdemeanors.” The question is no longer whether there are grounds to impeach Trump. The practical question is whether there’s the political will.

#6 coming up this week: obstruction of justice.

That has to be the finest thing I've read in this thread. We're have you been the last 9 years? And we are at war with Russia? My God you people are psychotic.

By Robert Reich

Man, if you actually believe all of the crap, then not only is your own Hillary far more guilty, but you are dumber than a box of shoes! Just wait and see, Snowdrift!
When you got nothing just attack the messenger.
Want to compare resumes, moron?
Robert Bernard Reich is an American political commentator, professor, and author. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter and was Secretary of Labor under President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 1997.
Wasn't he the one who touted H1-Bs and now says he was wrong?
Were you ever wrong?
Silly response.
The Mantra of the Left as they desperately hang onto the hope of a Trump Prosecution even as they know this will still not bring Hillary back! Then it all caves in as their last hopes are dashed:

The Mantra of the Left as they desperately hang onto the hope of a Trump Prosecution even as they know this will still not bring Hillary back! Then it all caves in as their last hopes are dashed:

Moron can't defend Putin's Puppet so he relies on his old fall back excuse: Hillary.
Why do you dopes make such fools of yourselves?
Don't know any hard facts on crimes, do know that its Hurricane season , and we have no FEMA director. and no NOAA director, and both budgets have been cut, and more Hurricanes are expected.
Don't know any hard facts on crimes, do know that its Hurricane season , and we have no FEMA director. and no NOAA director, and both budgets have been cut, and more Hurricanes are expected.
Another example of him making murica great again.

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