What happened to the tea party?

They said it was about taxes and the deficit.

And we don't have to wait to see who REpublicans feel about those issues, under a white Dem president, we can look back not far to one.

Presidency of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

"After Republicans took control of Congress in the 1994 elections, incoming Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich promised a conservative "revolution" that would implement tax cuts, welfare reform, and major domestic spending cuts.[35] Gingrich failed to deliver major conservative reforms in the first hundred days of the 104th Congress, but many observers continued to wonder if the Speaker would seize stewardship over domestic policy from the office of the president.[36] Meanwhile, with conservatism on the rise and New Dealliberalism in retreat, Clinton hoped to forge a new consensus that did not totally reject government interventionism.[37] In reaction to his party's electoral defeat, Clinton hired consultant Dick Morris, who advocated that Clinton pursue a policy of triangulation between conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats. By co-opting some of Republican ideas, Morris argued that Clinton could boost his own popularity while blocking the possibility of the drastic reforms advocated by some conservatives.[37]

The Republican Congress presented Clinton with a budget plan that cut Medicare spending and instituted major tax cuts for the wealthy, giving him a November 14, 1995 deadline to approve the bill. After the deadline, the government would be forced to temporarily shut down due to a lack of funding. In reaction, Clinton presented his own plan that did not include spending cuts to Medicare, but would balance the budget by 2005. As Clinton refused to sign the Republican bill, major portions of the government suspended operations until Congress enacted a stopgap measure.[38] The government shut down again on December 16 after Clinton vetoed a Republican budget proposal that would have extended tax cuts to the wealthy, cut spending on social programs, and shifted control of Medicaid to the states. After a 21-day government shutdown, Republicans, in danger of being seen as extremists by many in the public, accepted Clinton's budget"

Where were the protests about the spending? No guys in funny hats back then? All we heard about for months were the Tea Party protests.

We already know the opposition to spending and ballooning our debt and deficits is purely partisan for Republicans, what is in question is if it was also racist. Signs say yes. (Actual signs depicting president Obama with a bone in his nose.)

Are Tea Partiers Racist?

The push back took a different form, but it was even stronger. Newt Gingrich was the first republican Speaker of the House in generations. They shut down the government, TWICE, trying to get, reduced taxes and spending and deficits.

That wasn’t the reason Newt gave...

Gingrich, who was the Republican speaker of the House, triggered the shutdown by sending Clinton a bill that he knew he wouldn’t sign because it raised Medicare premiums and cut environmental regulations. Clinton’s veto shut down most of the government between November 14 and 19, and Gingrich hoped Clinton would shoulder most of the blame. But Gingrich’s bizarre explanation for why he triggered the shutdown ensured this didn’t happen.

When asked about the standoff at a press breakfast on November 15, Gingrich complained about something seemingly unrelated. He said that Clinton hadn’t talked to him on an Air Force One trip in early November to attend the funeral for Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And furthermore, he’d had to exit from the back of the plane.

“This is petty,” Gingrich said, according to The Washington Post. “[But] you land at Andrews [Air Force Base] and you've been on the plane for 25 hours and nobody has talked to you and they ask you to get off the plane by the back ramp… You just wonder, where is their sense of manners? Where is their sense of courtesy?”


And you’re just talking about Congress. Where are the “grassroots” protests about the spending like there were for Obama? Trump is spending MORE.

Possibly felt that there interests were being adequately represented by the confrontational republicans in congress.

Because Newt shut down the government in a fit of pique? Republicans shut down the government under Obama...didn't stop the 100% partisan and partly racist Tea Party.
/——/ “racist tea party”
Libs can’t debate the issues so they play the race card to silence those who dare disagree with them. Urban Dictionary: Race Card
What happened to the Tea Baggers?

They became Trumpers. They're philosophy...if it can be called that ...was always a joke. Nothing but opposition to Dems and mainstream GOP, and a lack of sanity.
What happened to the Tea Baggers?

They became Trumpers. They're philosophy...if it can be called that ...was always a joke. Nothing but opposition to Dems and mainstream GOP, and a lack of sanity.
/----/ Tea Baggers?
When libs can't win a debate they call their opponents racist or use some homophobic slur.
They said it was about taxes and the deficit.

And we don't have to wait to see who REpublicans feel about those issues, under a white Dem president, we can look back not far to one.

Presidency of Bill Clinton - Wikipedia

"After Republicans took control of Congress in the 1994 elections, incoming Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich promised a conservative "revolution" that would implement tax cuts, welfare reform, and major domestic spending cuts.[35] Gingrich failed to deliver major conservative reforms in the first hundred days of the 104th Congress, but many observers continued to wonder if the Speaker would seize stewardship over domestic policy from the office of the president.[36] Meanwhile, with conservatism on the rise and New Dealliberalism in retreat, Clinton hoped to forge a new consensus that did not totally reject government interventionism.[37] In reaction to his party's electoral defeat, Clinton hired consultant Dick Morris, who advocated that Clinton pursue a policy of triangulation between conservative Republicans and liberal Democrats. By co-opting some of Republican ideas, Morris argued that Clinton could boost his own popularity while blocking the possibility of the drastic reforms advocated by some conservatives.[37]

The Republican Congress presented Clinton with a budget plan that cut Medicare spending and instituted major tax cuts for the wealthy, giving him a November 14, 1995 deadline to approve the bill. After the deadline, the government would be forced to temporarily shut down due to a lack of funding. In reaction, Clinton presented his own plan that did not include spending cuts to Medicare, but would balance the budget by 2005. As Clinton refused to sign the Republican bill, major portions of the government suspended operations until Congress enacted a stopgap measure.[38] The government shut down again on December 16 after Clinton vetoed a Republican budget proposal that would have extended tax cuts to the wealthy, cut spending on social programs, and shifted control of Medicaid to the states. After a 21-day government shutdown, Republicans, in danger of being seen as extremists by many in the public, accepted Clinton's budget"

Where were the protests about the spending? No guys in funny hats back then? All we heard about for months were the Tea Party protests.

We already know the opposition to spending and ballooning our debt and deficits is purely partisan for Republicans, what is in question is if it was also racist. Signs say yes. (Actual signs depicting president Obama with a bone in his nose.)

Are Tea Partiers Racist?

The push back took a different form, but it was even stronger. Newt Gingrich was the first republican Speaker of the House in generations. They shut down the government, TWICE, trying to get, reduced taxes and spending and deficits.

That wasn’t the reason Newt gave...

Gingrich, who was the Republican speaker of the House, triggered the shutdown by sending Clinton a bill that he knew he wouldn’t sign because it raised Medicare premiums and cut environmental regulations. Clinton’s veto shut down most of the government between November 14 and 19, and Gingrich hoped Clinton would shoulder most of the blame. But Gingrich’s bizarre explanation for why he triggered the shutdown ensured this didn’t happen.

When asked about the standoff at a press breakfast on November 15, Gingrich complained about something seemingly unrelated. He said that Clinton hadn’t talked to him on an Air Force One trip in early November to attend the funeral for Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. And furthermore, he’d had to exit from the back of the plane.

“This is petty,” Gingrich said, according to The Washington Post. “[But] you land at Andrews [Air Force Base] and you've been on the plane for 25 hours and nobody has talked to you and they ask you to get off the plane by the back ramp… You just wonder, where is their sense of manners? Where is their sense of courtesy?”


And you’re just talking about Congress. Where are the “grassroots” protests about the spending like there were for Obama? Trump is spending MORE.

Possibly felt that there interests were being adequately represented by the confrontational republicans in congress.

Because Newt shut down the government in a fit of pique? Republicans shut down the government under Obama...didn't stop the 100% partisan and partly racist Tea Party.

Many factors at play. YOu are just assuming that race was the important one. Based on other things you assume.

Totally circular reasoning you got going on there.

You ever look at how much of an impact Obama race had on his white support in southern state(s), compared to white dems before and/or after him?
The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
Yep. I think they were folded into the Trumpsters and just have to keep their mouths shut about their core principle, fiscal responsibility.

Hey, it's politics, nothing wrong with a few tons of hypocrisy here and there.
Rational adults do not see only in black & white but rather they also see the gray.

They realize that their agendas conflict with others and that they must often accept less-than-optimal results to avoid potentially disastrous ones. I would say the growing perception of our Dems as the party of "free" stuff - stuff paid for by others, of course - is seen by many Americans as potentially disastrous.

That said, while never having formally identified as T-Party or even Repub, I do recognize the inevitable consequence - yes, our actions have them - of chronic deficit spending … none of which are enjoyable or healthy, and yes I'm profoundly disappointed that WashDC has continually kicked the can down the road.

Every American citizen is born with $80,000 in debt before taking their 1st breath. That is more than twice the average college grad's debt and interest alone on the national debt - now about $400,000,000,000/yr - could, according to the CBO, reach $1 trillion/yr by 2030. That is money that we don't and won't have for any of what this country needs to succeed and prosper.

In short, one need not be a T-Partier or Repub to know we are headed for financial disaster.
The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
Yep. I think they were folded into the Trumpsters and just have to keep their mouths shut about their core principle, fiscal responsibility.

Hey, it's politics, nothing wrong with a few tons of hypocrisy here and there.
Rational adults do not see only in black & white but rather they also see the gray.

They realize that their agendas conflict with others and that they must often accept less-than-optimal results to avoid potentially disastrous ones. I would say the growing perception of our Dems as the party of "free" stuff - stuff paid for by others, of course - is seen by many Americans as potentially disastrous.

That said, while never having formally identified as T-Party or even Repub, I do recognize the inevitable consequence - yes, our actions have them - of chronic deficit spending … none of which are enjoyable or healthy, and yes I'm profoundly disappointed that WashDC has continually kicked the can down the road.

Every American citizen is born with $80,000 in debt before taking their 1st breath. That is more than twice the average college grad's debt and interest alone on the national debt - now about $400,000,000,000/yr - could, according to the CBO, reach $1 trillion/yr by 2030. That is money that we don't and won't have for any of what this country needs to succeed and prosper.

In short, one need not be a T-Partier or Repub to know we are headed for financial disaster.
If not financial disaster, long term economic mediocrity at least.

As long as we choose to allow these "representatives" to operate under a terribly flawed system, they're going to continue to take advantage of it.
The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
The Tea Party was a reaction to massive spending and Obamacare. It was a an unorganized grassroots movement
The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
Yep. I think they were folded into the Trumpsters and just have to keep their mouths shut about their core principle, fiscal responsibility.

Hey, it's politics, nothing wrong with a few tons of hypocrisy here and there.
Rational adults do not see only in black & white but rather they also see the gray.

They realize that their agendas conflict with others and that they must often accept less-than-optimal results to avoid potentially disastrous ones. I would say the growing perception of our Dems as the party of "free" stuff - stuff paid for by others, of course - is seen by many Americans as potentially disastrous.

That said, while never having formally identified as T-Party or even Repub, I do recognize the inevitable consequence - yes, our actions have them - of chronic deficit spending … none of which are enjoyable or healthy, and yes I'm profoundly disappointed that WashDC has continually kicked the can down the road.

Every American citizen is born with $80,000 in debt before taking their 1st breath. That is more than twice the average college grad's debt and interest alone on the national debt - now about $400,000,000,000/yr - could, according to the CBO, reach $1 trillion/yr by 2030. That is money that we don't and won't have for any of what this country needs to succeed and prosper.

In short, one need not be a T-Partier or Repub to know we are headed for financial disaster.
If not financial disaster, long term economic mediocrity at least.

As long as we choose to allow these "representatives" to operate under a terribly flawed system, they're going to continue to take advantage of it.
We'll have to agree to disagree on the inevitable consequence of chronic deficit spending and yes, as long as we choose reps who serve their own best interest - reelection - while ignoring ours, we will continue our slide.
I personally like Rush Limbaugh's recent statement that concerns about deficits were "bogus" all along.

Rush Limbaugh: Deficits are fine, GOP attacks on Obama were "bogus"
Wait, Rush Limbaugh said deficits were bogus?

I think you may have misread the article, or you only read the bullshit headline and not the content of that article.

“Nobody is a fiscal conservative anymore,” Limbaugh shot back. “All this talk about concern for the deficit and the budget has been bogus for as long as it’s been around.”

Saying that concern for the deficit is "bogus" is not the same as saying the deficit itself is "bogus."

You got fooled by a bullshit headline from a bullshit media outlet.

The "story" is from SALON, therefore it is - by definition - bogus, however our D-Ladies will ignore your refutation and will repeat that claim.
What happened to the tea party?

It died the way all reactionary movements die because they are centered around personas and partisan politics that come and go, not ideas.

As soon as "their guys" got in power fiscal concerns revealed themselfs to be nothing but a pretense.
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The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
The Tea Party was a reaction to massive spending and Obamacare. It was a an unorganized grassroots movement

I understand that, but where was this movement when the spending started going thru the roof during the Bush Administration.
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The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
The Tea Party was a reaction to massive spending and Obamacare. It was a an unorganized grassroots movement

I understand that, but where was this movement when the spending started going thru the roof during the Bush Administration.
Or when Pelosi and the Democrats kept telling everyone that every Bush budget proposal doesn't go far enough...in other words, didn't spend enough money?
You see back then Bush never recommended enough spending to suit the Democrats so anyone who complained about the budget deficit was roundly criticized. Nevermind the fact that Congress was pilfering the Social security fund to the tune of $500 billion / yr. That's where most of the debt went. Then they accused China of most of it when it was congress running it up in 07 and 08.
The TEA party movement was more concerned with backing the GOP than actually calling out profligate spending. Where was the TEA party when President GW Bush was blowing up budgets?
The Tea Party was a reaction to massive spending and Obamacare. It was a an unorganized grassroots movement

I understand that, but where was this movement when the spending started going thru the roof during the Bush Administration.
Or when Pelosi and the Democrats kept telling everyone that every Bush budget proposal doesn't go far enough...in other words, didn't spend enough money?
You see back then Bush never recommended enough spending to suit the Democrats so anyone who complained about the budget deficit was roundly criticized. Nevermind the fact that Congress was pilfering the Social security fund to the tune of $500 billion / yr. That's where most of the debt went. Then they accused China of most of it when it was congress running it up in 07 and 08.

Once Obama left office, Fox News stopped advocating for Tea Party causes

The movement went away
The bottom line of the OP is that most true conservatives have disappeared. Most of our posters who claim to be conservatives, are simply not conservatives, just anti-Democrats.
This tidbit from the OP is a economic truism:
Economists typically recommend that the federal government increase spending, and thus add more debt, during times of economic struggles and then pay down that debt when the economy recovers. So while economic theory would support Obama's spending to help support the economy, Trump's recent debt binge has less support among economists.
And what do Little Trumpsters claim to be? Conservatives.
In reality, they are simply gullible goose-steppers to a none conservative ideology, that spends like a drunken sailor..
Once Obama left office, Fox News stopped advocating for Tea Party causes

The movement went away

The Tea Party is now MAGA.
This is true, for the most part.

It's the same groups of what I have found to be, generally (definitely not always), good people who are simply dissatisfied and want to stop irresponsible, out-of-control bullshit in D.C. They get a bad wrap because there are racist assholes among them. They do themselves a huge disservice because they are SILENT and look the other way when Trump spends like a teenage socialite with a credit card. It looks like they are being racists because they squealed like stuck pigs when Obama did the same or even less spending.

For the most part, I will give the majority the benefit of the doubt and chalk that up to partisan dumbfuckery and tribalism (R v. D), rather than racism, but I acknowledge that some of those fuckers would never be satisfied with a black president (a/k/a they are racist assholes).

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The bottom line of the OP is that most true conservatives have disappeared. Most of our posters who claim to be conservatives, are simply not conservatives, just anti-Democrats.
This tidbit from the OP is a economic truism:
Economists typically recommend that the federal government increase spending, and thus add more debt, during times of economic struggles and then pay down that debt when the economy recovers. So while economic theory would support Obama's spending to help support the economy, Trump's recent debt binge has less support among economists.
And what do Little Trumpsters claim to be? Conservatives.
In reality, they are simply gullible goose-steppers to a none conservative ideology, that spends like a drunken sailor..

I agree. Conservatism has been hijacked by idiots who have no understanding of what conservatism is. This started imo with Newt Gingrich.

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