What happened to all the marches and protests?

It has to take a lot of effort to be on edge, bitter, and angry in a perpetual state of victimization.
It must simply be too much like real job.
It has to take a lot of effort to be on edge, bitter, and angry in a perpetual state of victimization.
It must simply be too much like real job.

Yeah, I guess you're right...the unemployed protesters do have a lot going on ....I'm sure hanging out at home smoking weed and drinking 40's really takes it out of you.
I miss seeing all the Mexican flags, signs written in jibber-jabber and the masked filth running around making complete asses of themselves.
Those were the days.
By the way...did they get what they wanted?
It seems like we had a couple per week around here in southern Mexifornia....Are they just not getting covered by media?

This is a great point.

Its a weak effort by the resistance to save the world from the next Hitler.
It seems like we had a couple per week around here in southern Mexifornia....Are they just not getting covered by media?

This is a great point.

Its a weak effort by the resistance to save the world from the next Hitler.

Yeah, no kidding.
The Left can't stay motivated for shit...not even to save the nation.
It has to take a lot of effort to be on edge, bitter, and angry in a perpetual state of victimization.
It must simply be too much like real job.

Yeah, I guess you're right...the unemployed protesters do have a lot going on ....I'm sure hanging out at home smoking weed and drinking 40's really takes it out of you.
I miss seeing all the Mexican flags, signs written in jibber-jabber and the masked filth running around making complete asses of themselves.
Those were the days.
By the way...did they get what they wanted?
They got absolutely nothing, and the taxpayers in every city got stuck with the bill for dealing with them.
They're running out of funding. The GOP is bringing in massive amounts of money, while the DNC is still in debt.

The same thing happened here in Wisconsin, after we elected Scott Walker. The left went completely unhinged, occupying the capitol building, urinating in corners, vandalizing stuff, and making death threats against public officials. But Walker stood fast and broke the left's balls. They're nowhere to be found now.

Trump is doing the same, except that it's on a national scale not just a state. It might take a couple years, but the left will eventually go softly into the night, never to be heard from again.
It seems like we had a couple per week around here in southern Mexifornia....Are they just not getting covered by media?

If coward trump ever showed his face outside the districts he didn’t win, you’d see the protests .
I mean how embarrassing. The guy is prez of the USA . All he ever does is go to Arizona and West Virginia.

And you dopes think it’s about Soros ? You really do live on planet delusion .
Protests became a bit pointless when it became obvious to everyone that Trump is doing himself in and has less than a year left on the job. All we have to do now is sit back and watch the shit show climax to its inevitable conclusion.
I mean how embarrassing. The guy is prez of the USA . All he ever does is go to Arizona and West Virginia.

And you dopes think it’s about Soros ? You really do live on planet delusion .

Donny T will never try to appeal to this nations lowest grade...ain't gonna happen. He'll be hated by our filth for the next seven years of his presidency.
Protests became a bit pointless when it became obvious to everyone that Trump is doing himself in and has less than a year left on the job. All we have to do now is sit back and watch the shit show climax to its inevitable conclusion.

Haha...so that's the spin that's been concocted?
Would make perfect sense if you weren't making that same claim back in March...haha...pathetic!
Protests became a bit pointless when it became obvious to everyone that Trump is doing himself in and has less than a year left on the job. All we have to do now is sit back and watch the shit show climax to its inevitable conclusion.
Protests and protesters have always been pointless.
The latest managed to alienate themselves from the general public with disruption of and property destruction of civilized society who neither feel outraged or simply just want to conduct their lives without the disruption of whiners.
Hard to get your message "heard" when you interfere with the rights of others. Faded into oblivion much like Occupy.

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