Zone1 Why Uneducated Whites are Dying of Economic Despair

She was a gungho QAnon freak. Sadly... She's a victim of mindless enthusiasm for a snake oil salesman.
Ashli Babbit was an American business woman, a wife and a veteran. I reject your assessment that she deserved to be murdered when she posed NO THREAT. And obviously Ashli Babbit is NOT an example of an uneducated White dying of "economic despair."

But lemme guess, is it because they won't buy socialism?
They don't even know why they are unhappy or who's to blame. They blame illegals and immigrants instead of Republicans.

I keep mentioning this but you cons ignore it. If uneducated blue collar worker want to do as good as their daddies did, they're going to have to form unions like their grand daddy's did. Ya dig? The Greatest Generation gave Baby Boomers Unions and the best middle class the world had ever seen. Starting around 1978 corporations waged war against labor and got Reagan elected. He was the beginning of the end but Bush 2 really fucked us good. Sent all those high paying blue collar jobs overseas.

Please. If you are a Republican. Don't pretend you want to fix what's wrong with uneducated blue collar workers. They never had it as good as what we gave them. So in a way, I'm glad those dumb deplorable ungrateful fucks are struggling. The only problem is they are stupid and think Trump's going to MAGA for them.
Ashli Babbit was an American business woman, a wife and a veteran. I reject your assessment that she deserved to be murdered when she posed NO THREAT. And obviously Ashli Babbit is NOT an example of an uneducated White dying of "economic despair."

Are you kidding? She and the mob she headed were almost through the glass the broke. They were storming towards our politicians. And Trump didn't give 2 shits.

What's funny is a lot of the Republicans who ran for their lives are now pledging loyalty to the man who sent the mob after them. They were in fear that day. NO THREAT?


Remember every time a black is shot by a cop you ask "why didn't that negro obey the police officers verbal commands? They'd be alive today if they just did what the officer told them to do". Well same goes for Ashlii Babblingidiot.

Lots of Qanon, Proud Boys, Insurrectionists were former military. So are a lot of mass shooters.
Are you kidding? She and the mob she headed were almost through the glass the broke. They were storming towards our politicians. And Trump didn't give 2 shits.

What's funny is a lot of the Republicans who ran for their lives are now pledging loyalty to the man who sent the mob after them. They were in fear that day. NO THREAT?

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Remember every time a black is shot by a cop you ask "why didn't that negro obey the police officers verbal commands? They'd be alive today if they just did what the officer told them to do". Well same goes for Ashlii Babblingidiot.

Lots of Qanon, Proud Boys, Insurrectionists were former military. So are a lot of mass shooters.
This is probably the worst thread I've ever seen you write. It's disgraceful.
Please. If you are a Republican. Don't pretend you want to fix what's wrong with uneducated blue collar workers. They never had it as good as what we gave them. So in a way, I'm glad those dumb deplorable ungrateful fucks are struggling. The only problem is they are stupid and think Trump's going to MAGA for them.
Wow... I'm no Republican, but the last thing I want is your vision of government. I don't want a busybody state trying to "fix what's wrong" with people. I don't want government making sure certain interest groups "have it good". And people should never feel "grateful" to the government. Should be the other way around. Government stooges should be grateful they have jobs.
Wow... I'm no Republican, but the last thing I want is your vision of government. I don't want a busybody state trying to "fix what's wrong" with people. I don't want government making sure certain interest groups "have it good". And people should never feel "grateful" to the government. Should be the other way around. Government stooges should be grateful they have jobs.
Then don't vote Republican. Republicans don't work for you. They don't even speak to you. They are speaking to rich Americans. You only think you're one of them.
Then don't vote Republican.
I don't. That's almost as stupid as voting Democrat.
Republicans don't work for you.
I don't want politicians working "for" me. Or any individuals or special interest groups. I want them working for the nation as a whole, for the general welfare, not the specific benefit of supporters.
They don't even speak to you.
They are speaking to rich Americans. You only think you're one of them.
I don't think I'm one of them.

See, you're fixated on how you can get free shit from government. And you're mad because rich people have more shit than you. Sorry.
I don't. That's almost as stupid as voting Democrat.

I don't want politicians working "for" me. Or any individuals or special interest groups. I want them working for the nation as a whole, for the general welfare, not the specific benefit of supporters.


I don't think I'm one of them.

See, you're fixated on how you can get free shit from government. And you're mad because rich people have more shit than you. Sorry.

I want my politicians working for ME. For US here in Michigan. When he/she goes to Washington, I want they/them to represent the people of this state.

So you want them all to be conservatives and all of them in complete agreement go to Washington and be, let me guess, strict constitutionalists. Who interpret the constitution exactly the same.
I want my politicians working for ME. For US here in Michigan. When he/she goes to Washington, I want they/them to represent the people of this state.

So you want them all to be conservatives and all of them in complete agreement go to Washington and be, let me guess, strict constitutionalists. Who interpret the constitution exactly the same.
I definitely want government constrained to its Constitutional limits.

I just don't want the kind of government you do. We've talked about it plenty. I think your vision for government is incompatible with democracy.
I definitely want government constrained to its Constitutional limits.

I just don't want the kind of government you do. We've talked about it plenty. I think your vision for government is incompatible with democracy.
Stop it. Now that's some right wing spin. You guys do this with everything. You're not the racists. We're the racists. LOL You're not anti science we're the ones who are anti science. Such silliness.

I live among a lot of dumb ass conservatives. All of them can afford to be conservative. They all have good jobs and job security. Healthcare benefits. Ever notice that? All Republicans seem to have good jobs.

Except now you got the former well paid union blue collar workers before Bush fucked them, thinking Trump's gonna MAGA for them. They better join one of the unions that are making life better for workers. Trump aint gonna do it. You dumb poor Republicans don't realize just how dumb you are voting GOP. They got you with social wedge issues.

I see Trump is winning these unhappy blue collar people that Bush fucked over. This must be how Hitler won
Stop it. Now that's some right wing spin. You guys do this with everything. You're not the racists. We're the racists. LOL You're not anti science we're the ones who are anti science. Such silliness.

I live among a lot of dumb ass conservatives. All of them can afford to be conservative. They all have good jobs and job security. Healthcare benefits. Ever notice that? All Republicans seem to have good jobs.
You clearly haven't known many Republicans. Have another look at a MAGA rally.
Except now you got the former well paid union blue collar workers before Bush fucked them, thinking Trump's gonna MAGA for them. They better join one of the unions that are making life better for workers.
This here - this kind of thing just doesn't register for me. The kind of government you seem to want is called "corporatism". Despite the name, it has nothing to do with incorporated businesses. It's government that takes on the role of divvying up power and wealth among special interest groups. That's the worst sort of government, in my view. It's does away with equal rights in favor of "equity" (special rights for special people), trying to balance all the demands of various classes and organized interest groups.
Trump aint gonna do it. You dumb poor Republicans don't realize just how dumb you are voting GOP.
I just told you, I don't vote Republican. Do you have trouble with reading comprehension often? Or just when you're trolling?
You clearly haven't known many Republicans. Have another look at a MAGA rally.

This here - this kind of thing just doesn't register for me. The kind of government you seem to want is called "corporatism". Despite the name, it has nothing to do with incorporated businesses. It's government that takes on the role of divvying up power and wealth among special interest groups. That's the worst sort of government, in my view. It's does away with equal rights in favor of "equity" (special rights for special people), trying to balance all the demands of various classes and organized interest groups.

I just told you, I don't vote Republican. Do you have trouble with reading comprehension often? Or just when you're trolling?

Just 50 Families Have Spent $600 Million On The 2024 Elections So Far​

More than two-thirds of their donations have flowed to Republican candidates or causes.

The rich love Republicans. Because they love what we have now. They make all the money and you blame Democrats.

And they protect illegal employers. Republicans talk about illegal workers because that sounds good to uneducated blue collar workers. They don't realize the problem is illegal employers and Trump is one himself.

Just 50 Families Have Spent $600 Million On The 2024 Elections So Far​

More than two-thirds of their donations have flowed to Republican candidates or causes.

The rich love Republicans. Because they love what we have now. They make all the money and you blame Democrats.

And they protect illegal employers. Republicans talk about illegal workers because that sounds good to uneducated blue collar workers. They don't realize the problem is illegal employers and Trump is one himself.
I don't give a fuck about Republicans. Though you're clearly fixated.
I don't give a fuck about Republicans. Though you're clearly fixated.
It's them and us. None of the rest of you matter. RFK, don't vote at all, Libertarians, all fall to the way side.
It's them and us. None of the rest of you matter. RFK, don't vote at all, Libertarians, all fall to the way side.
None of you matter either. Unless by "matter" you mean contributing to our downward spiral. Go team!

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