What exactly is liberalism?


Platinum Member
Nov 23, 2011
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.
What exactly is liberalism?
Ed...Liberalism to me is represented by the following reprehensibles:

-Skat eating sodomites.
-Split tails
-a 20/30 something until they get a real job and actually have to pay tax
-Old hippie failures >40
-Young ideologues <20
-Most people with sub 100 I.Q.'s
-Most non-STEM degree holders, save nurses and doctors (Refer to first and second bullets).

Thank You...Namaste
Actually, the progressive left have bastardized "liberal" and it's meaning in today's lexicon. They are NOT liberals in the classical sense. Liberals believe strongly in individual liberty, the radical left doesn't believe in this... they are authoritarian fascists who want to control people. They are about totalitarian power. Power to tell you what to do, when you can do it, how you are allowed to do it and who you can do it with. They want to micromanage every aspect of your life because they believe they know better how to do this.
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.
Yes....sprinkled with fascism....and we get a democrat....
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
Actually, the progressive left have bastardized "liberal" and it's meaning in today's lexicon. They are NOT liberals in the classical sense. Liberals believe strongly in individual liberty, the radical left doesn't believe in this... they are authoritarian fascists who want to control people. They are about totalitarian power. Power to tell you what to do, when you can do it, how you are allowed to do it and who you can do it with. They want to micromanage every aspect of your life because they believe they know better how to do this.

"Liberal" and "leftist" have never meant the same thing, ever. That conflation was begun not with the left but with the desperate-for-power Republicans of the Red Scare/McCarthy daze. And reiterated in George Bush's 1988 presidential campaign.

Liberals invented this country and wrote its Constitution Liberalism means laissez-faire -- take care of basic government business and then get the hell out of the way. Liberalism means power derives from We the People, and not some authoritarian in a classed meritocracy.
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
why first
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.

why first??? Why not say something intelligent in defense of liberalism as per op rather that change subject to show your ignorance?
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

Liberalism is the exact opposite of fear and oppression. Enlightenment and freedom.
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
why first
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.

why first??? Why not say something intelligent in defense of liberalism as per op rather that change subject to show your ignorance?

You're a troll, and you bait does not entice me.

Defaulting to a personal attack is a sign of ignorance, and that is exactly what you've done.
Liberal, like myself, believe that national problems can be solved by national action. Civil rights for example, could never be achieved if left to the states. The environment is another sterling example. Pollution does not recognize political boundaries like state lines. Crushing, gut wrenching poverty was all too common in rural regions, the Deep South and the inner city. One in four children still live in poverty. But Conservatism insists everyone can pull themselves up by their boot straps. Regardless of the reality of lack of opportunity.

The premise of the OP is there are no redeeming qualities to Liberal ideology. But ask their grandparents if they would be alright without Social Security and Medicare. Ask them to leave those benefits behind and pull themselves up by their boot straps.
Actually, the progressive left have bastardized "liberal" and it's meaning in today's lexicon. They are NOT liberals in the classical sense. Liberals believe strongly in individual liberty, the radical left doesn't believe in this... they are authoritarian fascists who want to control people. They are about totalitarian power. Power to tell you what to do, when you can do it, how you are allowed to do it and who you can do it with. They want to micromanage every aspect of your life because they believe they know better how to do this.

"Liberal" and "leftist" have never meant the same thing, ever. That conflation was begun not with the left but with the desperate-for-power Republicans of the Red Scare/McCarthy daze. And reiterated in George Bush's 1988 presidential campaign.

Liberals invented this country and wrote its Constitution Liberalism means laissez-faire -- take care of basic government business and then get the hell out of the way. Liberalism means power derives from We the People, and not some authoritarian in a classed meritocracy.

Yep. Its all their fault that we no longer have an actual home country where we could drink tea with our crumpets and have pubs on every corner.

Hats off to the RWNJs though. They did try to save us. They spied on those libs and did their best to get those danged traitors shot, hung and/or burned at the stake.

Alas and alack ... someone tipped them off about the lantern in the Old North Church and Rush Revere got word To Arms To Arms.

Next thing we knew, we were signing sedition papers and we've never looked back.

Suck it up RWNJs. You're stuck with us.
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
why first
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.

why first??? Why not say something intelligent in defense of liberalism as per op rather that change subject to show your ignorance?

You're a troll, and you bait does not entice me.

Defaulting to a personal attack is a sign of ignorance, and that is exactly what you've done.
op: Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism... and he will find 1000 excuses not to answer!

ever see a conservative run from a debate?
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
why first
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.

why first??? Why not say something intelligent in defense of liberalism as per op rather that change subject to show your ignorance?

You're a troll, and you bait does not entice me.

Defaulting to a personal attack is a sign of ignorance, and that is exactly what you've done.
op: Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism... and he will find 1000 excuses not to answer!

ever see a conservative run from a debate?
Post #14
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.
why first
Most conservatives honestly feel that liberals lacks the IQ to understand freedom and capitalism so, instead, are forced, like little children, to believe in magic; in this case, magical government. Conservatives honestly feel it is easy to prove too. Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism.

First you need to post an argument in support of unregulated Capitalism and how such an economic system impacts the dichotomy of Freedom / Security.

why first??? Why not say something intelligent in defense of liberalism as per op rather that change subject to show your ignorance?

You're a troll, and you bait does not entice me.

Defaulting to a personal attack is a sign of ignorance, and that is exactly what you've done.
op: Just ask a liberal to say something intelligent in defense of liberalism... and he will find 1000 excuses not to answer!

ever see a conservative run from a debate?

Your lack of reading comprehension skills is noted!
Civil rights for example, could never be achieved if left to the states. .

exactly because the magic is in central govt not state government. A liberal will be a total illiterate not knowing that central govt has been the source of evil in human history and thus our founders limited it to a few enumerated powers moreso then ever in human history!!
Civil rights for example, could never be achieved if left to the states. .

exactly because the magic is in central govt not state government. A liberal will be a total illiterate not knowing that central govt has been the source of evil in human history and thus our founders limited it to a few enumerated powers moreso then ever in human history!!

Utter nonsense.

Try to prove your statement.

Go ahead.


You can't because its simply not true.

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