What exactly is White Privilege?


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2020
Is that the privilege white people have to be 10x as likely to be murdered by an African American as vice versa? Or the privilege to have nobody in the media give a shit when a white person is killed by police or an African American? Is the privilege the fact that apparently white lives don't matter?
Is that the privilege white people have to be 10x as likely to be murdered by an African American as vice versa? Or the privilege to have nobody in the media give a shit when a white person is killed by police or an African American? Is the privilege the fact that apparently white lives don't matter?
its an imaginary thing that low lifes use as an excuse to blame white people for their short comings,,,
Is that the privilege white people have to be 10x as likely to be murdered by an African American as vice versa? Or the privilege to have nobody in the media give a shit when a white person is killed by police or an African American? Is the privilege the fact that apparently white lives don't matter?
It is a concept that the country was founded for the advantage of white people and no one else which is a commie (dem) delusion.
It's something millionaire black people claim about poor and middle class white people while claiming black people can't be successful. The fact is life can be tough, for anyone, and in America you have the best chance to overcome it. It's not perfect. It might get better but it will never be perfect.
Is that the privilege white people have to be 10x as likely to be murdered by an African American as vice versa? Or the privilege to have nobody in the media give a shit when a white person is killed by police or an African American? Is the privilege the fact that apparently white lives don't matter?
its an imaginary thing that low lifes use as an excuse to blame white people for their short comings,,,

it's a LIBEL -----now that witchcraft and blasphemy
have been made legal
I think that "white privilege" refers to two things:

a. A Caucasian does not even consider for one minute whether s/he will be served at a restaurant or allowed to buy a home in a particular neighborhood. In other words, for three centuries, the overwhelming number of people in this country have been Caucasian. So, of course, they never thought that they would be discriminated against. (Jewish people, of course, are the exception. They were often the victims of discrimination.)

b. Look at the Honorable Joseph Biden. He is a perfect example of "white privilege." Even his most ardent supporters will admit (in private) that he is a mediocrity. But because he is Caucasian, he has zoomed to the top, while more qualified -- and intelligent -- non-Caucasians never stood a chance to succeed in Delaware politics. Even today, the gentleman stands on the brink of becoming the President of the United States of America. (And, yes, it could be said there are some non-Caucasians who could have been a better Republican candidate in 2016.)


Not to worry.

Within thirty years, according to demographers, Caucasians are scheduled to lose their majority ranking and just become one of several ethnicities. And by the end of this century, "white privilege" no doubt will be a forgotten term. In its place, there will be "Hispanic privilege" or "African American privilege."
I think that "white privilege" refers to two things:

a. A Caucasian does not even consider for one minute whether s/he will be served at a restaurant or allowed to buy a home in a particular neighborhood. In other words, for three centuries, the overwhelming number of people in this country have been Caucasian. So, of course, they never thought that they would be discriminated against. (Jewish people, of course, are the exception. They were often the victims of discrimination.)

b. Look at the Honorable Joseph Biden. He is a perfect example of "white privilege." Even his most ardent supporters will admit (in private) that he is a mediocrity. But because he is Caucasian, he has zoomed to the top, while more qualified -- and intelligent -- non-Caucasians never stood a chance to succeed in Delaware politics. Even today, the gentleman stands on the brink of becoming the President of the United States of America. (And, yes, it could be said there are some non-Caucasians who could have been a better Republican candidate in 2016.)


Not to worry.

Within thirty years, according to demographers, Caucasians are scheduled to lose their majority ranking and just become one of several ethnicities. And by the end of this century, "white privilege" no doubt will be a forgotten term. In its place, there will be "Hispanic privilege" or "African American privilege."

A Caucasian does not even consider for one minute whether s/he will be served at a restaurant

I can't think of a single restaurant today, that refuses to serve people of a different race.

Further.... since when is "privilege" the ability to give money to others? That's your "privilege"?

"My privilege is to end up poor, by giving money to other people!" -White Privilege man.

Wow... if only black people could have my special rights....

allowed to buy a home in a particular neighborhood

Where is this neighborhood, that bans non-whites?

But because he is Caucasian, he has zoomed to the top, while more qualified -- and intelligent -- non-Caucasians never stood a chance to succeed in Delaware politics. Even today, the gentleman stands on the brink of becoming the President of the United States of America. (And, yes, it could be said there are some non-Caucasians who could have been a better Republican candidate in 2016.)

I looked at all the candidates for the Democrats. They sucked. They dropped out, because they sucked.

If Biden had been black, and was identical to who he is now, and the other candidates had been white, Biden would still be in the lead, because all those other candidates sucked.

I'm amazed that you people can even try to make this argument when Obama was president 4 years ago. So obviously your claims are just wrong.

The reason Trump won, is because people knew him, and because he was willing to smack left-wingers in the face. He was willing to call people out, and did so well.
Trumpism, 2020
Yeah, this is all new, isnt it?
You talk about Trump more than he does. Some might think you want his fatass to sit on your face or something.
And again.
Yeah, double down on your ignorance and infatuation. Dumbfuck
It just blows my mind how a self proclaimed "intelectual" can forget years and years or rhetoric and act like its new just to blame someone they are obsessed with. Its pathetic and dishonest. But also consistent for you, as thats your M.O.
Mind blowing.
I think that "white privilege" refers to two things:

a. A Caucasian does not even consider for one minute whether s/he will be served at a restaurant or allowed to buy a home in a particular neighborhood. In other words, for three centuries, the overwhelming number of people in this country have been Caucasian. So, of course, they never thought that they would be discriminated against. (Jewish people, of course, are the exception. They were often the victims of discrimination.)

b. Look at the Honorable Joseph Biden. He is a perfect example of "white privilege." Even his most ardent supporters will admit (in private) that he is a mediocrity. But because he is Caucasian, he has zoomed to the top, while more qualified -- and intelligent -- non-Caucasians never stood a chance to succeed in Delaware politics. Even today, the gentleman stands on the brink of becoming the President of the United States of America. (And, yes, it could be said there are some non-Caucasians who could have been a better Republican candidate in 2016.)


Not to worry.

Within thirty years, according to demographers, Caucasians are scheduled to lose their majority ranking and just become one of several ethnicities. And by the end of this century, "white privilege" no doubt will be a forgotten term. In its place, there will be "Hispanic privilege" or "African American privilege."
Civility means a lot. And even with that white groups can still be messed with. As long as black leaders are clowns like Snoop Dog and Ice Cube and many others, there will never be what you say you want. There are many black people who also do not want to go to more integrated areas. There are plenty of white people who have stuck their neck out who you do not even know. Some may have made a bad statement or two in their life and that is a permanent mark on their record. The worse of the white people are the ones who will turn on you even if they sound like the most blessed individuals in human history. If someone is to grovel to you, then they have to give up what they have. They ain't doing it.
I think that "white privilege" refers to two things:

a. A Caucasian does not even consider for one minute whether s/he will be served at a restaurant or allowed to buy a home in a particular neighborhood. In other words, for three centuries, the overwhelming number of people in this country have been Caucasian. So, of course, they never thought that they would be discriminated against. (Jewish people, of course, are the exception. They were often the victims of discrimination.)

b. Look at the Honorable Joseph Biden. He is a perfect example of "white privilege." Even his most ardent supporters will admit (in private) that he is a mediocrity. But because he is Caucasian, he has zoomed to the top, while more qualified -- and intelligent -- non-Caucasians never stood a chance to succeed in Delaware politics. Even today, the gentleman stands on the brink of becoming the President of the United States of America. (And, yes, it could be said there are some non-Caucasians who could have been a better Republican candidate in 2016.)


Not to worry.

Within thirty years, according to demographers, Caucasians are scheduled to lose their majority ranking and just become one of several ethnicities. And by the end of this century, "white privilege" no doubt will be a forgotten term. In its place, there will be "Hispanic privilege" or "African American privilege."
Its not a privilege, its a right. Everyone should have it.
"group privilege" has been a factor in just about all societies HISTORICALLY----it ain't just 'white' We are
blessed with a SOMALI----Somlia---historically INVADED by arab slave traders and transformed into an arab/muslim slave TRADING POST---and depleted of its religious minorities including pagans, christians and jews----historically. ----now PRETENDING A PRISTINE
heritage. Her answer is----invent a new race (person of color) and invest that group with PRIVILEGE as a payback. Anyone out there IMPRESSED?-----its the
CIRCLE OF LIFE (with credit to LION KING)------ethos eat ethos

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