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What Exactly are the High Crimes and Misdemeanors Trump Is Being Charged With?

Very good

Now if that's all they were, why can't anyone from the Trump camp come forward with documentation of what the meetings were about and who was there?

If that is all that happened, why are they taking the fifth and why has Trump lawyered up?

Because in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump is under NO obligation to prove he is innocent. And excuse me... can you tell me the last time in the past 40 years Trump hasn't been "lawyered up"? ...This is so funny.... NOW, just having a lawyer means you're guilty of something? :dunno:
Why do you think impeachment and the trial of a President before Congress is even remotely like a trial in a court for criminal offenses? Congress is a separate and equal branch of government and can make their own rules about how impeachment proceedings are conducted and what is allowed and not allowed during those proceedings. They have the authority to tell lawyers representing the President to STFU.

Uhm... no, they really CAN'T "make up their own rules" because there is a Constitution that outlines the criteria of "high crimes and misdemeanors." That means, dumbass, that they cannot impeach for things that AREN'T crimes.

At this point, you lack ANYTHING to even bring Articles of Impeachment up for a vote in the House. You're not going to have anything until you prove some crime has been committed and Trump is guilty. Not liking him because he's a buffoon who's fat and orange, isn't enough....Sorry!
OK person who calls other people "dumb ass". Define "High Crimes". Which laws does the constitution stipulate are "High Crimes"?
In no way does the Constitution define high crimes and misdemeanors

That is how we end up with impeachments over blow jobs
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?

Ummm, refuse to read this whole thread, not because you posted it, but because of FAR LEFTISTS trying to create something from nothing.

That being said...........1/2 the country is accusing him of being a Republican who beat Hillary, and using every law they can to muddy the waters.
Oh don't ya know? They're investigating "collusion".

Collusion to normalize relations that Obama wrecked over eight years.
Collusion to bomb the shit out of ISIS.

The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?

Hey! The 1980s just called and they want their Cold War politics back!

You are just pissed because you fucked up and I called you on it.
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.

So because the House of Representatives fucked up in the 1860s, we should fuck up now just for consistency's sake? Gotcha!
The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?

Hey! The 1980s just called and they want their Cold War politics back!

You are just pissed because you fucked up and I called you on it.

Its 2017 and they are still pointed at you fuck stain.
We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?

Hey! The 1980s just called and they want their Cold War politics back!

You are just pissed because you fucked up and I called you on it.

Its 2017 and they are still pointed at you fuck stain.

Is there anything you can say that contains any proof of intelligence whatsoever?

I never said they were not. Why are you arguing against your own straw man?
Very good

Now if that's all they were, why can't anyone from the Trump camp come forward with documentation of what the meetings were about and who was there?

If that is all that happened, why are they taking the fifth and why has Trump lawyered up?

Because in THIS country, you are innocent until proven guilty. Trump is under NO obligation to prove he is innocent. And excuse me... can you tell me the last time in the past 40 years Trump hasn't been "lawyered up"? ...This is so funny.... NOW, just having a lawyer means you're guilty of something? :dunno:
Why do you think impeachment and the trial of a President before Congress is even remotely like a trial in a court for criminal offenses? Congress is a separate and equal branch of government and can make their own rules about how impeachment proceedings are conducted and what is allowed and not allowed during those proceedings. They have the authority to tell lawyers representing the President to STFU.

Uhm... no, they really CAN'T "make up their own rules" because there is a Constitution that outlines the criteria of "high crimes and misdemeanors." That means, dumbass, that they cannot impeach for things that AREN'T crimes.

At this point, you lack ANYTHING to even bring Articles of Impeachment up for a vote in the House. You're not going to have anything until you prove some crime has been committed and Trump is guilty. Not liking him because he's a buffoon who's fat and orange, isn't enough....Sorry!
OK person who calls other people "dumb ass". Define "High Crimes". Which laws does the constitution stipulate are "High Crimes"?

I've already addressed this once. How many times do I have to do it? The first clue is in the fucking name... High CRIMES. Obviously, things that are not crimes, can't be High Crimes. Now, I don't know what you THINK the term means... maybe you think it means "crimes" you dream up while high from smoking pot? But those of us who have read the Federalist Papers and studied the Constitution, understand that it means crimes that are significant in nature. In other words, not small insignificant crimes. For example, you couldn't impeach a president for jaywalking or overdue library books... those are not "high crimes". Now, it's true that the threshold is somewhat ambiguous and is left to the House to determine. Let's say the president didn't properly secure classified information and violated the Espionage Act.... perhaps he/she didn't intend to violate the law? Maybe the House wouldn't find that to be a "high crime" worthy of impeachment? Maybe some in the House would think so but they would deliberate and have a vote.

In ANY event, there has to first be a CRIME. At this point there is no crime. You all keep throwing out "obstruction of justice" but that's going to be a tough sell since justice has not been obstructed. The investigations continue, Comey never reported any obstruction attempts and his firing didn't impede any ongoing investigation. Not to mention, the investigations are regarding intelligence and not criminal. There isn't even a motive for Trump to impede an investigation that isn't criminal and doesn't involve him personally.

Let me explain what is happening here.... You all have listened to some idiot reporter who doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about. You believe with all your heart that there is some evidence floating around out there which will indict Trump and it's just a matter of time before it gets uncovered. Again, if this were Hillary, that would be a reliable bet. But there is really not anything and Trump has nothing to hide.

I don't care if you want to call me names and attack me as being some loyalist to Trump.... you can go look up my threads, I didn't vote for Trump and I have issues with many of his policies. I would MUCH rather have a President Pence! That would suit me just fine! But I am not going to give in to this absolute idiotic lunacy because I am not a lunatic. I know enough about the Constitution and history to understand you don't have a case for impeachment here. As much as you all wish there were, there just isn't. So you can go ahead and keep beating this dead horse for the next year and a half, then when the American electorate resoundingly voices their displeasure, you can sit and spin that into something else to avoid admitting you've fucked up.
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.

So because the House of Representatives fucked up in the 1860s, we should fuck up now just for consistency's sake? Gotcha!
In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Misdemeanor
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.

So because the House of Representatives fucked up in the 1860s, we should fuck up now just for consistency's sake? Gotcha!
In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Misdemeanor

Apparently, due to your poor reading comprehension skills, you just proved my point! Great job!
The soviet union is our enemy and nobody is currently bombing the shit out of anything…we can’t even hit a runway.

We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?

Hey! The 1980s just called and they want their Cold War politics back!

You are just pissed because you fucked up and I called you on it.
The raving lunatics have convinced themselves we are at war with Russia. Hell, even Bernie spent his honeymoon in the USSR and the left applaud him for it.
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.

So because the House of Representatives fucked up in the 1860s, we should fuck up now just for consistency's sake? Gotcha!
In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Misdemeanor

the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

There is a mixture of wrong and right in what both of you are saying. Because a President enjoys a thing called "Executive Immunity" it is almost impossible to indict or convict a sitting president. I don't think this has ever been done and there would certainly be a valid constitutional challenge if it were attempted. However, should a president find themselves in a situation where evidence suggested they should be indicted or convicted, impeachment becomes an option available to the House of Representatives to remove the president. This is precisely what happened in the cases of Johnson and Clinton, the only two presidents ever to be impeached.

You can certainly say that "technically speaking" a president can be impeached for spitting on the sidewalk, but this is a scenario that would never happen. The House of Representatives is going to always be reluctant to impeach a sitting president who was duly elected over something trivial. The threshold is "high crimes
and misdemeanors." Flopper... I want you to pay attention... it does not say "high crimes OR misdemeanors." So while simple misdemeanors back then might not necessarily be violations of laws or "crimes" if they are "high misdemeanors" they certainly would be.

I'm going to stress this point one more time... You have a sitting US president who was duly elected by the people, Trump received 306 electoral votes and over 62 million citizens cast their ballots for him and VP Pence in elections across America. You cannot undo that because certain people don't like the man. If the integrity of our electoral process is put in jeopardy this way, you're going to see a major violent revolution the likes you can't even imagine. Because this would signify that our elections mean absolutely nothing. So now you are all welcome to have your little wet dreams where Trump gets the boot because he's a fat orange clown that no one likes.... that's not going to be a reality in this universe. You're going to have to find a crime that he is clearly guilty of or should be indicted for, and then you're going to have to hope you can convince enough Representatives to cast their vote to impeach him over that.

Unless there is some major bombshell that hasn't yet been revealed, some evidence implicating Trump directly, you're just not going to ever be able to impeach the man. If you want to be a pinhead and sit here pontificating on scenarios that will never happen and making invalid points of technicality, that's up to you. Frankly, I've got better things to do with my time than to argue with you about this. You guys have fun with your fantasy and we'll see how this turns out.
We can't hit runways when we don't target them!

The Soviet Union ceased to exist decades ago. Why are you so ignorant?

Or when we try. Vladamir wants to re-create the USSR. Do you enjoy being that stupid?

Hey Jackass! Does it currently exist? No.

Grow up!

Okay, Russia is not our ally fuck face. Or are you dumb enough to believe those are warheads of love pointing at you and your family, eh fuck stain?

Hey! The 1980s just called and they want their Cold War politics back!

You are just pissed because you fucked up and I called you on it.
The raving lunatics have convinced themselves we are at war with Russia. Hell, even Bernie spent his honeymoon in the USSR and the left applaud him for it.

Of course nobody has said any such thing; only that Russia is our enemy which they are--unless you like having 4,000 nukes pointing at you.
The House draws up the impeachment charges, the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

The Constitution states "high crimes and misdemeanors". That means "laws', not "charges".
"The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

If the votes are there, he's toast. In Andrew Johnson's bill of impeachment it says, he made three speeches with intent to show disrespect for the Congress among the citizens of the United States.

So because the House of Representatives fucked up in the 1860s, we should fuck up now just for consistency's sake? Gotcha!
In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

Websters Dictionary 1828 - Webster's Dictionary 1828 - Misdemeanor

the charges do not have to be laws that Trump has broken, just charges. The Senate then votes on the charges, If enough guilty votes are cast, Trump can be removed. If Trump committed lawful crimes he could later be indicted for any lawful crimes he committed.

In the 1800's misdemeanor in common usage did not mean what it means today. In common usage, the word crime is made to denote offenses of a deeper and more atrocious dye, while small faults and omissions of less consequence are comprised under the gentler name of misdemeanors. Congress can impeach a president for spitting on sidewalk.

There is a mixture of wrong and right in what both of you are saying. Because a President enjoys a thing called "Executive Immunity" it is almost impossible to indict or convict a sitting president. I don't think this has ever been done and there would certainly be a valid constitutional challenge if it were attempted. However, should a president find themselves in a situation where evidence suggested they should be indicted or convicted, impeachment becomes an option available to the House of Representatives to remove the president. This is precisely what happened in the cases of Johnson and Clinton, the only two presidents ever to be impeached.

You can certainly say that "technically speaking" a president can be impeached for spitting on the sidewalk, but this is a scenario that would never happen. The House of Representatives is going to always be reluctant to impeach a sitting president who was duly elected over something trivial. The threshold is "high crimes
and misdemeanors." Flopper... I want you to pay attention... it does not say "high crimes OR misdemeanors." So while simple misdemeanors back then might not necessarily be violations of laws or "crimes" if they are "high misdemeanors" they certainly would be.

I'm going to stress this point one more time... You have a sitting US president who was duly elected by the people, Trump received 306 electoral votes and over 62 million citizens cast their ballots for him and VP Pence in elections across America. You cannot undo that because certain people don't like the man. If the integrity of our electoral process is put in jeopardy this way, you're going to see a major violent revolution the likes you can't even imagine. Because this would signify that our elections mean absolutely nothing. So now you are all welcome to have your little wet dreams where Trump gets the boot because he's a fat orange clown that no one likes.... that's not going to be a reality in this universe. You're going to have to find a crime that he is clearly guilty of or should be indicted for, and then you're going to have to hope you can convince enough Representatives to cast their vote to impeach him over that.

Unless there is some major bombshell that hasn't yet been revealed, some evidence implicating Trump directly, you're just not going to ever be able to impeach the man. If you want to be a pinhead and sit here pontificating on scenarios that will never happen and making invalid points of technicality, that's up to you. Frankly, I've got better things to do with my time than to argue with you about this. You guys have fun with your fantasy and we'll see how this turns out.

The investigation continues. Mueller is now looking into Manfort's dealings as well.
The term "high crimes" was lifted directly from the British Parliament, America has no high crimes.
For some strange reason no one has been able/willing to articulate anything beyond THE RUSSIANS!

Well, we are not at war with Russia, we can talk to Russians anytime, and the President determines what is and is not secret at his will.

Now if you want to go down the path of Russia helped Trump, how about the billions China gave Bill Clinton for his election?
From all indications the left are becoming unhinged and desperate to find anything and I mean anything that can possibly even resemble collusion or some other crime that Trump could be charged with. But so far there has never been any "There there" and therefore the plan is to keep dragging it out into the 2020 election hoping that accusations will be enough to sway the election their way. But the question is, how far will they be willing to go to achieve that goal? Would they actually go as far as try to frame him? When considering how corrupt they are, no doubt they would if they thought they'd get away with it.

And you gotta love the double standards which make absolutely zero sense. The most mind boggling is the fact that all the while accusing Trump of crap, the GOP and Trump aren't insisting on an investigation of Hillary and Obama. Have they been getting death threats or something? Why else wouldn't they go after them? I mean there is a ton of evidence to support criminality there for sure. At the very least Hillary could TODAY be indicted for perjury and obstruction of justice which have already been proven. But instead she's still giving speeches and rolling her eyes accusing Trump of FAKE unsubstantiated BS. I mean what's that about?
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