What exactly is liberalism?

Not if your entire lifetime earnings don't come close to $1.5 million. Not everyone is an attorney, physician, certified public accountant or has a father giving him a small loan of one million dollars to kickstart his career in real estate development.

wrong!!!, if an average American invests 15% of his income it yields $1.4 million, not the dog food money liberals give you back to you as SS. Now do you understand?
In the example of all human history, the forms of government were either repressive monarchies or other authoritarian regimes.

yes why do you think our liberals spied for Stalin and Hitler?? The more liberal or authoritarian a govt is the more magic it has. Now do you understand?
Tell us about A,erican Linerals spying for Hitler. Liberals were the vanguard against Fascism. Liberals fought against Fascist Franco in Spain while Conservatives were Isolationists

You can always tell when EddyDear is lying.

He will start calling you "dear" and bigger insults will follow.

Bail now because it only gets worse from here.

Note to Eddy - Nosmo King is correct and libs are still fighting fascism. You, however, voted for it.
Liberals spied for Hitler is patently ridiculous.

right!!! because Hitler was a bad guy but Stalin was not despite slowly starving 60 million human souls to death!! Ever wonder why liberals gave Stalin the bomb or why Sanders honeymooned in the USSR?

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