Zone1 85 Percent of Whites Are Killed by Other Whites, So Why Do We Keep Seeing Videos of Blacks Killing Whites Here?

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OP got beat so badly in other threads he is hiding in here.

Suppose 100,000 young White males in a stadium. What percentage are known violent actors? Very low IMO.

Put 100,000 young Black males in a stadium. Probably at least half to 90% are violent actors. At least half with a record. 25% would be locked up on felonies and could not show to the stadium.

it is “percentages of the groups” the OP does not understand or does not want to admit to? Yet STATS show (although sanatized by corrupt Deep State) who the violent criminal groups are. Hope that helps//
He's bad with math because he's good with meth.
Gather a couple dozen white people together and a ball game will break out. :)

Gather a couple dozen blacks together and a riot will break out. :omg:
Is that what you call what happens at Rucker Park and other similar places?

Funny how whites like you project your violence on othes. Most of the rioting in this countryy has been done by whites.
Is that what you call what happens at Rucker Park and other similar places?

Funny how whites like you project your violence on othes. Most of the rioting in this countryy has been done by whites.
Domestic terrorist are almost 100% right wing.
  • Fact
Reactions: IM2
OP got beat so badly in other threads he is hiding in here.

Suppose 100,000 young White males in a stadium. What percentage are known violent actors? Very low IMO.

Put 100,000 young Black males in a stadium. Probably at least half to 90% are violent actors. At least half with a record. 25% would be locked up on felonies and could not show to the stadium.

it is “percentages of the groups” the OP does not understand or does not want to admit to? Yet STATS show (although sanatized by corrupt Deep State) who the violent criminal groups are. Hope that helps//
I don't get beaat by the likes of you.

Understand this percentage son, 85 perrcent of whites are killed by another white person. 80 percent of crimes against whites are done by another white person. Look in the mirror when you talk about violence and crime, becaause when you do, you are looking at the profile of the most violent and criminal population in America.
Domestic terrorist are almost 100% right wing.
Yes, right wing whites are the most violent element in our society. We don't see white liberals/moderates, blacks, asians, hispanics, or members of the First Nations always threatening people about civil war.
We need a statistic that addresses murders committed against strangers, what are the percentages?
I'm watching First 48. This secret black Facebook group has a party at a hotel. Only a select group of people belong to this secret group. Cedric rented the hotel room and invited everyone. On the invite he posted a pic of himself holding $16,000. Baller. They're all having fun just kickin it when a knock at the door. Two guys come in with guns, grab Cedric and ask him where the money. When he says he doesn't have it, they shoot him and flee. Turned out one of the girls in the group told her hood boyfriends about Cedric and the party.

The only problem with a private group is for it to be good, there have to be some chicks in it. And guys tend to invite any old Shaniqua to the group.

Remember though, I could see this happening in Taylor MI or Westland or Romulus MI. These are poor whites. Shit like that happens with them too.

Don't forget white biker gangs. They're murderers and drug dealers. Not very good men. Human trafficing, prostitution. Very very bad people. Mexican gangs, asian gangs, etc. Ayrian crime rings.
I don't get beaat by the likes of you.

Understand this percentage son, 85 perrcent of whites are killed by another white person. 80 percent of crimes against whites are done by another white person. Look in the mirror when you talk about violence and crime, becaause when you do, you are looking at the profile of the most violent and criminal population in America.
and yet you whine about whites killing blacks when 95 percent of all blacks murdered are murdered by other blacks. Blacks kill twice as many whites a year as whites kill blacks. TWICE as many.
My considered opinion is that we need to persuadse IM2 to sacrifice himself and commit suicide .
Immediately national interest in his obsessions will fall by 97.68% which means that people will have more time to talk and behave nicely and with each other .

IM2 can then be commemorated as the one person who did more to damage race relations than any other single person who ever lived , and everybody together could then join in a national spitting day where all would be encouraged to spit at his memory
My considered opinion is that we need to persuadse IM2 to sacrifice himself and commit suicide .
Immediately national interest in his obsessions will fall by 97.68% which means that people will have more time to talk and behave nicely and with each other .

IM2 can then be commemorated as the one person who did more to damage race relations than any other single person who ever lived , and everybody together could then join in a national spitting day where all would be encouraged to spit at his memory
I find this attitude funny. Since it is claimed that pursuing an end to white raacism by pointing it out damages race relations, but the actual racism practiced by whites like you doesn't damage race relations one bit.

It should be your obsession to end racism, but your obsession with white supremacy is the problem.

So when you and others like you can stop ignoring thee many racist threads by whites here and can use the same vigor in opposing the real racism that is displayed in this forum, I can stop posting in opposition to the racism I see here.
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I find this attitude funny. Since it is claimed that pursuing an end to white raacism by pointing it out damages race relations, but the actual racism practiced by whites like you doesn't damage race relations one bit.

It should be your obsession to end racism, but your obsession with white supremacy is the problem.

So when you and others like you can stop ignoring thee many racist threads by whites here and can use the same vigor in opposing the real racism that is displayed in this forum, I can stop posting in opposition to the racism I see here.
You just cannot stop, can you ?

It is called Brain diarrhohea.
You just cannot stop, can you ?

It is called Brain diarrhohea.
As long as you guys post the racism, I won't stop. So how about you working to end the real brain diarrhea instead of being part of it?
That point has no merit when you consider that 5 times more whites are murdered by other whites and the use of per capita never gets used in this instance because if it was the impact of whites kiilling blacks is far greater. Furtherrmore whites like some here ignore the other ways whites kill black people besides getting shot, beaten, or stabbed. There is medical racism where lack of proper medical care for blacks by white medical professionals ends up in death, and then there is hypertentensioon caused by white racism that ends up in heart attacks or strokes. The reality is there are far more blacks killed by or because of whiite actions than blacks who kill whites.
Whites are the group that is used as the baseline. Per capita is the method of comparing the smaller groups to the plurality of whites. If you want to use blacks as a baseline, you can, but the ratios will remain the same, you'll just have negative numbers instead of standard positive numbers. It's like using Fahrenheit and Celsius to describe temperature. The temperature stays the same, but the numbers describing it are different. Water freezes at the same temperature; 32 degrees Fahrenheit and zero Centigrade. It boils at the same temperature; 212 degrees Fahrenheit and 100 degrees Centigrade.
Yes, right wing whites are the most violent element in our society. We don't see white liberals/moderates, blacks, asians, hispanics, or members of the First Nations always threatening people about civil war.
Are the people deciding what is “terrorism” is and what is “mostly peaceful” are part of the systemically racist system you claim is holding black people back?

Funny how that works isn’t it? A disparity of black people committing crime is racist. A disparity of white people being terrorist is fact…..
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
13% of the population. This means you need to multiply by a factor of 7.6 or 760 percent. I'll say no more.
Another white person kills over eighty percent of all whites who are killed. Yet every day in this forum we see threads and posts about blacks beating and killing whites..

View attachment 877697

If all lives matter, why aren’t white people addressing white-on-white murders​

Thousands of white people are murdered by white people every year. The murderers of white people are overwhelmingly white — every year about 85% of white victims are killed by white offenders.

Where are the parades protesting this? Where are the country songs demanding an end? To all those white people who clutch their pearls when they see a Black person coming toward them on the street, you’re doing it all wrong — you are far, far more likely to be murdered by a white person than a Black person. You should fear white people.

Fact check: False data on U.S. racial murder rates​

Users on social media are sharing an image that features misleading data on black and white murder rates. Based on existing U.S. government data, all the figures are false.

The image alleges, for example, that 81% of white murder victims are killed by Blacks. Data from the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice show on the contrary that more than 80% of white murder victims are killed by whites.

When will those on the right take responsibility for the behavior they enable? All lives have not mattered, that was just a line used to dismiss the efforts of Black Lives Matter and to whine disingenuously about what they percieve as black racism.
They are not killed BECAUSE THEY ARE WHITE, which is the opposite of your point

85 Percent of Whites Are Killed by Other Whites, So Why Do We Keep Seeing Videos of Blacks Killing Whites​

It's the intensity filter on MSM cameras that's at fault. Even the most basic PhotoShop function can make anyone appear to be black.
Looky here:
black GLASNOST.jpg
More blacks commit murder than whites DESPITE BEING A SIGNIFICANTLY smaller percentage of the population.

And blacks kill more blacks than whites kill whites.

The OP is a smokescreen.
More blacks commit murder than whites DESPITE BEING A SIGNIFICANTLY smaller percentage of the population.
It's not the number of white murders vs. the number of black murders that matters. What matters is the number of victims. There are more white mass & serial murderers than black mass & serial murderers. So 5 blacks might murder 5 victims while 1 white might murder 25 victims: schools, shopping malls, post offices, churches, .......
The OP is a smokescreen.
No, it's not. It's you who is creating a red herring.
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