What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?

What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?

And what happens if they don't? Oh right, all of you who pissed your panties over them are proven to be the Islamophobic pansies you actually are...

Wanna place a bet on it? In the next 12 months...will a Muslim migrant commit an attack on US soil? It's almost 100% guaranteed to happen. And you libs welcomed it.
Will it be like Paris and all of the planning will have been done long before by locals, who you don't have a clue about? You guys can never see the fucking forest for the trees.
What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?

And what happens if they don't? Oh right, all of you who pissed your panties over them are proven to be the Islamophobic pansies you actually are...
Your side is the same as ISIS. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my liberal secular nation.

In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.
"What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?"

The United States refusing to take war refugees is a victory for the terrorists.
You're goddamned right about that. Every time one of these assholes yells Kill All The Muslims, ISIS gets their job done for them. Right now Trump is so effective for ISIS they should be sending him contributions.
What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?

And what happens if they don't? Oh right, all of you who pissed your panties over them are proven to be the Islamophobic pansies you actually are...
Your side is the same as ISIS. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my liberal secular nation.

In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?

And what happens if they don't? Oh right, all of you who pissed your panties over them are proven to be the Islamophobic pansies you actually are...
Your side is the same as ISIS. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my liberal secular nation.

In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.
"What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?"

The United States refusing to take war refugees is a victory for the terrorists.
You're goddamned right about that. Every time one of these assholes yells Kill All The Muslims, ISIS gets their job done for them. Right now Trump is so effective for ISIS they should be sending him contributions.

Ah appeasement. That's a better strategy to fight a highly motivated opponent in a war. Worked great against Hitler.

You do know...ISIS is probably more motivated than Hitler and the Nazis....and they are probably bigger in numbers. Hitler ultimately was stopped because of a shortage of oil and the poor tactics he chose as a result of trying to aquire Russian oil.

ISIS doesn't have that issue. They crossed the Atlantic with ease. Hell....the American president welcomed them!!! Hitler would greatly admire the ISIS war strategy. And he would laugh at the American strategy.
Your side is the same as ISIS. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my liberal secular nation.

In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
"What happens if a refugee from Syria or elsewhere commits a terrorist act?"

The United States refusing to take war refugees is a victory for the terrorists.
You're goddamned right about that. Every time one of these assholes yells Kill All The Muslims, ISIS gets their job done for them. Right now Trump is so effective for ISIS they should be sending him contributions.

Ah appeasement. That's a better strategy to fight a highly motivated opponent in a war. Worked great against Hitler.

You do know...ISIS is probably more motivated than Hitler and the Nazis....and they are probably bigger in numbers. Hitler ultimately was stopped because of a shortage of oil and the poor tactics he chose as a result of trying to aquire Russian oil.

ISIS doesn't have that issue. They crossed the Atlantic with ease. Hell....the American president welcomed them!!! Hitler would greatly admire the ISIS war strategy. And he would laugh at the American strategy.
ISIS is an idea, you dumbfuck. It's all over the world, this isn't new. What is knew is now in the chaos left in Iraq by Bush's unnecessary war a Caliphate is alive and well, and it wants a fucking Holy War, which you and other dumbasses like you are only too happy to help them get.
Your side is the same as ISIS. No thanks, and get the fuck out of my liberal secular nation.

In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
Liberals founded American, and we are way fucking smarter than they are now. Times change, just not for your dumb ass.
In the coming years...the "haves" will keep moving into suburbs...away from immigrants and radical liberals. We will have gated communities with security.

The best cops are slowly but surely leaving big departments in "diverse" cities and seeking employment in suburban departments.

And people like you....will become victims. You'll bitch about not being able to afford a home in a safer area. And we will look down our noses at you...chuckle....and tell you to get away from our lawn haha!!!

Liberals ALWAYS become victims of their own ideology.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
Liberals founded American, and we are way fucking smarter than they are now. Times change, just not for your dumb ass.
No one believes your revisionist history. What else you do you got because, that nonsense ain't cutting it.
Liberal ideology is what gave you this country you live in, that you want to turn into a Jesus-led police-state.

If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
Liberals founded American, and we are way fucking smarter than they are now. Times change, just not for your dumb ass.
No one believes your revisionist history. What else you do you got because, that nonsense ain't cutting it.
The revision is yours, dumbass. Your kind were known as Tories and fled to Canada, when they were spying on us for the King that is.
If liberals founded this country....then they were obviously VERY pro gun. And believed in God. And slavery.

Is that the liberals you speak of?
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
Liberals founded American, and we are way fucking smarter than they are now. Times change, just not for your dumb ass.
No one believes your revisionist history. What else you do you got because, that nonsense ain't cutting it.
The revision is yours, dumbass. Your kind were known as Tories and fled to Canada, when they were spying on us for the King that is.
Our forefathers loved guns, religion, low taxes and they sure as fuck weren't into paying living wages to lazy non productive people. They would have despised you guys, so just stop already. You're making a fool of yourself.
Yep. It was 230 years ago, dumbfuck.

So....modern liberal ideology IS NOT what founded America.
Liberals founded American, and we are way fucking smarter than they are now. Times change, just not for your dumb ass.
No one believes your revisionist history. What else you do you got because, that nonsense ain't cutting it.
The revision is yours, dumbass. Your kind were known as Tories and fled to Canada, when they were spying on us for the King that is.
Our forefathers loved guns, religion, low taxes and they sure as fuck weren't into paying living wages to lazy non productive people. They would have despised you guys, so just stop already. You're making a fool of yourself.
No, they would have despised your kind, you selfish little twat. They had common sense, and knew how to change with the times and form a government that worked for the times. Unlike you they lived in the present, not the past.
Ok Democrats have gotten their way and there's tens of thousands of new Americans. They're all from Syria, and most are Muslim. Then one fateful day a schoolbus of children explodes and it's determined it was a former Syrian Muslim suicide bomber. Now what?

Got some plan ready-to-go if this or something like it happens as a result of your pushing for their admittance? Got a speech ready to placate the parents and community of the kids who just vaporized? Got some political angle that justifies it? Or do you simply shrug and carry on hoping no one backtracks the person to being a refugee you helped gain admittance to our country?

And what about your attitude on more refugees? Unchanged? 1% of fewer's acceptable and to keep up appearences you're willing to sacrifice some countrymen to look good on tv vs your political opposition?

It's not worth it. Even if only 1 refugee becomes violent for any reason, none of them should have been allowed to come here. Not like we don't have enough problems already with our own crazy people and people in need of support. If we admit 10,000 refugees do 10,000 veterans have to sleep on the street because shelter beds are taken? If 10,000 refugees get free housing, are 10,000 combat veterans told "sorry, there's no money left in the budget for you." Money isn't infinite and tens of thousands already have to go without because there isn't any more money for them. Can you stand in a room with them and explain how refugees from some shithole country were more important than they were?

Take care of your own first, then welcome foreigners here if there's anything left.
Did we stop all Muslim refugees from entering our Nation after the 9/11 attacks? If not, then why would we do so after a bus of children being killed vs thousands and thousands killed on September 11th?

ALSO, did we not give up Constitutional rights to privacy...secure in our conversations and goods with the Patriot Act, so that our Intelligence agencies can prevent another attack? And NOW you are telling me that this measure of security was for naught, is not sitting well....

And lastly, what if it were another Timothy MCVeigh blowing the bus of children up, a homeboy?
Ok Democrats have gotten their way and there's tens of thousands of new Americans. They're all from Syria, and most are Muslim. Then one fateful day a schoolbus of children explodes and it's determined it was a former Syrian Muslim suicide bomber. Now what?

Got some plan ready-to-go if this or something like it happens as a result of your pushing for their admittance? Got a speech ready to placate the parents and community of the kids who just vaporized? Got some political angle that justifies it? Or do you simply shrug and carry on hoping no one backtracks the person to being a refugee you helped gain admittance to our country?

And what about your attitude on more refugees? Unchanged? 1% of fewer's acceptable and to keep up appearences you're willing to sacrifice some countrymen to look good on tv vs your political opposition?

It's not worth it. Even if only 1 refugee becomes violent for any reason, none of them should have been allowed to come here. Not like we don't have enough problems already with our own crazy people and people in need of support. If we admit 10,000 refugees do 10,000 veterans have to sleep on the street because shelter beds are taken? If 10,000 refugees get free housing, are 10,000 combat veterans told "sorry, there's no money left in the budget for you." Money isn't infinite and tens of thousands already have to go without because there isn't any more money for them. Can you stand in a room with them and explain how refugees from some shithole country were more important than they were?

Take care of your own first, then welcome foreigners here if there's anything left.
Did we stop all Muslim refugees from entering our Nation after the 9/11 attacks? If not, then why would we do so after a bus of children being killed vs thousands and thousands killed on September 11th?

ALSO, did we not give up Constitutional rights to privacy...secure in our conversations and goods with the Patriot Act, so that our Intelligence agencies can prevent another attack? And NOW you are telling me that this measure of security was for naught, is not sitting well....

And lastly, what if it were another Timothy MCVeigh blowing the bus of children up, a homeboy?

After 9/11 we were told it was Iraq, so we invaded Iraq. Then it was Afganistan, and we invaded Afganistan. In point of fact, the country with the most hijackers from there was Saudi Arabia, but they're an ally and fuckbuddies of the Bush family who was President at the time.

So any response to 9/11 was either wrong, or politically inconvenient. Not so with Syria. No one's in bed with Assad or ISIS in government (knock wood.) ;)

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