What happened to USMB?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
There's no possibility this is a technical problem with the server, and not a vicious attack?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread.

You know in my grad school lectures and discussions we have perfectly civil debates with different views without any trolling or name calling... but on here it is so hard not strike back when it is almost impossible to post without being insulted.
There's no possibility this is a technical problem with the server, and not a vicious attack?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
There's no possibility this is a technical problem with the server, and not a vicious attack?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.
You mean like banning offensive posters, whose positions you disagree with?
Well you have it half right, just ban offensive posters. I've found that most personal attacks arise out of a person's inability to offer logical rebuttal supporting their position.
IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
There's no possibility this is a technical problem with the server, and not a vicious attack?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions.

"I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions."

In general I agree, the problem though is it would reduce the forum to being less entertaining and pretty boring, I have no problem with if someone posts:

"WTF you idiot (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

or "STFU moron (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

I certainly do not want to read endless Novella type posts after posts where there is not some friction between members, also I add a few members of staff are prone to name calling in their responses.

"Possibly more civility might reduce membership"

Which is the last thing that Forum Foundry want, if membership was reduced then why would Forum Foundry even think USMB was worth continuing? So IF you want to destroy the forum then make it boring, reducing the membership equals end of the forum.
IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
There's no possibility this is a technical problem with the server, and not a vicious attack?

IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.
You mean like banning offensive posters, whose positions you disagree with?
Well you have it half right, just ban offensive posters. I've found that most personal attacks arise out of a person's inability to offer logical rebuttal supporting their position.

"Well you have it half right, just ban offensive posters."

Which is what your type WANT, Vastator and me knew exactly what you were meaning with your original suggestion that would do ZERO to prevent the 502 Bad Gateway problems but WOULD turn this forum into 1984 Censorship like Facebook and Twitter and others are doing.

X Snowflake Reports "Hurtful Words" to Big Brother and Big Brother removes offender from the forum exactly like Facebook and Twitter do. So effectively you do NOT want DEBATE or DISCUSSION you want a Snowflake Safe Space that protects you from "Hurtful Words" that could be ANYTHING now considering the Snowflakes are LITERALLY offended by nearly EVERYTHING these days.

Your type do NOT WANT Freedom of Speech YOU WANT Censorship of views that you disagree with.

Eric Blair was correct and it's a view that I 100% endorse:

I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..
If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions.

"I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions."

In general I agree, the problem though is it would reduce the forum to being less entertaining and pretty boring, I have no problem with if someone posts:

"WTF you idiot (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

or "STFU moron (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

I certainly do not want to read endless Novella type posts after posts where there is not some friction between members, also I add a few members of staff are prone to name calling in their responses.

"Possibly more civility might reduce membership"

Which is the last thing that Forum Foundry want, if membership was reduced then why would Forum Foundry even think USMB was worth continuing? So IF you want to destroy the forum then make it boring, reducing the membership equals end of the forum.
You have a good point. Never thought of it in that light. I have to admit some of our more colorful members do keep it interesting.
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

"Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now.."

Well yes I agree, but the Flopper types obviously do not agree they want Censorship of those who disagree with their view points, as I commented the things they are now Offended by get bigger each day, pretty much EVERYTHING is Offensive to them and they DEMAND that "Hurtful Words" and "Offenders to their FEELINGS" are SILENCED. Flopper is happy to have USMB at what he terms Reduced Membership just as long as "Offenders to their FEELINGS" would be thrown off the forum.

I personally get offended at only two things:

Paedophiles and advocating paedophilia and supporting cruelty to animals.

Everything else does not offend me.
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

flacaltenn count me in if it is decided that a financial solution is the answer...
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

"Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now.."

Well yes I agree, but the Flopper types obviously do not agree they want Censorship of those who disagree with their view points, as I commented the things they are now Offended by get bigger each day, pretty much EVERYTHING is Offensive to them and they DEMAND that "Hurtful Words" and "Offenders to their FEELINGS" are SILENCED. Flopper is happy to have USMB at what he terms Reduced Membership just as long as "Offenders to their FEELINGS" would be thrown off the forum.

I think all Flopper's offering is a way to regulate the SIZE of the effort USMB puts into hosting and the headaches of growing. --- by raising the bar for content.

We do our best to GUESS at what annoyance level the members can tolerate. At some point, it's obvious that some folks are just not getting the "discussion thingy" and the herd is trimmed. But it takes a LOT to get banned from USMB --- usually.
If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:

That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
IMHO no because we are getting these situations too frequently, that either elchlorizo or one of the others gets here and then fixes the technical problem that is causing the general slow down or the 502 Bad Gateway and then we get it all happening again, to me this is something other than the server and that the frequency of it does suggest some type of DDoS happening.

If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread.

You know in my grad school lectures and discussions we have perfectly civil debates with different views without any trolling or name calling... but on here it is so hard not strike back when it is almost impossible to post without being insulted.
Often insults mean the poster has no rebuttal or they don't want to do the work to create one.
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..
"Adult discussions" here? lol

You have a good point though, some media boards are "echo chambers" toeing the line for whatever ideology is being promoted. This board does a fair job trying to remain neutral, and the mods here do a lot of work to try and keep it that way.
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

flacaltenn count me in if it is decided that a financial solution is the answer...

The "brain trust" of the engine room have not taken time to explain all of this to us "liberal arts majors". But it's ACTING differently than when there is maintenance or heavy indexing of searches going on. TO ME, it seems to be "load related". But, I'm not in the engine room.
That is why I say that until we are told, we can never know for sure.
If you check the number of members on-line -- it's increased DRAMATICALLY since May. I'd say by 30%.. There were more than 6 pages of members online last night before I gave up trying to be here. It just could be volume. Or the 100s of "bots" that scan and collate info from USMB. Any one of these could be a malignant form of DDOService type device.

Maybe Facebook is jealous of our growth. :113:
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions.

"I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions."

In general I agree, the problem though is it would reduce the forum to being less entertaining and pretty boring, I have no problem with if someone posts:

"WTF you idiot (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

or "STFU moron (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

I certainly do not want to read endless Novella type posts after posts where there is not some friction between members, also I add a few members of staff are prone to name calling in their responses.

"Possibly more civility might reduce membership"

Which is the last thing that Forum Foundry want, if membership was reduced then why would Forum Foundry even think USMB was worth continuing? So IF you want to destroy the forum then make it boring, reducing the membership equals end of the forum.
You have a good point. Never thought of it in that light. I have to admit some of our more colorful members do keep it interesting.

Well yes and also I am 100% in support of Freedom of Speech, I do not go along with this hysterical thing of those who Offend Someones Feelings need to be silenced.

I do not advocate deliberately hurting someone by commenting deliberately nasty things that you KNOW are going to hurt them.

What I do advocate STRONGLY is the Right to Freedom of Expression both in a political and social sense, that EVERYONE should be at least mature enough to TOLERATE opposing opinions on politics and social issues.

I am 100% Anti-Censorship because Censorship INFRINGES on a persons right to Freedom of Expression.




I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

flacaltenn count me in if it is decided that a financial solution is the answer...

The "brain trust" of the engine room have not taken time to explain all of this to us "liberal arts majors". But it's ACTING differently than when there is maintenance or heavy indexing of searches going on. TO ME, it seems to be "load related". But, I'm not in the engine room.

Like for instance, RIGHT NOW, there are only about 5 pages of members on-line. When it was slowing around 5PM -- there were 8 pages.

Really really do appreciate the offers of support. If we learn the story, we'll let you know..
The "brain trust" of the engine room have not taken time to explain all of this to us "liberal arts majors". But it's ACTING differently than when there is maintenance or heavy indexing of searches going on. TO ME, it seems to be "load related". But, I'm not in the engine room.

Well Get "Scottie" fired up because his reputation is that he is a 'miracle worker'...

Captain Montgomery Scott
If the number of connected users is causing the problem, you could do the unthinkable, a small yearly membership fee to cover the cost of better equipment. Or you could have a strict civility policy, no personal attacks on other users. Either one would probably solve the problem.

I fail to see how either of what you suggest would solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation that this forum frequently has.

Also on point II what constitutes a personal attack? Some are THAT thin skinned that if for eg. they are called an IDIOT they would go Full On Drama Queen and go screaming they have been PERSONALLY ATTACKED. If someone wants a forum where IDIOT constitutes a personal attack then there are some other forums out there who have that Nannying approach to cater to the thin skinned.

So on point II no thanks, that is not the type of Nannying this forum needs and that would not in ANY form solve the 502 Bad Gateway situation.
I have no idea what caused the 502 Bad Gateway. I'm just going by the comments by flacaltenn.

I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions.

"I have found by years of experience leading and participating in discussion groups, civility toward other posters or speakers leads to more informative discussion. Some people have little interest in the ideas of the opposition but simple want tell the opposition to STFU, you lying SOB. That's ok with me except that it typically ends intelligence discussion. If you've noticed, there are a number of users who simply issue nothing but personal attacks without every adding anything of interest to the thread. It's not a matter of being thin skinned but simply wanting to participate in an intelligent discussion rather read post after post of personal attacks against other members. I really don't give damn what member A thinks about member B. It's almost always off topic and adds nothing to the thread. Possibly more civility might reduce membership but it might also improve the quality of the discussions."

In general I agree, the problem though is it would reduce the forum to being less entertaining and pretty boring, I have no problem with if someone posts:

"WTF you idiot (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

or "STFU moron (and then posts On Topic with regard to whatever the OP topic is about)"

I certainly do not want to read endless Novella type posts after posts where there is not some friction between members, also I add a few members of staff are prone to name calling in their responses.

"Possibly more civility might reduce membership"

Which is the last thing that Forum Foundry want, if membership was reduced then why would Forum Foundry even think USMB was worth continuing? So IF you want to destroy the forum then make it boring, reducing the membership equals end of the forum.
You have a good point. Never thought of it in that light. I have to admit some of our more colorful members do keep it interesting.

Well yes and also I am 100% in support of Freedom of Speech, I do not go along with this hysterical thing of those who Offend Someones Feelings need to be silenced.

I do not advocate deliberately hurting someone by commenting deliberately nasty things that you KNOW are going to hurt them.

What I do advocate STRONGLY is the Right to Freedom of Expression both in a political and social sense, that EVERYONE should be at least mature enough to TOLERATE opposing opinions on politics and social issues.

I am 100% Anti-Censorship because Censorship INFRINGES on a persons right to Freedom of Expression.


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I think possibly the right approach is just to step out of threads where the opposition seeks only to attack with no real interest in supporting a position. The good thing about USMB is we have lots of threads to choose from so there is no need to waste time on such people. If enough people did that, maybe they would go elsewhere.
Probably a programming problem between the upstrream server and the gateway. Either that or it's overloaded. More likely the former. Worst case, there's a failing piece of hardware. Everything was working before it crashed this morning, except the alert system. It was buggy.

I consider it a blessing, I had work to do. lol.
I think we would prefer to grow. If the financials allowed it. Because it's looking more and more that having adult discussions are not gonna be possible on other "social media".

Don't KNOW yet if money fixes this. But I'm prepared to donate if that's the reason. Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now..

"Because I think the ORIGINAL "social media" of message boards just might be the last refuge of free and UNmonitored speech pretty soon now.."

Well yes I agree, but the Flopper types obviously do not agree they want Censorship of those who disagree with their view points, as I commented the things they are now Offended by get bigger each day, pretty much EVERYTHING is Offensive to them and they DEMAND that "Hurtful Words" and "Offenders to their FEELINGS" are SILENCED. Flopper is happy to have USMB at what he terms Reduced Membership just as long as "Offenders to their FEELINGS" would be thrown off the forum.

I think all Flopper's offering is a way to regulate the SIZE of the effort USMB puts into hosting and the headaches of growing. --- by raising the bar for content.

We do our best to GUESS at what annoyance level the members can tolerate. At some point, it's obvious that some folks are just not getting the "discussion thingy" and the herd is trimmed. But it takes a LOT to get banned from USMB --- usually.

IMHO the most recent rule changes ie. where Zone 3 (Current Events etc) was incorporated into Zone 2 with the Zone 2 rules etc I think that has benefited the Upstairs Section of this forum, it has reduced the Trolling and the Boxing Match type arguing that derailed so many threads and it's reduced the Drive By posts, so I think that recent rule change has been successful as more members are attempting to debate and discuss and not just argue and Troll etc, we still have a small amount of that happening but NO WAY near like it used to be.

This forum is basically one of the diminishing amount of forums where Freedom of Speech is still allowed, diminishing amount because of all the 1984 Big Brother Censorship types who go SCREAMING to SHUT IT DOWN the moment their FEELINGS are offended by often the most trivial things, I do not think that the majority of members of this forum want this forum to start the Thought Police thing and the Room 101 thing like many other forums are doing following on from what Facebook and Twitter are doing and now Google is doing and also You Tube where Posts OR Videos get Flagged by the Thought Police because X amount of Snowflakes cannot TOLERATE opposing opinions or comments that Offend their Feelings.
The "brain trust" of the engine room have not taken time to explain all of this to us "liberal arts majors". But it's ACTING differently than when there is maintenance or heavy indexing of searches going on. TO ME, it seems to be "load related". But, I'm not in the engine room.

Well Get "Scottie" fired up because his reputation is that he is a 'miracle worker'...

Captain Montgomery Scott

Love that guy.. He's a saint to those in engineering.

LAST MINUTE BREAKING UPDATE --- The wizards DID a find an issue in some linked material from a certain host hanging us up. NOT MALICIOUS. Or more accurately not malicious to YOU. And they think the MAJOR stalls are gonna disappear. Still discussing the server loading.

Kat WillHaftawaite AVG-JOE Coyote

I'm going into decompression mode now for the evening. Hopefully, we'll all be here tomorrow.. :auiqs.jpg:

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