What happens if Republicans manage to knock 20 million Americans off health care?

UNICEF is run by the United Nations. Not the United States.

I said secular US charities.

How many homeless does the Sierra club feed, cloth and provide services for BTW?

You asked for secular charities, you didn't say what they were for. How many people does the American Red Cross feed and cloth? How many people does Goodwill help? How many people across the globe does Doctor's Without Borders help?
Goodwill was founded by a Methodist Minister BTW

Is it a secular charity? Yes or no?
Doctors Without Borders is Swiss not American also BTW.

It's international and includes the U.S. UNICEF is based in New York by the way even though it is an international charity.
What specific programs does UNICEF provide US children?
You do? Once again I guess you don't know how an argument works, your opinion doesn't mean shit without something to back it up. By the way, I already posted a secular chart on here and what the political make up of each group was.

From a Study...

Religious Americans Give More, New Study Finds

Guess what political group is a majority of those groups?
The number one ranked state that gives more than any other to charity is Utah.

Guess all Morman's are Liberals now.

As far as generosity goes the poor red states are more generous than the richer liberal states like NY and CA.

2015’s Most and Least Charitable States

No, nice fallacy. I already said they were Conservatives. Also look what their churches look like.


Where do you think the money to build those came from?
So.... Still no secular based charities you can tout?

Btw did you know The United Way was also founded by those Christian organizations liberals hate so much.
I hate to be harsh, but it seems you demand to be considered a tard. You put the ass in assumptions. Because your assumptions are ALWAYS so ignorant and tard worthy.


See that? Two thirds of Democrats consider themselves Christian.

The problem with your kind is you assume you are a main stream Christian. But your kind has drifted far away from main stream anything. Take Ryan for instance. He may be fueding with Trump, but both are part of your kind. And what do Bishops think of Ryan?

US bishops: Ryan budget fails to meet ‘basic moral test’ : News Headlines

Catholic bishops say GOP budget proposal fails moral test

Republicans who call themselves Christians on this site have defended demanding the fetus be born but why should they help in any way with the baby. After all, it's NOT their baby.

When I pointed out that sitting members in congress get millions in the farm bill but in the same bill cut food stamps for veterans and children. It was explained to me that it's OK because those so called Christian Republicans are "producers". What ever the fuck that means.

Jesus told us to heal the sick. He did not tell us to pray for the sick. Healing should not be an isolated, one-chance-in-a-100-or-1,000 type of occurrence. Healing should be everywhere. It is part of the gospel. It is what will open the masses to the gospel. It is God's dinner bell for sinners to come and be saved.

Jesus Never Told Us to Pray for the Sick


This from the GOP debates:

See, that's the opposite of Jesus.

Today's Republicans have become the anti Christian, Christian party.

What it means is, as a Republican it is important to be Christian during the election years. though for some Liberals...it also means promising everything to be free during election years. Which means what? Most politicians are lying scumbags.

Only some Democrats are liberal.

And what is it Democrats are promising that's "free"? Be careful. If you say it, you will be expected to prove it. GOP Talking points are the worst proof.
I'm done with you, I've given you a bread trail to everything I have said, and you have provided zilch...zero...nadda.
I'm not the one pushing an agenda, you are. The challenge was simple ....

"Again, the percentage of liberals versus conservatives giving to human need projects is ....?"

You keep claiming victory but won't answer the challenge.

and I told you that I already presented the findings, and provided you the source to find the numbers. I'm not going to register for the site and download the study to play into your little troll game. I don't need to. The researcher already calculated the numbers and gave the findings. I'm not going to refute them, I'm not qualified to. And I seriously doubt by reading your posts you are qualified to calculate and formulate the findings of a McDonald's menu board. So what's the point? If you REALLY want to know the numbers and try to refute the researchers findings and prove me wrong, you'll look at them yourself.

But I already know what will happen next... you'll come back and say his numbers are wrong, or some other BS excuse. You're predictable.
"Again, the percentage of liberals versus conservatives giving to human need projects is ....?"

That was the challenge. I don't need to spend time refuting data you didn't present. You are just making noise trying to cover it up.
the whole conversation concerning charities has nothing to do with the original issue. And that issue was other people being FORCED to contribute to cover someone elses healthcare.
If we are going to sidetrack this and start talking about charities, can we at least find the charity that forces people to pay regardless of their desire to do so?
ACA premiums are not given by free will, it is money stolen from people that work and contribute to society and given to people that do nothing for society.

And where do you live? I want to see how many of my tax dollars was spent doing something there that I didn't want to help pay for.
and yet another worthless deflection.
this is about MY money ending up in someone elses POCKET without my consent.
I can assure you that none of your tax dollars (and I am starting to doubht you even pay tax) ends up in a check in my mail box, or none of my bills are reduced because you are covering a percentage.
please stop being a typical ignorant liberal drain on society and discuss the issue as it is. And that is, one person paying a high price for insurance so someone else can get it cheap or free.
There should be a set price for the premium and thats what everyone pays, none of this you make more so you pay more bullshit.
You asked for secular charities, you didn't say what they were for. How many people does the American Red Cross feed and cloth? How many people does Goodwill help? How many people across the globe does Doctor's Without Borders help?
Goodwill was founded by a Methodist Minister BTW

Is it a secular charity? Yes or no?
Doctors Without Borders is Swiss not American also BTW.

It's international and includes the U.S. UNICEF is based in New York by the way even though it is an international charity.
What specific programs does UNICEF provide US children?
It takes their dimes and makes them lighter for the walk home from school.
Dimes can be very heavy
I'm not the one pushing an agenda, you are. The challenge was simple ....

"Again, the percentage of liberals versus conservatives giving to human need projects is ....?"

You keep claiming victory but won't answer the challenge.

and I told you that I already presented the findings, and provided you the source to find the numbers. I'm not going to register for the site and download the study to play into your little troll game. I don't need to. The researcher already calculated the numbers and gave the findings. I'm not going to refute them, I'm not qualified to. And I seriously doubt by reading your posts you are qualified to calculate and formulate the findings of a McDonald's menu board. So what's the point? If you REALLY want to know the numbers and try to refute the researchers findings and prove me wrong, you'll look at them yourself.

But I already know what will happen next... you'll come back and say his numbers are wrong, or some other BS excuse. You're predictable.
"Again, the percentage of liberals versus conservatives giving to human need projects is ....?"

That was the challenge. I don't need to spend time refuting data you didn't present. You are just making noise trying to cover it up.
the whole conversation concerning charities has nothing to do with the original issue. And that issue was other people being FORCED to contribute to cover someone elses healthcare.
If we are going to sidetrack this and start talking about charities, can we at least find the charity that forces people to pay regardless of their desire to do so?
ACA premiums are not given by free will, it is money stolen from people that work and contribute to society and given to people that do nothing for society.

And where do you live? I want to see how many of my tax dollars was spent doing something there that I didn't want to help pay for.
and yet another worthless deflection.
this is about MY money ending up in someone elses POCKET without my consent.
I can assure you that none of your tax dollars (and I am starting to doubht you even pay tax) ends up in a check in my mail box, or none of my bills are reduced because you are covering a percentage.
please stop being a typical ignorant liberal drain on society and discuss the issue as it is. And that is, one person paying a high price for insurance so someone else can get it cheap or free.
There should be a set price for the premium and thats what everyone pays, none of this you make more so you pay more bullshit.

Do you understand how taxes work? When you pay taxes do you send them to each department? Nope... they go into one fund that is then distributed. So when the federal government tax dollars goes to build a damn in a river by YOUR house? Yep my tax dollars are part of that too. Or when they build a new control tower at your local airport? Yep, my tax dollars too. When they build a new bridge by your house? Yep, my tax dollars too. So yeah... don't try that "deflection" crap. It's the same thing. we are talking about tax dollars... so if it goes to health care, a bridge, a dam, your local national park, an airport control tower... whatever, it is federal tax dollars. Those are mine, your's, and everyone else's. the fact you don't like where your tax dollars are going to help the people that are uninsured? well you can get behind the line of those that don't like it going to build another warship for a couple billion dollars, or me not liking me having to pay for that new airport in some remote village in Alaska.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Yo Rderp...its repeal.....and replace.....doh!
Trump told us the definition of "replace". It's "with something terrific".

Go to a sleazy used car place. How many times do they tell you "something terrific" or a similar phrase. They are called scams. Remember Trump U? We are going to show you how to be a millionaire. Now Trump is going to court on Nov 28th. Trump is truly a heavy duty scam artist. His base is so desperate, they will pay him for a raindance. And they are so sure, so positive, that his raindance will actually bring rain. Pitiful. Just pitiful.
Actually... you have a point there Owebo.

The Libs seem to think that a raise of the min wage from nat $7.25 to $15/h will fix everything. That's an increase of [gross] $310 a month. They have often claimed that this will go into the economy since the min wage workers will spend more.

ACA, for the Bonze plan, has a monthly premium of $311/m according to CNN - Is Obamacare really affordable? Not for the middle class.
They also note that they expect that will be $744/m in 2017 (with a $6k deductible)

IT stands to reason that ditching AMA would put that $311 back into the economy.

*As a note, I find how close the two figures are rather ... amusing.

How can someone who makes $15/hr afford health insurance that costs $744/mo and has a deductible of 6000? The deductible would consume half his total take home pay. The premium would consume the other half. Only a brainwashed Hillary douche bag could believe this plan was economically viable.

If you make $15 an hour, you would get a subsidy.

You really need to STFU & get informed before continuing to embarrass yourself.

Even with the freebie from Santa Obama the costs are so high that they can not afford it. Now how about you STFU.
rdeany mischaracterizies Obamacare as "healthcare".

It's not. It's incredibly expensive and largely useless health insurance due to:

- Extremely high deductibles which discourage forced enrollees to seek treatment
- Shrinking provider networks as doctors quite practicing medicine

Health insurance which creates OBSTACLES to getting health care is NOT HEALTH CARE.
If they can afford cars and houses. They can afford insurance.

"Brilliant"........So, if NO insurance company will accept someone with cancer any longer, all that that person will have left is "2nd amendment solutions"????
If they can afford cars and houses. They can afford insurance.

"Brilliant"........So, if NO insurance company will accept someone with cancer any longer, all that that person will have left is "2nd amendment solutions"????

Nope, some of the people around will say... "No it means they will have enough extra money to buy a new car they can drive until they die of cancer... I didn't give them cancer so why should I care if they die? Survival of the fittest!!!!"
Who the hell are you #@Lewdog to dictate what a church spends freely given donations on?

I'm no fan of organized religion (not the faith, but the leaders themselves), but neither YOU nor any government have the right to dictate how anyone else spends their money.

Christ I'm so tired of people who don't understand that the result of someone's (X) hours of labor should go to the person doing the work - not someone elses damn pocket. It's just nuts...

I suppose you don't believe in child support payments either. Do you own a home, no you rent it, because you pay property tax, on schools, colleges, police, zoos,at the pump.

I think many posters on here are under 20.
A question for you stupid welfare queen Libtards.

Why should anybody else be forced by the government to pay my health care bills? Aren't I responsible for my own well being?

Us taxpayers pay for the uninsured. No one gets turned away from er.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Those people will have their freedom back. Freedom to purchase health care of their choice and not be forced into a socialist program they cannot afford. Obummercare = El Busto.
and I told you that I already presented the findings, and provided you the source to find the numbers. I'm not going to register for the site and download the study to play into your little troll game. I don't need to. The researcher already calculated the numbers and gave the findings. I'm not going to refute them, I'm not qualified to. And I seriously doubt by reading your posts you are qualified to calculate and formulate the findings of a McDonald's menu board. So what's the point? If you REALLY want to know the numbers and try to refute the researchers findings and prove me wrong, you'll look at them yourself.

But I already know what will happen next... you'll come back and say his numbers are wrong, or some other BS excuse. You're predictable.
"Again, the percentage of liberals versus conservatives giving to human need projects is ....?"

That was the challenge. I don't need to spend time refuting data you didn't present. You are just making noise trying to cover it up.
the whole conversation concerning charities has nothing to do with the original issue. And that issue was other people being FORCED to contribute to cover someone elses healthcare.
If we are going to sidetrack this and start talking about charities, can we at least find the charity that forces people to pay regardless of their desire to do so?
ACA premiums are not given by free will, it is money stolen from people that work and contribute to society and given to people that do nothing for society.

And where do you live? I want to see how many of my tax dollars was spent doing something there that I didn't want to help pay for.
and yet another worthless deflection.
this is about MY money ending up in someone elses POCKET without my consent.
I can assure you that none of your tax dollars (and I am starting to doubht you even pay tax) ends up in a check in my mail box, or none of my bills are reduced because you are covering a percentage.
please stop being a typical ignorant liberal drain on society and discuss the issue as it is. And that is, one person paying a high price for insurance so someone else can get it cheap or free.
There should be a set price for the premium and thats what everyone pays, none of this you make more so you pay more bullshit.

Do you understand how taxes work? When you pay taxes do you send them to each department? Nope... they go into one fund that is then distributed. So when the federal government tax dollars goes to build a damn in a river by YOUR house? Yep my tax dollars are part of that too. Or when they build a new control tower at your local airport? Yep, my tax dollars too. When they build a new bridge by your house? Yep, my tax dollars too. So yeah... don't try that "deflection" crap. It's the same thing. we are talking about tax dollars... so if it goes to health care, a bridge, a dam, your local national park, an airport control tower... whatever, it is federal tax dollars. Those are mine, your's, and everyone else's. the fact you don't like where your tax dollars are going to help the people that are uninsured? well you can get behind the line of those that don't like it going to build another warship for a couple billion dollars, or me not liking me having to pay for that new airport in some remote village in Alaska.
funny that you mentioned all the things that are considered under infrastructure, these things are actually accounted for in the constitution as functions of the government. Health care is not.
and someone paying a high premium and high deductible for their insurance so that the excess can be redistributed to someone that is too lazy or lame to care for themselves is not at all the same thing. It is money that is being stolen by a program, kept in that program and redistributed for that program.
I know you cant see the difference but trust me, its a big difference.
Those that keep having their taxes increased so others can get more free stuff are getting tired of it. The drains on society have hit the bottom of that goodwill pocket. Its time people start to take responsibility for their own lives.
You could be a leader in this if you were to pay the full premium for your health care without any subsidy.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Those people will have their freedom back. Freedom to purchase health care of their choice and not be forced into a socialist program they cannot afford. Obummercare = El Busto.

You mean freedom not to be insured.

Which is paid by ALL of us, including those who are bitching about the ACA.....

BTW, since Medicaid is government and private insurance is....well capitalism....Since when did right wingers favor more government over capitalistic practices???
Those 20 million Illegals - err - Americans - can get there own health care.

Ignorance is bliss, until ignorance has a preexisting condition or gets fired from his job, or maybe ignorance was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
Nope. We as able-bodied humans should EARN what we want, what we need. Not be given with said silver spoon.
End Obamacare and at least 20 million Americans will be knocked off health care.

Children going to college working for degrees will no longer be able to use their parents insurance while they go.

People with pre existing conditions will suddenly lose their insurance. Say your kid has some illness, too bad.

Entrepreneurs who rely on health care will suddenly be uninsured.

Very expensive Emergency Room care becomes the primary health care of those millions.

What will that do to the economy?

How will Republicans celebrate after kicking millions of Americans off health care?
Those people will have their freedom back. Freedom to purchase health care of their choice and not be forced into a socialist program they cannot afford. Obummercare = El Busto.

You mean freedom not to be insured.
Freedom to participate in the free market again.
Nope. We as able-bodied humans should EARN what we want, what we need. Not be given with said silver spoon.

Sure, like all those "lazy" Europeans, Australians, Canadians, Asians and ALL other humans on earth.
I love how so many Americans sound like this article I just read.

SEOUL, Nov. 4 (UPI) -- More senior citizens in North Korea are being pressured to kill themselves because of intergenerational conflicts and the skyrocketing cost of medicine.
The financial burden they impose on their adult children who also struggle to make ends meet has led to family crises, where it is the children who are asking their aging parents to commit suicide, said another source in North Hamgyong Province.

North Korea families pressuring elderly to commit suicide

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