What happens to you when you die?

The brain usually takes 10 seconds to die after the heart stops. In fact it is usually the brain that dies before the heart gives out.
How Brain Death Works
The brain can survive for up to about six minutes after the heart stops. The reason to learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is that if CPR is started within six minutes of cardiac arrest, the brain may survive the lack of oxygen. After about six minutes without CPR, however, the brain begins to die.
At which point you become hard core democrat or republicunt----depending on the last dream.
The largest study ever done on the subject, scientists discover your mind continues to exist even after your heart and your brain cease to function.

Hello God.
Ecclesiastes 9:5
For the living are conscious that they will die; but as for the dead, they are conscious of nothing at all
The Preacher has always held some of my favorite parts of the Bible.

Ecclesiastes 3:19
For that which befalleth the sons of men befalleth beasts; even one thing befalleth them: as the one dieth, so dieth the other; yea, they have all one breath; so that a man hath no preeminence above a beast: for all is vanity.

Ecclesiates 3:21
Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth?
Get the preacher to preach Psalm 37
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?

The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."
You'll know the instant you pass.
And how exactly would you know this? You haven't passed. Are you claiming you talk to dead people? do the voices in your head tell you this?

the fact of the matter is, you have absolutely no idea, and you are just making that up.
The brain and the mind are two completely different things.
No they aren't. Your mind is just the physical processes in your brain.

No, it is not. The brain is a physical organ. The mind is not. The mind is your being. It is non linear, and is the essence of you. The mind is your conscience. Your brain has no conscience. The mind is your emotion, your thoughts, your memories. The brain is not. Your mind is you, and it is eternal. You take all of your information with you when the clay gives out.
A good explanation of the two:
" the mind is corporate management and the brain and the body are organized labor".
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The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."

Agreed, but atheists think it's only the brain that exists. Actually, the AMA only looks at the brain since the thought process and all that goes with it and its problems are social science. Gut feeling or intuition is in the gut.
The brain and the mind are two completely different things.
No they aren't. Your mind is just the physical processes in your brain.

No, it is not. The brain is a physical organ. The mind is not. The mind is your being. It is non linear, and is the essence of you. The mind is your conscience. Your brain has no conscience. The mind is your emotion, your thoughts, your memories. The brain is not. Your mind is you, and it is eternal. You take all of your information with you when the clay gives out.
A good explanation of the two:
" the mind is corporate management and the brain and the body are organized labor".

All the mind stuff is just the electrical impulses flowing between the neurons in the physical brain. When the physical brain dies, the mind is gone. It ceases to exist.
The mind is not
The mind is simply one of the functions of the brain. Just as is the subconscious and the automated functions. You can no more separate it from the physical components and processes of your brain than you can separate the renal functions from the kidneys.

I can change your personality with a few ounces of ethyl alcohol. I can remove part of your forebrain and make you lose your inhibitions. I can remove part of your temporal lobe and make you forget how to speak English.

And I can remove another one of your organs amd it will affect none of this.

So yes, your mind is just part of your brain. And it dies when the brain dies. Forever. Just as you no longer perform renal functions when your kidneys die.

All the evidence ever found shows this is exactly correct, and you have not a shred of evidence to claim otherwise.
Remember we had people who clinically died and then came back to live again.
Yes,I notice your careful choice of words..."cliicially dead". Why didn't you say, "brain dead"? Because you're you.

No, nobody whose brain has died has ever had their mind come back to life.

And yes, I can say "of course". Just as I can say, "of course your renal functions cease when your kidneys die".
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If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?

The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."

There's an entirely natural explanation for feelings that you would want to attribute mystical explanations.

For example, an explanation for déjà vu is very simple and interesting. The brain is in two separate hemispheres with a cortex crossover between them. Sometimes, one hemisphere lags behind in perception, so in effect, the left side of the brain is experiencing something and your right hemisphere is slightly out of sync, and so when it catches up you get the distinct yet vague impression that you have “done this before” – and in a sense, you have, by a few milliseconds. You are simply assuming a spiritual nature for these things, and not submitting a case to support it.
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?

The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."
Do you believe that the infinite mind is essentially the "soul" or is that something else?
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?

The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."

There's an entirely natural explanation for feelings that you would want to attribute mystical explanations.

For example, an explanation for déjà vu is very simple and interesting. The brain is in two separate hemispheres with a cortex crossover between them. Sometimes, one hemisphere lags behind in perception, so in effect, the left side of the brain is experiencing something and your right hemisphere is slightly out of sync, and so when it catches up you get the distinct yet vague impression that you have “done this before” – and in a sense, you have, by a few milliseconds. You are simply assuming a spiritual nature for these things, and not submitting a case to support it.

And we hear stories of people getting a "feeling of impending tragedy" before something bad happens, like a car accident, or a robbery, etc.

Of course, people try to ascribe this to some sort of supernatural perception or a "warning from the gods". In reality, our subconscious is constantly processing sensory input and solving puzzles. As more of our actions appear to be controlled by our agency (but mostly aren't), the subconscious has taken a lesser role in controlling our bodily actions. (This is why we don't simply react like wild animals to every stimulus which startles, scares, or excites us)

Nevertheless, we can become subconsciously aware of a threat before we are consciously aware of it. While your conscious mind may not hear or see that car about to run the red light (because you are talking, or because it is in the periphery of your vision and you are concentrating on something directly ahead), your subconscious mind sees and/or hears it and processes that sensory input just as quickly as your conscious mind would. And this subconscious awareness will trigger effects like adrenaline and fear.

Our conscious minds are much more limited in their abilities than we like to think. Our subconscious is not limited by distractions, like, focusing on an object in the center of our field of view, or processing the style of a song.
What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p..........
Of course it does, just like any other organ in your body.
Consciousness is more than the brain. Consciousness involves all of your senses. There is no one part of your physiology that you can point to and say here is where your consciousness resides.
If God (whatever or whoever that may be) is within all of us and God is infinite then maybe we are infinite. And this brief time walking around in a meat suit on Earth is perhaps a learning experience before returning to the infinite plain.
Maybe...too bad we will never know...

He said "infinite plain." If there is a second life,then you should know.

I can't. It seems like a reasonable determination.

What about the mind/brain still working? What do you think -- that it eventually stop..p..p....p...........s?

The brain and the mind are two completely different things. Your brain will cease to function one day. It's degradable.
Your mind never ceases to exist. It never ages. It is on eternal time. It's why people say, " It seems like yesterday that I..."

There's an entirely natural explanation for feelings that you would want to attribute mystical explanations.

For example, an explanation for déjà vu is very simple and interesting. The brain is in two separate hemispheres with a cortex crossover between them. Sometimes, one hemisphere lags behind in perception, so in effect, the left side of the brain is experiencing something and your right hemisphere is slightly out of sync, and so when it catches up you get the distinct yet vague impression that you have “done this before” – and in a sense, you have, by a few milliseconds. You are simply assuming a spiritual nature for these things, and not submitting a case to support it.
How would you go about submitting a case for a belief that would not be consistent with physical laws as we know them? You can't. If your stance is nothing exists beyond physical laws, that's fine. It is also fine to believe things can exist outside of the realm of physical laws.
Consciousness is more than the brain.
Wrong. It is fully contained within the brain. It helps in processing sensory input from your body, but can and does exist independent of them.

Spare me the pages of your equivocation. You are not going to talk your way around this one .

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